One Night

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One Night Page 11

by K. L. Humphreys

  “We had sex, right?” Sabrina asks, her voice piercing through the silence in the salon.

  “Yeah, but-”

  “Then it’s possible,” she smirks before looking over at Brianne. “And unlike that one, this really is your kid, and I’m not trying to trap you. I mean come on Jax, you don’t find it even remotely suspicious that she leaves town and comes back so far along pregnant, claiming it to be yours?” She huffs and then gives Bri another disgusted look. “Who knows who all she slept with while she was away.”

  “Sabrina, you can’t be pregnant with my child,” I say ignoring her rant because if I gave it any attention, I would kill her, then bring her back to life to clean up the mess.

  “I am,” she answers proudly.

  I take a quick look at the silent Brianne who seems to have unshed tears glistening in her eyes. Fuck, no! This can’t be happening right now. I have fought so damn hard to get Brianne, and now that I finally have her this happens.

  Damn it; I need a drink!

  “No, you can’t. Sabrina, I never fucked you without protection!” I say, slightly raising my voice as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

  “But Jax-”

  “Get the hell out Sabrina, how many times do we need to tell you that you and this witch aren’t welcome here?” This from Liv as she points a finger between Sabrina and my mother, her face heating up by the second.

  “Wait a minute; you said Bri is trying to trap me?” I glare at the woman who is trying to ruin any chance I have at happiness.

  “Yes, I did. Please tell me you realize it too,” She is mistaking my question as one of realization.

  The stupid bitch!

  “So, you are the one that vandalized this place, your words prove it!”

  “I… uh… no!”

  “Get out before I throw you out myself,” I hiss at her. “And expect the police to come give you a visit too.”

  “But Jaxon, what about our baby!” She says before sniffing, and then the fakest sob slips through her toxic mouth.

  “Prove to me that you are pregnant, how far along you are and that it’s mine,”

  “I… shit… I… um… I can’t… It was a home test,” Sabrina stutters her response.

  Yeah, she’s full of shit. She isn’t pregnant, and if she is, it can’t be mine. She is the one trying to trap me with a baby. I wish these damn women would learn that a baby won’t make any man stay if they don’t want to.

  “Jaxon!” My mother exclaims in disbelief. “You never asked that one to prove anything!”

  “That one has got a name!” My glare shifts from Sabrina to my mother. “I suggest you start using it, mother.”

  “Loretta, get the fuck out of my daughter’s salon before I vandalize your face!” This from a highly pissed of Mrs B.

  “Ma, I hope you know that by keeping on with this behavior, you are slowly but surely starting to lose your one and only son,” I hiss before continuing. “Now, get the hell out of here, or else I swear I will set Olivia loose on you. Trust me you don’t want that,” I say gesturing at Liv who has a huge smile on her face as she cracks her knuckles.

  “Come on Sabrina honey, let’s go and you can tell me more about that grandbaby of mine.”

  The two unwanted women leave the salon, I’d like to say with their tails between their legs, but that’s not the case. They are proud of themselves; they know exactly what damage they just did to my relationship with Bri. They are closely followed by Mrs Johnson and Mrs Clarkson who look as though they are up to something as they leave the salon whispering to each other.

  “Bri, I…” I start to say as soon as the door closes behind my mother and that bitch, but I’m lost for words when I see the hurt in Brianne’s eyes.

  “Could she really be?” Bri asks in a sad tone.

  “I doubt it, it’s obvious that those two don’t want you two to end up together,” Liv says as she holds Bri in an awkward side embrace.

  “Yeah honey, that witch Loretta and that little bitch Sabrina are just jealous of you and Jaxon, they just don’t want to see you, happy honey.” Mrs B adds.

  “But they have slept together more than once; it might be true. What if she really is pregnant?” Her tears start falling for the first time since we got here. “What does that mean for us?” she looks at me with sad eyes as she says this.

