Book Read Free

One Night

Page 9

by K. L. Humphreys

  “That fucker, why can’t he just back the hell off and leave you alone? Does he not realize that he’s not the father?” Carson’s anger is something I don’t need right now. “Wait until I get that fucker alone.” He tightens his hands on the steering wheel.

  “No, you won’t, he’s not worth it. I’ll deal with him when I’m ready.” That isn’t now; I have other things to worry about.

  Carson sighs heavily as if it’s such a big deal on his part not to go after Ethan, “Fine, I’ll back off, but he continues to harass you, and I’ll be sorting him out. That’s stress you don’t need right now Bri; I won’t allow that asshat to cause you or my nieces or nephews distress.” He’s excited to become an uncle, and between him and the twin’s dad, I’m in trouble, they’re gonna turn my little babies into video game-loving geeks.

  He pulls up at the mall, and I know he wants some Taco Bell, and I’m dreading the effect this food is going to have on me, but the smell of the food has me smiling, and I feel the babies kick, I lovingly place my hand on my bump; caressing it just to let my babies know that I’m here and I love them.

  “That right there is well worth the drive here.”

  I turn to Carson and see that he’s smiling, it’s blinding; he’s so happy. “What’s worth the drive and why are you so happy?”

  “You’re smiling; it reaches your eyes. That’s the first time since you’ve been back that I have seen you genuinely happy. Do you think you can give Jax a chance to talk to you now?” He’s stopped smiling instead he’s looking serious?

  “What the hell Carson, why are you pushing me to talk to him?”

  “Jax is my best friend Bri; I hate being stuck in the middle.” The sadness in his voice makes me realize that I need to sort things out. I really need to decide what the hell I want. Do I want Jaxon? Yes. What I feel for Jaxon is something I never knew existed, he’s all I think about. When I think of the future, I see him and our babies. “Earth to Bri, I’m talking to you!” he’s waving his hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

  “I’ll fix things. I promise, I’m so sorry that you were caught in the middle, I never wanted that to happen.” I’m close to tears just thinking about how he must be feeling. He loves me, and I know that he will do anything for me, but Jax is his best friend and he’s like a brother to him, this must be killing him. I walk over to him and give him a hug.

  He wraps his hands around me and pulls me closer to him. “Thanks, Bri. I’m starving; I need to eat, I’m wasting away.”

  “Come on then. You’re buying.” I tell him with a smile on my face. I walk off ahead of him and hear him rambling behind me.

  “So, is everything okay?” Carson asks as soon as I get back into his truck. It’s dark out, and I was so long waiting, what’s the point in having an appointment if you’re not even seen on time? I had to wait over two hours. “I mean did the doctor say everything was okay?”

  “Yeah, he said everything looks good, and the babies’ heartbeats are strong. I have a scan next month; do you think Jaxon will want to come?” I’d love for him to see the babies, I feel bad that he wasn’t there for any of the previous ones.

  “Bri, Jax will jump at the chance!” Carson is so reassuring, and I know that he’s right, everything Jaxon’s done shows that he wants these babies.

  “I can’t wait to get home; I just want to relax. My feet are killing me!” My feet are looking like I have no ankles, they’re swollen and puffy and hideous looking.

  “It won’t take us long to get you home.”

  “It will if you continue to drive like Grammy Evelyn-Louise then we won’t be home until next month.” He hates when we joke about his slow driving.

  “Grammy Evelyn-Louise is going to whip your ass when she finds out you’re pregnant and home and haven’t been to see her.” He has a smug smile on his face, and I know that he’s loving the fact that Grammy is going to go crazy when she finds out, and I haven’t been to see her.

  “I better go and see her today then; I’ll bring mom with me as she knows how to calm her down.” My Grammy can be a bit boisterous.

  “Hmm, maybe leave it until tomorrow. Go home and have some rest today.” What the hell is he up to? I don’t like that smile on his face or the way he’s been acting.

  Over thirty minutes later and I’m finally home. A trip that should have taken less than twenty minutes, Carson turns it into over thirty! God, I forgot how much I hate having him drive me anywhere. I’m just out of the truck, and Carson drives off, he’s so weird today.

