His Darkest Embrace

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His Darkest Embrace Page 8

by Juliana Stone

  Jagger’s own narrowed as he studied the eagle shifter in silence.

  He’d heard of them in stories passed down by his mother’s family but he’d never come across one before. Now he wished he’d paid more attention. If he remembered correctly, the eagles had been pretty much wiped out hundreds of years earlier in a war with the jaguars.

  His very own ancestors.

  For what reason, he couldn’t recall but really, it didn’t matter. He had no time at all for a history lesson. Major shit was about to hit the fan, and the woman who stared back at him was in the middle of it all.

  He moved forward once more. It was time for him to not only teach Skye a lesson, but also to find out exactly what the hell was going on.

  “I’m not afraid of you,” she said, and though she tried to keep her voice neutral, Jagger could hear the subtle tremor that lay beneath her words.

  He kept his mouth shut, enjoying the heaviness of the silence and the darkness it brought with it. He wanted her to feel on edge. Off center.

  He stopped when his body was mere inches from hers. He was so close he could count the goose bumps that covered the flesh of her shoulders.

  His feet touched the bottom easily here, but he could see that she still had to tread water in order to stay above the surface.

  “Jagger, I …” Her words trailed off into a whisper and the only sounds that could be heard were the deep breaths falling from between her lips and the slow steady beat of his heart.

  Her gaze finally fell away from his. “I’m sorry if I offended you this morning, but you have to understand I didn’t mean—”

  “Maybe you can enlighten me. What exactly did you mean?” he inserted, his voice low and dangerous. He watched her flinch as he threw his words at her.

  Jagger grabbed the ledge, his hands on either side of Skye, effectively trapping her between them. Her body was crushed against the hardness of his own. The feel of her soft breasts brought an immediate response and his cock roared to life, hardening quickly to rest against her midsection.

  Her eyes grew large and she swallowed thickly but didn’t look away. In fact she met his gaze dead on, and for the first time he became aware of an answering heat in the depths of her expressive orbs.

  She cleared her throat and pushed her hands against his chest. “A little room would be nice.”

  Jagger raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side, but moved back a bit, letting cool water slide between them once more.

  “I was angry. I’m sorry,” she began, her voice building as she continued, “but I had every right to be pissed at you. I mean, for Christ sakes, I would have been able to make Kragen talk and give me Cormac’s location.”

  “By screwing him?” Jagger answered dangerously. “Is that how you get things done?”

  “What? No! Ew!” she replied quickly.

  His eyes dropped to her lips and when her tongue darted out he had to work hard to stifle the groan that was caught in the back of his throat. “Who’s Cormac?” Jagger asked suddenly, trying to throw her off balance a bit.


  “I think it’s time you shared a little info with me, no? Starting with this Cormac dude. Who the hell is he?”

  They stared at each other intently and Jagger fought the urge to grind his aching dick against her. His attempt at interrogation was lame. Everything about the situation was lame. How could it be otherwise?

  All he could think about was sex. With Skye. His mind was alive with many, many different versions of how he’d like to screw the hot blonde that he held between his hands.

  Teach her a lesson? Who the hell was he kidding? The only teaching he wanted to do right now involved his cock and the heated core that he could feel between her legs.

  His eyes held hers and time seemed to stand still. Everything about the last few days faded away. None of it mattered. He was here, in the jungle, his hard body inches away from the most beautiful thing he’d seen in a long while, and the only thoughts that crowded his brain centered on seduction.

  He wanted Skye in the worst way imaginable. More than he’d ever wanted a woman. Was it the jungle? The danger? Her spirit and beauty?

  He sure as hell didn’t know and he hissed from between his lips as he lowered his head. He just wanted a taste.

  The groan that escaped from deep inside of him as his lips slowly swept across hers echoed into the air around them. Her soft lips trembled beneath his, but remained closed, even as his tongue flicked across the top one, seeking entrance to the mouth that had tantalized him for the last forty-eight hours.