  “Bri,” I pause, searching for the right words. “Brianne, you are the one I want to be with, not Sabrina or anyone else for that matter.” I take a deep breath before continuing. “At this point, I really don’t give a shit what my mother wants, or thinks is best for me because you are it for me Bri, you’ve always been the one I wanted.”

  “Awww, you kids are going to make me tear up. You remind me so much of me and Forrester when we were young and in love.” Bri’s mom says with tears shining in her eyes.

  “Brianne?” I say, holding my hand out for hers, giving her a choice.

  First, she looks at Olivia who slightly nods her head and then at her mother who’s beaming at her and then her eyes land on my outstretched hand before meeting my own hopeful eyes.

  “I guess we can’t back out now after last night huh?” She says, a sad smile forming on her lips as she takes my hand.

  I breathe a sigh of relief before pulling her into my arms. “This is where you and our babies belong Bri, forever,” I whisper, kissing the top of her head.

  “Wait!” Liv says with widening eyes, making me wonder what the hell is wrong now. “Last night? What the hell happened last night!?” Brianne turns a thousand shades of red, and so do I, I mean her mother is standing right here.

  There is no way in hell we can tell them what happened last night!

  “I’ll show you guys later, words can’t even begin to describe how sweet Jax was last night,” Brianne says before looking up at me and winking.

  “I need all the juicy deeds, did you guys fu-”

  “Olivia!” Thank God Bri’s mother interrupts Liv from finishing that sentence. “Those aren’t the type of questions you can ask; it’s private information.” She continues to scold, and I’m thankful.

  For the first time in my life, I see Liv actually blush. For as long as I’ve known her, she says what she means and means what she says, doesn’t matter how crude it is and never gets embarrassed about it.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket and I fish it out to answer. Carson’s name flashes on the screen.

  “What’s up,” I say as a way of answer.

  “Fucking finally!” He exasperates on a long breath. “Where the hell have you been man, I’ve been looking for you all morning. You should see what they did to my sister’s salon!”

  “Yeah, I saw it. I’m actually at the salon as we speak.” I tell him.

  “When I get my hands on whoever wrote those things…”

  “I’m with you on that! But let’s not dwell on that shall we meet here in say an hour to clean it up?” Brianne relaxes in my embrace as I ask this.

  “Nah, I’ve already called someone to fix that, you and I have some work to do today.”

  “Fuuuuck, I almost forgot about that! Meet you at your place in a bit?” I ask, I seriously forgot that Carson and I are supposed to be working on a new software today that is due in two days.

  “See ya,” he says before ending the call.

  “I got to go do a bit of work,” I say letting go of the stunning woman in my arms then glancing at my watch. It's 10AM. “Bri, should I take you home? There is still an hour before your first appointment.” I say.

  “No that’s okay, that would just be a waste, I’ll stay here,” she replies, looking up at me through those long lashes.

  “Okay, should I pick you up later then?”

  “Nah, I’ll grab a lift with Livie.”

  “Okay, can I come over later, so we can start working on that room?” I’m excited to start working on our kid's room, it’s going to be so much fun, and it is a way for Brianne an
d me to get even closer.

  “Sure,” and with that one word, comes the first genuine smile to light up her face. Making her glow gorgeously.

  “Okay, I’ll see you later then babe.” I give her a swift kiss on the lips before turning my attention to Liv, and Mrs B. “Bye ladies have a lovely day,” with that, I’m out the door.

  As I take the short walk toward the car, I hear my mother’s voice coming from nearby. What the hell is she still doing here? I thought she would be long gone by now.

  “Don’t worry honey; it’s just a matter of time before my son realizes that you are the one for him, not that little whore inside.” Anger surfaces when I hear what my mother is saying.

  “I really thought that the baby would make him choose me instead, I mean obviously that’s what he wants right? I mean why else would he be with her instead of me?” says Sabrina.

  “Don't worry, Brianne still has him under her little spell, but I will help you break it, so you and my son can have a happy life. He will be happy to be rid of her once he realizes what a conniving little bitch she is.”

