The Honeymoon That Wasn't

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The Honeymoon That Wasn't Page 2

by Debbi Rawlins

  “There’s actually a woman in this city who isn’t gaga over you.”

  “Get out.” He grabbed his beer and took a deep pull.

  “Tell me you don’t know that all the women at work are in heat over you.”

  “Yeah, right. Especially Jan.”

  Nancy rolled her eyes. “I meant the straight ones. So what happened?”

  “I met her once for about forty seconds.”

  “You must be slipping.” She grinned. “It usually takes only ten for women to start getting stupid over you.”

  “That how long it took you?”

  Her grin disappeared and her cheeks got pink. He knew that would shut her up. What he didn’t know was that he’d been the subject of gossip.


  Hadn’t he been the only guy on the work crew who’d been willing to speak up on the women’s behalf? Although most of the other guys were guilty of the harassment management chose to ignore. Still, he could’ve kept his mouth shut. But he hadn’t. And now he wasn’t working for Capshaw Construction anymore.

  Fine by him. Being discussed by a bunch of chatty women wasn’t.

  Through the rest of dinner, he and Nancy didn’t speak much.

  She was busy choosing forks and eating, and he was busy trying not to stare at Dakota. The woman really needed to smile more. She looked too damn serious. The way she wore her hair pulled back didn’t help.

  All of a sudden, her gaze swept toward him, meeting his eyes dead-on. She locked into him for one long hypnotic moment, and then blinked and looked away.

  Excitement thrummed through him. The awareness in her gray-blue eyes was like a vice around his neck, restricting air, making it hard to breathe. To say nothing of the effect she was having on him south of the border. The woman definitely had him by the balls. What did she intend to do with them?…was the question.

  “DID MOTHER TALK to you about the photographer?” Dakota foolishly asked her sister, in a vain effort to keep her mind and eyes off Tony.

  “No.” Dallas frowned, immediately setting down her wineglass. “What about him?”

  “Oh, nothing. I mean she wants to make sure the wedding party knows they don’t have to stop at his studio before the reception.”

  “Right,” Dallas said slowly, her frown deepening. “I knew that.”

  “Good. Just checking.” Dakota gave her a weak smile and then finished off the rest of her chardonnay.

  The corners of Dallas’s mouth twitched and she glanced toward the far corner of the table. At Tony.


  Dakota clenched her teeth. Was she really that absurdly obvious? Probably. Her sister knew her better than anyone. Which also meant Dallas should understand that Tony was unquestionably the wrong kind of guy for her.

  The thought struck like a bolt of lightning, coming from some dark void and stunning her. Shaming her. She glanced around worried that someone could read her ugly thoughts.

  Her parents were chatting with Eric’s friend Tom and his wife Serena, both of whom were in the wedding party. Nancy, a woman who’d worked with Dallas, and Dallas’s roommate, Wendy, both sat on the other side of Eric.

  And then there was Tony. Looking directly at her, his dark eyes sparkling in the mellow glow of the crystal chandelier. His lips curved slightly, and then he winked.

  She lowered her gaze, removed the white linen napkin from her lap and brought it to her lips. Even though she’d yet to take a bite of her entree. The others were already being served dessert and coffee, and she could have easily skipped eating altogether except she didn’t want to upset her mother.

  Sighing, she picked up her fork and knife. At least while she ate she could politely ignore Tony. Dallas and Eric were tête-à-tête and Cody had vacated the seat to Dakota’s left five minutes ago to make a phone call. Not that she had much to say to him. Being with her brother at the office for twelve hours a day was quite enough.

  She slid a glance toward Tony. The chair next to Nancy was empty. Dakota jumped at the hand on her shoulder and swung her gaze around.

  Tony grinned, his teeth brilliantly white against his tanned face. “Dakota, right? Dallas’s sister?”

  “Yes, we’ve met once before, haven’t we?”

  The corners of his mouth quirked up slightly and he gestured to Cody’s vacant chair. “You mind?”

  “Suit yourself.” She cringed at the defensive lilt to her voice.