  She was stiff in his arms, but he smiled against her mouth as the pounding heart within her chest alerted him to the fact that she was just as affected by him as he was by her.

  She tried to speak but Jagger reacted quickly, taking advantage. He locked his mouth over hers and plunged his tongue deep inside her warmth. He could feel her fingers digging into the muscles at his shoulders and as he began to gyrate the hardness between his legs against the soft contours of her body, he was rewarded with the merest whisper of a groan.

  She relaxed against him and he deepened the kiss, passing his tongue along the inside of her mouth, tasting everything that there was and going back for more. He could feel the pressure building inside of him, the need and the want to claim the woman as his. Jagger’s skin began to burn and it added a torturous slash of pain that only elevated the pleasure to something he’d not felt before.


  Dimly, Jagger was aware that she’d spoken against his lips and when she began to push at him in earnest he reluctantly pulled away.

  “We can’t do this.” Her voice was barely above a whisper and he had to strain in order to hear her properly.

  Jagger smiled down at her. Skye’s lips were swollen from the assault of his mouth, and as she leaned back against the rocks, her chest heaving, he couldn’t help but think she was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  And he’d seen a lot.

  “You really have no clue what’s going on, do you?” she managed to say between hearty intakes of air.

  Jagger stilled at her words. He could play her game. They’d have a good long conversation about the shit they were in, and then he’d make her cry for the kind of mercy only he could give her.

  He smiled rakishly, adjusting the heavy appendage, which throbbed like a bitch, so that it pulsed against her belly. “Like I said, enlighten me.”

  He could see the internal struggle rifling through Skye. It was written across her face as clear as day. She was conflicted. Didn’t know if she should trust him.

  “There’s a war coming and if it happens—if the gates of hell are thrown open …” her voice drifted off into silence and Jagger felt the icy fingers of dread climb up his spine. “If that happens,” she began again, “then humanity is dead. Everything as we know it is dead.”

  “Trust me, there’s always a war brewing somewhere in this world. And yeah, dark magick and those that would use their supernatural powers are usually at the heart of it, but it’s just how things are. What’s so different this time? And why the hell are the DaCostas involved?”

  Skye closed her eyes and he felt his patience begin to fade along with his passion. “What are you not telling me?”

  Once more she stared directly at him and he had the weird sensation that she could see into the very heart of him. Her eyes were massive, huge round bowls of blue sky hung in a pale, delicate face.

  They wavered slightly and he heard her breath catch in the back of her throat.

  “I can’t, I …”

  “Look, if I’m gonna lay my ass on the line and take hits from scum like the DaCostas you better damn well fill me in on everything.”

  “I really, I can’t—”

  Jagger cut her off savagely, no longer liking their little game. “What do you mean you can’t? Open your mouth and speak.”

  Her body was tense and he could feel fear begin to beat at her, but when she spoke h
er voice was calm. “I can’t because there’s a jaguar on the bank directly behind you.”

  Jagger stilled at her words.

  Slowly he turned around, his large body effectively keeping her hidden from the animal that stood looking at him, its long tail flicking back and forth in clean precise strokes. It growled low, deep from its chest, and barked a challenge.

  “And I don’t think it’s friendly,” Skye whispered from behind his back.

  Yeah, Jagger thought as his body tightened at the new threat of danger. No shit.

  Chapter 7

  The animal was large, heavily muscled, and definitely a shifter. Its sleek lines were enhanced by a beautiful series of large rosettes clearly visible against the tawny hide. A spotted jaguar. Not of the warrior class.

  Which meant nothing. Any animal with the power and hunting skills that a jaguar possessed was dangerous.

  Jagger could sense the humanity locked deep inside even though the cat was at least a hundred yards from him. It paced back and forth along the embankment, its long powerful body humming with an energy that while expected, was more than a little puzzling to Jagger.

