Her Wanton Ways [Notorious Nephilim 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Her Wanton Ways [Notorious Nephilim 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 9

by Carolyn Rosewood

  By the time she returned to Blade’s suite, she was hoping she could put this morning behind her and enjoy the company of both men. A chessboard had been set up on the coffee table. She walked over and picked up one of the pieces, gasping when she realized it was made of stone. “How old is this set?”

  “We’re not sure,” said Blade, “but it’s rumored to be about four hundred years old.”

  She glanced at him, expecting to see his characteristic grin, but he was dead serious. “Why isn’t it in a museum?” She fingered the rook gently then put it back down. Should they even be touching the pieces?

  “Because it’s here,” said Blade. “Don’t think you’re going to get out of playing a game, missy, just because the pieces are old.”

  “I’m not, but are you sure we can touch these?”

  “Absolutely. We’ve used it before.”

  Joelle sat on the chair Cristian pulled over and examined a pawn more closely. “Where on earth did you get this?”

  “It was passed down,” said Blade.

  She glanced at him. “From whom? You can trace your ancestors back that far?”

  “Yes.” There was something almost desperate in the way he gazed at her, as if he wanted her to keep asking about his ancestors. Considering how reluctant they’d both been to talk about their families before, Joelle found Blade’s expression disconcerting.

  “That’s amazing.” It was all she could think to say.

  “What’s even more amazing is your assertion that you can beat us,” said Cristian.

  Joelle couldn’t help but smile. She loved Cristian’s easygoing ways as much as she loved Blade’s intensity. The two complemented each other so well, and she wondered if they’d been close as children.

  “Well, I can’t play both of you at once, so who’s first?”

  Blade waved a hand toward Cristian. “The grand champion of Lilith’s Playground awaits you, dear lady.”

  “Oh, grand champion, eh? You surprise me, Cristian.”

  His sheepish grin made her panties wet. This time she’d worn them. That thought caused a giggle to rise in her throat, but she tamped it down, not wanting Cristian to think she was laughing at him.

  “Blade exaggerates, as usual. It’s just that the other owners don’t play as often as I do, that’s all.”

  Joelle settled herself in front of the board. “All right, then. Let’s see what you can do.”

  “You can have the white pieces,” said Cristian.

  “Thank you. You’re such a gentleman to let a lady go first.”

  Blade snorted.

  “You’ll have your chance to show whether you’re as much a gentleman as Cristian,” said Joelle, smiling at him.

  “He’s not being a gentleman. He’s just trying to lull you into a false sense of security.”

  “Shut up and let us play,” said Cristian. He proved to be a more formidable opponent than she’d ever imagined, despite the fact that Blade kept giving him pointers that were in reality moves designed to help him lose.

  “Knock it off, Blade.”

  “I don’t need your help to win,” said Joelle.

  “Yes, you do. You’re not that good.” Blade’s grin made her nipples tingle.

  “Oh, is that so? Well, why don’t you just sit back and watch then, instead of distracting Cristian with your insane suggestions.”

  The molten look he gave her sent her thoughts racing toward abandoning the chessboard and instead suggesting they adjourn to Blade’s bedroom.

  Once Blade stopped critiquing every move and suggesting new ones to Cristian, Joelle found herself struggling. She used every strategy her father had taught her, including taking frequent breaks with the excuse that she had to pee or was thirsty, but two hours later it was obvious Cristian would have her in checkmate within a few moves. He knew it, too, and started doing silly things with the pieces, like trying to place a pawn on top of the knight as if it were riding a horse, and taking his one of his bishops and one of his rooks she’d captured and engaging them in a mock fight.

  Joelle laughed as he gave voices to the pieces. His humor was witty and quick, and soon she was laughing so hard she could barely concentrate. Not that it mattered, because there was no way to win the game, and she knew it.

  “I concede this game to the grand champion.” She stood and bowed, giggling at the way he beamed. She found his honesty in playing well and beating her fair and square more endearing than if he’d backed off and let her win.

