The Nanny and the Playboy

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The Nanny and the Playboy Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re sure?”

  “Positive.” He never paid off the media like this.

  Wayne always fought, but right now Temperance and Timothy were more important than his ego.

  “Also, the results from the DNA have come back. Would you like me to open them? Mail them to you?”

  Glancing over at Temperance and Timothy, remembering last night, he was torn. He couldn’t do this. Not now.

  Everything was going so well. He knew without even looking at those damn results that Timothy wasn’t his.

  A couple of days had all it had taken for him to see what he could have. Temperance underneath him, Timothy as his son.

  Did he want the family? Love?

  “Open them up,” he said.

  He heard rustling.

  “Zero percent chance of fatherhood. You and Timothy share absolutely no DNA at all.”

  Even though he’d expected it, something twisted inside his gut.

  Timothy didn’t belong to him, and as soon as he gave that work over to child services, they’d be looking for the kid’s relatives.

  He wasn’t ready to do this.

  “I’m going on vacation. I’m not going to be available for a little while.”


  “Frances, give it two weeks, and then send those letters to the woman who dropped him off.” Before he could change his mind, he hung up.

  He’d put a time limit on this little playtime.

  For two weeks he was going to have the family he dreamed of. Two weeks he imagined was all it would take to get over this feeling he was having, and then he’d want to go back to his own life. Temperance could go back to her life, and he’d have his.

  That was the plan, and he intended to stick to it.


  Timothy was playing on the beach, and Temperance sat watching him. The previous day, Wayne had surprised them both with a vacation to Italy where they could have fun and be away from it all.

  She’d packed for the both of them. Lilah had called and said since the exposé, she’d been getting calls for more work. Temperance was happy for her friend, of course, but she was also a little torn.

  Her life, or lack thereof, had been spread out for whoever read the magazine, her parents’ deaths glossed over as if it was just another factoid to amaze people.

  Not to mention the way Wayne had behaved with his friend, and the subsequent surprise vacation.

  She held her cell phone, taking pictures of Timothy as he played at building a sand castle.

  “You’re deep in thought,” Wayne said, taking a seat beside her.

  “Just thinking.”

  “Will this get me in trouble?”


  “I thought you’d love Italy. It’s hot, it’s beautiful, and we can both relax.”

  “Why are we really here, Wayne?” she asked.

  “I wanted to take you away from what you think. You’re getting too caught up in being the nanny.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “So this is about me becoming a lover? To relax and not think about the fact you’re paying me to be here?”

  “I have no intention of tipping you for the sex.”

  “Rude,” she said, laughing.

  After their first meeting, she didn’t think she’d ever enjoy Wayne’s company. It had only been a couple of days, evenings really, and she did find his company pleasant.

  “Is this what you do with all your women? Woo them on a luxury getaway, and then trade them in for the next one?”

  “No. I don’t tend to last the night with them.” He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back. “You’re the first woman I’ve slept with.”

  “You’re forty years old.”


  “You’re telling me that in all those years you’ve not slept beside a woman, loved her, held her, comforted her?”

  “No. I haven’t. I’ve fucked them. There’s been no emotion with them.”

  “So you meant what you said when love was the thing you always wanted?”

  “Yes. Love is something that often seems to be freely given, and yet, it’s the hardest thing to find in this world.”

  “You love your work,” she said.

  “I do. My company is everything.”

  She pulled away from him. “At least you have something to call your own.”

  “Are we comparing our wounds? What we do and don’t have?” he asked.

  “I’d lose. I’ve got a small savings account. I live within my means, and I don’t make stupid purchases. I’m always saving for that rainy day.” The truth was, she was saving for that family home that would never happen.

  Now she was just depressing herself, and there was no need to.

  “Let’s not talk about the past or the future. Just live in the now.”

  “And what’s the now, Wayne Myers?” she asked. “What do you want me to think of all of this?”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and tugged her between his thighs. She was laughing by the time he pulled her between them.

  “What I think is you should be with me, and we should enjoy being a family. At night, I want you in my bed, and Timothy will be taken care of. Show me, Temperance,” he said.

  “Show you what?”

  “Show me how to be a family man. For the next couple of weeks, just live like this is what you’ve always wanted.”

  Her heart was racing once again. “You know, you’re sounding weird and not like a businessman at all.”

  Wayne kissed her neck. “I win because I don’t follow the rules. Don’t be a sheep, Tempe. Be a leader.”

  He took hold of her hands and rested his chin on her shoulder.

  “Do you snore?” she asked.

  “Not that I know of. I’m perfect, baby. I don’t snore.”

  She pulled out of his arms and got to her feet. “You want to be a family man, then come on. Let’s build some sandcastles.”

  Temperance pushed every single one of her doubts to one side. She’d deal with whatever was coming in the next couple of weeks. Something was coming. She didn’t know what, but she trusted her instincts.

