Lex (Miller Brothers Book 2)

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Lex (Miller Brothers Book 2) Page 17

by Young, Alexa

“Don’t be like that.”

  His eyes meet mine. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be an arse. It’s just hard to hear, especially as I haven’t been around.”

  “Well, it’s not through choice.” I know he would have been there if he could. I don’t want him berating himself for something which was beyond his control.

  “I know, but it still doesn’t make me feel better.”

  “If anyone is to blame, it’s Dad. He was the one who set you up for the robbery because he’s too much of a shithouse to face the music and do the time.”

  He sighs deeply. “He won’t change. He’ll always be out for whatever he can get. Mum, too.”

  “Has she been in touch?” I ask.

  “No, too busy leading her new life. Dad got told she’s down in London.”

  I’m not shocked, to say the least. “Well, I hope she stays there. Good riddance.” She’s no doubt draining her new guy’s bank account as we speak. The woman makes me sick.

  “I think both of them are a perfectly matched pair, both selfish to the core.”

  “Well, we had each other,” I say, smiling. At least something good came from their despicable union. “I’ll always be there for you, Zack. You were there to help me as the bigger brother, making up for the lack of time our parents spent with me.”

  “That’s what brothers do.” He shrugs like it’s nothing, but it’s far more than that.

  “Not all brothers. You were more of a parent to me than either of them, and I’m grateful for that. Now, it’s time for me to help you. Let me be there for you, Zack.”

  “Okay, okay, sheesh.” He shoots me a wink, and I know deep down he appreciates the gesture. I hate for him to go back there to that place with him. He doesn’t know what I went through with Dad, being beaten for the money to keep the house from being repossessed. I don’t want him to know if he has to stay there for the moment. If he messes up his parole by hitting Dad then he’ll be straight back inside, and I can’t let that happen. I’ll keep my mouth shut, not for Dad’s sake but for Zack. He’s my priority, and I’ll do everything within my power to get him the future he deserves after having a huge chunk of his life taken away. I hate my dad with all my heart, but I don’t want my brother to go down the same route I nearly did, when you think all hope is gone.

  I grab his hand and squeeze. “You’ll always have me. Wherever Kyle might be, I hope he’s okay, but I want you in my life always. I’ve missed having you around.”

  “I’ve missed you, too.” He sighs. “I know I put a stop on visitation, but I didn’t want you to see me there, to be part of that life. I only want to make you proud.”

  “You do, and you’ll achieve your dream,” I say, smiling because I know it’s true.

  “I hope so,” he whispers, so softly the words are barely audible.

  “I know so.”

  His eyes meet mine and he nods. I want him to know I have all the faith in the world he’ll succeed.

  “It means a lot to know someone has my back, has faith in me.”

  “Always. Now, let me pay.” I stand up, ready to head towards the till.

  “I would offer, but—”

  “How much do you have on you?” It won’t be much, as I know my Dad will have nothing.

  He fumbles through his pockets. “Twenty-two pence.” He shrugs like it’s the norm. That was our lives, poor as church mice. We scraped by, making do with hand-me-downs till they were almost threadbare. I grab my wallet, having just been to the cash machine before I got here. I grab a wad of notes and place it into his hand.

  “I can’t take this.”

  “You can, and you will. You’re my brother, and family always comes first.”

  He frowns, staring at the money tucked into his hand. “I’ll pay you back when—”

  “Make sure I have a regular table when you become the hotshot chef in town,” I cut in. I don’t need thanks; he’s family.

  He snorts at my words, but I can see in his eyes the gratitude shining there.

  “Right. Come on, new phone and, by the looks of those, new trainers.”

  “It’s fine.” He shrugs, kicking the ground, but I’m having none of it.

  I won’t be taking no for an answer.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It’s Christmas Eve and we’re all sat around in our Christmas pyjamas, much to Gracie’s delight. Abbie sits beside me in her snowman ones. She’s staying over tonight so we’re all here to open our presents together in the morning.

  “Does anyone want anything more to eat?” Luce asks.