  “Too chicken to play it through?” he asked.

  “No, just laughing too hard. You’re a really good player, Cristian. Thank you for the challenge.”

  Blade stood and stretched, yawning loudly. “Finally, that’s over. Now it’s my turn to show off my prowess.”

  Joelle turned to face him. “Really? And what game is yours?”

  Blade gave her a look that made her panties flood all over again. “Well, aside from the obvious, let’s see if you can beat me at pool.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Being in the billiards room again reminded Joelle of her tryst with Cristian and how she’d stormed out afterwards. He’d told her she didn’t have anything to apologize for, but she still felt guilty. Both men were going out of their way today to make her feel comfortable and have fun. Did they spend this much time with all the guests? How in the world would they have time and energy to do so?

  She thought Blade was going to head for the one uncovered pool table on which she and Cristian had made love, and she suddenly wondered if they’d stained the felt. Her cheeks burning with embarrassment at what they might find on the table, she breathed a sigh of relief when Blade headed toward the opposite end of the room and uncovered a table.

  “I have to play against a west wall,” he said, giving her his characteristic grin.

  “How do you know this is a west wall?”

  He gave her droll look. “I’m the great and powerful Oz.”

  Joelle laughed and her heart gave a strange lurch. It was so refreshing to spend time with men in an environment like this, natural and easy, joking around and playing games. It was almost as if they were friends, except Joelle had never fucked a friend. And she’d never had so much fun simply hanging out with any man she’d dated.

  “Did you see it in the theater?” she asked. “The movie, I mean. Peggy and I went three times when it was re-released in Chicago a few years ago. It was amazing, wasn’t it?”

  “He likes the flying monkeys,” said Cristian.

  “Better than the cowardly lion, which is what you are.”

  “Drop dead twice, Blade.”

  “What, and look like you?”

  Joelle laughed again. The men with whom she’d had intimate relationships hadn’t joked around with her or played chess or pool. Scott had only played chess with her because her father once remarked how good Joelle was. Men had taken her to dinner and the movies, and once she’d gone to a county fair, but none of them had made her feel as happy and carefree around them as Blade and Cristian did.

  “Were you two friends as children?”

  “Nah,” said Blade. “We’ve always hated each other.”

  “Oh, stop. I don’t believe that for a moment.”

  Even when she and Scott would occasionally play chess, it was all about his being able to beat her. There was no joy in it for him, and certainly no fun or laughter. Come to think of it, Joelle remembered only a few times when Scott had laughed about something with her. What had ever possessed her to think she could live with a man like that for the rest of her life?

  “Earth to Joelle.” Blade waved a hand in front of her face. “You want to break?”

  “Oh, sure. Thanks.”

  “See? I can be a gentleman as well.”

  She smiled. “Straight pool?”


  “How many points to win?”

  “Let’s cap it at one hundred.”

  Joelle stared at the table, unsure what was missing.

sp; “You might want to grab a stick.” Blade gave her a curious look.

  “I might at that.” Joelle flushed as she chose a cue from the rack, remembering how Cristian had spanked her with one. As she took aim and struck the initial rack, Blade reminded Joelle she hadn’t called a pocket.

  “Oops.” Her stroke wasn’t very forceful, and none of the balls went far. “I guess I’m distracted.”

  “That’s an understatement. Either that or you were lying about being good at this.”

  Joelle laughed. “All right, smarty pants. Rerack them and let me start over. You both are too much of a distraction. It’s not fair.”

  “No doubt she’s thinking about yesterday,” muttered Cristian, glancing across the room.

  “You just be quiet and keep score.” Joelle’s cheeks burned, and the look Cristian gave her could bend steel, it was so hot.

