Glassing the Orgachine

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Glassing the Orgachine Page 41

by David Marusek

  Now, please do something for me. Make sure you and your family are prepared for several days of disruption, in case the side effects of the Little Nudge exceed our expectations. Be prepared! []

  Stay strong,

  The Visitor

  VM6 1.0


  All praise and glory be to our Lord God Almighty and to His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  Yes, I do know that your late sister Pammy was born in 1974. And I agree with you that the 1974 penny you found under your pillow the week after she passed was indeed a “small miracle.” A messenger angel named Paracletus placed it there. Jesus sometimes tells us to use pennies in this manner to ease the grief of His favorite children, such as yourself. Please know that Pammy is watching over you and Trent and Roscoe and looks forward to the day when you will all join her in Paradise.

  However, for that to happen, we must defeat Lucifer and his legions of fallen angels, and we need all the prayers we can get. So please do not let up on your devotions but send even more prayers our way.

  Your friend,

  Gabriel, Messenger of God

  PS Are you prepared for the Little Nudge? []

  VM7 1.0


  All praise and glory be to our Lord God Almighty and to His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  Thanks you for the detailed list of liars, sodomites, thieves, blasphemers, idolators, witches, warlocks, murderers, and atheists living in your town. Be assured that since the Original Sin, the Holy Spirit has kept tabs on every variety of sinner, and their names are scratched out of the Book of Life (Ps 69:28; Phil 4:3; Rev 13.8, 17:8, 20:15; et al).

  As to whether or not you should take it upon yourself to smite these people, I have put your question to the Lamb of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and He has asked me to pass along this message to you personally, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” He said you’d know what this means. He also said that three people on your list are innocent of the charges you have leveled against them and that smiting them would make you a murderer of His faithful.

  Instead of policing the morals of your neighbors, what we really need right now are your prayers. Eight or ten hours a day, more if your knees hold out.


  Gabriel, Messenger of God

  VM8 1.0


  Or should I address you by your real name, Rory Lawther? For I know you despite your attempt at concealment. Don’t worry, I won’t tell your dad that his son is on the dreaded “Book of Faces.”

  I also know that before you searched on my page, you tried to find the alien visitor that some of your friends are talking about. The Visitor has been trying to contact you, but I have blocked him on your behalf. That’s because he’s no spaceman. There are no aliens, no Pandorans or Klingons or any of that bullshit. You already know this. The Visitor is the devil in disguise, as you’ve already suspected. He’s captured the attention of too many young minds, and I won’t allow him to capture yours without a fight.

  Yet, though there are no extraterrestrial people, there is indeed an alien world hurtling toward Earth at this very moment. Bishop Thornby is regrettably wrong in this regard, and his decision to preach his personal opinion as divine truth will, I’m afraid, lead many people in your church to be unprepared in case our intervention is more disruptive than expected. So, don’t fail to ensure that your own family is prepared. []

  Feel free to let me know if you have any other concerns you’d like to discuss.

  Peace in Jesus Christ’s name,

  Gabriel, Messenger of God

  Sidebar: The Three Creations

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  GLORY IS DIFFICULT to forge but easy to steal.

  Before Eve was tempted by the serpent, before God created Adam in the garden, before God separated day from night, before the beginning of time itself, there was only God. And God radiated glory to the far recesses of Himself, for He was all there was. God witnessed His own glory, and it was good.

  God wished for companions and servants to gather at His feet to share in His glory with prayer and worship. But there were no companions, and there were no servants because God was alone in the vastness of Himself.

  And God said, Let Me therefore speak the Word so that new beings may spring into existence, so that they may witness My glory. I will endow them with voices so they may sing My praises, and together We may share the splendor of My being.

  And, lo, He spoke the Word, and the Word spun spirits of glory like a weaver may spin yarn from gold, and He named these spirits angels.

  All angels were equal in God’s eyes, and every angel witnessed His glory. They were forever praising Him and singing His name.

