Jackson's Rise

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Jackson's Rise Page 12

by Tielle St Clare

  But before she could become the sex goddess sensual enough to carry her through the rest of this exercise, she had to overcome one hurdle.

  “Let’s do this.” Without letting herself think, she whipped off her t-shirt and dropped it to the floor. Leaving her bra alone, she undid the button and zipper of her skirt and pushed the material down.

  She was confident in her body. She kind of had to be—going topless five nights a week—but still, there was the normal trepidation of being naked with a new guy.

  She pushed her shoulders back and forced herself to meet Reign’s stare.

  His gaze held hers for a moment and then he released her eyes, following the line of her throat down to her torso. He looked at her breasts, still bound and compressed in her lacy bra.

  “Damn,” he whispered, the sound so soft she almost missed it. Heat radiated off his body and sank into her core. Liquid fire warmed her pussy and she fought to shift beneath his hungry stare. Oh yeah, she could do this. His perusal continued, going lower, lower, pausing at her waist. A strange look crossed his face and he blinked, the lust shifting into confusion.

  Age-old insecurities reared up and grabbed Dani by the throat.

  “What’s wrong?” Was there something wrong with her body? Wasn’t she sexy enough?

  “Nothing, it’s just I—”

  Unable to stand it any longer, she looked down…and saw the ugly panties Jackson had insisted she wear. And she’d put back on after her shower.

  “I’m going to kill him. These were Jackson’s idea.”

  So much for her sex goddess routine.

  “They’re nice.” The words were strangled by Reign’s laughter.

  “They’re hideous.”

  “No,” he said between suppressed chuckles. She had to give him credit. He was trying not to laugh. “They’re just so…cotton.” He couldn’t hold it back any longer and laughter escaped.

  “That’s it. Jackson!”

  Jackson leaned against the front door, staring at the stairs. It was as far away as he could get without actually leaving the condo and he wasn’t prepared to do that. At least not yet. If it got too bad, he’d probably have to run. His wolf was clawing inside his brain, demanding he return to his female and…what?

  Fuck her? Watch Reign fuck her? Let Reign fuck you?

  Knowing his wolf needed the release, earlier in the day Jackson had driven into the desert, found a little patch of isolation and shifted. He shook his hair, pretty sure he’d never get the sand out of his paws and fur. Still, it had done him good. The wolf was calm. He would almost have said resigned but the animal didn’t think in those terms. It didn’t seem to mind that Reign was upstairs with Dani, touching Dani. If anything, the damn beast acted excited.

  Made no sense. He’d called his father’s Beta, Byron, and asked if he’d ever heard of a werewolf who’d claimed a mate but didn’t mind another male touching her. Byron had hemmed and hawed, muttering that Jackson really needed to call his father. But his dad would ask questions. Questions Jackson wasn’t ready to answer.

  He tapped his fingers against the wood door, the tension pulling his muscles coming from the human’s stress and the wolf’s excitement. He knew what was happening upstairs was necessary for Dani to go to this party but he didn’t know if he could handle it.

  If he heard too much—if he heard the cry she made when she came—he’d have to leave. It would be the only choice. Killing a cop was a bad idea. He had to keep telling himself that. It gave him something to think about besides what was going on upstairs in that bedroom. Dani’s soft curves pressing against Reign’s hard muscles.

  And he knew what Reign had planned. The best way to mark her was to come in her, on her. It would be the safest thing for her but Jackson wasn’t sure he could handle it.

  Maybe it would be best if he left. He could go hang out by the pool until it was done. And then you’re going to have to get marked as well. Jackson’s stomach clenched at the thought. Had he really agreed to this? He looked at the phone and thought about calling Max but decided against it. How was he going to explain to his twin that he was going to willingly crawl into bed naked with another man? And a Cat. And why didn’t the idea freak him out more?

  He thumped his head back against the door, the pain a minor distraction. Between thoughts of Dani, he’d thought about what would happen tonight—he and Reign would be naked together, bodies against each other, and damn, there had been no moments of panic. Even his wolf had stayed calm. Except maybe to get a little excited. Like the beast wanted it. Yeah, that was perfect. His wolf wanted to get fucked by a Cat. That was one for the werewolf psychologists.