  Joelle called her pocket this time and landed it, but that vindication did nothing for the growing feeling of unease within her. It couldn’t be. Joelle Marie Albright did not fall in love. She liked men. She liked to have sex with men. Even the conventional missionary position sex with Scott hadn’t been bad sex—just routine. But head-over-heels-so-in-love-she-would-die-if-she-didn’t-have-him? Not a chance. Not Joelle. What she’d felt for Scott couldn’t be called that kind of love by any stretch of the imagination. She’d never felt this way about any man, let alone two.

  Blade pumped his fist in the air as he executed a particularly tricky shot, which Joelle hadn’t seen. “Great job,” she said. Her voice came out monotone.

  “Oh, getting snarky, are we? I’m gaining on you, and you don’t like it.”

  She had been paying so little attention she didn’t even realize she was winning. “I am not getting snarky.”

  “Whatever you say, loser.”

  She narrowed her eyes, even while the light in his sent a shiver down her spine. How many of these tables could the three of them defile in one afternoon? “I haven’t lost yet, Blade.”

  Joelle put thoughts of falling in love with Blade and Cristian out of her head and concentrated on the game. Every time Blade glanced at her, she had to mentally push away the erotic images that crowded into her mind. Cristian’s constant good-natured jabs at Blade and the winks he gave her only compounded the issue. She seriously had never met two sexier men, and she’d never even felt this comfortable around some of her female friends. She was in deep trouble.

  When she pocketed the winning shot, she yelled and pumped her fists in the air. Cristian scooped her up into a bear hug and spun her around so many times she had to beg him to put her down before she threw up.

  Blade gave her a hug, and his scent filled her head, making her dizzy with lust. “Great game,” he said. She pulled back to look into his eyes. He was genuinely happy that she’d won, not pouty or downright angry that a woman had beaten him.

  “Thank you, both of you.” Joelle reached toward Cristian, and he took her hand. “I swear I’ve never had this much fun with any man.”

  “With your clothes on, of course,” said Blade, giving her a surprised look.

  Joelle giggled. “Yes, that’s what I meant. But even with them off, I still haven’t had as much fun with anyone as I’ve had with you two. I don’t know how to thank you.”

  Blade looked slightly embarrassed, but a big grin spread across Cristian’s handsome face. “We enjoy your company as well, Joelle. Don’t we, Blade?”

  Blade pulled her close. “Yeah. We sure do.”

  Joelle couldn’t be sure, but it almost felt as if Cristian had been goading Blade. His words this morning came back to her. “Right. I saw the way you looked at her all through dinner the first night she was here. Don’t tell me you haven’t got it bad for her, buddy boy.”

  When Blade took his arms from around her, she looked at each man in turn. Was it possible Blade had feelings for her? It certainly sounded that way from what Cristian had said to him. But what about Cristian? And how crazy was it that she was standing here with two men who seduced guests at their resort, hoping one or both cared about her as more than as just another guest? She was in deep, deep trouble.

  “Why don’t we all get some dinner?” asked Blade.

  “Is it that time already? Just let me run back to my suite and change.” That’s all that was wrong with her. She was simply hungry. Sure, Joelle. Just keep telling yourself that.

  After she’d changed clothes and met them in the lobby, she thought they’d head for the main dining room but they surprised her by leading her toward one of the two new dining rooms, still under construction. “Do we need hard hats?”

  Blade chuckled. “No. This one is nearly finished. We thought it would be more pleasant to have a private dinner tonight. You two have a seat, and I’ll be right back.”

  Joelle sat at a large round table with Cristian and glanced around, taking in the heavy wallpaper and wall sconces. “This is so elegant.”

  “We plan to do small parties in here and save the main dining room for lunch and dinner. The second new one is smaller than this one, and we plan to use that for breakfast, since most of our guests order that meal in their suites.”

  “How did all of you learn so much about running a resort? You seem to have thought of everything. There are so many personal touches, and things you don’t find even in the most expensive hotels.”

  Cristian’s smile was easy. “We watched and learned over time. Zach and Emmett do a great job of keeping an eye on what other resorts and high-priced hotels are doing.”