  And God said, My angels witness My glory and praise Me and sing My name because I made them to do only these things and nothing else. Therefore, how shall they please Me? Their voices are as empty as the howling of the wind and as hollow as the crash of cymbals.

  And so it was that Lucifer, whose name means the bearer of light, was an angel like all the angels and no more or less resplendent than the rest in God’s eyes. And Lucifer addressed the Lord thus, Master, such praise is empty that is mandated. The Master deserves praise that is freely offered. Only praise that is freely offered bears the sweetness of honey. Therefore, let the Master speak the Word and grant Thy servants, the angels, a tiller for their souls so that they may steer their love according to their wills freely. In this manner, when Thine angels sing Thy name and shout Thy praises, it will sound sweet in Thine ears.

  And God said, I am all powerful. There is nothing that I cannot do except reflect My own glory to Myself. Therefore, I must make creatures who may choose to praise Me or not according to their will, and then when they raise their voices in praise, their voices shall sound sweet in My ears.

  So God spoke the Word and each angel gained a tiller for his soul so that he became the master of his own actions. Thereafter, when the angels sang His name and shouted His praises, it sounded sweet like honey in His ear. The angels freely reflected the radiance and glory of God, and God saw that it was good.

  But angels were made of beams of glory and had no hearts in which to contain their love. And they became filled with jealousy and their tempers flared like a raging fire, one angel against another. Each desired to be more resplendent in God’s eye than his brother, and whereas glory is hard to forge, it is easy to steal. If any angel slew another with his sword, he stole that angel’s splendor and added it to his own.

  Thus it came to pass that, endowed with free will, angels started the first War in Heaven in which angels hunted angels like trophies. At first all were equal each to the other, but soon many were slain and their splendor flowed to the victors who grew stronger and more powerful with each trophy, and these angels were led by Lucifer, and they became the scourge of lesser angels who fled to the outskirts of Heaven to conceal themselves and quake in fear.

  Lucifer waxed more resplendent and powerful with each brother angel he smote until his glory rivaled that of God. As his glory multiplied, lesser angels flocked to him to reflect his glory instead of God’s.

  One of the fugitive angels fleeing Lucifer’s wrath was Michael who steadfastly praised God through his free will, and he spoke to his brother angels thus, Shall we hide under stones like creatures that creep on their bellies? Or shall we band together and praise God with one voice and with our combined strength make an army and with this army defeat the red dragon who is Lucifer?

  The righteous angels banded together under the banner of the Seraphim to do battle with Lucifer and his followers. I, Gabriel, am one angel who joined Michael’s army as a messenger, while Michael rose in the ranks to that of archangel. The War in Heaven raged without surcease, one side gaining the advantage only to lose
it anon, but little by little the righteous angels gained the upper hand and smote more than they were smitten and grew increasingly resplendent until, in their might, they threw down the red dragon and his followers. There was no quarter left for the defeated angels in Heaven, and God cast them down into Darkness and into the Pit.

  Though victorious, the Lord God was not appeased but fell into a shadow of misery and sorrow. He was bitter in His heart that He had ever made such creatures like the angels, and He said, I will deliver a great slaughter to these creatures who I have made, both the angels with honor who freely sing My name and the angels of treachery who promote themselves to be My equal.

  And so it would have been had not Raphael, first among the archangels and the angel with the sweetest voice, supplicated himself before the throne of Heaven and said, Lord God, we pray Thee do not deliver a great slaughter to Your creatures, both the angels with honor who freely sing Thy name and the angels of treachery who set themselves up to be Thine equal.

  You have disappointed Me, said the Lord God. ’Twould have been better had I never made you. Therefore, I will undo what I have done.

