One Night

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One Night Page 2

by K. L. Humphreys

  Fuck, I miss Brianne so fucking bad, I just wish I knew where the hell she was. I’ve tried calling her countless times, but she never answers my calls, she doesn’t answer any of our calls. A few minutes later I turn off the water and climb out of the shower, grab a towel and wrap it around my waist then proceed to make my way to my room.

  I hear my phone ringing as I walk into the bedroom and rush to grab it.

  “Yeah,” I answer without even looking at the caller ID.

  “Hey man, where the fuck have you been? I’ve called about five freaking times already,” Carson says.

  “Was in the shower,” I tell him as my hand goes through my wet hair. “What’s up?” I continue to ask.

  “Change of plans, come over to Brianne’s place instead tonight,” he says, confusing me. He is the one who was hell-bent on going out tonight, said something about needing to relax and then at the end of the night empty his balls.

  “Why the sudden change?” I ask as I walk toward my closet to pick out some clothes.

  “It’s Bri,” his words halt my steps.

  “What about Brianne?”

  “She just called. She says she’s on her way home man, said she’ll be here in about an hour,” I don’t know if I want to fucking jump for joy like a teenage girl or go grab some whisky right now.

  “Oh,” is all I manage to say as his words slowly sink in.

  “Yeah, so I think you should come over and hang out with us,” he tells me, his excitement coming out loud and clear. I know that he’s missed her. Growing up, they were great friends, even with the four-year age gap.

  “Uh, yeah, sure.”

  “Cool, bring some ciders I only have beer in this house,” he laughs, but I’m finding it hard to even crack a smile right now. What am I going to say when I see her?

  “Laters then,” I say ending the call. I drop the phone on the chest of drawers as Carson’s words play over and over in my head.

  I can’t believe this. Can it actually be true?

  Holy fucking shit, she’s on her way back!

  Chapter Two


  “Look Bri; there’s no point in staying here anymore. You’re huge like a heifer and look as if you’re about to calf at any moment. Don’t you want your family around you when you give birth to the little Satan’s?” Olivia asks with a smile.

  “How many times do I have to tell you, my babies aren’t Satan’s! They’re two tiny human beings who don’t have much room in there.” Good God, she won’t stop calling them that, ever since she saw one of their elbows move.

  “Satan’s, I don’t care what you say, I’m telling you now, they’re Satan’s babies. Geez, Satan’s about to be reincarnated.” She doesn’t mean it, no matter what she’ll love these babies. She’ll not only be their godmother but also their aunty.

  When I left the night I slept with Jaxon, she called me as soon as she got my text. When I told her everything that had happened that night, she went crazy, threatening to cut Ethan’s dick off. When I told her I was in San Diego, it took her less than a second to tell me that she was coming.

  “Everyone’s going to think I’m a whore. I mean, I’m six months pregnant, and I could pop at any moment. You heard the Doctor; he told us that most twins come early.” When he told me that, I had a minor panic attack. I’m not ready to be a mom, and being a mom to two at the same time? Well, that is going to be the ultimate challenge. I wanted the full nine months to prepare for them to come, but now I’m scared that I won’t have that.

  “Yeah, and knowing these little Satan’s, it’ll be on the drive down, they’ll know that I’m driving, and bam, you’re in labor, and my baby is ruined.” She narrows her eyes at my huge bump.

  “Stop it! God Livie, can’t you act like a normal human and be happy that two tiny little humans will be here soon?”

  She sighs like it’s the hardest thing to do. “Okay, now ring Carson and tell him your ass is coming home. He’s going to be so excited. You were kind of mean not telling him that you were going.”

  I know, he was frantic when he found out that I had left. God, mom, told me that he beat Ethan up. Livie laughed when she heard it. I was shocked, my geeky brother, actually beat someone up? I just found it hard to believe that my brother of all people has a violent bone in his body.

  “Fine. I’ll ring him, but when we’re on the road.” I don’t know if going home is the right thing to do. I mean, I love my family, and they’re going to be so happy about the babies. It’s just everyone else I’m worried about.