  Still it was strange not to have the instinctive panic he was expecting. Maybe his wolf was—


  His head snapped up and he growled, lunging for the stairs, his wolf coming to life. What had that bastard done? He’d kill him. He’d rip his throat out. The bloodthirsty personality that lived beneath his skin snarled its approval, wanting the kill. The fact that Reign was a Cat just made it sweeter.

  Jackson slammed open the door, keeping a leash on his wolf as he stormed in, ready to defend.

  And immediately turned on the defensive. Dani stalked toward him, her lips peeled away from her lips.

  “I’m gonna kill you,” she growled.

  “Me? What did I do?” His wolf recognized the danger of a pissed off female and retreated, leaving Jackson to face her alone.

  “It’s these panties.”


  “These damn panties that you insisted I wear. Here we are, all ready to get down to business…”

  Reign scoffed—in between chuckles.

  Jackson ignored the sound.

  “I’m trying to feel all sexy, act like some freakin’ sex goddess and I pull off my skirt to reveal granny panties.”

  Jackson didn’t know whether to laugh or scream. It was obvious which route Reign was taking.

  “That’s what this is about? Your panties? I thought he’d attacked you or something.”

  “Hey!” Reign’s protest was again dismissed.

  Dani rolled her eyes, ending with a glare at him. “Reign would never hurt me but how can I be sexy in huge cotton panties?”

  Jackson skimmed his eyes down her body, his cock twitching at the sight of her in those panties.

  “Baby, you’re sexy in anything.”

  She flinched, as if she hadn’t been prepared for that.

  “You could wear a cardboard box and Reign and I would both still be begging to fuck you.”


  That set her back on her heels and her anger seemed to dissipate, leaving behind the natural sensuality.

  “Come here, baby.” The command pulled her forward. Two steps and she was right in front of Jackson—the tension in the room shifting from anger to sex with one simple instruction. He turned her around so her back was against his chest, putting her on display for Reign.

  Jackson notched his thumbs into the waistband of panties, the soft cotton warm from her skin. He leaned and scraped his teeth across her neck, a gentle punishing bite. “I’m going show Reign just how sexy you are.” He whispered the words against her skin, her hips pressed back, meeting his erection. This was better, even knowing the Cat watched, it was better that Jackson was here, that he was the one to strip off the last bit of her clothes.

  He dragged the cloth down, aware that Reign watched. He inched the soft material over her hips, revealing her beautiful sex. The material cleared her thighs and fell, forgotten on the floor.

  All laughter disappeared from Reign’s eyes as he stared at Dani’s almost bare pussy. Jackson’s cock twitched at the blatant inspection, proud and aroused just from watching another guy get hard by looking at her.

  “See, baby. He’s hard.” Jackson brushed a kiss along her neck. “He wants to fuck you.”

  He raised his chin, calling the other man closer.

  Reign hesitated, catching Jackson
’s eyes to confirm he was okay with this. Jackson nodded and Reign stepped forward, stripping off his shirt as he drew near. He reached up and cupped Dani’s neck in his hand, bending down and placing his mouth on hers. The urge to overwhelm her, to dominate pounded through his brain but he forced himself to move slowly.

  Vividly aware that Jackson stood behind her, Reign teased Dani’s lips, his head swirling at the sexual taste of the woman and the hot scent flowing from the wolf. A low hum of arousal rippled through her body but Reign wanted more than that. He wanted her screaming, begging to have him fuck her. Not that he was going to get the chance to fuck her. He didn’t think the wolf was going to let him penetrate Dani, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t have his hands and mouth all over her.

  Months of fantasies flooded his brain—of having Dani before him, bent over the end of his bed, his cock in her pussy, riding her hard. He knew Jackson would never let that happen but he was seizing the opportunity now to indulge all his Cat senses.