  Walking into my house, I feel as though something is wrong, someone’s here, I can feel it. Picking up the giant umbrella I hold it like a bat, walking slowly into the sitting room I see someone in the dark, just standing there. My heart is pounding, and my palms are sweaty. I tighten my grip on the umbrella, so it doesn’t fall out of my hands. I creep up behind them and raise the umbrella up a bit higher, and as soon as I get closer to them, I swing.

  I drop the umbrella and turn and waddle away as fast as I can, “Ouch. What the hell?”

  That voice stops me, and I switch on the light and find Jaxon lying on the ground holding his head. “What the hell is wrong with you?” I scream at him.

  “What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you? You just bashed me over the head. What the hell did you use?” He gingerly gets to his feet and rubs his head.

  “You BROKE into my house. What the hell was I supposed to do? Of course, I hit you over the head, I thought you were a thief, I needed to make sure you were incapacitated so I could call the cops.” I place my hand on my chest and rub, hoping that it will calm my heartbeat down. Right now, it feels as though my heart’s about to jump out of my chest.

  “What the f… Bri are you crazy? You’re six months pregnant. If someone had broken into your house, you certainly don’t go up behind them! You leave and call the cops.” He looks angry, but he’s still rubbing his head; which looks as if it’s going to have a bump on it tomorrow.

  “Don’t shout at me you ass! This is your fault. You’re the one that broke in!” I shout back at the baboon.

  “I didn’t break in, I had a key!” he puts his hand in the pocket of his jeans and pulls out a key.

  How the hell does he have the key? “Where the hell did you get that from?” I’m so upset, I can’t believe this, my heart rate hasn’t calmed down, and I feel as though I’m about to cry at any moment.

  “Carson gave it to me. I can’t believe you hit me, that freaking hurts.”

  “You’re such a baby; you deserve it. You shouldn’t be creeping around my house.” I scream at him; this isn’t helping I was so scared, I really thought that it was a thief. “You could have sent me into early labor! What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Fucking hell.” I hear him mutter under his breath.

  “Don’t you use that profanity with me!” Oh, my God, I’m starting to sound like Grammy!

  “Look Bri; I’m so sorry, I always seem to mess up when it comes to you. I wanted to come here and tell you how sorry I was about the other day and hope, no pray that you forgive me. Bri, fuck, you and these babies. They’re all I want; you’re all I want.” He sounds so sincere, and I believe him, he wants us, and I want him to be in all of our lives.


  “Look what I got the babies.” He cuts me off and excitedly walks over to the sofa where I see a paper bag on the floor. He reaches in and pulls out two tiny vests, he turns them around to show me, and I can’t help but feel excited, his enthusiasm is contagious. The vests say CTRL + C and CTRL + V, they’re so cute and so Jaxon, pure geek.

  “Oh my God Jaxon, they are so cute. I love them.” He hands them to me, and I can’t help but put them to my face, hugging them. I can’t wait to meet my little babies. I look up and see Jaxon standing so close to me, looking at me as if all his Christmas’ has come at once. I lean up toward him, hoping that he understands that I want him; he
does, and he leans down, and his lips gently caress mine. The softness of the kiss is everything. It’s gentle and oh so beautiful.

  The sound of my cell ringing breaks the kiss; I step back and walk toward the front door where I left my bag when I came in. I check the caller ID and see that it’s my mom calling.

  “Hello, mom is everything okay?” I ask as soon as I answer.

  “Bri, honey. Your Grammy’s on her way over to you! That Loretta bitch told her about you and the babies. Oh, I’m going to kill that woman. She’ll be there soon.” My mom rushes out, sounding distressed.

  “Okay mom, thanks for telling me. I’ll call you later,” we say goodbye and hang up, I turn to Jaxon who’s looking worried. “Jaxon, Grammy Evelyn-Louise is on her way!” Now I’m starting to panic.

  “Why are you panicking Bri? You’re Grammy is awesome.”