  “Livie, am I making the right decision in going home?” The anxiety is kicking in, and I’m scared. This isn’t like me. Usually, I’m happy and chilled out. The pregnancy hormones along with the nervousness about going home have me acting weird.

  Livie walks over to me and side hugs me, she can’t hug me from the front as I’m too big. “Bri, you’re making the right decision. Stop worrying. If anyone dares say anything, you know damn well either Carson, your mom, or I will set them straight.”

  I sink into her embrace, she’s right, my family are the best. “I’ll go pack; we have a two-hour journey ahead of us.”

  She pushes me away laughing, “Make that three, adding the number of times you need to pee. Now hurry up and pack, I don’t want to be on the road the entire day. I’d like to be in Santa Monica before it gets dark.”

  “Are you already packed?” I ask her, and the little traitor nods as she smiles at me. “What if I changed my mind? Hmm? What would you have done then?”

  “I would have got a forklift and lifted your ass into my car. Now hurry!”

  It didn’t take me that long to pack because I hadn’t really unpacked. Running away was something I never thought I’d do, I never thought that I was a coward, but here I am, about to go home with my tail between my legs. I know that my family will welcome me with open arms; hell, my mom has been threatening to find me and drag my ass home. I never told them where I was or why I left, just that I needed to sort my head out.

  “You’d better ring Carson, we’re just over an hour away, and that’s if you don’t pee anymore,” Livie tells me, looking at me like I’ve just sprouted three heads.

  “You put me on a drinking ban! You actually stole my water.” I still haven’t forgiven her for that.

  “Be lucky I didn’t steal your chocolate bar. How the hell can you eat so much, yet be so thin, except for the Satan’s babies, they’re huge.” She glances at me and the chocolate bar in my hand before going back to watching the road.

  “Touch my chocolate, and I’ll break your hand. You’ve messed with me enough today! And the babies are taking everything.” It’s true, I’m all bump, and it’s huge at that.

  “Ring Carson!” She shouts, causing me to jump and pee myself a bit. Fucking bladder issues. I do as she says and call my brother.

  “Bri, fuck! Everything okay?” He sounds so relieved, yet worried at the same time.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine, um, what are you doing tonight?” I sound so unsure of myself, I know that he was really upset when I left, I just hope that he understands.

  “Depends on why you’re asking now, doesn’t it? So, Batgirl, what’s with the question?” Geez, he’s still calling me Batgirl, I thought he’d have outgrown that shit by now. It’s fine when in private but when you’re in the middle of the store and all you hear is ‘Hey Batgirl, don’t forget the dip!’ you want to hide and pretend that you don’t know him.

  “Well, Livie and I are an hour away from home, and I need a hand in bringing in my bags, I thought you’d like to help.” Livie starts laughing, and I can’t hide the smile I have, it’s great to still be able to joke around with him.

  “Like you even have to ask. I’ve been staying at your place anyway!” He tells me, and I can hear the humor in his voice.

  “Please tell me that you’ve cleaned and opened a window or two?” Even though he’s twenty-seven, he’s a dirty fuc
ker, who plays video games most of the time. Hell, he and Jaxon design them on the side.

  “Of course I have.” I can tell by the quickness of his answer that it was mom who’s been cleaning my house.

  “Okay, I’ll be home in about an hour. See you then.” I’m starting to get excited; it’s been too long not seeing my family and mom already knows that I’m coming home, I called her while I was packing, knowing her, she’ll be over at my house, cleaning before I even get home.

  “We’ll have a party tonight; I’ll get Jax to come over too.” Just hearing him say Jax’s name has my mind flashing back to that night. His hands on my hips as he thrusts into me, my legs wrapped around his muscular body, that kiss. Oh, dear God that kiss! “Earth to Bri, did you hear a word I said?” Carson asks.

  “Of course, I did, you said we’ll have a party, that you’ll get Jaxon to come over too. Only you could think that four people constitutes as a party.”

