Scandalous Heroes Box Set

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Scandalous Heroes Box Set Page 6

by Latrivia Nelson

  “Have a drink with me,” he said.


  He poured her a glass and one for himself.

  “I just found out I lost my job. I sat here and made a fool of myself by getting drunk in front of my co-workers. And you think a glass of wine is what I need?” Kyra asked.

  Renaldo passed her the glass. She hesitated a moment but then accepted the wine glass with a slight tremor to her hand. He observed her as he swirled the magenta liquid around in his glass. Kyra brought the merlot glass to her lips and the mere action of taking a sip enticed him. In a world of predators it was the soft vulnerability of women that often struck men like him. The more she shied away from his attentiveness the more attentive he felt the urge to be.

  “Forgive my English. I speak it poorly. I hear what Catalina tell you about your job.”

  “You heard,” she said.

  “Yes,” he nodded.

  “No,” she managed a smile. “The correct way to say it is you heard what she told us employees about our jobs.”

  “Ah, I heard her. Sì. Catalina said that employees can relocate. To Paris or Italy.”

  Kyra set the wine glass down in an abrupt fashion. “First of all I happen to like living in New York. It’s home for me. And second of all I’m not an employee so her offer was not extended to me.”

  “I don’t understand. What does this mean? Not an employee? What are you?” Renaldo asked.

  “I’m a receptionist, a temporary one, sent to work at Mirabella’s by an agency. If the company closes, no, when the office closes my contract is over. I’m fired.”

  “I see.” Renaldo sipped his wine.

  Kyra’s gaze lifted. She focused her hurt and confusion on him. “Is that all? You see? So I guess my problems don’t impress you.”

  “No. Problems don’t impress me. People do. You do.” He sat forward and placed his wine glass on the table between them. “Your beauty impresses me. Your smile impresses me. That dress, it impresses me.”

  He tried to guess her age. She was young but when he looked into her eyes he wavered on his first impression. Kyra had an inner strength he only recognized in adversaries. He found that bold contrast intriguing. She spent the evening being shunned by the people she tried so hard to impress. Yet she shed tears because she feared there were no options to continue the fight. This crusade of hers to be a shoe maker was as important to her as his vows to the Battaglias. He’d hate to see her give up now.

  Instead of her ending the conversation and walking out on him she took a long sip of her wine until the glass was empty.

  “What’s done is done. No point in crying over it. New York is a big city. I can find another job. Hopefully with another design company.”

  He nodded in agreement.

  “The thing is,” she continued. “This was my dream job. I’ve done everything to be noticed. All I got at the end of the day was this dress on loaner, and half a bottle of wine that probably cost more than I make in a month.” She reached for the bottle. Renaldo stopped her.

  “Enough for the evening,” he said. “I make sure you are taken home. Safe.”

  Kyra sighed. She dropped back in her chair. “I don’t want to go home.”

  “I can summon your driver.”

  “No thank you,” she said.

  “He take you where you want to go,” Renaldo clarified not understanding her meaning.

  She looked at him.

  The emotional stare off had meaning and Renaldo struggled with his interpretation. Was she delaying for his company or something else?

  “What if I wanted to go to your room? With you,” she asked.

  It was the alcohol speaking. Whatever the reason there was no denying he’d have no problem taking her upstairs.

  “How old are you?” he asked.

  “How old are you?” she countered.

  He smiled. “Old enough to know that a woman in distress is not a woman you want to take to bed.”

  “I’m not in distress. I’m not even upset anymore. What I am is tired.” She stood up and wavered. After a brief second she walked around the room in a half circle in a graceful manner. Renaldo relaxed in the chair and enjoyed the show. His gaze swept her legs, hips, tiny waist, and the full swell of her breasts.

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  He nodded his approval.

  Kyra’s lovely smile dissolved from her lips. “I’m tired of finishing last. Do you know I could have been a doctor? I got accepted into one of the top medical schools in this country after finishing a year early in my undergraduate studies. Dr. Kyra Okeeno. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds important,” he said. She had his interest piqued. He knew there was more to the little shoe maker than her beauty and talent. He hadn’t guessed this. Doctors and Priests were very respected professions in his culture.

  “My parents wanted it for me. I just… couldn’t.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  Kyra gave him a mischievous smile. The sadness dissipated. She turned sideways and extended her right foot a bit to make the crystals on her shoes sparkle. With the slender shapely line of her ankle and calf on display he nearly salivated. He was definitely a leg, thigh, and ass man, so her tease stirred him.

  “I make shoes,” she said proudly. “I sat my mother and father down and showed them my true passion. My portfolio. I’m a designer. I’ve been making clothes for as long as I can remember. Sewing for all of my aunts and sisters. I’m really good too. And I wanted this opportunity at Mirabella’s to prove it. My parents don’t speak to me anymore. Neither do my sisters. All I have is Jamie and a bunch of shoes only she and I wear,” she sighed.

  “So you giving up?” he asked.

  She walked over to him. He admired the sexy sway of her hips. She stepped around his chair. Her hand slowly brushed from his wrist to his shoulder as it went up his arm. “I’m not giving up.” She leaned in and spoke against his ear. “I’m giving in.”

