Addictive Collision

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Addictive Collision Page 9

by Sierra Rose

  “That’s ridiculous. His grandbabies are beautiful. He should appreciate them.”

  “I know. It breaks my heart. My kids are my life.” He paused, then went on, “He said the nastiest thing to me just last week.”


  “He said, ‘You gave everything up for that woman, and where is Patty now? Dead, that’s where.’ Can you believe that?”

  “Gosh, that’s horrible. I’m so sorry, Foster.”

  “Yeah, my father can be a spiteful, hurtful bastard sometimes. My mom is the polar opposite, so sweet. You’d love her. She supports me and loves the children, spoils them rotten.”

  I smiled. “That’s what grandmas are for.”

  He smiled. “Definitely.”

  “Do you ever miss it?”



  “I try to stay around the game where I can. I coach Little League, referee football and softball at the high school, and volunteer to work in the concession stands. I love watching their games and supporting them. I also play on a coed, fast-pitch softball team, and that’s a lot of fun. So, yeah, I’m still getting a little dust in my cleats now and then.”

  “That’s so sweet.”

  A warm breeze blew across my hair. As I sat there, rocking in the porch swing with him, I felt like I was in high school all over again. I was so giddy, so happy, and I hadn’t felt that way in a long, long time.

  “So...I know your favorite thing to do on a free Saturday is to spend time with your kids,” he said, “but what’s next on the list?”

  “Well, I love to have a beer and watch a game. In person’s a lot better than on the tube.”

  “A girl who digs beer and the Sunday game? Somebody please pinch me! I think I’ve died and gone to Heaven.”

  We both laughed and began spewing sports stats at one another. I didn’t have a chance to go to sporting events very often, but when I could get my mother to watch the girls, I headed to the ballpark with my sister and our friends. We’d drink, eat hot dogs, and have a blast cheering on our favorite team.

  “Next to sports, I’m also a bit of a beach bum,” Foster said. “I love watching a game, but I also love boating, swimming, and hopping on the jet-ski. It’s even better when I get the chance to enjoy it with my kids. We love to play ball, camp out at the lake, or just hang out.”

  “Camping? Really? Gosh, I love that—all that fresh air, building a fire, hiking, pitching a tent, and hauling wood. There’s nothing like waking up at dawn in the great outdoors, right? Last year, we took a backpacking trip. My girls carried twelve pounds each on their backs and never once complained. There’s so much to discover, from bugs to pretty leaves or even shells by the lake.”

  “Yet another thing in common,” he said.

  I smiled. “Yes, and I also love cooking over a campfire, the absolute best way to cook anything. Whether we’re eating pancakes and eggs, hash browns, s’mores, or campfire stew, the food just tastes so darn good. Emma likes her hotdogs and marshmallows a little blacker than I do though.”

  He smiled. “It’s great being outdoors, but it’s a lot of hard work. Really works up an appetite.”

  Right on cue, Emma burst through the door. “Mom, can we have a snack?”

  I smiled at Foster, who smiled back at me. “Honey, it’s getting late. Let’s head home, and I’ll find you something there.”

  Foster walked us to the car and we all said our difficult goodbyes after the most wonderful Friday nights I’d had in a long, long time.

  Chapter 16

  Juliet came over the next day to get all the juicy details, even though there weren’t any. “Not even a goodnight kiss?” she asked.

  “Not with my kids with me. Besides, we decided to take it slow. He’s a real gentleman, refuses to mess with a married woman, so I have to wait to be officially divorced.”

  “Ah, the infamous friend zone, huh?”

  “Just for now. It’s probably the best thing.”

  “Well, what was it like to talk to him? I mean, is he easy to talk to, comfortable and natural, or were you all nervous and uneasy?”

  “It was great to talk to him, no awkward moments or silence. It helps that we already kind of know each other. He made me laugh, and we had fun cooking dinner.”

  “Wait. He helped you cook?”

  “Yeah. He fumbled around a bit, but I got him through it.”