  For the rest of the day, she and Wayne played with Timothy, building sandcastles along with a fort. She made Timothy and Wayne collect rocks and shells for them to place all around their creation, and at the end of it she got pictures, driving both boys insane with her snapping.

  “Come on, woman, I want some food already.”

  “Tempe, I want to take a picture,” Timothy said.

  She showed him what to press and stood with Wayne, who wrapped his arms around her once again.

  Temperance struggled to keep her emotions in check as she loved his arms around her. She felt safe, warm, protected, and she’d not known anything like that in such a long time.

  “Smile for the camera, princess.”

  Like all fairytales, they hid an illusion. Nothing was ever fine. There was always an evil villain, and never a happily ever after. Once again, she pushed those thoughts aside. For two weeks she was going to live the dream, which meant no rules, no boundaries, just fun for her, Wayne, and Timothy.

  When they got back to the villa, Temperance went to the kitchen to begin dinner while the boys went to clean up.

  She’d just put the chicken with potatoes, tomatoes, and lots of garlic in the oven when Wayne joined her. He opened a bottle of wine, pouring them both a glass.

  “He’s just playing with some toys,” Wayne said.

  Taking a sip of the fruity wine, she closed her eyes and allowed herself the joy of relaxing.

  “Robert left a message on my phone again.”

  She opened her eyes. “I thought we were leaving that behind.”

  “It’s about your future. Have you figured out yet what you want to do?”

  “After this, I don’t want to work for another family. If I work for another I know I’ll never get a chance of having my own.” Being with Wayne and Timothy, she knew without a doub
t that she wanted a family of her own. “I don’t know what to do, though. I’ve always been good at taking care of other people.”

  “What skills did you get along the way?” he asked.

  “I only went to high school, qualified with good grades, and I’ve taken several classes at night.”

  “What kind of classes?”

  She smiled. “Cake decorating, crafting, stuff that will help me along the way with kids. I can make an awesome volcano, and a brilliant butterfly cake.”

  He laughed, and Temperance loved it when he did. His face seemed softer and the harsh frown lines disappeared. Sipping her wine, she found herself admiring his body, his muscular arms, the expanse of his chest.

  Wayne took care of himself.

  “I know that look,” he said.

  “What look?”

  “You’re undressing me right now.”


  “You want to fuck me right now?”

  Timothy wasn’t in sight, or close. Wayne’s dirty words had her pressing her thighs together, trying to stop her arousal from building.

  Wayne didn’t have the same idea. His hand landed on her knee and he began to stroke up, going toward her pussy. She wasn’t wearing jeans, and had opted for a skirt today as it was so hot.

  She spread her thighs and gasped as his fingers stroked across the crotch of her panties.

  “Your panties are soaked, baby. Tell me what you want me to do right now?”

  Biting her lip, she stared into his eyes, seeing that he wouldn’t go any further. This was all on her.

  “I want you to touch me?”

  “Where?” he asked.

  “My pussy.”

  His fingers slid past the fabric of her panties, moving through her slit, his middle digit pressing against her clit before moving down, sinking inside her.

  “You’re so wet for me, Tempe. Tonight, when I come to bed, I want you to be waiting for me, on your knees with your legs wide open. I want to see this pussy and this ass on display for me.”

  She wanted all of his wicked words and more.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Good. Have you ever been fucked in the ass?” he asked, drawing her gaze back up to his.


  He didn’t say anything, only giving her that smile that was more like a promise of what was to come.

  When he pulled his finger from her core, she whimpered.

  She watched as he licked his finger, giving a little moan when he tasted her cream. “This will have to get me by until tonight.”

  Temperance couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Nine

  Wayne stood outside his room at the villa, wondering if Temperance had done as he wanted, or if he’d pushed a little too far. Timothy was already in bed asleep, and he’d even read him a bedtime story. While he’d been reading it, the words had blended together, and even though Timothy had fallen asleep he’d kept on reading, not wanting to stop.

  I want a son.

  He’s not yours.

  You’ve got a company.

  You’ll be giving all of this up in two weeks.

  Make the most of it.

  He’d given himself that deadline, and he intended to stick to it. A family may have been what he wanted, and he was living it now. In two weeks he’d get bored, and when he landed back home, Timothy would be placed with whatever family he had left, and Temperance would move on.

  Rubbing at the sudden pain in his chest, he ignored it and focused on the now. Opening the door, he saw Temperance knelt on the bed, completely naked, her face red. “I didn’t know if you meant what you said.”

  “Have you been waiting for me like this?” he asked, closing the door.

  “Yes and no. I’ve been here naked, but I only just bent over when I heard you outside the door.”

  He was happy that she didn’t hear him thinking.

  Pulling his shirt over his head, he tossed it to the floor and moved up behind her.

  The view of her anus and pussy was a sight to behold. Running his hands across the cheeks of her ass, he released a little moan at the sight before him. Her body was a thing of beauty, and he wanted her. His cock was already rock-hard, desperate to slam inside her.

  Unbuckling his belt, he slowly began to remove his jeans, releasing them down his thighs and kicking them off until he was naked like her.