  He didn’t seem to notice, just lowered himself into the chair, mindless of the way his thigh brushed hers. How when he angled toward her, his knee touched her knee. When he stretched his arm along the back of her chair and leaned close, her heart nearly exploded through her chest.

  “I have a question.”

  “Yes?” She inched back to look at him without coming nose to nose. Bad enough his warm sweet breath managed to caress her chin. God, he had such thick dark lashes. So not fair. And his smile as he got closer…

  “It’s kind of personal.”

  She swallowed. What could he possibly—

  “Ah, Tony.” Dallas leaned over. “Glad you decided to slum it.”

  “Right.” They exchanged the look of longtime friends.

  “You remember Dakota,” Dallas said, the impish gleam in her eyes all too familiar.

  “Yeah, we were just getting reacquainted until you butted in.”

  Dallas laughed. “So charming, isn’t he?” She glanced briefly at Dakota and then turned a more serious expression toward Tony. “I need to talk to you before you disappear tonight.”

  “Disappear?” He grinned at Dakota. “My motor is just getting revved.”

  She tried to keep a straight face. Tried not to look around to see if anyone heard. Especially not her mother. She picked the napkin off her lap again and pushed back her chair. “Excuse me, please. I have to make a phone call.”

  “Something I said?” Tony asked, his amused dark eyes watching her rise, lingering briefly on her breasts. Not long enough to be rude, but long enough to make her feel as if she were twelve again, awkward, nervous and wanting to suddenly disappear rather than face her parents’ reaction, her mother’s accusing eyes because Dakota had put herself on display.

  She dropped the napkin over her plate and pushed in her chair.

  “Aren’t you going to finish your dinner?” Tony couldn’t quite keep his amusement in check. “No dessert unless you clean your plate.”

  She ignored him and addressed Dallas. “You two go ahead and have your talk.”

  “Come on, Dakota. You just got here. Besides, I need to talk to you, too.” Dallas gave her a pleading look that almost had her caving. After all, tomorrow was Dallas’s big day….

  As hard as it was to say no to her sister, Dakota shook her head and picked up her briefcase. Tony was headed someplace she didn’t want to go. At least not here. Certainly not with an audience. “I’m leaving.”

  “I’ll have them bring your bananas Foster.”

  “Think I’ll pass.” In spite of herself, Dakota glanced at Tony.

  “Hmm, that’s what you call that stuff. Some guy named Foster must have come up with it, huh?”

  Dallas laughed.

  Dakota couldn’t tell if he was kidding or not.

  “They’re supposed to offer cognac and then we’re done here,” Dallas said, looking over her shoulder at the headwaiter, who’d already brought out the bottles of brandy. “So if you can’t stay—”

  “What?” Tony spread his hands. “No dancing?”

  “Down, boy. That’s tomorrow night,” Dallas quipped. “As if you can dance.”

  “You talkin’ to me?” Tony scoffed. “Do you have any idea who taught Travolta his moves for Saturday Night Fever?”

  “What were you, about three?”

  He shrugged, a grin curving his mouth. “I’m just saying…”

  Dakota shook her head, a little envious of their easy camaraderie. “As I said, I’m leaving.”

  Tony stuck out his chin in acknowledgment. “See
ya tomorrow.”

  “Right.” Everyone at the table seemed preoccupied so she skipped a farewell and headed for the door.

  “Don’t be late,” he added.

  Dallas half groaned, half laughed.

  Annoyed, Dakota stopped, but then thought better of turning around and calling attention to them. She kept walking, wondering how in the hell she’d ever found this man attractive.

  WATCHING HER SISTER walk out in that ramrod straight I’d-better-get-out-of-here-before-I-kill-somebody posture Dallas knew too well, she sighed. “Why do you have to antagonize her?”

  Tony dragged his gaze away from the empty doorway. “I think she likes me.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  He smiled. “A little wine, a little tango tomorrow night…” He flattened a hand to his belly and made a swaying dance move. “She’ll be ripe for the picking.”

  “Excuse me? We’re talking about my sister here.”

  “Hey, I’m just talking about asking her out. Where’s your mind at?”