  “No, thanks,” we all mumble back. We’re completely stuffed after Luce’s Christmas Eve buffet, to the point we can barely move. Even Gracie is snuggled up on Dray’s knee with Max flat out beside her. We’re watching a Christmas film chosen by Gracie and I couldn’t be happier, curled up with all my family around me. My heart aches that Zack isn’t here to join in all the festivities, but he was adamant he was spending it with old friends he had reacquainted with. I’d given him his presents and promised to ring tomorrow evening for a catch up.

  “I could just nod off,” Luce says, nuzzling into Dray’s side. He looks as happy as can be with both his girls. I pull Abbie to me more, and she smiles in complete contentment. She looks so cute in her pyjamas. It’s going to take all my self-control to keep my hands off her tonight, but I know I have to. Gracie will soon be bursting through at the early hours of the morning, so I need all the energy I can get.

  “I tired,” Gracie says, finishing off the last of her milk.

  “Come and I’ll get you to bed, baby. When you wake, Father Christmas will have been,” Dray says smiling.

  “Mismas,” she mumbles, rubbing her eyes.

  “Give Mamma a kiss and a hug, angel,” Luce asks, holding out her arms. Gracie nods as Luce pulls her in, but she’s fading fast. She’s had such an energetic day, it’s no wonder she’s worn out.

  “Goodnight, angel. Can’t wait to see you in the morning.”

  Dray walks over and we both kiss her hair. She’s nearly gone. It’s doubtful she’ll even want a story.

  “Right, that’s enough of The Muppets. Now for adult TV. Do you like Dirty Dancing, Abbie?” Luce asks.

  Her face immediately brightens. “Love Dirty Dancing, haven’t seen it in ages.”

  “Well then, let’s stick it on.”

  I scowl in complete annoyance. “Err, what about me and Dray? Do we not have any say in this?”

  “Nope, you’re out-voted,” Abbie chirps, sticking out her tongue.

  “No, we’re not. It’s two against two.”

  “Dray will side with us,” Luce chimes in.

  “He will not. He won’t want to watch a chick flick,” I snort, jumping up.

  “He’ll do what I tell him to.” Luce smirks, and I shake my head in surprise.

  “Do you know, Dray?”

  “I have my persuasive ways.” She winks, and the phrase ‘too much information’ springs to mind.

  “Come on, Lex, let’s snuggle up and watch Patrick.” Abbie pats the seat beside her, giving me a look.

  “No way. If that’s what we’re watching then I’ll pass for a game of FIFA.”

  “Your loss!” Abbie yells as I walk out the door, passing Dray on the way.

  “Where are you off to?” Dray asks, looking confused.

  “Well, it’s chick flick hell in there, unless you want to sit and watch Patrick Swayze for the next two hours. I’m off to play FIFA.”

  “Fuck that shit, I’m coming with you,” he says without hesitation.

  “Luce said you would want to watch it,” I add, smirking.

  “Pffftt, I don’t fucking think so. Now, let’s go before I’m ambushed.”

  “Dray!” Luce yells through.

  “Quick, pretend I haven’t heard.”

  I chuckle as we hurtle towards the ‘man room’, free from all chick flicks. The fridge is freshly stocked, and FIFA’s on the big screen.

  What more could we pos
sibly need?

  * * *

  “Mismas!” Gracie yells. I pop open an eye to see her barrelling into my room, Max hot on her heels.

  “Hey, Gracie,” I mumble, still half-asleep. She walks over, all bright-eyed and raring to go. I scrub my hands down my face as Abbie stirs beside me.

  “Hey, Gracie.” Abbie yawns, beginning to stretch.

  “Mismas!” she yells again, smiling.

  I hear Dray’s and Luce’s voices, so I know Gracie has already made a stop over there.

  “Have you had a wee-wee?” I ask.

  She nods and I grab her, lifting her onto the bed.

  “Then Christmas tickles.”

  She writhes there, giggling as Abbie joins in. We don’t do it for too long in case anything happens to come out, but her face is a picture.

  She sits and looks at us both. “Pwesents.”

  “Has Father Christmas been?”

  She nods, looking hopeful. There’s such an innocence in her little face it just astounds me, like I’m seeing Christmas differently through her. I can’t wait to see her all wide-eyed as she opens her presents.