  He flicked his tongue out, teasing her upper lip. She sighed and opened her mouth, just a little, reaching for him, giving him a taste. Sweetness saturated the tip of his tongue as he delved between her lips, tempting him with more. The male wolf standing behind her should have crushed his arousal but damn, he was ready to pound nails with his dick. Having Jackson watch just made Dani’s flavor more intriguing. Reign pressed forward, sliding his hands to her waist, rubbing his lips across her mouth. The natural sensuality he’d sensed in her rose to the surface and she tipped her head to the side, opening to him, accepting the shallow dips of his tongue into her mouth.

  He purred, letting the sound rumble into her. Her lips curved in an open-mouthed smile. The smile faded as she moaned, arching her neck to the side. Reign watched the wolf smooth his lips along her throat ending with a tiny bite where her neck and shoulder met. The pale pink mark drew a growl from inside his chest, wanting his own mark on her.

  But distraction followed, taking the Cat’s attention.

  Dani turned her head, seeking his lips and Reign complied, blocking out the wolf and focusing on Dani. His head swirled, drowning him in sweet hot female and the delicious natural scent of her skin. He twirled his tongue around hers, teasing and sucking. The Cat’s urge to play came through even with so much on the line.

  Intense heat poured from Dani and the wolf—both sensations too fascinating to resist. Warmth radiated from Jackson and Dani like a sunbeam, just waiting for him to drop into, curl up and stay.

  She reached up and draped her arms around his neck, dragging him closer. The lace cups of her bra abraded the tight peaks of his nipples, the lightest touch, just enough. He grabbed her ass, feeling her hips roll back, away from Reign. His lips twitched, fighting to pull up in a snarl. Then the Cat realized she wasn’t pulling away from him—she was rubbing her ass against Jackson’s dick. His cock pushed on the seam of his jeans, damn well demanding freedom.

  He lifted his head for just a moment and her eyes slowly drifted open. Desire and hunger flared in the seductive gray depths. She looked drunk on the sensuality. Needing to share in that, he cupped her head in his hand and held her in place, his lips covering hers, his tongue drinking deep.

  A new heat brushed against his chest and he pulled back enough to look down. Jackson reached between their bodies, his hands sliding between Dani’s breasts. He worked by touch and with a clever flick of thumb and forefinger, the front clasp gave way and the delicate lace cups spread apart. Jackson stripped the material away when it would have clung to her nipples, leaving her bare.

  “Damn,” Reign whispered, the reverent sound echoed by Jackson’s humming agreement. Jackson tipped her head, scraping his white teeth along her neck, arching her back, and pushing her breasts forward and up. It didn’t make sense. Why would the wolf be offering his woman’s tits to another man? But Reign ignored the question. The Cat didn’t worry about consequences.

  He cupped her breasts in his hands, his thumbs zeroing in on her nipples, rubbing slow circles around the tight peaks. He glanced up. Dani watched him, her body still trapped in the sexual nature of their contact, but there was no new heat. Damn, she doesn’t like to have her breasts played with. That was too bad because she had some luscious tits but if only one of them was getting anything out of it…

  Unable to resist one more squeeze, he started to pull back but Jackson’s voice stopped him.


  Reign lifted his head. The wolf’s eyes glowed red. The hair on the back of Reign’s neck stood up but he rejected the fight or flight instincts.

  “Harder,” Jackson repeated, a sharp nod following the instruction.

  Reign slid his thumb and forefinger of Dani’s nipple and pinched, just a shade stronger than he normally would have. A tiny whimper escaped her lips and she rolled her hips forward. Harder. The wolf was giving him advice on fucking his woman. Strange. Maybe the wolves were much more open than Reign had been led to believe. But he didn’t think so. There was just something strange about this particular wolf. And the woman between them.

  He bent down and placed his lips over the tight peak, stroking first, loving the feel of her nipple against his tongue. Her chest rose in slow deep pants. Yes, she liked a harder touch but she could enjoy a softer caress, once her body was humming. He groaned, just imagining being inside her, fucking her hard and sucking on her pretty tits. She’d scream. He’d come.

  He swirled his tongue around the nipple, warning her moments before he pressed down light with his teeth, not pain just a pinch. She moaned and pushed closer. He opened his mouth and sucked, hard.

