The Naked Truth

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The Naked Truth Page 2

by Lacey Wolfe

  “I can come back when you’re free.” She started to leave.

  “Nonsense. I’ve been waiting on you. Have a seat.” He pointed to the empty chair next to Josh. “I’m assuming the girls told you that you no longer work here. They love to gossip.”

  “Yeah.” Discussing her job in front of Josh was awkward and embarrassing. Why was Mr. Regan doing this? “Why have I been let go?”

  With a smirk on his face, Mr. Regan said, “I don’t want you to go personally. You’re one of my best acts here. However, Mr. Carter here has demanded that I let you go or he’ll close this place down. So, as much as I love you and your act, I’ve got to let you go.”

  Had she heard him right? Josh was the reason she was being fired? Tears built up in her eyes and anger flared. “How could you do this? I have a child to feed and bills to pay. Who the hell are you to come in here and demand for him to fire me?”

  “We can discuss this in private.” His tone was calm.

  Abigail stood. “No, we won’t. I want nothing to do with you, so stay away from me and butt out of my life.” She marched out of the room and didn’t stop until she was safely back in the dressing room. Grabbing her things, she left without a word to anyone.

  She tossed her bag onto the passenger seat of her car and put the keys into the ignition. She turned the key...nothing happened. Turned again…same results, nothing. This was not the time for her car to die. Taking in a deep breath, she tried again.

  “Damn it!” she cried out as she hit the steering wheel. She’d lost her job and now something was wrong with her car. What had she done to deserve this?

  Abigail took a few moments to compose herself and get her anger under control before she climbed out. Maybe someone from the club could give her a ride home or maybe Mr. Regan could call her a cab. She walked around to the front of the building and went through the front doors. It had been awhile since she’d come in this way.

  “Abigail, you’re still here.” Josh rounded the corner and approached her. “I’m glad you came back. Let’s talk.”

  She held her hand up to him. “If you’ll excuse me, I just need a phone book.” She pushed by him, but he reached out and grabbed her arm.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She huffed. “Since you seem to care about me so much, it just so happens my car won’t start. And now that I’m jobless, I hope I can afford to have it fixed.”

  “Let me have a look.”

  Crossing her arms, she glared at him. “Do you know anything about cars?”

  “I grew up in an automotive garage, so I know a thing or two.”

  As much as she hated the idea of being anywhere near Josh right now, she supposed she could use his help. After all, he was the one who had ruined her evening. “Okay, follow me.”

  As they made it around the building, he stayed close. She tried to walk well in front of him, but he stuck to her like glue. “What’s going on with the vehicle?”

  “Like I said, it won’t start.”

  “Is it making any noise when you turn it?”

  Abigail thought back a moment but then shook her head. “No, I don’t think so.”

  “Let me have your keys.”

  Abigail handed them to him and stood back as he did his thing. After his few attempts at the ignition, he popped the hood.

  “Well?” She came up next to him.

  Josh wiped his hands across his pressed jeans. “I think it’s your battery.”

  “That’s an easy enough fix. Let me see if I can get one of the girls to drive me to an automotive shop.”

  “Don’t be silly, I can do that.”

  She didn’t want to be around him anymore than she had to. “You’ve done enough for me…clearly. And I’m not happy with you anyway.”

  “I know you’re not and I’m sorry about the job thing. But you deserve better and so does your daughter.” He closed the space between him and she could now smell is cologne. It was intoxicating, in a good way.

  His words then registered in her head. Daughter? Had he said daughter? How did he know about Hailey? How much did he know?

  “I’d like to help you. Maybe I can pay her tuition so you can work a better job with different hours.”

  How did he know so much? Abigail crossed her arms and glared at him. “What’s wrong with me being a stripper? I’m damn good at it and I make a lot of money. After all, it is the male race that enjoys throwing money at women just to see her tits.”

  Josh grinned. “I didn’t say you weren’t good. I just think a day job would be better. You could be more available to her when she needs you.”