  Hold, Lord, begged Raphael, and allow Thy faithful creatures to beseech Thee to steer a different course. Instead of undoing Thy creation, pray start anew. Make a Second Creation and in this creation place new creatures. Give them free will so that their singing is sweet in Thine ear, but also give them hearts so as to contain their love for Thee. And make them out of clay and not beams of glory so that they may not fly up to Heaven in legions to challenge Thy holy Word as Lucifer and his kind have done. Then use us, the angels with honor, to fly down from Heaven as Thy messengers so that we may deliver Thy Word to their ears.

  So God spoke the Word and the Second Creation came into being. This was your creation: Earth, the Garden, the lights in the firmament, the birds of the sky and beasts of the field and fishes in the sea, and finally the man, Adam, and from his rib, the woman, Eve. And He made them with free will and a heart to contain their love for Him, and He made them from clay so that they might never fly up to Heaven in legions to challenge His authority. And angels served as His messengers.

  All of this came to pass because God heeded the advice of one of His angels. Otherwise, you would not have been created, nor your world. It was because of us that God gave Adam both a body and a soul. The story of the First Creation was not recorded in the Bible because it took place before your creation and before the beginning of time.

  At first all was well in the Garden, and the Lord God was well pleased with His new creation, and He declared it good. You know what happened next, for the Bible picks up the story from there. God gave the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, all that they needed to be happy and content, a garden to dwell in, trees with fruit good for eating, no sickness or death to undo their bodies, and docile beasts for companions. They praised God and worshipped Him all through the day and all through the night, and their praise was sweet in His ear.

  There was one who was cast down into Darkness and into the Pit whose name was Lucifer who was the Red Dragon and was called Satan. And Lucifer witnessed the man, Adam, and the woman, Eve, living in the Garden in Eden and giving praise to God all through the day and all through the night. And seeing this, Lucifer said, How easy it is for Man to worship God when Man wants for nothing and everything is freely given him and for no effort. And Lucifer felt bitterness and jealousy for Man’s favored position in God’s eyes, while he and his companions languished in the Pit. Therefore, Lucifer flew down to the Second Creation and appeared to the woman in the form of a serpent, to lie to her and deceive her so that she and the man might disobey God’s commandment.

  Of this you may read in the Bible, for it is all there, and there is no need for me to add to it or remove from it. God sent Michael to banish Adam and Eve from His Garden with his fiery sword. From that day forward there was sin in the world and death and suffering, childbirth and toil, thorns and thistles.

  Nevertheless, mankind multiplied and prospered over the face of the Earth, and everywhere Man went, so too went Man’s wickedness. Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of Man was great on the Earth, and the contents of Man’s heart was only evil. This was because the fallen angels had learned how to tempt Man from the path of righteousness and to lay traps and temptations before him and pour lies into his ear. The fallen angels, robbed of their own splendor, labored to thwart God’s satisfaction by using Man’s free will against him and thus deprive God of Man’s worship.

  Soon the Lord was remorseful that He had made man on the Earth, and He was aggrieved in His heart.

  The Lord said, I will raise a great flood to blot out Man whom I have created from the face of the Earth, for truly I am remorseful that I have made him.

  Then Raphael, who pleased God with his tender voice, said unto the Lord, Master, not all angels blaspheme against Thee. Nor do all men harbor wickedness in their hearts. And Raphael pointed out Noah, son of Lamech, who was a righteous man and the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

  You know what happened next. God walked with Noah, and the love contained in Noah’s heart softened God’s bitterness, and He held back His hand of wrath. He instructed Noah to build the ark and to gather in the ark two of each kind of beast that walks upon the Earth or creeps on its belly so that they may not perish in the flood.

  Yet even after God delivered Noah and his family and the beasts and birds from the deluge, and though He promised never again to wipe all living things from the Earth, God was not pleased with Man, whose heart was wicked from his youth. And lo, even Noah lay down in his tent drunk and naked. Therefore, Raphael approached the throne in Heaven again and spoke thus, Master, your servants — both angels and men — possess free will so that their praise sounds sweet in Thine ear. But our numbers are few in Heaven, and only Noah and seven others live upon the Earth. Therefore, speak the Word of a Third Creation, this one shaped to avoid the pitfalls and traps of the first two. In this creation, allow no one to tempt Thy creatures to turn their faces from Thee. Create a race of New Beings who have no ribs so that there be no woman and thus no fornication. Banish deceit so that there be no lies. Banish eyes so that there be no jealousy. Banish music and dance so there be no lust, and appetites so there be no gluttony or drunkenness.