  It almost felt like the animal was pissed. At him.

  He continued to watch the cat as it barked, growled, and when it stood, looking as if it were about to plunge headlong into the water, Jagger’s breath caught, and a pain long forgotten wrapped itself deep around his heart.

  He had no time to react, however, for with a mighty roar the cat plunged into the water, its powerful limbs carrying it forward.

  Jagger pushed Skye away, shouting at her to get out of the water. He felt her hesitate. Would the woman never listen to him?

  He turned around, shouting, “Now!” his eyes already glowing with the change as mist began to crawl up his limbs. Once he was sure she would listen, he turned back, his body now completely enveloped deep within the magick that pulled the skin from his frame, leaving in its wake a beautiful, glossy black pelt.

  He barked an answer to the challenge and bared his teeth at the spotted jaguar as it swam to within a few yards of him. The other cat’s eyes were glowing a tawny, golden color and it growled loudly, hissing in anger.

  It swung its massive head toward Skye and Jagger attacked, his long powerful body propelling him forward at blinding speed.

  Jaguars were naturally great swimmers and his body sliced through the cool liquid with ease. Jagger bumped heavily into the spotted jag and took a swipe with his paws before twisting just out of reach of the counterattack.

  He kept going, swimming toward the far side of the bank, knowing that the other jaguar would follow.

  How could it not? The animal’s quarrel wasn’t with Skye. It was personal, its anger directed solely at Jagger. And he couldn’t blame the cat. Hell, if he was in his position he’d be mad as hell.

  It wasn’t every day that you found the younger brother who’d basically evaded you for three long months.

  Julian Castille had every right to be pissed. Jagger had successfully hidden from him, Cracker, and Declan.

  Jagger had initially been injured, but when he’d finally cleared the fog from his brain, he’d decided to say a big fat, fuck you to the human world and all the pain and suffering that went along with it.

  Guilt ate at him, but it had never been enough to bring him out of hiding. He couldn’t even explain it to himself. It just had been what it was.

  And now his brother was hot on his ass, full of anger and feelings of betrayal, and Jagger had no one to blame but himself.

  He reached the opposite bank, his sharp claws digging in deep as he hauled his body from the water, leaping up it in one graceful move. He began to head into the thick underbrush, knowing that Julian was hot on his heels. There was no need for Skye to witness the airing out of his family business.

  ‘Cause it sure as hell wasn’t gonna be pretty.

  He’d barely cleared a hundred feet when the sting of claws ripped at his hindquarters. Jagger twisted his body as he whirled around in the air, kicking out with his powerful hind legs.

  He managed to get Julian off balance and a low, mean growl erupted from deep within his chest. The smell of blood drifted in the air. His blood. It fed the demon that was always just underneath the surface and he charged at his brother, teeth bared, his mind black. The battle had just started but he’d had enough.

  They hit each other, midair. The loud thump reverberated in the still night. And it was indeed quiet. All the nocturnal sounds of the jungle ceased. The only things that could be heard were the growls, barks, and savage wails that each of the jaguars spewed forth.

  The two animals rolled over, falling down a small incline until they came to rest against the base of a large pine tree. Jagger’s head hit it hard and he momentarily saw stars.

  He snarled savagely, his hefty paws striking a line of red across Julian’s chest as he shoved his brother away.

  Enough! he roared, the word slipping from between his lips in a strange guttural way as the mist overcame him and he stood panting, staring down at his brother.

  The golden jaguar hissed, moved away and began to pace back and forth slowly. Jagger could tell his brother was trying to calm the beast that was very much alive within him.

  A strange thought that, considering less than four months ago, his brother had been leading the life of a rich and powerful corporate CEO, running Blue Heaven industries, the company their family owned.

  Very white collar and a world away from what stood staring up at him.

  Jagger shook his head. His father would have a fucking heart attack if he saw what his golden heir had become.