  Dray and Luce walk in and smile at the three of us, all bleary eyes and tousled hair.

  “Merry Christmas,” Luce chirps, walking over to hug us. Dray grabs Gracie as we make our way out the bed. He hugs Abbie and pats me on the back.

  “Merry Christmas. Now, you two have five minutes for a toilet break and cleaning your teeth, else we’re starting Christmas without you.”

  I look at Abbie before we both run off together. We don’t want to miss a single moment.

  Four minutes later, we’re ready for present time to begin. Gracie is all smiles as we head towards the lounge. Luce is busy with the video camera, ready to record Gracie’s reactions as she walks in and unwraps her presents.

  “Are you sure I just click that button?”

  “Yes, it says ‘record’ and a red light will come on the screen. It’s as easy as pie.” Dray shakes his head in amusement.

  “Fine, just checking. We don’t want to sit down later to a blank screen.”

  “Did you take the lens cap off?” Dray snorts, much to Luce’s disgust.

  “Of course I have, I’m not an idiot.”

  “Just checking.” He winks as Luce smacks his arm.


  “Mismas.” Gracie points to the door.

  “We need to check if he’s been first. Have you been a good girl, Gracie?” Dray asks.

  “No Mismas?” Her lip sticks out and her eyes widen in horror.

  “Dray!” Luce kicks him hard on the shin.

  “Ow, seriously?”

  “Of course you’ve been a good girl, Gracie. Lots of presents for you. Don’t listen to Daddy.”

  “Bad Daddy.” She slaps his chest.

  “Sheesh, I’m getting it at all ends. Let’s get going while I can still walk.”

  “Close your eyes and keep them closed, baby,” Luce urges. Gracie closes them then immediately peeks.

  She’s too cute.

  “Gracie.” Dray chuckles, covering her eyes with his hand. Luce opens the door and positions herself, ready to capture it all.

  “Ready? Three, two, one, open!”

  Gracie gasps loudly, eyes wide as she claps in excitement. “Mismas been.”

  “He sure has. Now come on, let’s get ready to open all these amazing presents.”

  We all sit down beside Dray as he rests Gracie on his knee, ready to help with the whole unwrapping part. Luce places the camera on a tripod stand, already set up so she can pull out some smaller presents and put them down in front of Gracie. Dray picks up the present from Abbie and me. She smiles as her hands try to peel away the paper. Dray tears a piece then lets her do the rest.

  “Dolly!” Gracie squeals.

  “Say thank you to Uncle Lex and Abbie.”

  She runs over and kisses us both before heading back to Dray.

  “Next one, this is off Mamma and Daddy.” Dray helps to peel some paper back, and she stares at it in wonder.

  “It’s a cupcake oven so you can be like Mamma and make cupcakes.”

  “I lub it.” She claps her hands, and we all laugh. It comes with fake cupcakes with various types of toppings, which we no doubt will have to pretend to eat.

  “Next is this big one.” Gracie leaps off Dray’s knee and runs over to grab at the paper.

  “Big, Mamma.”

  “Yes, it is,” Luce replies, grinning.

  Gracie quickly peels away the paper to reveal it’s a Peppa Pig battery-powered car. Her eyes are as wide as saucers.

  “Peppa!” she gasps in delight.

  “I know, a Peppa car for a big girl.” Luce smiles at her in wonder.

  “I big girl.” She raises her hands up to the sky.

  “You are,” Luce replies, pulling her in to kiss her cheek.

  “I ride in car.”

  “Finish opening the rest of your presents and then you can take it for a test drive.”

  She scrambles back over to Dray and opens the next present, a huge Disney jigsaw which we’ll all have fun building. Present after present – books, clothes, dolls, DVD’s. I wonder where she’s going to put everything.

  “I think that’s it now, Gracie. Are we going to watch Uncle Lex and Abbie open their presents?” Luce asks.

  She nods and sits on Dray’s knee, and we both smile as we dig into our little pile. The first one is an iPad off Dray and Luce. I stare at it in surprise, along with the £200 iTunes card.

  “That’s too much,” I whisper, staring in amazement.

  “No, it isn’t. You’re always on mine, and now you have your own. Load it up with apps, music. Enjoy.”