  She gave him a mock glare. Tony was a great guy. Perfect for Dakota if she’d give him a chance. But she wouldn’t. Too many expectations blocked the way. Father wanted her to be a judge, and Cody, a senior partner at the law firm where Dakota worked, not only expected her to rake in the dough but attract high-end clients. Mother, well, she always expected too much of everyone.

  “Seriously, Tony, I need a favor.”


  She glanced over at Eric’s friend to be sure he wasn’t listening, and then leaned closer to Tony. “Remember how I met Eric. Through a prank his friend Tom pulled?”


  “We think he’s up to something again. Like sabotaging our honeymoon.”

  “No way.” Tony gave Tom a harsh look. “Not your honeymoon.”

  “You don’t know Tom. He lives to create the perfect practical joke.”

  “Want me to talk to him?”

  “No, no. I don’t even want him to know we suspect anything. What I would like you to do is act as a decoy.” Dallas felt Eric stirring behind her. Obviously he’d heard, or at least knew what she was doing. They’d discussed the ploy. He didn’t agree with her interference. But of course he didn’t understand the complexities of growing up a Shea.

  “Decoy? How?”

  “You can take a long weekend, right?”

  “Uh, yeah,” he said slowly.

  “Ever been to Bermuda?”

  Tony frowned in disbelief. “You’re not saying—you’re kidding.”

  “The plane leaves right after the reception. The hotel is already booked and paid for.”

  “Do you know how crazy this is?”

  Eric’s cheek touched hers as he leaned close enough for them to hear. “That’s what I told her.”

  She elbowed him. “Be quiet.”

  “Just tell him you’re going to Hawaii.” Tony chuckled.

  “He heard Eric making the arrangements but he doesn’t know that we decided to go on a cruise instead. I want to keep it that way.”

  “This still sounds crazy. It’s not like he’s gonna follow you to Bermuda.”

  “Have I ever asked you for anything?”

  “Wow, Dallas, go ahead and turn the screws, why don’t you?”

  “It’s a free vacation, for goodness’ sake.”

  “You realize there’s one huge hole in this plan,” Tony said, giving Eric that smug condescending male look she hated. “Don’t two people normally go on a honeymoon?”

  It was her turn to look smug. “Of course. That’s why Dakota will be going with you.”

  Hell, why didn’t she say that in the first place?


  “I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU man and wife.”

  Tony watched Dallas and Eric embrace, and then looked at Dakota. Her eyes were glassy, blinking rapidly, and her smile quivered slightly as she gazed at her sister.

  Today was the first time he’d seen her with her hair down, longer than he’d expected, hanging just below her shoulders, light brown and full of honey-colored highlights. And really shiny. Outside he’d caught a glimpse of her entering the chapel, her hair a brilliant silky mass floating around her shoulders.

  He was one of those suckers for women with long hair and Dakota was way up there on the perfect scale. His groin tightened, thinking about tomorrow, Dakota, a sunny beach, a skimpy bikini and all that hair.

  Assuming she’d agreed to the plan. Dallas was supposed to have talked to her this morning. Him, he already had a small bag packed, waiting in his car to be transferred to the limo. Dallas didn’t think there’d be a problem with Dakota, only that she might not want to stay the whole weekend. Just turn around and come back to Manhattan tonight. That’s where he’d have some convincing to do.

  She looked over at him just then and he smiled. Her lips curved ever so slightly. Ah, progress. But she gave up eye contact, her gaze going back to her sister as the cello music started, signaling them to leave the altar and start down the aisle. Dallas and Eric went first and then everyone else in the wedding party followed in no particular order. The men wore tuxedos and the women long dresses. The way Dakota filled out the dark red dress made it hard to keep his eyes on Dallas and Eric. The neckline wasn’t too low but it showed off a tempting amount of pale satiny skin and a hint of cleavage. He was lucky enough to walk behind her, or maybe unlucky, because the gentle sway of her hips and the way the dress cupped her curvy backside got a reaction from him that he had trouble hiding.

  They got outside and pews of friends and family followed, hugging, kissing cheeks, shaking hands, but not a single grain of rice was thrown. Probably not a custom at high-class weddings. When his sister had gotten married, his pop distributed a whole twenty-pound bag of rice. Made a special trip to Chinatown to get it.

