The Immortal Scrolls

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The Immortal Scrolls Page 16

by Kristin Secorsky

  “Gross,” said Lucian.

  “Sorry,” said Androcles, embarrassed.

  Araceli stood up and walked over to where Androcles sat. She knelt down and wiped away his tears. “I wish I could remember you. We had something special, I know.” Araceli started to cry. She knew she was hurting both Lucian and Androcles right now.

  Androcles reached into his pocket and pulled out her bracelet that he had kept all these years. “This belonged to you. I gave it to you. I want you to have it again.” He placed the bracelet on her wrist.

  Araceli fell backwards with force. Her face clouded over. She looked pained. Lucian and Androcles rushed to her side. A floodgate of memories opened. Araceli accepted them. She remembered her parents and her life in Rome. She remembered being married. However, her memories were foggy and incomplete. She had no memory of Androcles.

  “I remember!” she exclaimed. Androcles looked up with hope. “Sort of. I still don’t remember you. But I remember my family and Rome and Antonius. Oh my, everyone is dead!” Of course they are. It has been centuries, she thought, feeling stupid. But the loss of her family and everything she knew hit her hard. She looked around at her modern apartment. The time never bothered her much as the world changed. But now she experienced the loss of what she’d had for the first time.

  Tiberius pulled out a flask of hard liquor and passed it to her. “Drink this. It will calm you down.” Araceli took a swig of it and coughed. The liquor was strong. Lucian and Androcles helped her to her feet.

  “Did you know, Lucian?” she asked.

  “I knew some. I too am sorry I never told you. I thought it was best. I never thought you would regain your memory. I didn’t want to cause you unnecessary pain,” he said.

  “I understand,” said Araceli. She was a little mad at both Lucian and Tiberius. “So what do we do now?”

  “Do you want your memories back?” asked Tiberius.

  Araceli thought for a moment. She loved Lucian. She didn’t know what would happen if she got her memories of Androcles back. But she knew she wanted to remember. She felt incomplete.

  “Yes,” she said.

  Androcles looked happy, whereas Lucian looked sad.

  “Then we find her,” said Androcles.

  “And destroy her,” Tiberius said.

  “But how? We have searched for centuries,” asked Araceli.

  “Amara is here,” said Androcles. “She came to make sure I destroyed the scrolls. She doesn’t know who you are, but she did see your resemblance and is jealous again. Amara wants to destroy you. She wants me. I have avoided her for centuries. She will do anything to make me hers.

  “So we need to make a plan,” said Lucian. “The pack is all here.”

  “They are?” Araceli asked.

  “Yes,” said Lucian. “We were afraid there might be trouble.”

  “Lucian and I will go gather the pack. Then we will make a plan,” said Tiberius. “You will stay with Araceli and protect her.”

  Androcles nodded. He was happy to be alone with her. Lucian narrowed his eyes at Androcles as if to say hands off. Then Tiberius and Lucian left. Androcles turned to Araceli. He stared at her. She shifted uncomfortably.

  “I’m sorry. I just cannot believe it is really you, my love,” said Androcles. “Please don’t be afraid of me.”

  “I’m not, Andy—Androcles,” she said.

  Androcles walked slowly over to her. “Please…” he begged and hugged her. She let him but stood awkwardly. He leaned her head back and moved to kiss her. Araceli stopped him.

  “Please don’t,” she begged. “I’m sorry. I’m just really confused.”

  “No, I am sorry,” Androcles said, disappointed. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I am sorry this happened to us. I will fix it. I promise.”

  Araceli nodded her head. She still wasn’t sure. If she remembered him, what would happen? Would she have to decide between him and Lucian, or would she stop loving Lucian? Or would her love for Lucian overpower what she had with Androcles? She asked herself all these questions and decided it would be better not to think about that right now. “We need to think of a plan to get Amara and destroy her.”

  “I have something in mind,” said Androcles with a devilish smile on his face.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Are you sure she will come?” asked Tiberius nervously.

  “Yes,” said Androcles. “She will take the bait.”

  The whole pack waited in secret at the excavation site at the ludus. Tiberius looked around at his whole home.

  “This place hasn’t really changed, has it?” said Lucian.

  “Not really,” replied Tiberius.

  They had all armed themselves with weapons from the armory. All the weapons had silver, as they were used to kill werewolves. Both werewolves and vampires were susceptible to silver.

  “No, it hasn’t changed at all. And neither have any of you,” said Amara. Her evil voice cut across the former training grounds. They all turned to look at her. She had a few vampire companions with her: her long-time companion Callixtus, his lover, and a few other vampires Androcles didn’t know. They had more wolves. Yet vampires could be more deadly. “Now what is all this, Androcles, my love?”

