The Immortal Scrolls

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The Immortal Scrolls Page 3

by Kristin Secorsky

  “Sorry I am late, Father,” she said in a confident voice. Her eyes darted back to Androcles’s briefly and then away again.

  “No matter,” he said, not even looking up to greet his daughter. “Araceli, this is your new guard. Take him with you. You are dismissed.”

  Araceli pouted like a little girl at her father’s cold attitude. She stood there for a moment, staring at her father. Her father grunted at whatever he was reading and scribbled his signature at the bottom. Then Araceli turned around and walked away. Androcles just stood there, staring at her.

  “Follow me,” she said to him coolly. “If you haven’t guessed, you are supposed to follow me around all day and protect me.” She smiled at her own sarcasm. His lips twitched. She was a major brat, but a gorgeous one. Androcles followed her out of the room and down the corridor.

  “What is your name, guard?” she asked brusquely as she looked over her shoulder at him. She was walking at a fast pace. His leg was still healing, and it hurt to keep up with her. He was trying not to limp.

  “Androcles, domina,” he replied.

  “What happened to your leg?” she asked.

  He was embarrassed she could see him struggling. She must be wondering how much good he was going to be to her with a bad leg. “I was wounded not too long ago in battle. I am afraid it is not completely healed yet.”

  “I’ll have my physician look at it,” said Araceli.

  “Thank you, domina,” he said shyly but gratefully.

  They turned down another corridor that was decorated more elaborately with statues, plants, and paintings, and Araceli slowed her pace. He realized they were in the family’s personal quarters.

  “Well, I need you at your best or you won’t be any good to me,” she said truthfully. She stopped outside a door and then opened it. Then she turned to speak to him “Here is my room. My father is having a party tonight. I don’t really like parties, and I don’t want to go. This is why I am in a bad mood. But my father insists I make an appearance.”

  She spoke quickly and with an honest bluntness. He was surprised at how much she talked to him. He had expected her to ignore him.

  “You owe me no explanation for your moods, domina,” he said.

  She smiled and stared at him for a long second and then turned into her chamber. He followed her in and saw her slaves already attending to her. She had disappeared behind sheer curtains near her bath and was undressing. He averted his eyes and stayed by the door. He heard the water as she moved. He stood there thinking about battle to keep his mind from wandering to the beautiful naked girl only a few feet away. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed when he heard her speak to him.

  “I don’t need a guard, you know. I only have guards when I venture outside home,” she said bluntly. “Did my father ask you to spy on me?

  He was surprised by her questions and turned to look at her. Her hair was pulled back and twisted softly over one shoulder. She had changed into a sleeveless, deep burgundy stola that draped over both shoulders. Her full breasts were accentuated by a rope of gold braiding. She had long gold earrings and wore several gold bracelets. “No, domina,” he said truthfully. He looked at her beautiful face and remembered her almost naked body. “But I think you do need a guard.”

  “Why?” she asked, not believing he hadn’t been hired to spy on her. Not that she was doing anything worth being spied on.

  “Because you are young and naïve, and you don’t know men—how some men can be,” he said.

  She regarded him silently for a moment and decided he was speaking truthfully. He continued to stare at her silently.

  “What?” she asked, looking down at her dress when she noticed he was staring at her. “What is it? Do I look terrible?” she asked, feeling self-conscious.

  “No. You look quite beautiful,” he said. She blushed and looked down.

  “Come,” she said, leading him down the corridor.

  He followed her downstairs to the ground floor. They passed through slaves decorating the home for the party and out to the courtyard. She headed toward a small building on the opposite side. “Our physician is Greek. His name is Elek,” she said as they stepped into the small building. It had two rooms. Androcles noted that one of the rooms was private quarters for the physician. The room they were standing in had a hearth with a large boiling pot and shelves lining the walls filled with scrolls, herbs, and medicines. The room was stuffy and smelled of incense.

  “Domina,” said Elek as he came out of his small room. He was an old man and moved slowly. “How are you?”

  “I am well. But this guard has an injured leg,” she said.

  “Let me take a look,” said Elek. Araceli went and sat down in a chair. “Take off your boots and lie down.” He pointed to the small cot.

  Araceli watched as Androcles removed his boots. Then he lay down on top of a small cot. Androcles had a hard time getting comfortable with his armor on. Elek slid Androcles’s tunic up a little and peered down at the wound with his old, wise eyes.

  Araceli observed them silently. Androcles’s legs were thick and muscular. She looked closer and gasped when she saw the hideous gash in his leg. It was jagged and ran up the side of his leg from mid-calf to mid-thigh. It was pink, and she could see it was starting to scar. She didn’t want to think about the weapon that did that to his leg or the pain he must have felt.

  “Well, there is no infection. I don’t know how you managed that. And it is healing surprisingly well. Does it cause you any pain?” Elek asked.

  “Yes,” Androcles admitted.

  “I can give you some salve that will help. If you had come to me when this happened, I would have been able to stitch it up neater. Who treated you?” asked Elek as he looked Androcles’s leg.

  “I did,” said Androcles, looking sheepish.

