Acquisitions For The Talistaun Continue

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Acquisitions For The Talistaun Continue Page 15

by W. L. Dowd

  “Thank you Mistress,” she replied softly.

  With Katie’s body reacting frantically to the clamps crushing her plump nipples, David’s stunned and mentally defeated body hung within the frame, unable to anything for his suffering wife.

  “Jason, you may continue!” said Heather, releasing her next level of attack on Katie.

  “Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress!”

  Inching forward again, he soon had the tip of spear pressing at her lips. Slowly working his shaft forward, he was rocking his fat cock back and forth as it slowly began to disappear from sight.

  Feeling his hard cock pressing at her opening, she fought to keep him out. But that was getting harder to do, while also dealing with her screaming nipples. Her inability to focus on what part of her body was most at risk, soon left her confused and defenseless. Finally feeling her pussy losing its battle against the invader, she suddenly felt Jason’s swollen cock head plunge into her vagina.

  Like when the torturous clamps gripped her nipples, his large penetrating cock took her breath away. And to her terrifying amazement, she could feel every centimeter of his huge ribbed shaft as it pushed its way into her helpless body. Within seconds, she was stretched wide and stuffed full with his massive organ.

  As her head fell to the side in defeat, hers and David’s eyes locked in pathetic stare of defeat as Jason began to slowly fuck Katie on the horse. With Katie feeling like she betrayed her husband in the most terrible way, and he feeling like he failed to protect his wife while she begged and pleaded for mercy, their relationship would never be the same gain.

  But Katie had little time to ponder her relationship with David. It wasn’t long before Jason’s massive cock was able to entice her clit to come out and play. When Jason began to pound at her vagina with reckless abandon, she soon felt her clit roaring to life from under its protective hoodie. With his thick veined beast slamming away at her stretched pussy, she was helpless against its effects.

  And as the sexual intensity increased between her legs, so did the throbbing in her clamped nipples. Feeling the pressure continuing to build in her precious nubs, Katie knew the intensifying pleasures between her legs were causing her nipples to push back against the biting clamps, and she was unable to stop it.

  Jason was now lost in his own lusting need to bring his cock to orgasm. Katie could tell by his frantic pace and excited eyes that his desire to expel his load in a wild eruption was in full control of actions. And with her clit under assault and betraying the rest of her body, she wasn’t sure how long she’d be able to hold out against her own uncontrollable desire to climax. The last thing she wanted now was for David to see her climaxing to another man’s cock pounding away at her pussy.

  After allowing Jason to bring Katie to the threshold of an orgasm, Heather spoke out again.

  “David, are you watching this? If I were you, I’d be concerned that Jason has ruined her for you. I’m not sure you’ll ever be able to screw her like he has. That is to say that you ever get the chance to fuck your wife again!”

  Walking up close behind Jason, she abruptly pressed against his ass when his cock was fully inserting inside Katie, and held him there.

  “Katie honey, it’s time for Jason to leave you now. He’s unable to cum with that strap around his package, and I need to get him back to the mine. He has work to do, and I’m sure the guards miss him too! I suggest you prepare for his departure.”

  Firmly grabbing his bound wrists behind him, Heather quickly jerked him away from Katie. With Jason’s rapid departure, the huge void in her womb struggled to adapt and close. Straining to reseal itself, her entire body shivered and shook uncontrollably in response to the sudden emptiness that overwhelmed her.

  With his sticky coated cock jutting out from his body, Heather ordered him back to his position near Ashley.

  “You know David, I’m not sure I even care anymore if you know Sara and her crew? I think you and Katie will make excellent additions to the slave farms regardless.”

  Exhausted and defeated, they could only sob and shake their heads back and forth at the thought of being enslaved for rest of their lives.

  Turning back to Sara and the others who were still struggling with the bamboo pole, Heather had one more trick up her sleeve before retiring for the day with Ashley.

  After one of the soldiers handed her a very odd looking device, she approached the women with it in-hand. None of them knew what the thing was, but by its shape and configuration they an idea where it would go. It had two shallow square boxes, each about 2 inches by 2 inches and about 1 inch deep. Connecting the two boxes was a short strap about 6 inches or so long, and from the opposite sides of the boxes there were fairly long leather buckling straps trailing away. The thing looked like a wooden bra of sorts.

  Pacing back and forth before them, she appeared deep in thought, until she finally stopped in front of Brianna.

  “I think you’ll do just fine. These incredible girls will make the perfect test subjects.”

  Franticly sobbing and shaking her head in objection, Brianna wanted nothing to do with the device. She had no idea what it was but that didn’t matter. She, like the others, knew she was being held in a Talistaun torture chamber, and she knew nothing good could come of that. The wild stories and rumors of the atrocities that took place here now permeated her thoughts and fears.

  But mounted as she was over the bamboo pole, with her bound arms pulled toward the floor, Brianna’s young impressive breasts were standing at full attention and quite available. Wasting no time, Heather centered the small boxes over Brianna’s nipples and quickly wrapped the straps around her body and buckled them tight. Left with the boxes pressing firmly over her nipples, Heather then flipped a switch on each of the boxes.