  “What’s it like working in the same office as Zach? From what little I’ve heard about him, he broods a lot.”

  “He’s not so bad. Just focused on his work.”

  “I share an office with a woman named Doris who is also an administrative assistant. She’s in her fifties and never been married. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile, and she has sharp words for everyone. Very unpleasant woman.”

  “That can’t be any fun. Why don’t you just ask your father for your own office?”

  Joelle shook her head. “Oh, no. I don’t want anyone saying I have special privileges because of who I am. And besides, then one of my friends might have to share the office with Doris, and they’d never forgive me for doing that to them.”

  “I hope your friends appreciate your sacrifice.”

  Blade walked back into the room, followed by several staff members pushing two trolleys. Once the food, plates, and silverware were unloaded, the staff members left. “Our own special feast,” he said, waving his hand across the spread with a flourish.

  Cristian lit two candles in the middle of the table, and Blade opened a bottle of wine. Dinner was delicious, as was every meal Joelle had eaten here. They asked Joelle about her job, and she jabbered on about what she did at work, who her friends were, and some of the things she and Peggy did together. They listened with interested looks, and again Joelle was struck by how different her experiences were with them when compared to those of other men she’d dated. Most of the men she’d dated—including Scott—would have stared off into space or changed the subject if she’d talked too much about work or her friends.

  When the plates had been cleared and they were on their second bottle of wine, Joelle became giddy, laughing at everything Blade and Cristian said. Both men had a great sense of humor, and they played off each so well.

  At one point Joelle excused herself to use the bathroom, and when she returned Blade pulled her onto his lap and asked her if she was ticklish. She laughed and tried to wiggle out of his arms, but he was stronger. He tickled her under her rib cage, and Joelle screamed and squirmed, laughing as she begged him to stop.

  “Not until you agree to something.”

  “Anything,” she said, panting. “Just stop…please.”

  “Smooth move, Blade,” said Cristian. “Now we know how to make her do our bidding.”

  “Didn’t have to try very hard.”

  “Oh, that’s not nice.” Joelle punched
Blade playfully in the arm. He gave her a look of shock and began to tickle her again.

  Tears ran down her cheeks by the time he finally stopped, but he still didn’t release her. “Now, about that request.”

  She looked into his eyes and her heart skipped a beat. How could a man be so devastatingly handsome and charming at the same time? “What do you want me to do?”

  He cut his gaze to Cristian. “What do you think? We have her at our mercy. The sky’s the limit.”

  Cristian looked around. “It’s not very comfortable in here, and she’s already had sex in the billiards room.” A wicked smile spread across his face, and Joelle sighed with pleasure at the images floating through her mind.

  Blade tapped his chin with one finger and scrunched up his face as if to show he was thinking deep thoughts. “Have you seen the indoor pool yet?”


  Cristian and Blade exchanged a glance. “I think she should see it,” said Cristian.

  “Oh, I agree. It’s too nice to be missed.”

  “You want to show me the pool?”

  “Let’s hope no one is already there,” said Cristian.

  “Assuming it’s currently unoccupied, we’ll have to make sure no one can get in,” said Blade.

  “Zach and Emmett will have a fit,” said Cristian.

  “We won’t tell them. Who’s on front desk tonight?”


  “Perfect.” Blade stood up and took Joelle’s hand.

  As they passed the front desk, Joelle waited with Blade while Cristian spoke with Molly. Molly smiled at Joelle before she scurried down a hallway to the left of the front desk. When she returned, she assured the group no one was using the pool, then made a hand-written sign to indicate the pool was out of order. She slipped Cristian a key as well. “This way you can lock the door in case anyone gets the urge to see if it’s really out of order.”

  Cristian took the sign and key from her then blew her a kiss. Joelle smelled the chlorine before they reached the doors leading to the pool. “How long has Molly worked for you?” asked Joelle as Cristian locked the doors behind them.


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