  “I also said why the hell did mom know you were coming home before me?” His voice has gone up an octave. “She’s here right now and told me she already knew,”

  “Because I told her. I’ve got to go; I need to find a bathroom. I need to pee.” That soon shuts him up, and he says ‘bye’ and hangs up.

  “Not happening, you can pee yourself. I’m not stopping.” Livie says as soon as I put my phone into my bag.

  “Already have, and I was only messing with him, I don’t need to pee.” I didn’t want to get into why I told mom and not him. Mom knows I’m pregnant; I begged her not to tell anyone, although I think she told dad.

  “What!? You peed in my car?” The screeching from Livie has me covering my ears. God, that sounds worse than a cat dying.

  “Yes, you scared me, and I leaked.” I shrug, it’s not the first time I’ve peed myself while pregnant and I doubt it will be the last.

  “Great, now I’m going to have to have it professionally cleaned. So Jax will be there when we get home? How do you feel about that?” Of course, she’ll be the one to bring that up. She knows everything that happened that night; I went into vivid detail. She actually blushed.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t seen him in almost six months; he’s probably still the man-whore he always was. Why would sleeping with me change that?” I’m hoping that he’s changed, but I doubt it, I never gave him a reason to change. Hell, I was probably just another notch on his belt.

  “You’re so dense it’s unreal. What are you going to tell them about Satan’s babies?” She says as she waves her hand in the direction of my bump.

  “That it was unplanned and that although I’m scared, I’m really happy.” What else is there to say? I mean I’m about to pop them out at any minute.

  “I meant about who the father is. Are they Ethan’s or Jaxon’s?” No one knows, I mean other than me and Jax only Livie knows that we slept together. Well, I’m not sure if Jaxon told anyone, but I’m hoping not. So, everyone’s going to think its Ethan’s. “I’ve never asked you because I thought you’d tell me yourself, but you haven’t. Do you know who the father is?” She glances at me again, and I see the welcome to Santa Monica sign and I know we’ll be home in less than twenty minutes.

  “Of course, I know who the father is. Geez, Livie, what do you take me for?” I can’t believe that she of all people had to ask me that.

  She must have heard the hurt in my voice, she reaches over and takes my hand, “Sorry Bri, I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m just curious, is all.”

  “I know, can I tell the dad first and then I’ll tell you?” I ask her, and she nods, a smile lighting up her beautiful face.

  It takes us less than twenty minutes, and everyone is standing outside Mum, Dad, Carson and Jaxon. They’ve been waiting for us. “Ready Bri?” Livie asks taking my hand and squeezing it. I nod, and she lets go as she gives me an encouraging smile.

  I open the door and step out of the car, I’m engulfed in a hug from my mom, and I sink into it. I’ve missed her and her hugs. “Baby, it’s so good to have you home. You look glowing.”

  I can’t help but laugh at her. “I look like a beached whale, but thanks, mom.” I feel arms around me and look up and see my dad. “Hi, daddy.”

  “You’re grounded. You’re not allowed to leave again. It’s good to see you baby girl, and your mom’s right you’re glowing.” He says pulling me closer to him.

  I release my mom and turn into my dad’s arms. Knowing that as soon as he releases me, Carson and Jaxon are going to see my bump. God, dad’s right, I can’t leave again I’ve missed them all so much. Dad releases me after what seems like hours, but, it’s only a minute. I finally turn and see my brother and his best friend.

  “Oh shit! You’re pregnant?” Carson’s stunned as he stares at my bump. I look toward Jaxon, who has his mouth open and displaying sheer shock on his face.

  Chapter Three


  I’m not sure if I’m excited or fucking nervous right now as I stand fidgeting like a toddler outside of Bri’s house with her family, waiting on her and Olivia to finally arrive. In reality, we’ve been standing here for like ten minutes, but it feels like it’s been a damn eternity!

  “What the hell is wrong with you, need to go to the bathroom or something?” Carson asks as he looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

  “What? No, why the hell would you ask that?”