  Immediately, Brianna began to moan as her eyes responded with surprise. Now fidgeting about on the pole and staring at the boxes, she looked confused and concerned.

  “Now, I know you’re all just dying to know what’s happening to Brianna. Well I’m gonna tell you. She wearing an ingenious device recently invented by the Talistaun. At this moment, her nipples are being gently pinched and stroked, virtually non-stop. The soft fingertip like devices at work under the boxes, are a recent Talistaun creation. And I’m sure Brianna will agree that they’re amazingly effective and realistic in their feel.”

  Stepping before Sara, Heather began to roll and rub her nipples very softly and gently with her fingertips, as she said, “Just like this….. And don’t try and tell me that doesn’t feel good. I don’t know a woman alive who doesn’t enjoy a little delicate attention paid to her nippers.”

  Then, to Sara’s dismay, her nipples quickly responded to Heather’s sensual touch. Like magic, her pleasure buds were standing at full attention under Heather’s skillful touch.

  “Now you might ask why? And my explanation is simple. I’m sure you’ve heard of ‘Chinese Water Torture’, well the Talistaun have just invented something very similar, which they aptly call, ‘Talistaun Nipple Torture’. This may seem pleasurable and innocuous for the moment, but several hours from now or perhaps even tomorrow, Brianna will be going insane with the unrelenting attack on her sensitive nipples. We believe she’ll be ready to sing like a birdy. I guessing by tomorrow morning, she’ll provide us with everything we want to know about your hopeless little resistance.”

  Overhearing Heather’s explanation, Brianna desperately tried to shake the little wooden boxes from her tits, but it was no use. Hardly able to move the way she was trapped over the pole, the device proved to be safe and secure. With her nipples now engorged with pleasure, she soon found her pussy starting to quiver in response.

  With the inescapable sexual intensity slowly building within; she had a sudden feeling of hopelessness overtake her. Positioned between Sara and Maria on the pole, Brianna was looking back and forth at them, as if trying to apologize for what she knew was inevitable. As much as she always considered herself the strong unbreakable one of the gr
oup, she never dreamed of such tactics and brutality. Brianna seemed to understand the dire consequences of having her nipples relentlessly stimulated, until she was ready to talk.

  Pinching Sara’s nipples a bit firmer, Heather looked deep in her eyes and said, “You may not have to worry about experiencing that device. I’m figuring Brianna will gladly spill her guts to us by the morning. Besides, I’m thinking you deserve some nice rings in these babies. And you know……. Ashley has these special nipple bells that I’m sure she’ll let you borrow.”

  Whining loudly and pulling at her arm binder, Sara now feared the worst for her seasoned and sensitive nipples. She’d been gawking at Ashley’s rings since she arrived, and that was exactly the thing she feared most. Of all the possibilities of torture and punishment that the room’s appearance suggested, she knew having her nipples skewered would be the most unbearable for her.

  “But don’t be concerned about that tonight. If I do decide to pierce your buds, you will have a choice. If you choose to give me what I want, I promised I’ll do it quickly. But if you choose not to cooperate, I promise to push the fat needle through your nubs nice and slow. So in a way, you do control your own destiny.”

  Stepping back to Brianna, Heather bent over close, gave her a big wet kiss on the cheek, and whispered in her ear, “Your mother-in-law is going to look smashing with some big flashy rings.”

  Gathering Ashley’s and Jason’s leashes, she started for the door before suddenly stopping and turning back to the three ladies on the pole. “By the way, did I forget to enlighten you about the slimy peppermint liquid that the Colonel slipped down your throats yesterday?”

  Smiling and chuckling, she continued. “Those vials of fluid contained millions of tiny microscopic robots called Nanites. Originally invented as a medical tool, the Talistaun have adapted them for other purposes, which are actually quite ingenious. When I’m ready, I’ll activate the little machines with orders to stimulate your bodies’ sexual desires, well beyond your current comprehension. Programed at the highest level of stimulation, it’s possible your hearts will just stop beating! I thought you might want to know about that.”

  Helpless on the bamboo pole, their wide terrified eyes were staring back at Heather with disbelief as they thought back to the exact moment when the pungent tasting fluid slowly slid down their throats. Was such an awful thing possible, they all thought to themselves? The true hopelessness of their abductions was now filling their hearts with overwhelming dread and despair.

  Heading for the door once again, she bid the folks farewell. “Good night ladies and gentleman. Get some rest tonight; you’ll need it for tomorrow!”

  The End

  Author’s Afterword

  I hope you enjoyed this installment in the Talistaun series, and as I ask with all my books, please rate this story and write a review if you feel so inclined. My writing is inspired by your feedback. Or you can contact me directly at: [email protected]

  For more exciting stories of B&D, domination, abduction, sex-slave training, and more, checkout the entire W.L. Dowd library at:




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