  “Nothing,” he replied.

  “I see,” she said in disbelief. “Just a reunion.”

  “Amara,” said Tiberius.

  “Tiberius,” she replied. Then it hit her. Amara realized that if Tiberius had lived, then so had the girl. “The girl. It is her then?”

  “Yes,” said Androcles. “And we have come to make a deal. Return her memory, and I will go with you and be yours forever.”

  “Alas, I cannot. The only way for her to regain her memory is to destroy me. And I will not let that happen,” said Amara coldly. Her fangs protruded. Her companions stiffed at the impending fight.

  “So be it,” said Tiberius. Some of the wolves shifted, and others stayed human, wielding silver weapons. Amara laughed evilly into the night. The werewolves flew at the small group of vampires. Tiberius and Lucian aimed for Amara. Androcles flew at her too. She was ancient and strong. Araceli came out from her hiding spot in the cells. She watched the fight with fear. She had been hiding off in the distance. Araceli had covered herself from head to toe in silver armor. The wolves made quick work of destroying the vampires. Tiberius, Lucian, and Androcles had Amara. Araceli’s visible skin glowed in her fairy way as she walked toward Amara. She carried a heavy silver sword. It had been Androcles’s in the arena. Could it be this easy? she thought. No, it couldn’t it turned out. More vampires came out of nowhere ambushing the entire group.

  “Look out!” Araceli cried as the vampires flew in and attacked. They tore at the throats of the surprised men. The rest of the men shifted into wolves. Amara grabbed something from her waist. It was too late to warn Lucian. Araceli screamed as Amara drove the silver knife through his heart. Araceli knew she would never forget the surprised look on his face and then the pain as he fell to the ground. Lucian held the knife and caught his blood as he spilled out.

  “No!” cried Tiberius.

  “Lucian!” cried Araceli. Araceli rushed at Amara, who was still being held by Androcles, and cut off her head with one swift move. She dropped the sword and fell to Lucian’s side as her memories came back. Lucian was dying. She threw herself over his body. The wolves were chasing off the remaining vampires. Tiberius knelt by his son.

  “Lucian, no!” said Araceli as she sobbed. “I can’t lose you again.”

  “Skye,” said Lucian weakly. “My love.”

  “No, no, we can fix this,” cried Araceli. She looked at Androcles. “Do something please.”

  “What?” asked Androcles.

  “Her blood healed your leg. Maybe…” said Araceli.

  “Not for this, my child,” said Tiberius as he held his dying son’s hand. He nodded toward the dagger. “Silver.”

  “Then change him,” she begged.
  “No!” said Lucian in as strong a voice as he could manage.

  Araceli wouldn’t listen. “Please, Androcles. Please.”

  “It won’t work, Araceli. I’m sorry,” said Androcles. “The silver has poisoned his blood.”

  “No!” she cried as she bent over to lay her head on Lucian’s chest. Lucian stroked her hair.

  “Shhh. Don’t cry, my love. It’s all right,” said Lucian. Lucian looked at Androcles. “Take care of her, brother.” Androcles nodded that he would. “Skye…tell our children their father loves them.”

  “I will. I love you,” Araceli sobbed as she kissed Lucian. He reached his hand up and wiped away the tears on her cheek.

  “I…love…you,” Lucian whispered with his final breath. His hand fell lifelessly to his side.

  “No, no, no!” cried Araceli. Tiberius kissed his son’s forehead and closed Lucian’s eyelids. Then he grabbed Araceli and hugged her.

  Androcles walked away to give them a private moment to mourn. He had liked Lucian when he knew him and mourned his death as well. The other wolves were back and gathered around Lucian. They howled into the night. It was a melancholy sound.

  Chapter Sixteen

  NAPLES, 2011

  Tiberius woke up on the couch in Araceli’s apartment to a gentle knocking on the front door. He could smell it was Androcles and got up to answer.

  “Come in,” said Tiberius.

  “How is she? How are you?” Androcles asked, worried. He had not stuck around that night because he wanted to make sure the other vampires were long gone and not stupid enough to return. He came across Callixtus, who begged for his life. Unfortunately for him and his lover, Androcles was not in the forgiving mood and ripped their heads off. He stayed away for a few weeks to give them both time to mourn. But Androcles couldn’t stay away from her any longer.

  “Araceli is sleeping. I gave her some strong medicines to get her to sleep. She has been inconsolable. Not eating…”

  Androcles looked upstairs, worried for Araceli.

  “She will be all right in time. We all will,” said Tiberius as he walked to the door. “I will just give you two a while to talk.”

