Passionate Yearning_A Zodiac Shifter Romance_Libra

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Passionate Yearning_A Zodiac Shifter Romance_Libra Page 4

by Solease M Barner

  I should pull away and let her pretend we don’t have a connection, but my beast will not allow me to do it.


  “One kiss and I’ll never ask again.”

  Maybe if I kiss her, these feelings will go away, and I can move forward.

  She moves closer and wraps her arms around my neck. She’s much shorter than me so I pick her up, bringing her face to mine and crash my lips to hers.

  This kiss is wild and raw. She’s kissing me back with her hands in my hair moaning. I continue to kiss her, sucking her tongue in between breaths and still it feels like it’s not enough. I want to be inside of Raina. My shaft is throbbing and expanding in my pants. We continue kissing each other a few more minutes before we stop. We both are panting and she doesn’t look at me, but I stare at her face trying to understand her even more.

  “Raina Peters, you are a desirable woman, and if I over stepped by kissing you, I apologize.”

  “Jonathan, I kissed you back, I wanted to, we obviously have an attraction to one another.”

  “I can’t promise you that I’m not going to want to kiss you again, but next time I’ll ask you.”

  She smiles and walks away from me. I look down at my pants and see I’m half erect and on the verge of bursting through my pants. I try to push it down, but it pops back up and I realize the only thing my body wants now is to be inside of Raina. This is going to make it difficult to protect her knowing that she wants me and I want her, but being vulnerable outside of my home is not a risk I can take for me or her.

  After Raina changes into some slacks and puts on her white doctor coat she looks even sexier. The fact that she’s dedicated her life to helping others like me is amazing. I wish she was my true mate, because there would be nothing that could stop me from being with her including the fact that she is human.

  When we arrive at the hospital, she tries to convince me that I can’t come in while she’s working, but I’m not having that.

  “Dr. Peters, tell everyone I’m following you doing an article about you in my newspaper.

  “What’s the name of your newspaper? Huh? Right, because it doesn’t exist and everyone will know that, besides I have a head doctor on the floor, I can’t do something like that without approval.”

  “Let me worry about the name of the newspaper and your boss, it will be fine as long as you stay calm.”

  “I am calm!” She yells, moving her arms all around.

  She finally gives up, and we walk into the hospital together. This is going to be an interesting day.

  Chapter 6

  Jonathan is not making it easy for me. Now he’s walking behind me looking for wolves or dragons or anything that might be trying to kidnap me. I wish he was a normal guy that I could date and maybe even have sex with… a lot, but he’s a dragon with duties he must take care of. Now that I know it’s his brother trying to kidnap me, it doesn’t set well with me.

  I glance over my shoulder and see him watching me with those sexy eyes and even licking his lips. The lips I kissed and licked. The kiss we shared earlier has me wanting more, but it’s really not good that I want to have anything with Jonathan, for goodness sake he’s waiting on a true mate, something I have read in books and I’m a doctor who sees all types of things and the most important thing I’ve learned is life is short.

  “Let me do the talking.” I say, as we walk inside the building.

  “Of course, I’m observing for my newspaper remember.” He laughs.

  I can’t help but smile at his joke. Once we are inside I’m getting a lot of strange looks, but nothing like when the chief comes into the doctors’ room and sees Jonathan in the back standing.

  “Dr. Peters, I’ve been informed by many staff you have a guest with you today.” Dr. Lang says, looking at Jonathan.

  “Yes, Dr. Lang, he’s doing an article on me and the hospital.” I respond nervously.

  Jonathan smiles at me and then walks up to where Dr. Lang and I are speaking.

  “Nice to meet you, Dr. Lang,” Jonathan reaches out his hand, but the chief looks at it and turns to me.

  “He can’t stay. There is protocol for having reporters in the hospital, Dr. Peters. You know this and there will be a reprimand for this sort of thing.”

  Jonathan looks him directly in the eyes, and for a few seconds, they are silent. Then Dr. Lang starts speaking again.

  “Dr. Peters, this could be good for the hospital and may get more donations for the new wing. This was a great idea. You will be rewarded for this.” Dr. Lang says with excitement.

  I look at Jonathan who smiles, but my other colleagues hurry out the room.

  “What did you do?” I ask, concerned.

  “I only went into his brain a few seconds and placed a more positive thought and decision.”

  “You can’t do that, messing with someone’s brain is wrong.”

  “To you, besides, I didn’t want to get you into trouble because I have to be here to protect you.”

  “What else could go wrong with this day?” I mumble.

  Picking up a couple of patient’s charts I need to see, we both walk out to nurses looking in our direction and some doctors trying to ignore the weird situation.