  “You won’t be thinking that when she arrives. Your mom told her about the babies. Mom is going to kill her!” I watch as his face darkens with anger and I hear the sound of a car pulling up outside, and it doesn’t take long before we hear the sound of Grammy’s cane wrapping against the front door.

  Oh God, here comes the lecture!

  Chapter Thirteen


  I take a step back in amusement, watching a panicked Brianne shuffle from foot to foot as she peeks out of the window. Her face just gets paler and paler as her Grammy gets closer to the door.

  “Relax, your Grammy is all kinds of awesome,” I tell her as I absentmindedly rub the back of my head again.

  Damn, she really did get me good. I still can’t believe that I was so damn distracted by getting everything ready that I didn’t even hear Carson’s big ass car pull up or even hear Brianne when she came in. Well, I guess I blame it on the hope that has been blooming deep inside me that what I have planned for us will work, I don’t even want to broach the fact that nerves were clogging my brain as well. Never in a million years did I think that it would be so easy to get Bri to give us a chance. But it happened, that kiss we shared spoke the words I came here to hear, and I am fucking ecstatic. I haven’t even gotten to the best part of my plan yet.

  “Oh shit!” Bri’s panicked curse brings a grin to my face when her Grammy starts knocking at the door. She shuffles awkwardly toward the door and opens it slowly.

  Her Grammy takes a sharp breath as her eyes go straight to Bri massive sexy bump, “By God, it’s true!” Grammy says on a shocked breath before her gaze turns hard as she glares at a blushing Bri. “Brianne Camilianna Bentley, why am I the last to hear about you being with child?” she continues, pointing an accusatory finger at Brianne.

  Well then, shit, meet fan because Grammy just used Bri’s full names and that is a sign that Grammy is seriously not happy.


  “Oh, but this is great news, I’m going to get to see my great grandbabies!” She cuts Bri off, and I grin when I see the glint of happiness and excitement in Gram’s eyes.

  “But you,” she points at me, disapproval taking over her features as her eyes narrow.

  “M…me?” I stutter surprised as my grin vanishes. Gram has always liked me, I’ve heard her and Mrs B talking about how Bri and I would make a wonderful couple. I did not expect her to disapprove.

  “Yes you!” this time she points at me with her cane, and my eyes widen. “Why is that momma of yours talking so badly about my baby and her babies?” I drop my head in shame, not knowing how the hell I’m going to answer that.

  My mother really is making life difficult for me.

  “I don’t know Gram,” My hand goes through my hair before I continue, “Maybe she just needs to-”

  “She needs a good ass whooping, that’s what she needs,” she cuts me off like she did Bri earlier. “Making it sound like my Breezy Bri is some kind of floozy,” she grumbles under her breath so low, I’m not sure we were supposed to hear that.

  “Gram’s come on in and have a seat, and I’ll go make you some tea,” Brianne says as she ushers her Grammy inside and giving me a look that I can’t really decipher.

  “Then you get right back on here and tell me everything, I’m so happy you and Jaxon are finally going to be together,” Gram says as she slowly makes her way toward the living room and her mood changing again to excited and happy.

  I swear, her moods are going to give me whiplash by the end of the day.

  “I’m sorry about my mother Gram’s I really have no idea what’s wrong with her and why she isn’t happy for me and Bri,” I say with a sigh. I honestly have no idea why my mother is so against me being with Bri or why she is finding it so hard to come to terms with the fact that she is going to become a grandmother.

  Most people would be ecstatic about the news, but no, not my freaking mother.

  “Well, she better come around before I decide her to introduce her behind to my cane,” Gram’s answers angrily. I really do get why she feels like this because if I’m honest, I feel the same way too. How fucked up is that that that’s how I feel about my own mother at the moment?

  But I guess I can only blame the poison apples that are Sabrina and her mother. I’m positive they are the ones to blame for my mother’s recent behavior.

  “Here you go Grams,” Bri comes back with a tray with tea, juice and a beer on it.

  First, she gives her Grammy her tea then passes the ice-cold beer to me before settling down next to me with her glass of juice in hand.