  “Ah, well, you are lucky to still have a leg, let alone be alive,” said Elek. Androcles couldn’t have agreed more. “Can you feel this?” Elek asked as he pinched the tips of his toes.

  “Yes,” responded Androcles.

  “I think it will be fine given some time,” said Elek as he walked over to a shelf and retrieved a small jar. He handed it to Androcles, who set the jar down next to him so he could put his boot back on.

  “Thank you, Elek,” said Araceli as she handed him a small bag of coins. Androcles felt embarrassed when he saw Araceli pay the physician. He thanked the physician and followed Araceli back to the house with the jar in his hand.

  “Domina,” Androcles said.

  “Call me Araceli, please. I do not like being referred to as domina. Call my mother domina.” she said, not even glancing back.

  “I will pay you back,” he said.

  She stopped and turned to look at him. “A simple thank you will do,” she said and smiled at him playfully.

  He realized in that moment that her haughtiness was just a front. “Thank you,” he said, smiling at her. He stared deep into her blue eyes. He had an overwhelming feeling his world was about to change.

  Araceli couldn’t tear her eyes from Androcles’s handsome face. His green eyes were startling against the deep color of his skin from many hours out in the sun. She suddenly wondered what his muscular arms would feel like around her. He narrowed his brows and gave her a questioning look. She looked away quickly. “Come, Androcles. I am going to be late for my father’s boring party,” she said, turning on her heels and marching back to the house.

  Androcles followed her silently back to the large house, enjoying the way her hips swayed as she walked. He knew there was no hoping he could ever be with her. She was nobility, and he was just a soldier turned guard. Though he had been a weapons instructor and a favorite of his general, he was no longer a centurion and would never be worthy enough to marry her.

  Androcles stood along the wall, watching the crowd with several other guards. Several wealthy families were gathered around talking and drinking. There were scantily clad slave girls dancing seductively around the room.
The men gawked at them, much to their wives’ dismay. Androcles kept himself close to Araceli. When she moved, he moved.

  Now she was standing by a column sipping a glass of wine and talking to a group of girls her age. She laughed loudly at something funny one of the other girls said. Her laughter carried like music to the people closest to her. Androcles couldn’t help but notice a few of the men turning to look appreciatively at her. He didn’t like the lusty looks in their eyes. Araceli had a childlike spirit and naivety combined with a woman’s sensuality. She did not know the affect she was having on the men. She moved away from the girls and walked around the room. Several pairs of male eyes followed her.

  A tall, strong youth pulled her aside to talk. Androcles noted the rank of the young man. He was a legatus. Androcles felt discouraged as Araceli chatted flirtatiously with him. He observed her father speaking with another man and looking at her. Androcles wondered if Araceli normally got this much attention or if her father had something up his sleeve.

  Araceli excused herself and walked off. Her father stopped her as she approached.

  “Hello, Father, Senator,” said Araceli as she greeted her father and his companion.

  “Araceli, my dear, I was just telling Senator Gaius how well you play the lyre,” said Marcus. Araceli smiled at both men.

  “Will you play for us?” asked the senator.

  “I would be delighted to play for you, Senator,” said Araceli.

  She went over to pick up the beautifully crafted tortoiseshell lyre and sat down. The other musicians stopped playing, and the guests were silent, watching. Androcles was surprised to find out Araceli played the lyre. He watched as she held the instrument and began to pluck at the strings. It was the most beautiful music he had ever heard. When the song ended she set down the lyre. The guests all applauded. Araceli smiled and bowed her head briefly. Androcles clapped his hands as well. She looked around the room and smiled. She saw Androcles watching her intently. Her eyes remained on his for a few moments until her father and the senator approached her.

  “Bravo,” said Senator Gaius. “You play beautifully.” He turned to Marcus. “Your daughter is simply enchanting. I will speak with you later.” He walked off. Araceli’s father gave her a proud smile and then walked away.

  The musicians started to play again. Araceli stood up from the chair and went to sit down on a padded bench in the front of the room to watch the entertainers. Androcles followed. She picked her legs up and laid them down the length of the bench and then propped her head up under her arm. A serving girl walked over to her to refill her wine glass. Araceli picked up a bunch of grapes and started eating them. She had the odd feeling of being watched. She looked around the room from group of men to group of men. Some would be staring at her and some not. She got the feeling that one group looked away from her only to talk about her. Was she being paranoid? Then Androcles’s statement repeated itself in her head, “You don’t know men—how some men can be.” She started to see how they could be. People were kissing and touching each other. Araceli knew what was coming and figured now was the time to leave. She stood up from the couch and walked over to Androcles.

  “I am ready to retire,” she said.

  Androcles nodded his head and walked in front of her, leading the way. They passed through the door away from the party. As they walked down the corridor, they passed by a dimly lit room. Araceli heard moaning coming from the room and stopped in the doorway. She was shocked to see Senator Gaius violating a slave girl. He was standing naked behind her, holding onto the collar around her neck with one hand. The slave girl stood there emotionless as Gaius violently pounded himself into her. His other arm wrapped around her, and his hand was squeezing her breast. Araceli saw that the girl was around her age and felt bile rise in her throat.