  When I think, things couldn’t get worse they do. As I’m writing down some notes before I enter the patient’s room, I look up and see a man watching me. He looks like he could be Jonathan’s brother and then it dawns on me it is Jonathan’s brother Nathan.

  A few things happen, I turn and find Jonathan coming towards me fast, somehow everyone has completely stopped moving, and Nathan growls, and it scares me to the bone.

  Quickly I’m pulled behind Jonathan as he makes himself my shield.

  “Nathan, you can’t have her, and I will capture you.”

  Nathan smiles and speaks.

  “Brother, I came to make a deal with you, you are bound to uphold the law among the supers first. What if I give up my idea of taking over your region, but in return, you have to give me the pretty doctor.”

  “Nathan, turn yourself in to me, and I promise to be fair and just with your punishment.”

  “I take that is a no, have you slept with the human? Is this why you won’t make this deal with me?”

  “Nathan, you have broken more laws than just trying to take a human, and for what purpose I have no clue, but you also are trying to over throw me and that has serious consequences brother, surrender.” Jonathan demands.

  His body is tense, and I’m nervous they will start fighting and kill a couple of humans in the process.

  “I will never surrender, you should know that is not possible, but I will need the girl big brother. I only came here to warn you, not fight with you.”

  “I’m the only one who will give out a warning, you turn yourself in now and I will spare you, I’m not sure why you’re doing this brother, this is not you.”

  In that moment, it’s like Nathan senses something and turns and looks towards the rooms of the patients. I watch in horror, hoping he doesn’t mean to do anything to them. I certainly can’t stand by and let him.

  “Leave my patients alone you asshole!” I yell at him.

  He turns his attention back to me and smiles.

  “Raina, darling, there’s no need for name calling, besides you might like…”

  He stops talking like he was about to say something he didn’t want anyone to know.

  He looks again down the hall, and the look on his face is confusion.

  “Nathan, leave now, before I strike you right here.” Jonathan snaps.

  “I’m leaving brother, but consider my offer and nice to see you, Raina Peters.” Nathan says, wickedly.

  He disappears before my eyes and Jonathan’s body is still tense and solid like a rock. He turns to me and then everyone starts moving again like nothing happen.

  “Raina, I need to get you out of here, it’s not safe. He came here specifically to let you know who he is.” Jonathan says.

nbsp; “I can’t run and besides, did you see him looking at the rooms of my patients? What if he’s going to hurt them? I won’t allow that to happen.”

  I pick up my chart even though my hands are shaking and I’m nervous. I swallow my fear and walk in the room of my first patient for the evening.

  As the day went on well into the evening, Jonathan remains silent. Barely even responding when I had a break and grabbed some food, he declined to even eat. Jonathan’ face is no longer friendly, it’s stoic, there’s no emotion at all.

  As it becomes later in the evening and the ER starts to calm down, I decide to go to the lounge and relax. Jonathan comes in and doesn’t take a seat.

  “Hey, it’s ok, your brother hasn’t returned Jonathan.”

  He stops and looks at me like I said a nasty word.

  “My brother is not sitting around Raina, he’s planning his next move. Trust me, he plans on trying to take you, and we are here in this place begging to be attacked.”

  “Look, can you defeat your brother?”

  He looks at me in a way that says what do you think.

  “Ok then, we need to find out what distracted him when he was here. That’s our weapon.”

  “Weapon? Raina, no human can be a weapon.”

  “How do we know it was a human and don’t under estimate the power of human women, we have caused wars for centuries.”

  “Raina, I don’t want to debate this, what time does your shift end?”

  I look at the clock and then at my cranky dragon.

  “I’ll be done in four more hours.”

  “What? No, you need to say you’re sick and need to leave for a few days, maybe even a week off.”

  “I can’t do that, Jonathan. I understand your brother is dangerous, but with you around, I’ll be safe.”

  He looks at me, and a softness comes over his face for the first time since his brother showed up. It’s refreshing to know the guy I kissed is still in there.

  “I’m glad you feel safe with me, but I have to think about you in a cross fight, you will be unprotected and no match for any of the others he will bring with him. I can protect myself, but in this environment, it’s not safe. Please Raina, if you want to stay alive to be a doctor you need to leave now so I can get you some place safe.” He pleads.

  I know that Jonathan is right, I must think about the big picture. My patients need me, but I should take care of myself, so I can continue to be of help to them.

  “If I let you take me some place safe, do I have to be locked in a room?” I ask.

  “No, you could roam around, but I will have limits only for safety reasons.”

  I nod a yes, and he showed genuine happiness. I informed my boss of my absence and told him why and I’m not sure if Jonathan persuaded him with his dragon eye hypnosis, but he agreed with no problems. After updating my cover for the rest of the night, he and I left.