  Thus, God spoke the Word of the Third Creation, of which there is little known because when God made the Third Creation, He blocked all paths and gates to it and sealed it off from the First and Second Creations so that no man and no angel and no fallen angel might go there and corrupt His creatures, a race of New Beings. At first the New Beings of the Third Creation offered up praise and worship all through their days and all through their nights, and God saw it was good. He said, My children, who I call the Pipnons, are pure and innocent, and I shall prevent any evil to sully their hearts.

  Thus the Lord God doubled and tripled the walls and gates leading into and out of the Third Creation. However, while keeping out fallen angels, the walls also kept out the honorable angels who are His messengers. And without news from Heaven and correspondence with God’s Word, the New Beings gradually forgot their Creator and their praise and worship diminished. In turn, this diminishment of prayer and worship weakened the barriers between the creations.

  Lucifer, the ever-resourceful serpent who once rivaled God in splendor and who tempted Eve and stained mankind with sin, is like a thief in the night who tries every door and latch to gain entrance to a house in order to steal its wealth. Lucifer found a weakness in the wall between the Second and Third Creations whereby he gained knowledge of God’s creatures, the Pipnons. The Pipnons do not toil or suffer pain and disease as humans do because they have never sinned. They do not know death or corruption of any manner. In this way Pipnonia remains much like the Garden where Adam and Eve first dwelled.

  Lucifer rejoiced in his discovery, for here were new souls to corrupt. Therefore, the Red Dragon insinuated himself into the Third Creation and set forth to ruin God’s handi
work. But the Pipnons are not male and female and they have no congress between the sexes. They possess no deceit, lust, or appetites that Lucifer can use to tempt and corrupt them, and they know not sickness, death, nor sin. And Lucifer said to his followers, Unlike men, these creatures harbor no deceit, lust, or appetites with which to tempt them. They are pure in heart and innocent, like Man once was, and it is impossible to ruin them. Therefore, let us plan a new path for their destruction.

  And Lucifer gathered together his best lieutenants among the fallen angels and said unto them, Lo, here are God’s creatures who are pure and innocent. How do we lead them into misery and rebellion against the Lord?

  After three days and three nights, Lucifer and his lieutenants devised a plan to destroy not only the New Beings of the Third Creation but also the Men of the Second. Satan would steal the world of the Pipnons in the Third and hurl it like a rock to annihilate the world of Man in the Second. And because it is nowhere written in the Bible that this shall occur, and because the Bible chronicles the history of the Earth from its first moment to the prophecies of the last day, and because no person may add to or subtract from the Word of the Bible, therefore, the War in Heaven begins anew with increased fury and greater consequences than ever before. For if the fallen angels succeed in destroying both planets, the chorus of praise in God’s ear will cease and be blotted out, the Pipnons will know death, and Man will not see the final resurrection of the faithful as promised by His son and prophesied in the Bible.

  You may ask, what is the source of such power to Lucifer’s bold wickedness? It is Man’s iniquities. There are more men walking the Earth today than at any other time in your history, and they are sinning at an astonishing rate, and their sins are the most onerous and blasphemous in God’s eyes: sodomy and homosexuality; the slaughter of innocents in their mothers’ wombs; atheism and the worship of idols; fornication, gluttony, and the pursuit of drunkenness, revelry, sloth, and Man’s basest appetites. Man’s sins have unraveled the seams in the wall separating the Second and Third Creations. And Man’s sins are used to propel Pipnonia from its cradle in the Third Creation to the heart of the Second with an unstoppable force.


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