  “I really hope so Loretta, Jax and I belong together, and Brianne is in the way of that!”

  “You know, that family thinks they’re all righteous and shit but look at that daughter of theirs, got my son to get her pregnant just so that she can have him, she knew that would be the only way to weasel her way into my son’s life!” My mother’s tone as she says this is full of disgust and hate.


  “So, you do believe those kids are mine?” Both Sabrina and my mother jumped at the sound of my voice.

  “Jaxon!” I hear the panic in her trembling voice. “I-”

  “Save it!” I glare at them both. “I’m not even going to broach all the things you just said but here is how I feel at this point,” I take a deep breath before continuing. “Loretta, as of this day you don’t have a son and one day when you realize that you are missing out on your grandchildren’s lives, just know that you will never be welcome in my home or anywhere near them.” The hurt in her eyes doesn’t faze me one bit. This was it, the final straw. I officially hate my mother.

  “But Jaxon-”

  “I hope this is the last time I ever see you and stay away from Brianne and her family or I will get a restraining order for the both of you. Get it?” With that, I turn and walk away.

  I have had enough!

  As I climb out of my car outside Carson’s place, I hear my name being called. A loud groan slips through my mouth when I see Ethan coming toward me with long hurried strides.

  “This day just gets better and fucking better,” I groan under my breath as he gets nearer. I really don't have the fucking energy or time for this shit.

  “So, how did it feel fucking Brianne while she was my girlfriend?” I raise an eyebrow at his outburst. Is he forgetting that Bri walked in on his fucking another girl?

  “Seriously?” I ask.

  “Look Jaxon, you are wrecking my future with my woman and kids, so this is a not so friendly warning. Stay. The. Fuck. Away. From. Brianne, she is mine!” The fucker actually pokes me in the chest as he says those last words.

  “Poke me like that again, and I will break that finger right off,” I may sound calm as I say this but on the inside? My blood is fucking boiling.

  “You are nothing but a homewrecker Jaxon!” He hisses close to my face in a challenge.

  “You sound like a fucking woman!” I push him back and out of my face. “Now, grow a pair of balls and come to terms with the fact that you fucked up. Brianne is mine now, so are those babies and I am not going anywhere!” I hiss back, struggling to keep my temper at bay.

  “Fuck you!” I don’t get a chance to say anything back when Ethan’s fist connects with my jaw so hard that I swear I see stars. “I said stay away from my woman you no good son of a bitch. Give your attention to Sabrina, who is actually carrying your child!”

  I retaliate with a right hook of my own to his eyes, sending him tumbling to the concrete ground.

  “And I said, I’m not going anywhere,” I say before kicking the bastard in the stomach. I’m rewarded with a loud howl of pain coming from deep within his chest. “Now, get this in that empty head of yours, Brianne and those kids are mine, not yours!” With those last words, I turn and start heading in Carson’s house direction.

  “You fucking bastard!” I ignore the idiot writhing in pain on the ground.

  “What the hell happened to your face?” Carson asks as soon as he opens the door for me.

  “Ethan,” My one-word reply brings a frown to my friend face. He looks over my shoulder.

  “Well, I guess you gave him more than he gave you huh?” He smiles when his eyes land on the idiot still on the ground in the street.

  “You can say that,” I say before pushing my way past him into the house.

  “So, what the hell has been happening?” He asks.

  “First, I need a drink. Preferably something strong.” I tell him as I plop on his couch.

  “I can’t even begin to tell you how fucked up this day has been!”

  “That bad huh?” Carson looks worried as he busies himself with pouring us some whisky.

  He has no idea! Right now, I really fucking hate my life! The only thing perfect in it is Brianne, and those babies and even that is between a rock and a hard place.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “You did the right thing sweetheart.” My mom says to me as soon as Jaxon leaves, “That man loves you, and he would do anything for you.”

  I know she's right, Jaxon is one of the good guys. “What are we going to do about Sabrina? I can't believe she's pregnant. What is everyone going to think, the both of us pregnant at the same time?”