  “Thank you,” said Androcles.

  “She remembers, by the way,” said Tiberius as he closed the door behind him.

  Androcles was nervous. He could feel Tiberius’s sorrow. He felt an even greater sadness radiating from upstairs. He hoped he could help her. Androcles walked upstairs. He found her awake and lying in bed.

  “You’re up,” he said in surprise.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Listen,” he said. “I want to tell you how sorry I am about Lucian. I know how much you loved him. I could feel it.”

  Araceli nodded her head. “Yes, I did very much.” She was silent for a moment. “Androcles, I remember everything. I remember you. I want you to know even though I loved Lucian, I love you too. And right now I am confused.”

  Androcles went and knelt by her bed. “It’s all right, Araceli.” He kissed her forehead. “Everything is going to be all right.”

  “The twins,” Araceli said. “They are alive, Androcles. Our children.”

  Androcles looked at her in surprise. “But how…after all these years? And for that matter, how are you alive if you are not a werewolf?”

  “You see, I almost died giving birth. We were in Britannia in the woods. I was saved by the queen of the fae. She gave me and the babies their essence and their immortality. They are alive and well in Fae right now. They come and go into our world as they please but always return. When I went in search of Amara with Tiberius, I gave them to Oona for safe keeping. I never thought I would be gone so long. I go visit them often. But they were raised in Fae and feel at home there. Unlike me. I never felt at home in any one place.”

  “Can I see them? What are their names?” Androcles asked excitedly.

  “Our daughter is Willow Oona. I named her after Lucian’s mother and the Queen. Our son is Tiberius Lucian after—well, you know who they are named after. I call him Wolf.”

  Androcles laughed. “They have noble names. I like it.”

  “I also have a son, Faelan, with Lucian,” Araceli said. She looked at Androcles gauging his reaction.

  “Then I shall love him as Lucian loved my children,” he said.

  “I don’t know if you can go into Fae,” she said.

  “Then we go as close as we can, and they can come to me,” suggested Androcles.

  “All right, then we will go to Britannia—I mean England,” said Araceli.

  “I will go with you anywhere if you let me,” said Androcles.

  “I think that’s possible,” said Araceli as she smiled.

  Androcles leaned over and kissed her on the lips. This time Araceli didn’t stop him. He moved on top of her.

  “This feels so wrong so soon after Lucian,” said Araceli sadly.

  “Yes,” agreed Androcles. “But I need you, Araceli.”

  Araceli didn’t protest. She had already lost so much. She lost Androcles only to find him and then lose him again. She lost Lucian once before only to find him and lose him again. She was tired of losing. She knew Lucian would want her to be happy.

  Androcles made love to her slowly, savoring every moment and getting to know her once again. It was new and familiar at the same time. Araceli was shy and nervous. It reminded him of their first time together. He kissed her breasts as she ran her fingers up and down his back. Androcles moved in and out of her gently. Araceli started to moan and respond to his touch. He moved faster as he felt his own climax coming. Araceli began to tremble as her moans became louder. Androcles let himself go once he knew she had been satisfied. His body collapsed on top of her. She was breathing heavily.

  “I love you, Araceli,” he said.

  “I love you too, Androcles,” she replied.

  “I have to leave you,” he said suddenly.

  “Why?” she said, more upset then he expected.

  “No, not like that,” he said, laughing. “I need to go feed and soon.”

  “Oh!” she said, laughing. “Well then, in that case, don’t be gone too long.”

  “Never again,” he said. He kissed her swiftly and disappeared out the balcony door.

  Araceli stood up and walked over to her dresser. She took off the necklace that Lucian had given her and kissed it. “I will always love you, Lucian. I have the chance to be happy again. I hope you understand.” She put the necklace away in a safe spot and waited in bed for Androcles to return.


  Bella – Italian for “beautiful”

  Centurion – Roman officer in command of 100 men

  Ciao – Italian for “hi” or “bye”

  Domina – female master

  Dominus – male master

  Dove sei stato per tutta la mia vita – Italian for “where have you been all my life?”

  Fae – fairy

  Faun – half-human and half-deer mythical creature

  Legatus – Roman army general

  Ludus – gladiator training school

  Palla – small cloak or scarf

  Stola – a female tunic of any color worn over another tunic, and can be with short sleeves, long sleeves, or sleeveless

  Subligaculum – loincloth

  Thyrsus – staff


  Herculaneum – ancient Italian city located on the Bay of Naples just southeast of Naples at the western foot of Mt. Vesuvius; destroyed in the 79 AD eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.

  Britannia – ancient name for Great Britain



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