  “Just because I’m here at night and have a babysitter doesn’t mean I’m not there for her when she needs me.” She was very active in Hailey’s school and his insinuations were a wound to her pride.

  “If I pay for her schooling, will that help you?”

  Abigail leaned against the car and stared at the man who could change everything for her and Hailey. She had to tell him. He was bound to find out. In fact, he already knew quite a bit. A man with his money had the ability to get whatever information he wanted to. And maybe it was best he heard it from her before someone else.

  Taking a deep breath, she said, “We need to talk, but not tonight. Let’s get my car taken care of and then I’ll call you tomorrow. I promise.”

  “Sounds good. My vehicle’s this way.” He held his hand out to her. She stared at it and wondered if she should take it. Instead, she held her arms tight across her chest as though she were cold and followed him across the parking lot.

  After he learned the secret she’d been hiding, she was pretty sure he wouldn’t want anything to do with her.

  Chapter Three

  Josh pulled his car up to Abigail’s place the next morning. She’d asked him to be there at ten. He was a few minutes early, but he believed in punctuality. He decided to go ahead and knock on the door. No reason to sit in the car. She most likely knew he was there already.

  He went to apartment 2A and knocked. There was no answer, so he knocked harder. Finally the door swung open. Abigail’s face appeared and she didn’t look happy. “You’re early.”

  “Only a little.” He took in the sight before him. Her hair was up in a towel and she wore a small pink robe that let him see just how long her legs were. “I figured you’d be ready by now.”

  “I still had fifteen minutes. You’d be amazed how much I can get done in that time.” She opened the door wider and stepped back so he could come in. “Make yourself comfortable while I get dressed.”

  He walked into the tiny place and watched as she headed to the back. Was she naked under that robe? Thoughts flooded his head of her onstage. As much as it should sicken him to know someone he cared about was doing that, he had to admit, she had a nice body. She had long flowing blond hair with a slight curl to it. And eyes that almost matched the color of coffee. She had curves. Wide hips, a waist that dipped in, and then a set of medium-sized breasts.

  Willing the image of her body from his mind, he walked around the living room, studying the photos. Most were of the child Hailey and the rest were of the two of them. Josh had chatted with Nate again and he found nothing of a father in the girl’s school records. He’d dug around further and there wasn’t a trail anywhere. Who was the mystery man that had walked away from these two?

  Finally taking a seat on the couch, he looked forward to actually talking with Abigail. Maybe things would work out for the two of them this time. He had every intention of letting her know today how he felt about her years ago and how he felt now. He wasn’t getting any younger and he wanted to settle down. Abigail was the one he wanted to share his life with. And with no mention of any father, perhaps he could adopt the girl and give her the father she deserved.

  “Sorry about that, but like I said, I wasn’t expecting you just yet.” She entered the living room. Her hair was now dry, a light layer of make-up coated her face, and she wore a tight white shirt with dark blue jeans. The
picture of beauty.

  “It’s all right. I was early. Please sit.”

  “Don’t forget this is my home and I call the shots.” She took her seat.

  Josh smiled. “I’m sorry for that as well. I forget I’m not the boss of everyone sometimes.”

  “It’s okay. You’re a high-powered man. It happens.”

  “I’m glad we’re finally talking. Have you thought about my offer?” She nodded, but before she could speak, he spoke again. “Good. I want to help you both in any way I can. I probably over-stepped my grounds, but I know your daughter’s father isn’t in the picture.”

  Abigail tensed. “How much do you know about her father?”

  “From what I can gather, he must be scum. How can someone have a child and not support them? It’s pathetic.”

  “Maybe he didn’t know.” Her voice was soft and caring, which really irritated him.

  “Nonsense. Don’t cover for him.”

  Abigail wiggled in her seat. “So you don’t know who Hailey’s father is then?”

  “Personally, I don’t care who it is. As I’ve said, I’d like to help. I never had kids of my own and you were special to me.”