  “Now, let’s hear it.” Gram’s says as she takes a cautious sip of her hot tea before continuing, “I want every single detail,” the excitement in her eyes brings a grin to my lips.

  An hour later and Gram’s is ready to go home. She asked all kinds of embarrassing questions during her inquisition. She actually wanted to know every single detail of my relationship with Bri. There was a point where I just wanted to hide my face for all eternity, especially when she asked Brianne how it was when we first had sex.

  And Bri, the vixen that she is, actually answered with the dirtiest answer possible, an answer so dirty that it caused my wayward appendage to react viciously, which resulted in me shifting awkwardly in my seat to try to adjust my painfully hard dick.

  And then to make matters worse and embarrass me even more, she and her Gram’s noticed how uncomfortable I was they both winked at me. They fucking winked!

  “Okay honey, keep me updated on those two bundles of joy,” her Grams says as she steps into her car.

  “I promise I will,” Bri answers lovingly. She was actually very pleased that she wasn’t in so much trouble as she thought she would be. Grammy’s excitement and happiness for us overrode the irritation that Bri didn’t go tell her about us and the babies as soon as she got back.

  Brianne and I both wave at Grams when she pulls away and drives off.

  “I can’t believe she is pushing eighty-five and still stubborn enough to insist on driving,” Brianne says as a happy smile grazes her lips.

  “You know, I love your Grams, but I am so happy she finally fucking left,” I say instead of commenting on her Grams driving observation.

  “Why’s that?” She looks up at me curiously.

  “Well I have a surprise for you and want you to be the first one to see it,” I say, my secretive smile taking form.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Come on Breezy Bri,” I say, using the pet name her Grams has been using since Brianne was in pigtails.

  “You are making me nervous,” she says cautiously making her way back into the house, careful not step on her long dress that hugs her bump and body so perfectly. She looks absolutely fucking stunning in that boob tube long dress. I can’t wait to strip her out of it later.

  “You didn’t go installing some badass gaming system in my house, did you?” I chuckle at her question. “I seriously hope not; I know my brother’s and your nerdisome has no freaking boundaries!”

  “No, no gaming system has been installed�
�� yet.” I wink at her as I close the door behind us.

  “Okay, so what’s this surprise you speak of?” She asks, her hand absentmindedly rubbing the bump that seems to be growing by the second. Seriously, that bump is bigger every time I see her. It’s amazing how a woman’s body can take this kind of stretch and still look fucking beautiful.

  “You want to feel?” She asks shyly when she notices me staring at her stomach too long. “They’re playing right now,” she continues, a smile forming on her lips.

  “They are?!” I don’t hesitate to gently place my hand on her bump. My eyes widen in disbelief when I feel movement beneath my hand.

  My chest swells with pride and joy as I slide my hand across her body, moving with the movements within.

  “This is amazing Brianne,” I say in awe. I look up from her belly right into her eyes wanting to say the words that are burning at the tip of my tongue. But I don’t, I don’t think Bri is ready to hear them yet, so I opt for just half of them.

  “I love them so much,” Her breath hitches in shock at my words and I give her a genuine smile to show her just how much I meant that.

  “Okay…” She clears her throat from the emotion I can see in her green eyes before continuing, “So, about that surprise…”

  Right. Shit, I was pulled into this exquisite moment that I forgot that I was about to go show her what I have done.

  “You have to put this on first,” I say as I pull the blindfold from my back pocket. Yeah, I came prepared.

  She gives a wary look that brings a secretive smile to my face. She slowly turns around, and I blindfold her before taking her by the hips and carefully lead her to one of her rooms.

  “Okay, so you ready?” I ask as I open the door to the specific room. Now, I’m a bit nervous about this. I mean what if this isn’t what she wanted?

  “Yes!” She replies excitedly.

  I slowly untie the blindfold and hold my breath. The moment her eyes fluttered open she gasps loudly, making me panic even more because I’m not sure why she’s gasping like that. Is it because she hates it… because she loves it… because she’s just surprised?


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