Lex (Miller Brothers Book 2)

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Lex (Miller Brothers Book 2) Page 11

by Young, Alexa

  I have to know.

  “I’m fine, don’t stop.” Her eyes are closed in concentration, but her words are enough for me to keep going. Her legs wrap around my back, locking at the ankles as I begin to move a little faster.

  I bury my face into her neck and suck lightly on the sensitive skin, and she groans her approval. Her fingernails drag down my back to rest on my buttocks and squeeze them tight.

  “You know, you’re turning me on even more doing that.” I’m hanging on by a thread here, trying to make her first time memorable.

  “Good,” she groans, squeezing them tighter.

  I kiss my way back to her face, knowing I’m not going to last. Her eyes squeeze tight, her soft moans the only sound filling the room.

  “Baby, I’m close. Are you—?”

  “Yes, oh, God!”

  I thrust a little harder. I know she needs this, and my fingers fall down to stroke her to give her the extra friction she needs.


  “I know, baby, I’m almost there.”

  “Lex!” she yells, and it’s all too much. She’s strangling my poor cock, squeezing every little bit of life out of it.

  “FUCK!” I yell. I drop down onto her body and rest my face between her breasts, quickly discarding the condom. Her fingers stroke my hair as I lie there spent. Then I remember it’s her first time; I’m probably crushing her, and she might be really sore. I roll over and take her with me so she’s now resting on my chest. She snuggles in deeper as I kiss her hair.

  “Are you okay?” I whisper.

  “I’m better than okay.”

  “But are you—”

  “Sore, of course. Size of your cock, who wouldn’t be.” She giggles, and I can’t help but chuckle, too. The mood is instantly lifted.

  “Well, I don’t like to brag.”

  She slaps my chest and giggles. “I can’t believe I’ve finally done it. I’ve read about it so many times, but now I’ve experienced it. Wow.”

  “So, was it as good as your books?”

  “Better,” she says without hesitation.

  “I love that I was your first,” I say, kissing her hair.

  “Me, too. Thank you for taking it slow. You never cease to amaze me with your consideration.”

  “I just wanted to make this the best experience for you. When most guys have sex for the first time, it’s bam, over and we move on, but I know girls always remember their first.” I barely remember mine. Fifteen and drunk, not a great combination.

  “I’ll remember this.” She shuffles up to meet my eyes, and I lift my hand to tenderly stroke her face

  “I just want to show you how great it will be between us.” I become more addicted every moment I spend with her. She’s worked her way deep into my heart, and I’m never letting go.

  “You have, and I’m glad we didn’t rush this.”

  I kiss her softly on the lips. “We can go as slow or fast as you like.”

  “I think next time I might want to go faster. Maybe I could be on top?”

  My eyebrows lift in surprise. “Now there’s an offer I can’t refuse. Watching you ride me, I’ll blow within seconds.”

  “Lex.” She giggles, burying her face into my chest.

  “Trust me, darling, this body of yours, I can’t get enough. I’ll always want more, need more.”

  Her eyes meet mine. “Well, I’m glad, because I’m not planning on giving you up anytime soon.”

  My lips quirk into a smile. “I’m right where I need to be. You lying here in my arms, I could die a happy man.”

  “Well, don’t die yet. Not when you’ve just shown me how good it is.” She smirks, shooting me a wink.

  I take her by surprise and roll her onto her back, so my body now covers hers. I hold her arms above her head as I teasingly run my nose along hers. “So, are you using me for my body?” I tease.

  “Might be.”

  My smile grows wider. “I think I should be offended.”

  “Like you don’t know how hot you are.” She playfully rolls her eyes and giggles.

  “As long as you find me hot, I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”

  “Well, you are. I have a hot boyfriend who has a nice cock.” I tickle her and she laughs hard. “Lex, please,” she pleads.

  “Well, stop taking the piss.”

  But secretly, I’m enjoying it.

  “I’m not. Trust me, I’m almost pinching myself in disbelief— Ow, what was that for?” She scowls in annoyance as my fingers release her skin.