  Her cheeks turned a light shade of red. “We spent one night together.”

  “One amazing night. We connected on many levels. I know you felt what I did. I’ve never believed in love at first meeting, but with you, I do.” Josh gazed at her, looking for any sign she might feel the same.

  “Don’t think you can sweet talk your way into me forgiving you for getting me fired.”

  “I can tell you’re one to hold a grudge.” He scooted closer to her on the couch. “Perhaps with a little persuasion, I can get you to forgive me.”

  Josh leaned in, his lips close to hers. Her mouth parted and she sighed. Just as he was about to kiss her, her hands touched his chest, pushing him back. He stared into her eyes, hating the feeling of rejection.

  “I invited you here to talk. After what I have to tell you, I’m almost positive you won’t want to kiss me.”

  What could she possibly have to tell him that would cause that kind of reaction? “What?”

  “It’s about Hailey’s father.”

  “What about her father?”

  Abigail’s eyes were wet and he could tell whatever she had to say, it was hard. A tear dropped slowly down her cheek and his heart ached at the sight. “Is he deceased?”

  She shook her head.

  “What? Tell me.”

  “It’s you,” she said in an almost whisper.

  “Me. What about me?” He was confused.

  “You’re her father.”

  Josh froze. He was Hailey’s father. The little girl in the photographs with his mother’s name was his. And in all these years, he was never told. As he stared at the woman in front of him, he couldn’t help but wonder why she’d kept this from him. “You never told me. Why?”

  “I was going to, but I was worried at first you’d think I did it on purpose. Then I worried you wouldn’t believe me and you’d turn me away.”

  His heart hurt to think she thought that badly of him. Had he come across as some sort of monster? “I never would’ve done either of those things. It pains me that you would think that.” He stood up and raked his hands through his hair. “In four years, you never thought to tell me.”

  “As time passed, it got harder because of the time. Really, there is no excuse. All I can say is I’m sorry.” She wiped a tear from her cheek. “Please don’t take her from me.”

  Take her? My God, he’d never do that unless she was unfit. And that was one thing the woman in front of him wasn’t. She loved that little girl with everything in her if she was willing to work where she did so their daughter could go to one of the best private schools. He could tell by the photos that Hailey was happy.

  “I’m not going to take her.”

  “Do you hate me?”

  Josh wasn’t quite sure what he was feeling at the moment, but hate wasn’t one of those emotions. He wanted to meet his daughter, but he knew he couldn’t just be her father right away. “How are we going to introduce me to her?”

  “I don’t know.”

  What a mess. He had a child and she didn’t know him. He couldn’t just waltz right in and tell her he was her daddy. The child would be confused and angry at both Abigail and him. “Maybe I can come around and be your friend? She can get to know me on that level before we tell her.”

  “You want to be in her life?”

  “Of course I do. If I’d known about her, I would’ve been here since day one. I would’ve married you.”

  Abigail folded her arms across her chest. “You’re only in town a few days and since I’m no longer working, I guess we’re pretty free.”

  “Tonight then.”

  She blinked hard. “That’s fast, but okay.”

  “Good. How about I come here for dinner, so it’s on her territory and she can feel more comfortable?”

  “Just understand that she is to think we are friends and that’s it.”

  Josh nodded to her and then walked toward the front door. He was leaving rather abruptly, but he had to get out of there and clear his head. Before leaving, he grabbed a photo frame from the side table. Abigail said nothing and he suspected she wouldn’t. He left, holding the frame tightly against his chest. Once in the car, he dialed Nate to see how quickly he could get a paternity test done.

  * * * *

  Josh wiped the sweat from his palms onto his pressed khakis. He’d never been more nervous than he was now. In a moment, he would meet his daughter, only Hailey didn’t know he was her father.

  Raising his hand, he knocked on the door. Abigail answered almost immediately. Her hair was up in a bun and she had long dangling earrings that almost sparkled in the light behind her.

  “Hi,” she greeted.