  Androcles turned to look back at Araceli and noticed she had stopped outside a door. He walked back over to her and looked inside the room to see what she was looking at. He saw the disgusting spectacle and immediately felt bad for the slave girl who was being abused in front of his eyes. Araceli looked frightened and disgusted. He reached his hand down to hers and gave it a tug.

  “Let’s go, domina,” he whispered.

  She looked down, startled at his touch. Araceli hadn’t realized he was standing next to her. She took one last glance in the room and walked away, stunned. She had never seen two people having sex before, and she was still a virgin.

  Androcles could tell Araceli was disturbed. He felt the need to say something, but it was too awkward. They reached her door and he opened it. Androcles went in first to inspect the room. He checked under her bed, in the wardrobe where she kept her clothes, over in her private bath, and out on the balcony. The room was empty. Araceli was sitting on the edge of her bed watching him move about the room. Androcles walked to the door and paused. He decided to say something after all, but he kept his back to her.

  “That isn’t the way it is between two people in love, Araceli,” he said softly. She looked over at him, surprised he called her by her name. He turned around to meet her gaze. “Sleep well.”

  “Good night, Androcles,” she whispered.

  The night guards were already in place, so Androcles went down to the guards’ quarters. He walked his way to his small chamber. As he passed by doorways, he caught a glimpse of guards fornicating with house slaves, some male, and some female. Not the least bit tempted to take part, he went straight to bed. The only woman he wanted to be with was upstairs asleep in her bed.

  Chapter Four

  NAPLES, 2011

  Skye, Skye, wake up,” Andy said as he gently shook Skye’s shoulder.

  “Hmmm…what?” Skye said sleepily. She picked her head up and looked around the lab.

  “You fell asleep,” he said quietly.

  “Oh, how embarrassing,” she said with chagrin.

  “It’s OK. It is really late,” said Andy, nodding his head toward the clock.

  Skye saw that it was almost ten o’clock. “It’s been a long day,” she said.

  “Yeah. I think we have come to a good place to stop for the night,” he said as he closed the file on the computer. He started to shut the system down.

  Skye was afraid she’d missed something when he was translating the scroll. His voice was so hypnotic she felt like she was Araceli living through the events as he spoke them.

  “Don’t worry. I recorded everything,” he told her as she looked down at her notes.

  Andy stood up and gathered his belongings into his bag. He looked over at Skye and noticed she looked drowsy and confused. But he’d known his memory projection would have that effect on her. He reached down with his hand and tugged hers. “Let’s go. I’ll walk you to your car.”

  She was startled by the familiarity of his touch. “OK,” she said.

  They turned off the lights to the lab and locked the door behind them as they left. Skye said good night to the guard at the front desk as they left the building.

  “So where did you get your degree?” Andy asked her as they walked to her car.

  “The University of Texas in Austin,” she answered. “And you?”

  “Harvard,” he said, clearly surprising her.

  “Oh, I thought maybe you went to school here in Italy,” she said.

  “I did go here too,” he confirmed.

  “Where do you live now?” Skye asked.

  “New York City,” he said.

  “Really? That’s cool,” she said.

  “How do you like Italy?” he asked as they stopped outside her car.

  Skye unlocked the car with a button on her keychain and opened the door. “It is all right so far. Except for the earthquakes.”

  “Yes,” he said as she climbed into the car. “Well, good night, Skye. I will see you tomorrow.”

  “Good night, Andy,” she said. He shut her door for her, and she started her engine. Skye waved good-bye and drove off.

  Andy was very hungry now, but he ignored the nagging
thirst so he could follow Skye home. He sped off on foot after her car. He moved quickly and practically invisibly through the darkness. She pulled into the parking lot of an apartment complex and stopped in front of a two-story apartment. He watched her get out of her car and go inside. Moments later she turned on the lights upstairs. Andy went to the other side of the apartment to see if there were any other windows or doors. There was a balcony in the back overlooking a wooded area. He took cover in the trees.

  Inside the apartment, Skye put down her bag and went to change. She noticed the light flashing on her answering machine and walked over to check her messages. She pressed the play button and heard the familiar greeting. “You have one new message. First message, Thursday, nine o’clock p.m. Ciao, bella! It’s Marco. I just wanted to say good night. I guess you are still at the lab. See you tomorrow.” Skye smiled. “End of messages.” She went to her room and got undressed. She grabbed a clean pair of underwear and went to take a shower.

  Outside her apartment Andy was still waiting. He could hear the message with his super sensitive hearing. He was discouraged. He felt like the fates were mocking him, that a woman who looked exactly like Araceli should find his scrolls, and she would be involved with another man. He was tempted to use his powers to influence people’s thoughts and alter their memories in order to drive Marco away. But he wanted Skye to love him because she felt that way, not because he put suggestions for her to feel that way. He wanted it to be natural. He longed to have with Skye what he had with Araceli and hopefully end the misery he had been feeling for centuries.

  He had bigger problems to worry about right now. Soon Amara would discover he had not retrieved the scrolls and was actually helping to translate them. She would be furious. He wasn’t sure if she would come and check on him or not.

  He couldn’t ignore his thirst any longer, so he ran off into the woods to hunt.


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