  She chuckled.

  “It was wonderful. We have this connection. We somehow. I feel like I could talk to him for the rest of eternity. I’m not sure if I believe in past lives, but I swear if they do exist, we must have known each other before.”

  “Aw. You’re still walking on clouds.”

  “Everything seemed magical. I could get lost in those blue eyes of his.”

  “Sounds fantastic.”

  “It was!”

  “It’s great to see you this happy, Morgan.”

  “I know. I haven’t felt this way in years.”

  “I’ve got some good news of my own,” she said.


  “Kyle and I are going to move in together,” Juliet declared, squealing in delight.

  My jaw dropped. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Nope. He kicked his roommate out, so he’s got a vacancy that needs filled. He asked me because I’m reliable and dependable, and he trusts me.”

  I cocked a brow. “Are you sure that’s such a good idea?”

  “I know it is. It’s...fate.”

  “I’m not sure you should live with your crush, Juliet. He already tells you everything. Do you honestly wanna see him bringing home women? It’s gonna kill you.”

  “It’s okay. I know Kyle is a bit of a, uh...playboy. I’ve decided, for now, to just look at him as my best friend.”

  “So you don’t want to date him?”

  She bit her lip. “It’s complicated.”

  “You shouldn’t move in with a guy you have feelings for, unless he has the same feelings for you too. If you do, it’ll be a train wreck.”

  “But he begged me.”

  “Of course, because he needs someone to help him pay the rent, and he considers you a best friend,” I said. “Maybe you should tell him everything and see what happens.”

  “What if it scares him away?”

  “He needs to know, Juliet. How can you pine away for him in secret?”

  “I just need to let him be my friend, nothing more, and move on.”

  “Yes, but moving in with him isn’t going to help you get over him, and it’s sure not going to help your dating life.”

  “It’s just so hard to say no to him. The rent will be so cheap, and he won’t even be there half the time. It’ll be like having my own apartment. Besides, nobody gets along as well as we do.”

  “I know your last roommate was a bitch, but...”

  “But what? Kyle is so easygoing, and I don’t want to live with a chick again. I can’t deal with all that drama. Men are just easier to live with.”

  “Speak for yourself!”

  We both laughed.

  “Kyle is tall, dark, and handsome,” she said. “He’s perfect.”

  I shook my head.

  “What?” she asked.

  “There’s no such thing. That’s for damn sure. Besides, you don’t need all those qualities in a guy to be extraordinarily happy. Carrie, from Sex and the City, was right. It’s not about finding the perfect person. It’s about finding that perfect connection with an imperfect person.” She seemed to be listening intently, so I continued, “You have to find a guy who is perfect for you, despite his flaws and shortcomings.”

  “I get it. I do. It’s like getting a Wonka bar every week and looking for that golden ticket that I never find.”


  “But you don’t have a perceived notion of who Mr. Right is?”

  “Sure. For starters, it needs to be someone who appreciates you for who you really are.”

“And then...”

  “Well, I said. “I want trust, understanding, acceptance, affection, communication, to be romanced, faithfulness, dependability, kindness, passion... I just want a guy who makes me laugh, one who’ll accept me just as I am.”

  “That would be wonderful, but I’m not sure how realistic it is. Anyway, I hope we both find our dream guy.”

  I grinned. “I think I might have already.”

  Juliet smiled back. “Me too.”

  I smirked. “You just did not just say that. Look, it’s a mistake to waste your time with Kyle. He’s never going to be perfect for you, because it’s just not who he is. He’s a great friend, and I get that, but you have such a one-track mind when it comes to him.”

  “Yeah, yeah, but as they say, the heart wants what the heart wants.”

  Chapter 17

  Just as I stepped into the elevator to take some files up, Foster called my name. My heart fluttered at the sight of him.

  “Hey! Hold that door. I’ve got a package to deliver upstairs,” he said. “Mind givin’ me a ride?” he asked as he stepped in.