  “To show you I’m here, that I’m not going anywhere. And once you feel up to it, I’m going to be showing you over and over how good it is.”

  I can’t fucking wait.

  “That sounds good.”

  “Trust me, it will be much better than good.”

  I can almost guarantee it.

  “That’s much better. Now, do me a favour. Quit yapping and just hold me.”

  I roll her back so her head rests against my chest as my fingers trail softly down her back. “Anything you say, baby.”

  She snuggles deeper into me, and I sigh. I’ve never had this before. Usually, I’m the one heading out the door minutes later in case they get the wrong impression, but this is different. I feel so content with her here in my arms. My eyes begin to droop as Abbie’s breathing becomes shallow. I know she’s finally dosed off as I go under with a huge smile on my face.

  * * *

  I wake early, used to Gracie’s normal routine, but this day is different: it’s Abbie nestled against me. Her deep breathing tells me she’s still very much asleep. I lean over and stare at her contented face.

  She looks beautiful.

  I look over at the clock and it’s just gone six. I need to pee, and I’m dying for a drink. Much to my own reluctance, I slowly move away from her and leave her to have another hour's sleep.

  I have a quick shower, clean my teeth and dress. I chug back one huge glass of orange juice and move to check my phone. Dray has left a couple of messages, the first one late last night asking if I was coming home. The next one makes me smile. Gracie is not happy I wasn’t in my bed when she came for her early morning snuggle.

  I message back saying I’m up, and a text is soon fired back telling me Gracie wants to Facetime me on Dray's iPad. I smile at the thought and reply I’m free to talk. The call comes through, and Gracie’s little face automatically fills the screen. I can see she’s perched on Dray's knee with Max beside her.

  “Hello, angel. Did you miss me this morning?”

  “Lex, bad boy.” She points at the screen, looking mad. The smile falls from my face with the stern look on her own.

  “Why am I a bad boy, angel?”

  “You no in bed. I miss you.” She pouts, and my heart sinks.

  “Aww, I’m sorry. I stayed over here at Abbie’s. Hey, Max, you been a good boy?”

  He turns his head like he’s snubbing me.

  Sheesh, I’m getting it from both of them.

  “You come home.” Gracie points again, meaning business.

  “I will soon, then we can go and visit Dono, the greedy duck.” I have my ways of trying to get back in her good books.

  “Dono greedy,” she repeats, and I know I’ve managed to sway her.

  “He is, so we need to take plenty of food so the others manage to get some.”

  “Go now?” Gracie asks, looking impatient.

  “It’s still dark outside, Gracie. You need to wait till it’s light,” Dray chimes in.

  “Okay,” she pouts, making me smile harder.

  “I’ll be home in a couple of hours and then we can go.”

  She eventually nods, and I think I’ve won her over.

  “Bye, Gracie. See you later.” I wave as she reciprocates before Dray ends the call. I sigh as I stand, knowing I need to make it up to Gracie. But first, I have another girl I have to pay a morning visit to.

  I crack open the door; she’s still sleeping soundly, and I smile
. I’m about to wake her in the best way possible.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I’m out and about, doing some jobs for Dray. He’s got a lot going on at the moment, so it’s the least I can do to ease his workload. My dad rang me earlier, but I haven’t called him back. I can only assume he needs more money.

  I park the car and go grab the supplies Dray needs. I’m walking out loaded with bags when I knock right into the person I least wanted to run into right now.

  “Well, look what the cat dragged in. I was hoping to see you. You not returning your old man’s calls now?”

  “I’m busy.” I motion to the bags in my hands.

  “Ahh, Dray has you at his beck and call. Then again, I’d do the same if I got to live in the millionaire mansion. He ever ask about me?”

  I scowl at his question. “No, he hates your guts.”

  “Tell him he needs to get over himself,” he snorts, shaking his head.

  “He won’t ever forget what you did to his mother.”

  “Well, she’s dead and buried now. Let bygones be bygones.”