  “Good evening.”

  She stepped back. “Come on in.”

  Josh entered the apartment. It smelled delicious. His mouth watered in anticipation of what was to come. He followed her farther inside and it was then he saw the little girl. Her light hair had a slight curl to it—just like her mother’s—and her green eyes were oval shaped. The image before him almost made his heart stop beating. He felt as though he were looking at his mother as a child.

  “Hi.” Hailey hopped up and ran over, wrapping her arms around her mom’s leg.

  Josh knelt down. “You must be Hailey. I’m Josh.”

  “I know. My mommy said you were her friend and you were coming to eat with us. She also said I had to wear this pretty dress and use my manners.”

  He chuckled. “You look beautiful and it smells yummy in here.”

  “My mommy is a good cook.”

  “I can’t wait to try it.” Josh stood again. His knees ached on the hard floor. Hailey took it as her cue to go back and play with the toys she’d been entranced with before he came in.

  Abigail smiled at him. “Want a glass of wine?”

  Josh nodded and went with her to the kitchen. He wasn’t sure what to do. Help Abigail or sit near the girl on the couch. He didn’t want to make Hailey uncomfortable. Tonight he’d have to just go with the flow and take his time.

  * * * *

  Dinner had gone much better than Abigail had expected. Hailey had been curious and outgoing. She’d warmed up quickly to Josh and by the end of dinner, she begged him to read her a bedtime story. And he did. After Abigail washed Hailey up and got her pajamas on, her daughter curled up in the rocker with Josh and he read her several stories.

  Abigail had to leave the room while this happened. Her eyes grew wet and she wanted to hide the emotion from each of them. Her daughter had taken to him so quickly, she wondered if Hailey sensed he was her father. She knew it wasn’t conceivable for Hailey to just know, but viewing the touching scene from the outside really made her ponder the possibility.

  After a few more minutes, Josh joined her in the living room. “She’s ready for a kiss from you. I t
hink she’s almost out.”

  Abigail smiled at him and then headed toward her daughter’s room. Josh was right. By the time she made it in there, Hailey’s mouth was open a little and her breathing was heavy. She planted a kiss on her daughter’s forehead, then turned the light off and closed the door halfway.

  She returned to the living room and found Josh seated. He looked up at her as she took a seat as well. “That went great tonight. I really liked her.”

  “She wasn’t shy with you at all.”

  “Is she usually?”

  “No, I don’t know why I thought she would be. She doesn’t have a shy bone in her body. But she isn’t used to being around men, so I thought she might be a little nervous with you.”

  He was silent for a moment and then spoke, “You’ve done an amazing job with her.”

  Abigail’s heart sped up and her stomach pitter-pattered. “Thank you. And for what it’s worth, I’m really sorry I kept her from you. Seeing the two of you together and what she’s missed all these years, I realize the mistake I made.” A tear found its way down her cheek and soon another followed.

  She saw Josh clench his fists together and wasn’t sure why. Then he reached out to her, pulling her close to him. She tensed from the contact. Josh was the last man she’d been with or touched. He rubbed her back and soon she found herself relaxing into him and enjoying being held. She inhaled his musky scent and nuzzled her face into his collarbone. He didn’t have to be nice to her, yet he was. And she still had every reason to be angry at him, and yet as he held her, she couldn’t find an ounce of any emotion but peace.

  The contact ended much too quickly, but she stayed close. “It’s been a long time since an adult has hugged me.”

  Josh took her hand in his and cupped it with his other hand. “I would like to come back, tomorrow if possible. I’m only in town a short time and I want to see her as much as I can.” He cleared his throat before adding, “I’ve arranged for a test tomorrow as well when she gets out of school.”

  “A test?”

  “A DNA test.”

  Abigail pulled away from him, feeling slightly offended. She wasn’t sure why. Maybe because with everything in her she knew he was the father, but then she had to remember that Josh knew nothing about her and whether or not she was lying. “Okay, let me know where to meet you.”


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