  You have no idea how bad I wanna ride you, Mr. Mailman, I thought but did not say. I pressed the button for the fourth floor. “What a pleasant surprise,” I said. “I thought I missed you when the boss sent me out on errands.”

  The elevator stopped abruptly between floors, and Foster caught me when I swayed backward with a jerk.

  “What the...?” I pushed the button to open the door, but nothing happened. My eyes widened. “I think we’re stuck.”

  He pressed the emergency call button, but that did no good either, so we began banging on the door and yelling. All of it was to no avail.

  “I guess we wait it out,” I said. “Somebody will come.”

  “Yeah, I hope so.”

  I looked around at the eight-by-eight prison cell. “Up for a little jailbreak?” I asked.

  “Naw, it’s too risky. If we climb out and the thing starts back up, it could crush us or something. Haven’t you ever seen Speed?”

  No, but I’ve sure as hell heard “Love in an Elevator,” I thought.

  “Besides, if I’m gonna be in lockup, I wouldn’t mind spending the next ten to twenty with you,” he said.

  “You mean minutes, right?”

  His eyes lit up. “It doesn’t matter when it comes to a woman as wonderful as you. Heck, I’d take a life sentence, as long as my confinement isn’t...solitary.”

  My smile widened, and then I sighed. “I guess we should just sit back and relax. It’ll take maintenance a little while to get us out.”

  His gaze drifted to my lips, then back up to my eyes. “I can think of a lot worse things than being stuck in an elevator with a beautiful woman.”

  “Right back at ya,” I said, “except, uh...I mean with a hot guy.” I grinned sheepishly and apologized, “Sorry I cut you off last night on the phone. Emma had one of her fits, and I had to deal with it. Sometimes life gets in the way.”

  “I completely understand. Becky let the dog out by accident, and we spent two hours looking for him.”

  “Oh my gosh! Did you find him?”

  “Yeah, he turned up, completely covered in burs and mud.”

  “You’re a good dad to go out there and spend hours looking for the kids’ dog.”

  “What can I say? That dog is part of the family too. I love the fur-ball.” He glanced around. “So much time to kill.”

  “How about a game of truth-or-dare?” I suggested.

  “Hmm. I gotta say, that piques my interest,” he said, “especially since we don’t have a bottle to spin.”

  “I haven’t played since I was thirteen.”

  He winked. “Might be fun.”

  I looked at him. “All right. Truth or dare?”


  I couldn’t stop staring at Foster; it would have been an understatement to call him beautiful. He was so gorgeous that he almost took my breath away. “How bad do you want me?” I asked in a teasing manner.

  He met my gaze straight on. “Badly.”

  I grinned. “Okay. Your turn.”

  “Truth or dare?”


  “I dare you to...take down your bun,” he ordered.

  “Easy enough.” I pulled out my ponytail holder and clips, then shook my mane free. It cascaded down my back, all the way to my waist.

  He caressed my hair with long strokes, then let the strands fall through his fingers. “You’re so beautiful, Morgan,” he said.

  “Thanks,” I said. “My turn. Truth or dare?”


  “What are you fantasizing about right this minute?” I asked.

  His face flushed.

  I smirked. “What?”


  “You wanted to play, so you have to tell me the truth. Them’s the rules.”

  He shot me a coy smile.

  “What?” I asked.

  “A hug...”

  “A hug? I can manage that.”

  “Wait. Let me finish. I’m dreaming of a hug that goes a little further, one of those embraces that sort of melts into wild, tawdry, on-the-floor sex. Like...” He stopped, blushed, and swallowed a lump in his throat. “Sorry. That came out wrong. I haven’t been with a woman in a long time.”

  “Well, it’s been even longer for me.”

  “Wait. You’ve been with a woman?”

  I playfully slapped him, and my gaze narrowed. “How long?”

  “A long time.”

  “And how long is long?”

  “Uh...over six months.”

  “Geesh. That’s nothing compared to me.”