  Heartless fucker.

  “You broke her heart. He’s never going to forget the pain you inflicted, regardless if she’s dead or alive.” Dray would snap his neck hearing him talk about his mother in such a disgraceful way.

  “It was your mother, harping on and on about how I needed to be with her family instead. She threatened to out me to Grace, tell her all the sordid details. Dray’s mother was a fucking saint. She treated me like a king and boy, did I fucking love it, but she also had her beliefs. Cheating was something she’d never forgive. I didn’t have any choice but to leave, worst choice I ever made.”

  “Cheers,” I mutter.

  “Your fucking mother left me high and dry. I guess I got my just desserts. I swear, if I ever get my hands on her—” Judging by the murderous look on his face, it’s a good job she skipped town. One thing about my mother, you could guarantee she always landed on her feet.

  “You’re each as bad as the other,” I cut in. “I’m grateful to be rid of the pair of you.”

  Best thing I ever did was look up Dray.

  “Oh, but let’s not forget Zack and Kyle in all this. You like to think you’re free, but you’ll always be tied to us. Speaking of which—”

  “I’m not giving you any more money, Dad. You need to learn to quit gambling and blowing it all.”

  He is fucking unbelievable.

  “Ahh, see, I thought that would maybe be your response. So I had to take a different approach.” The smirk on his face sends shivers down my spine.

  “What the fuck did you do, Dad?”

  “Well, I was behind on the rent, and the landlord was about to take me to court to have me evicted, so I needed money fast. You wouldn’t see your old man on the streets, especially with your brother about to be released.”

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “Please don’t tell me you went to Weighman.”

  “I had no choice. He was reluctant to give me anything, said I don’t have the best track record, but then I mentioned you would be good to pay should I default on the 4K payment. They know your brother is a millionaire, so they gave me it.” He smiles in delight that his little plan came to fruition.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I fly forward so his face is barely inches from mine.

  “Now now, Lex, less of the melodramatics. It’s not like you’re not able to help the old man out. That kind of money is a drop in the ocean.”

  “It’s not my money. What fucking planet are you on?” I growl.

  “Oh, just take it from Dray’s safe. He’ll never notice something so small.”

  “I’m not stealing from Dray after all he’s done for me.”

  Not after he saved me.

  “Well then, you’re in a bit of a pickle. You have a couple of days before they’ll collect. Should be enough time to come up with a solution. I’d best get going, you know, things to do, people to see.” He taps me on the face and I flinch, backing away.

  The man makes me sick.

  He walks off without another word, leaving me standing there reeling.


  * * *

  I head back to work, going over the many different ways to try and sort this fucking mess out. I can’t resort to gambling; I promised Dray it was something I’d never do again.

  But what other solution is there?

  I walk through to Dray’s office; he’s busy on the phone as I drop the supplies off. I check my watch, seeing it’s after three. I’m hoping to take the rest of the day off to try and sort this shit storm. I wave at Dray, and I’m about to rush out the door when he finishes his call.

  “Lex, did you get everything?”

  “Yeah, I did. Can I finish early? Just got a few things to do.” I’m acting twitchy, and I hope to God he doesn’t notice.

  “Sure. Are you okay?” His eyes narrow in concern, watching me.

  For the love of God, act okay.

  “Fine, just got a few things I need to handle.”

  “I appreciate you helping, going into town. I’ve barely left this desk all day, and I’m going nuts.” He drags his hand down his face before taking a sip of coffee.

  “I bet.”

  “Will you be home for dinner?”


  “Are you sure nothing’s wrong? You can tell me anything, you know. I want to help.” His eyes question mine.

  Fuck, I hate lying.

  “Everything’s fine. I want to get a few things for Abbie as a surprise.”

  “Ahh, young love.”

  “Yeah…” I feel like shit for deceiving him, but I really need to get to the bank to make a withdrawal on my savings. I currently have three thousand, so I’m one short. I need to start trying to sell some of my stuff tomorrow. I know just the buyer, but the bank is my priority at the moment.