  “Thank you,” I say, moving in to give both Luce and Dray a hug.

  “Anytime.” He winks, slapping me on the back.

  Next are some new Converse, socks, underpants, a Manchester United football top, a bundle of Xbox games and some Gucci aftershave.

  “Seriously, this is too much.”

  “Hey, it’s Christmas. Tell him, Gracie,” Dray says grinning.

  “Mismas!” she yells. I hold my arms out and she runs over. I hug her before turning to Abbie for her go.

  She gently peels back the wrapper.

  “Oh, I knew you were going to be one of those people who takes their time,” Dray quips.

  She blushes but doesn’t rush. I think she’s savouring the moment. From what she’s told me about her mother, she hasn’t had many like this. Eventually, she opens it to reveal a Kindle Voyager. Alongside it is a £200 gift card.

  “Wow… I can’t accept—”

  “You can and will,” Luce interrupts, moving in to hug her.

  “Thank you, I’ve never—”

  “You’re family now, and you’ll always have us. We all know you like your Kindle, and I think it’s sweet. I miss reading. I always say I want to read a book and then bam, I’m asleep.”

  “Oh, I can’t go a day without reading. I fit it in whenever I can. My old Kindle is on its last legs from overuse, so this is perfect timing,” she replies, smiling.

  “Lex says you have a major wish list going on. Now you get to… What do you call it?” Dray asks.

  “One-click.” She grins.

  “You get to one-click whatever books you want.”

  “Thank you, Dray,” she says shyly.

  “My pleasure, darling. Glad you like it. Now, open the rest.”

  “There’s more?” She looks astounded.

  “Yes, and please, this time open them quicker,” Dray adds dryly, swiftly followed by an elbow from Luce.

  Abbie blushes then tears into the next one, much to Dray’s amusement, to find a bottle of Chanel Mademoiselle. The next few parcels are socks, chocolates, sweet smelling toiletries, and some Ugg boots.

  “Thank you so much.”

  “Now, it’s Luce’s turn.” Dray grins, excitedly handing over her presents. She tears into the first one and begins to cry when
she opens the jewellery box to reveal a beautiful antique diamond bracelet. She turns and kisses Dray, who’s more than happy to be thanked.

  “The moment I saw it, I thought it would be perfect with your nonna’s necklace and the engagement ring I got you.”

  “It is perfect,” she replies, swiping away more tears.

  The next is a state-of-the-art coffee machine. Luce’s eyes light up looking at it.

  “Well, the other one is just about at breaking point, so I thought I’d better get this one ready for when the day comes. And this one is even better, I made sure of it.”

  “I wish I could try one now,” Luce pouts, stroking her stomach.

  “Well, we can make you decaffeinated ones until the baby comes, but then your taste buds are in for a treat.”

  Luce strokes the box, staring longingly at it, but Dray soon takes her mind off by placing down more presents. Abbie hands over the spa voucher we got Luce, knowing she’s in need of some pampering. She hugs us both hard before quickly opening the rest of her presents. She blushes at the last one, sexy underwear. Dray grins in delight, shooting her a wink.

  He soon tears into his and stops, staring down at the white gold dog tags.

  “I had them engraved, each one with special dates. The first is our wedding day, the second is the date Gracie was born, and the third will be when this baby arrives.”

  He strokes the tags lovingly before encasing Luce in a hug and kissing her softly. He then takes all three dog tags and places them around his neck, kissing each one. Abbie sighs beside me; it really is a sweet moment. Dray quickly begins to unwrap the rest, smiling hard at the Manchester United tickets Abbie and I got him for the big match on Boxing Day. He hasn’t really left Luce’s side since the day he thought she was having a miscarriage, but I think for this he’ll make an exception. After finishing up, he and Luce start collecting up all the wrapping paper in the plastic bin bag.

  “Mismas.” Gracie walks over from playing with her toys and Abbie hugs her, kissing her cheek.

  “Thank you, Gracie. Are we going to play with your doll? It’s magic, by the way.”

  “Majic?” she asks in surprise.

  “Her hair grows.”

  Gracie’s eyes widen in delight.

  “Mamma!” she squeals. I knew it was the perfect present with her hair obsession.


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