  Wrapping his fingers around his cock, he began to work the length, staring at her cunt.

  She was slick, wet, and so fucking tight. Temperance had the tightest pussy he’d ever been inside, and being inside her felt like coming home.

  He let go of his dick and spread the cheeks of her ass apart before sliding a finger deep into her pussy. Removing it, he then caressed forward, bumping her clit with his digit.

  The scent of her arousal was heavy in the air, and his own need swamped him, needing her to relieve the ache she’d created.

  Stepping away, he grabbed a condom from the drawer where he’d stored them. Within seconds he had the latex out of the packet and on his cock. In that moment he realized he’d have liked nothing more than to fill her tight pussy with his cum and watch as it spilled out. Instead, he secured the condom and stepped even closer.

  “Tell me how much you want my dick,” he said, needing to hear her voice.

  “I want it. I need it.”

  “Then you’re going to get it.” He grabbed her hips and slammed to the hilt inside her, startling her as her pussy clenched around him.

  Closing his eyes, he groaned at the instant flush of pleasure from her being wrapped around him.

  “Fuck, Tempe, you feel so damn good.” He stared down at where they were joined, pulling out of her heat. The condom was slick with her cream as slammed inside her again, taking more pleasure from her. Reaching between her thighs, he stroked her clit and she cried out his name, slamming back against him, meeting him stroke for stroke.

  Her ass nestled against his pelvis, and with every thrust he caught a glimpse of her anus, tempting him.

  He slammed inside her, and placed his hands on her shoulders, leaning her over her just a little so that she’d stay still, and Temperance did. She didn’t move. The only sounds in the room were those of their heavy breathing.

  “Trust me,” he said.

  She didn’t confirm or deny her response, and when he pulled away a little, he slicked his fingers up with her excess cream, drawing them back to that puckered little hole of her anus.

  Temperance tensed up and turned to look at him. “You can stop me at any time. I’m only offering you pleasure.”

  She held her wild hair in her hands, and he was lost in the ocean blue of her eyes. They were filled with warmth, with promise, with a future.

  Finally, looking away, he stroked her anus, coating her with cream and slowly thrusting his dick into her aching heat.

  Rocking into her, he teased her ass, waiting as he began to press against her. At first it was just light pushes against her ass, tempting, teasing of what could happen and what was to come. He didn’t go too deep, getting her to want it just like he did, and fuck, did he want it. He wanted it so bad he could taste it.

  Tonight he wouldn’t own this ass, but soon he would. He’d get her used to the touch, and little by little, he’d own every single inch of her.

  “Wayne,” she said, moaning in pleasure.

  Using his thumb, he pressed against that tight ring of muscles, going a little deeper as she took him. Her ass and pussy sucked him in, desperate for more.

  She cried out.

  “Does that feel good?” he asked.


  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. Please, don’t stop. I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Fuck my cock, baby. Rock that pussy onto my dick.”

  She slowly began to roll slide back. He watched as his cock filled her, and she slid that tight cunt onto him.

  It was one of the sexiest things he’d ever seen, and he’d never f
orget this moment. Temperance was his. There was no mistaking that. She belonged to him, and he was going to make it impossible for her to forget him even for a second.

  He didn’t want any other man to match up to him.

  What the fuck are you doing?

  You can’t take her.

  You’re going to let her go just like you’re going to let everything else go.

  She’s not yours to take.

  Still, he ignored that inner, nagging voice that let him think about what he was doing. He didn’t want to think. He was the king of his own world, and he’d have what he wanted, and right now, he wanted his dream. The woman desperate for his cock, and who he enjoyed being with, and the family ideal.

  In two weeks they would all be gone, and all that would remain were memories.

  That was all he wanted, memories.

  Pushing his troubles aside, he focused on her pussy and ass. She slid down his cock, and he pumped his thumb into her ass, getting her used to the bite of pain with taking her anus.

  The pleasure was intense, and when he could no longer stand to have her in control of the thrusts, he pulled his thumb from her ass, grabbed her hips, and pounded inside her, taking her harder than ever before. Owning her cunt as he rode her hard.

  She was begging for release, and he got her to play with her pussy. He didn’t slow down his thrusts, even as she began to orgasm from the few strokes of her clit.

  Temperance tightened even more, shocking him with the heat of her core. The room smelled heavily of sex, of need, and Wayne joined her in that bliss, slamming inside her one final time as she found that peak, sending them both over the edge. They both cried out, calling each other’s name as they found their orgasms.

  Collapsing over her, Wayne kept hold of her hips and refused to move. He couldn’t move, not now, not right now. In a few seconds he’d find the sanity that for some reason had left him.

  Kissing her neck, her shoulder, he slowly gained back his senses.

  He pulled from her pussy and quickly disappeared into the bathroom. Removing the condom, he dealt with it and then threw it in the trash. Washing his hands, he prepared a washcloth to help clean her up, and before he left, he caught sight of his reflection.


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