  I just hope there won’t be any problems.

  * * *

  Gracie sits whimpering in her high chair; she’s pulling on her ear, and her appetite is non-existent. Luce has been waiting on the phone to get through to their doctor's. It’s my day off, and I plan to grab all my stuff then leave to see Ray to trade in and get the extra money together to pay Weighman a visit.

  I want it sorted today.

  Dray walks through, rubbing his eyes. Gracie’s been up most of the night, finally fell asleep around three on the sofa. He’s freshly showered and ready for work. He has a big meeting today, but judging by the look of him he shouldn’t be going in at all.

  “Come here, darling.” He lifts Gracie from her high chair and she snuggles into him, still crying. “I wish I could take the pain away.” He strokes her hair, trying his best to soothe her.

  Luce walks back through, frowning. “I’ve got an appointment at eleven, but work's just called to say Angie’s phoned in sick, and it’s bedlam down there. I need to go. You’ll have to take her, Dray.”

  Dray’s face falls. “I can’t. I have a big meeting about the new venture, it’s not something I can drop. But Lex is off, he could take her.”



  “Could you, Lex?” Luce asks, her eyes pleading with me to say yes.

  “Well, I—”

  “Thanks, Lex, you’re a lifesaver,” Dray says, smiling gratefully. Luce quickly kisses them both before she’s out the door.

  Dray checks his watch. “I need to be going, too. Doctor will make you better, baby, give you magic medicine. Daddy will be home later to see how you are.” He hands Gracie over to me, who starts to cry. I rock her in my arms as she calms to fall asleep again. Dray silently waves goodbye. I can see he’s torn about leaving, but he doesn’t like wasting people’s time.

  I stand there with Gracie clinging onto me, sound asleep.

  What the fuck do I do?

  I shouldn’t be left alone with her with the threat of Weighman, but he doesn’t know where I am. I have until tomorrow to get the mon
ey and pay off the debt, so I should be fine going to the doctor's. Poor little Gracie needs some antibiotics for her ear. I can’t bear to see her in any more pain.

  It’s a risk I have to take.

  * * *

  I walk out with the doctor’s prescription in hand, and now I need to find a chemist. Gracie is asleep in her pram. She didn’t take kindly to the doctor prodding at her ear, so after continually crying she’s thoroughly exhausted. We head into Boots to get her medicine, but there’s a long queue waiting already.

  Might have fucking known.

  It takes forever to be served and, by that point, Gracie wakes up. I’m heading out the shop when Gracie notices the Peppa Pig stand and starts pointing and shouting. Dray gave me some money, so I can buy her a DVD. I can’t believe I’m back here again with barely a penny to my name.

  Gracie’s face lights up when I hand over the DVD after paying; it’s the first time she’s smiled today. Once outside, I open the medicine and read the instructions. I give her a spoonful and hope it starts to take effect soon. We’re on the move again, and I want to get back home and get Gracie settled so I’m ready to leave once Dray gets back.

  We’re not far from the car park when I see Glen ahead of me, chatting to some guys. I duck down into the side alley.


  I don’t think he noticed. I need to make a run for it. Gracie lets out a squeal and I stop.

  “Peppa, Peppa.”

  I bend down to see tears filling in her eyes. “Where’s Peppa?”


  I search around to find it’s fallen underneath the pram. I give it a quick wipe down and hand it over, ready to high-tail it to the car.

  “Ahh, young Lex, I thought it was you. Good to see you didn’t give us the slip. I believe you have a debt to settle for your old man,” Glen’s voice calls out behind me.

  I turn to face him. “It’s not due until tomorrow. I’ll have the money for you then.” I need to leave; I don’t want them anywhere near Gracie.

  Glen’s beady eyes narrow and a smirk forms on his lips. “Ahh, see that’s all well and good, but how do I know you’ll come good? You might give us all the slip, and then where will we be? Sometimes, opportunities present themselves, and I have to take them.”


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