  “Reign!” It was the first time she’d said his name in passion. He purred and sucked again, even as he wrapped his hand around her hip and pulled her closer, sliding his knee between her legs. Wet heat coated his thigh, soaking the material of his jeans.

  “Oh fuck.” He growled the words against her skin and once again he heard the wolf’s response. Reign looked up. Dani’s back was arched, one hand digging into his shoulder, one draped around Jackson’s neck. The other male curled around, holding her body up as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. Every thrust of his tongue brought a slow roll of Dani’s hips, rocking her clit against Reign’s thigh.

  He skimmed his hands down her hips, cupping her ass, holding her still. She could come easily this way but he wasn’t missing what might be his only chance to taste her. With one final lick to her breast, he sank down, landing on his knees with the innate grace of a Cat. He rubbed his lips against her smooth mound, the sleek skin devoid of hair except for a thin strip right about her slit. He hooked his hand beneath her knee and lifted, draping her left leg over his shoulder, opening her. The juices from her cunt painted her inner thighs, tempting him. The sweet sexual perfume that always surrounded her was stronger here. Potent.

  He lapped at the slick liquid, groaning as the mellow flavor landed on his tongue. He took another taste, rubbing his cheek against her thigh, indulging himself for just a moment, knowing he couldn’t linger as he’d like. He mentally tracked the time. The party started in less than two hours. He smiled against her skin. No, that wasn’t enough time to do everything he wanted to Dani.

  He looked up, the wolf still claimed part of her attention, long drugging kisses that looked delicious. Part of him wanted to stand and join in but the stronger side couldn’t resist the temptation before him. Or the chance to tease her away from Jackson.

  Reign trailed his fingers up the inside of Dani’s thigh, higher, delicate flutters to her pussy lips. She groaned and pumped her hips forward, silently begging for more. That’s it, kitten. Purr for me.

  He pushed closer, spreading that pretty cunt open with his fingers. Unable to stop the sound, a purr rippled from his throat. He leaned forward and stroked his tongue up the full length of her slit, savoring every drop of liquid.

  Dani dragged her mouth away from Jackson’s, needing oxygen, needing to slow the spinning in her world. She gasped in a few breaths but it did little
to clear her mind. She glanced down. Reign’s blond hair brushed her thighs, teasing little strokes sending shivers across her skin. He raised his eyes, drilling her with his gaze as he dipped his tongue between her pussy lips, a slow stroke to her clit, then deeper, slipping the tip into her opening.

  Dani gripped Jackson’s arms, using his strength to support her. Reign swished his tongue around her clit and gave a little suck. Heat rushed from her body and she groaned, sure she was drenched.

  She couldn’t find the strength to be embarrassed—not with Reign licking her and Jackson behind her kissing and biting. She felt like a sensual meal offered up to two ravenous beasts.

  Reign slid his tongue into her pussy and fucked her, shallow fast thrusts, working that sensitive first inch of her cunt until she wanted to scream. Until she did scream.

  “Reign,” she gasped, sinking her fingers into his hair, gripping his head and holding him as she arched into him, trying to get him deeper, needing more. A wicked purr rose from Reign’s throat and the shimmering vibrations surrounded her clit. It was just enough. She cried out and froze as the bright jolt rippled through her cunt. Her knee wobbled and she grabbed at Jackson for support.

  Reign lifted his head but his stare moved past her to the man behind her. Some kind of male telepathy must have occurred because Jackson nodded and they moved together—Reign standing, Jackson easing her into his arms.

  Reign scooped her up and spun around carrying her the few feet to the bed. He set her on the mattress, her heels resting on the edge. She placed her hands at her hips, preparing to slide into the center, he stopped her, his hand on her hip holding her in place.

  “You taste too good for just one time,” he murmured. “Lie back.”

  Drunk on the sexual energy in the room, she looked at him and then up to Jackson. He’d backed away, not leaving but standing at the door, his fingers gripping the frame as if physically holding himself apart. Her chest tightened. Was this—whatever this was with Reign—going to screw up what she and Jackson were building?


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