  He continued to watch his brother in silence as the mist crept up and over the powerful cat and when Julian emerged from deep within the ancient magick, Jagger couldn’t help but feel joy.

  Slowly, the brothers took stock, each noticing the many changes the past few months had wrought.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Julian spit out, his face white with anger. “We’ve been looking for you. Cracker, Declan, all of us, busting our balls out here, looking for a sign, anything that would tell us you hadn’t been blown to bits when the compound was attacked.”

  His brother glared at him and Jagger had the presence of mind to remain quiet.

  “We did it because we knew you’d never leave one of us behind.” Julian’s voice dropped to a hoarse whisper. He growled and flexed his muscles.

  Jagger noticed the considerable bulk that had been added to his tall frame.

  Still he remained silent.

  Julian began to pace. “I should kick your ass from here to Guatemala and back. Do you have any idea what we’ve all gone through? How guilty Libby feels?”

  Julian stomped toward him, until the two men stood toe to toe. Jagger could tell that his brother was more than pissed. Something else was at play here. He could see it in the energy that shimmered in the air around Julian.

  He’d changed. A lot. There was an edge of darkness that clung to his powerful frame. Something new. And Jagger wasn’t so sure it was a good thing.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?”

  Jagger looked deeply into the golden eyes of his brother, and truthfully, he had so much to say that he didn’t know where to start. So he remained quiet and took the hit to the chest when Julian pounded him in frustration.

  “Who the hell is the blond whore you’ve been fucking with? Is she the reason you turned your back on the family?”

  Jagger’s eyes flattened to a dangerous hue, the green of his eyes morphing into a shade as dark as night. The growl that hung low in his chest sounded deadly. “Don’t ever refer to Skye in that way again.” The words slipped from between tight lips.

  Julian hissed, baring his teeth. “She’s more important than family? That explosion must have scrambled your brain, because I sure as hell don’t understand why you’ve been avoiding us.”

  Jagger held his ground as his brother pushed him, ignoring the burning pain that beat at h
im as his jaguar railed against the hostile energy in the air.

  “And we’ve known for several weeks that you’ve been alive,” Julian continued, his breaths coming in staccato bursts as his anger continued to grow. “I thought for sure you’d been injured, but to find you out here screwing some blond bitch while major shit is going down in the real world—”

  Jagger had had enough. He growled loudly, his fury apparent. “I’m not gonna tell you again. Insult her once more and I won’t hesitate to treat you like any other asshole that’s pissed me off.”

  He stepped closer, until he was almost touching Julian. His lips were drawn back in a feral grimace and his eyes were lit from behind with an eerie glow. One that signaled he was close to the change.

  Ready to do damage. To inflict pain if need be.

  Julian shook his head in disgust. “You have no fucking clue what’s going on, do you?”

  For the first time a tingle of apprehension wove its way through Jagger’s veins as his lack of information slapped at him hard. He took a second to gather his thoughts before speaking again.

  His brother, corporate CEO, was out here in the jungles of Belize, three months after the DaCosta compound fiasco. That didn’t make any sense. Shouldn’t

  he be home taking care of business, instead of running around the jungle playing Rambo?

  His mind began to work furiously. Where the hell was Jaxon? He swallowed heavily, feeling his anger dissipate as fear began to choke his airways.

  “Where’s Jax?” he asked hoarsely.

  “If you gave a flying fuck about Jaxon you wouldn’t have disappeared for three months,” Julian answered, his eyes narrowing into tiny slits.

  “Don’t even go there with me. Where is he? He did make it out, right?” Jagger couldn’t even contemplate the thought of Jaxon dead. It wasn’t possible.

  Jagger paced back and forth, the air around him shimmering in a dangerous manner as his emotions began to take over. He was losing control. He could feel it. He inhaled deeply and bent over to rest his palms against his upper thighs. His skin burned and the itch that clawed just underneath the surface was becoming unbearable.


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