  “Well for one, you can’t seem to stand still, you’re shuffling all over the place...” He pauses as a slow smile starts forming on his lips. “Or are you busy trying to come up with new dance moves? Because if so, you really should stick to what you do best, which is programming man,” he chuckles like he just said something hilarious, which really isn’t fucking the case right now.

  I’m about to answer him when his mom squeals excitedly. “Look, there they are!” She says with a wide grin. An involuntary grin of my own tugs at my lips as Olivia’s sleek red Cadillac CTS comes to a stop in front of the house. I’m finally about to see her again!

  I watch as her parents rush toward the car, her mom is the first to engulf her in a tight side hug as soon as she climbs out of the car, then her father does the same. I’m not the only one that missed this woman, we all did. Life is just not the same without her and her sassy, smart mouth around.

  Her father finally let's go and moves from in front of her, giving me and Carson a full view of her. My grin dissipates when I get an eye-full of her full body.

  What. The. Hell?

  “Oh shit! You’re pregnant?” Carson’s surprised words confirm what I’m seeing, and I literally feel all the color draining from my face.

  Pregnant? My eyes are glued to her massive stomach. I start to panic when a thousand questions roam my head, making me feel a bit lightheaded in the process. Shit! How far along is she? I start counting back in my head to the day we fucked. Motherfucker, it’s been six months! Is it mine? Is this the reason why she ran?

  “Holy shit, Batgirl!” Carson exclaims when Bri starts walking toward us. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He pulls her in for an awkward side hug. I can’t move, and my brain has forgotten how to form words as I just stare at her stomach. “I’m going to fucking kill him!” Carson’s tone has changed from shocked to livid. “Is this why you left Bri because that dumb fuck got you pregnant then cheated on you?” he hisses.

  Wait, it’s not mine? Is the baby Ethan’s? Pure hot rage takes over my senses as Carson’s last words play in my head on repeat. I don’t know why this pisses me off so much, but it does.

  “Come now Carson, this is no time for twenty questions,” Bri’s mom scolds.

  “Wait, you guys knew?” Carson asks. I haven’t said a word because my brain to mouth function is still not working.

  “Hi Jaxon,” My eyes snap up from her stomach to her blushing face.

  “Hi, Bri,” I barely manage to say, I’m finding it really fucking hard to control my emotions right now.

  “Come on, let’s all get insi
de. Carson, you and Jaxon should go get the luggage from the car,” Bri’s mom instructs us before turning her attention to Brianne. “Come on honey; I’m sure you’re exhausted.” She continues as she leads the way back into the house.

  Carson and I make quick work on unloading the luggage then make our way into the house where we find everyone else sitting in the living room having drinks. Bri’s eyes are on me the moment we step in, and I hold her gaze, trying to figure out what she’s thinking right now. Is she thinking about us, what happened the night she left or is she thinking about that deadbeat called Ethan? That fucker never deserved her, I’ve heard so many stories of him cheating on her that it pisses me off even thinking about him and now it’s possible that he has an everlasting bond with her if that baby she’s carrying is his. Lucky son of a bitch!

  “Jaxon!” Carson says, pulling me out of my depressing and angering reverie.

  “Hmm, what’s that?” I ask, breaking eye contact with Bri and looking at him.

  “What’s up with you man? I’ve asked you one question three times already,”

  “You did?” I can’t believe I missed him talking to me.

  “Yeah, asked if you wanted a beer?”

  “Right, yeah that would be great. Thanks,” I reply, ignoring his question about what’s wrong with me. But I have to say; I’d much rather have something stronger than a beer right now, Whiskey or Scotch would be better suited for my mood. But I can’t very well tell him that because Carson knows me too well. He knows that when I want something stronger, that means something is bothering me, and I just can’t handle twenty questions right now.

  “So Bri, when are you going to tell the father about the little Sa- I mean babies?” Olivia asks as I go take a seat furthest from Bri, I don’t think I can handle being too close to her. I’ll reserve that open space beside her for her brother.


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