  He looked at me. “You told me about it, on that night when you had a little bit too much to drink. Liquor loosens the tongue, you know.”

  “Oh. I’m so sorry about that. What did I say?”

  “That it’s been five years now,” he said.

  Heat rose to my cheeks. “Yeah.”

  “I didn’t question it, but if you’re married, how... I mean, why?”

  “Like I said, my ex was through with our marriage long ago.”

  He inched closer and pulled me close. “Damn. If I was sleeping in the same house, I’d be all over you all the time.”

  I stared into his eyes and never wanted to look away. There was this undeniable magnetism, this heat between us. The intensity of his gaze grew more penetrating, and I knew he was daring me to take control, daring me to kiss him. An inferno blazed inside me as I ran my hands down his powerful chest. “Okay. Dare. Name three places you want to kiss me, excluding face, neck, or...well, the other obvious one.”

  “Hey, it’s not your turn. I already gave you my truth.”

  “Just tell me, Foster.”

  He curled a strand of my hair around his finger. “That’s easy.”

  “Where?” I innocently asked.

  His fingers ran up my back. “I want to kiss the sloping arch of your back.”

  I closed my eyes as shivers ran up my spine; I imagined his luscious lips peppering me there with kisses. “Mmm. I can almost feel it right now.”

  “Maybe the soft, silky skin under your belly button.”

  “I like that too.”

  His hands ran down the sides of my breasts, sending chills through me, then whispered in my ear, “And those breasts.”

  The breath I didn’t realize I was holding escaped me as he cupped my face. “Ah. You saved the best for last.”

  He gazed at me. “Do you have any idea how bad I want to kiss you right now? Lips on lips, skin on skin.”

  I stared at his mouth, his lips hovering so close. I wanted nothing more than to slam my mouth into his, to devour him right then and there. “But you don’t kiss married women,” I gently reminded him.

  “I won’t, but I also won’t deny how damn bad I want you, Morgan. I want to touch every gentle curve of your body, to feel your lips against mine. I want to kiss you all night long.”

  My hea
rt raced at his declaration. “Just do it,” I tempted in a seductive whisper, dying for his touch.

  “Oh my goodness. That’s the sexiest thing a girl has ever said to me, even if it does sound like a Nike ad.”

  I smiled. “Yet you won’t obey?”

  “You know we can’t, not yet.”

  “What if we never get this chance again?” I asked, running my hands down his chest.

  His eyes connected with mine, and I could see how much he wanted me. You can have me, my eyes spoke back to his. I’m yours, Foster. I’m all yours.

  He touched my face and brushed his thumb across my cheek. “You look hot, flushed, and unbelievably sexy.”

  “Did I mention I forgot to wear undies this morning?” I said in the sexiest voice I could muster.

  He pushed me against the brass handrail, and I grabbed a fistful of his shirt. He slowly grazed his lips across my neck in an open-mouthed kiss.

  “Oh...” I moaned. “That’s so hot.”

  His hot breath softly blew against my skin between kisses, driving me crazy. I so desperately wanted his lips on mine, and I didn’t ever want that moment to end.

  “I can’t take this,” he said, trailing his fingers down my back. “Married or not, you turn me on so damn much.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath. “The divorce will be final soon,” I whispered.

  “Soon isn’t soon enough.”

  “Who says you have to keep your hands to yourself?” I asked. “Tom is already gone. It’s just...a matter of paperwork.”

  “Ooh, you naughty temptress,” he whispered, blowing lightly into my ear.

  My hand raked through his hair as his lips brushed along my jaw and down to my neck, sending tingles to every square inch of my body. It felt so good, and I pictured our lips colliding in a deep, passionate, Earth-shaking kiss. He peered into my eyes. No words were exchanged; there was only a beautiful silence lingering between us as our eyes locked. His burning gaze set every inch of my body aflame.

  I rested my arms around his waist. “You’re breaking the rules, Mr. Mailman.”

  His thumb seductively traced my bottom lip. “Doesn’t passion rule us all?”


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