  “She's about as pregnant as Sister Francis is,” Livie says, and I can see mom’s face start to redden as she tries to hide her laughter. Sister Francis is a nun that lives across the road from mom and dad.

  “Livie, that doesn’t help. What if she’s telling the truth?” I’m starting to panic now as I realize the severity of this situation. What am I supposed to tell my babies when they start school with their brother or sister?

  “Get out of your head Bri; we will cross that path when we get to it. There’s no point getting yourself into a dither when we don’t have all the facts.” Mom says, instantly calming me.

  “Momma B’s right, there’s no point in getting yourself worked up. That skanky bitch is lying, and the day the truth comes out, I’ll be there to kick her ass!” Livie is mad, and I know that she’s mad for me. She hates that I’m hurting and wants to do anything she can to protect me, that and she hates Sabrina.

  “Olivia, is that really necessary?” Mom scolds her, and I smile, this is what I need, this normality. I love that no matter what happens I can count on my family to be there for me and help me through the rough times.

  “Yes, Momma B it is, that bitch is trying to sabotage Bri and Jaxon’s happiness, and I won’t let that happen!” Livie vows, and I walk over to her and give her a hug, one in which she returns, but of course she can’t hug me properly. She side hugs me, keeping well away from my bump. “Those Satan’s babies hate me, and anytime I’m in close proximity they start to kick me. When they’re born, I’m gonna have to start sleeping with one eye open.”

  “Livie, you’re not getting anywhere near these babies once they’re born. Knowing you, you’ll have someone performing an exorcism on them or something.” I’m going to have to keep a close eye on not only her but Carson too. They both like playing pranks on people, and I have no doubt in my mind that they’d use my babies in one of those pranks.

  “Bri, the question is do you trust Jaxon to know that he will do everything he can to make everything okay?” Mom says trying to get back on topic.

  Do I trust Jaxon? “Yes mom, I do trust Jaxon to do everything he can to make everything okay.” She beams at my response, “But I also know that
if Sabrina is pregnant, he’ll do right by her and knowing Sabrina she’ll do everything in her power to abuse Jaxon’s kindness.”

  “If she is pregnant, there isn’t anything that you can do about it. All you can do is be supportive of Jaxon and be there when he needs someone to talk to. Not to judge or bash Sabrina, but to offer love and support.” Mom has a point; if Sabrina is pregnant, I have to come to terms with that and be there for him when she gets bitchy because she will. Sabrina hates not having things her own way and her and me being pregnant at the same time won’t be what she wants, and I know that she’ll want to have Jaxon to herself.

  “Look, that hussy isn’t pregnant. But if and that is one hell of a big if, she somehow is I doubt it’s Jaxon’s. Anyway, that bitch is going to make Jaxon’s life a living nightmare; you have to be prepared to pretend that everything's going to be okay. You’re going to have to be best friends with the bitch.” Livie gets to the heart of the matter. Whether or not I stay with Jaxon, she’s going to make him miserable. Do I want him going through that alone because I’m scared of what could happen or do I stand beside him and be his shoulder to lean on when things get rough?

  The bell above the door sounds, and in walks Ethan and Shyanne, Ethan looks as though he’s gone ten rounds with Tyson. Livie lets out a whistle at seeing that bruise on his face. “Look what that Neanderthal did to me and you want him to be the father of your babies instead of me!” God, he still thinks that my babies are his. I walk over to him, not wanting a shouting match.

  “Dude. That is some shiner; damn Jaxon got you good.” Of course, Livie has to make matters worse, she can’t just leave things alone.

  “Shut up Olivia!” He bites out at her, and I bristle, how dare he talk to my best friend like that. He turns back to me, and I can tell I’m going to hate what he’s about to say, so I steel myself for it. “Brianne surely you can see that Jaxon isn’t the right man for you and those babies. I mean he’s gotten Sabrina pregnant, that has got to show you that he’s a player.”


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