  “Can we stop by my house so I can get a few things?”

  Jonathan is driving, looking in his mirror and everywhere his eyes would allow.

  “Human cars are the devil you can’t properly see around you.” He complains.

  “Are you going to ignore me asking to go by my home?”

  “I’ll go get your things once I’ve secured you.”

  I look out the window because I can tell he’s not going to change his mind.

  He turns off the main road, and now we’re on a dirt road traveling at a high speed.

  “Jonathan, I think we are going too fast.” I say, pushing my body back in the seat hard. I begin to brace myself for an impact because there are lots of trees around.

  “I can’t fly home like I usually do and I need the speed before I open the portal.”

  Before I have a chance to answer we are going into a hole that swallows us whole. I scream and cover my eyes not wanting to see my death.

  “It’s ok Raina, open your eyes it’s safe.”

  I open my eyes, and it’s beautiful, I turn and look behind me, and the gate closes and then disappears.

  “Are we still on earth?” I ask, looking around as we drove up to this place I assume is his home. It looks mostly a place for outdoor living, but it has attachments for indoor living as well.

  “Yes we are on earth, but this is a place for me to live and be safe from all supers. Unless they are invited, they can’t get in. It’s also a place hidden from humans. It allows me to be in my dragon form worry free.”

  We arrive at the front, and he gets out and comes to open my door.

  “Raina, welcome to my home. While here you are welcome to everything, please make yourself at home.”

  I smile at him, and he smiles back making my heart melt. This is the guy I like. When he’s focused, there is no room for smiling. He waves me forward, and I walk into the massive home, where the windows are floor to ceiling and there are even openings with no windows. The floor is covered in a gorgeous tile like nothing I’ve ever seen before. He has paintings of people on his wall.

  I continue walking and Jonathan follows behind me watching my every move. I stop at the monument in the middle of the house surrounded by a water fountain, but the water was deep blue.

  “Who’s the monument of?” I keep my eyes on the huge wings attached to a human man body, it’s hands and legs are that of a dragon’s bottom, but the top is all human and I must say even in this clay like piece, he looks handsome.

  “That’s one of my famous ancestors who served as keeper of the law for over 500 years of capturing unlawful supers, he’s well known among our kind.” Jonathan says with pride.

  “What’s his name?”

  “Jonlou Justice, and trust me if he was around Nathan would have been caught regardless if humans got hurt or not!

  “Come let me get you settled, I have a huge tub that you can relax in with some wine, and you don’t have to worry about me lurking, you’re safe.”

  Jonathan and I walked hand and hand to the area designated for bathing. I feel like a princess in this beautiful place.

  “Have fun Raina, food will be ready once you have finished with your bath.” Jonathan leans down and gives me a kiss on my cheek and I feel weak all through my body.

  “See you in a while.”

  He leaves and I look around at this tub fit for a queen. I start undressing when a woman entering the room scares me.

  “Dr. Raina Peters, here are towels, soaps and oils. I also will be bringing wine to you. Would you care for anything else?”

  “Yes, can I have some soft music and what’s your name?”

  “Of course, the music will be a nice touch, and I’m Wina, your servant,” She replies.

  “Oh no honey, I don’t need a servant if that’s what Jonathan told you then he was wrong, thank you for getting all this for me Wina.”

  She nods and leaves the room. I think no matter what I told her she’s going to obey Jonathan as it’s his home. I wonder if she’s a dragon too or wolf, or maybe something even more supernatural.

  I let all my troubles go away once I’m in the water, music fills the room, and I enjoy my wine.

  When I walk out of the room after my bath wearing a robe, I walk toward the sound of Jonathan’s voice, finding him in a room with comfy lounges and trays of food.

  “Mother, I’m going to find out more about Nathan and be in touch soon.”

  His voice is gentle. I walk in more and he turns and looks at me from head to toe.

  “I have to go. I’ll talk to you soon.” He gets up and walks toward me smiling.

  “You were talking with your mom about your brother, how’s she taking it that her son is causing trouble?”

  He looks at me and then pulls me towards the lounge.

  “Like a mother would, but let’s not talk about that. After I get you settled, I will go and find my brother.”

  Jonathan has me take a seat on the lounge he was on and starts making me a plate of food.

  “Do you know where to look?’

  “I can always
find my brother, we are connected by blood, he knows this.”

  “If he knows this then he’s going to be ready for you.” I say concerned.

  “Raina relax, he can’t hurt me now that I know you’re safe, besides even if he had a hundred supers, they know I will kill them all to get to him.”

  Hearing the words kill makes me take a bite of bread trying to ignore the word. Even though I know he does this, I didn’t want to hear it.


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