  “Okay, everyone.” After the initial commotion, the photographer motioned the wedding party to stand in front of one of the large stained-glass windows.

  The Union Church of Pocantico Hills was really something. Even tourists stopped to see the stained-glass windows created by two modern artists, Matisse and Chagall. Not that Tony knew squat about either of them, but he’d read the literature put out for tourists. Today the place was off-limits on account of the wedding. The Sheas obviously had some major clout in Tarrytown.

  Impressive circle of friends, too, who stood off to the side in their expensive suits and silk dresses and pearls. Tony recognized several faces from the legal community. Couldn’t place their names. He’d seen them on the news or in the newspaper.

  “Excuse me, sir. Stand here, please.” The tall, thin hawkish-looking photographer gestured for Tony to stand beside Dakota.

  The guy didn’t have to ask him twice. Tony sidled up beside her, their arms and hips touching, and inhaled her mysterious scent. Maybe he’d sniffed a little too enthusiastically because she gave him an annoyed look. Or maybe it was the touching part she didn’t like.

  “Dallas looks beautiful,” he whispered while the photographer got everyone else into place.

  Dakota immediately softened. “And happy.”

  “Is it gonna seem weird that she’s married?”

  “Not really.” She shrugged, her arm rubbing his. “Nothing will change.”

  Tempted to ask about tonight’s plan, he kept his mouth shut while the photographer finished positioning everyone. Tom stood too close to risk him hearing of the counterattack.

  “Everyone ready?” The photographer clicked off two shots.

  For the next twenty minutes, they were separated, pushed back together, coupled, shuffled from one stained-glass window to the next, the entire time the photographer muttering how difficult this was with everyone chatting and laughing.

  Mrs. Shea stood back, commiserating, shaking her head and sliding her husband long-suffering looks. The honorable Judge Shea didn’t seem to give a crap. Good for him.

  Once the photographer was satisfied, or maybe because Dallas had whispered something to him, t
hey disbanded and got into the waiting limos. The guests followed in their separate cars and everyone headed for the reception at the Shea’s country club.

  Tony was lucky enough to share a limo with Dakota. Too bad Nancy, Trudie and Wendy climbed in behind them. Could’ve been worse. He could’ve gotten stuck with Mr. and Mrs. Shea, and Cody and his snotty society date.

  “Hey, how do you like being surrounded by all these women?” Wendy asked, while trying to get her long legs into a suitable position. She was a dancer, an extra on Broadway if he remembered correctly.

  He stretched an arm out along the back of the seat and got comfortable, then gave her a cocky grin. “I can handle it.”

  “I bet you can.” She gave him an inviting smile he wished Dakota had given him.

  But she sat across from him with her face turned toward the window and didn’t even react to what was going on.

  Until Wendy said, “Hey, Dakota, I guess you’re next.”


  “To bite the dust.” Wendy grinned at Dakota’s wide-eyed expression. “Tie the knot. Whatever they say these days.”

  “Why me? You’re older.”


  Dakota grinned. “Shouldn’t you be the one getting antsy? Watching that biological clock.”

  “Ruthless, aren’t you?”

  Trudie laughed. “That’s what makes her a good lawyer.”

  Dakota’s grin tapered off.

  No one seemed to notice but Tony. They all kept teasing each other back and forth while Dakota shrank back against the seat. Good to know she was touchy about the lawyer thing. Not that he was stupid enough to repeat the jokes he’d heard. Okay, so maybe he would’ve let a couple slip, but now he knew.

  “So is like everybody gonna stay dressed like this, or can we change?” Wendy asked as they turned off the street and onto the lush country club grounds.

  “I don’t know, but I was hoping somebody would ask.” Nancy looked to the others, and then focused on Dakota.

  “I doubt Dallas cares one way or the other,” she said, “but we’d better wait until after dinner so the photographer can get the rest of the pictures.”

  “Yeah, we don’t want your mom freaking out.” Wendy tugged at her dress. “The same moron who invented high heels must have come up with this gem.”


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