  He looked her over and their lips nearly brushed but she drew away. She walked around to sit before him again. “I see the way you look at me, Renaldo. Especially tonight. You like me.”

  Renaldo chuckled.

  “To answer your question I’m twenty-three. I’m unmarried, unattached, and attracted to you. Or haven’t you noticed?”

  Renaldo turned up the last of his wine and swallowed it down. He set his glass over to the side table next to his chair.

  “Your turn. Who are you?” she asked.

  He pushed up from his chair and stood. He towered over her but their eyes never unchained from the tension brewing between them. “Mi chiamo Renaldo Cracchilio. And yes. I find you beautiful. Mi piaci.” He brushed the back of his hand across her cheek. She responded with the lower of her long dark lashes over her lovely brown eyes. She was indeed seductive. Her skin felt as smooth as velvet. He loved the rich dark hue of it. His boss, the Don, had married a black American woman. Lorenzo the underboss and cousin to the Don had chosen Marietta to wed. She was the Don’s wife’s sister. The entrance of these women into their world had puzzled the men. They were traditionalists, distrustful of those different than them, and devoted to their culture and people. Most men would not make the same choice. Like his bosses, he was not like most men. Renaldo fought against the urge to explore the mystery.

  “I will see you to your car.”

  She blinked at him. She was stunned.

  He was drawn to a meeker type of woman. If he met aggression in a mate, he quickly became the aggressor. It was in his DNA. And women who understood the rules of pleasuring a man like him had only satisfied his sexual appetite. Kyra was too different on many levels to qualify. Her youth, her fire, her sexual aggression, and defiant contrary nature would require more energy than he could afford. He was paid to protect the Battaglia women. To remain aware of enemies in America that lurked inside and outside of the company that came too close. He hadn’t come to America to know the pretty shoe maker. He had a job, and already he
had forgotten his most important rule. He hadn’t called Dominic and reported on the closing of the event.

  “Andiamo bella.” He took her hand.

  She didn’t hide her disappointment. In fact she refused his hand and glared as if insulted by his rejection. American women were strange. What she offered so willingly was something no stranger should receive. A man should pursue and earn her affections, not indulge her misery by exploiting her sexual desires. A lesson the young Kyra obviously had never been taught or simply refused to learn. He walked her out of the private dining room. He kept a few paces behind her. The hostess immediately went in search of her coat. Kyra averted her gaze. Yes, he had indeed blown a chance with this angel. Pity.

  Maybe a cold shower would help him overcome his well-guarded disappointment.

  Renaldo accepted her coat and helped her slip it on. Together they went to the elevator.

  “Can we forget I… propositioned you? I don’t want any trouble at work,” she mumbled.

  Renaldo touched her hair. She flinched as if insulted. He drew his hand away. The elevator continued to descend from the forty first floor.

  “I rather not. Forget. But I will never speak of it,” he replied.

  The elevator stopped and the doors opened. An older distinguished couple stepped on. To his disappointment Kyra stepped away from him and allowed the couple to fill the space. Had he made a mistake by turning her down without explaining himself? Her shift in attitude indicated so. Renaldo accepted it as another consequence of his job. The elevator arrived on the lobby floor and Kyra was out the door before he could step ahead to walk with her.

  “Excuse me,” he said to the couple and pushed past them. He walked fast to catch Kyra. But his beauty walked faster. She breezed out of the turning doors to the front of the hotel and he was lost in the spin cycle of the glass doors before he could exit as well. When he did breech the turning contraption he lost sight of her. And then he saw her rush to an open door of a cab. Renaldo wanted to stop her, remind her she had a driver he could summon. But she was gone. He cursed himself.

  How often did he meet any woman that sparked that kind of curiosity in him? Not often enough. He reasoned it was all for the best. As he walked back in through the door of the lobby he pushed all thoughts of Kyra from his mind. He arrived on the floor he shared and guarded with the Battaglia women. “Tutto bene?” he asked Peppino.

  “The women are in for the night. No trouble.”

  “I’ll be down the hall if needed.” Renaldo continued to his room. The only reason he was dispatched on this trip instead of just the men was the lingering effects of war between the `Ndrangheta and the Camorra. Giovanni took every precaution to ensure no one tried to make a move on the family.

  He dropped his key card in the slot and entered his suite. The cold silence greeted him. And again he bemoaned the missed opportunity to have a night guest.

  He picked up the phone and dialed home.

  “Pronto?” Dominic answered.

  “No issue. We are in for the evening.”

  “I know this. Catalina called before you.”

  “Apologies, Boss. I had to secure the place. Do you want me to deliver the message to Signor Tate tomorrow? The one from Giovanni?” Renaldo asked. “He has asked for a meeting with Giovanni.”

  “No meeting. I will place a call to him to address his concerns.”

  “Bene,” Renaldo replied.

  “Observe him the next couple of days. I’ve decided to allow Catalina to extend the trip. She wants to interview employees for the new office.”


  “I expect a call in the morning,” said Dominic.


  The line disconnected. Renaldo released the tight breath he held. He shed his coat and then his sports jacket and tossed it to the chair. He sniffed his hand. Kyra’s scent lingered there. He decided the first thing he had to do was take that cold shower.

  Chapter Four

  The Break Down - Rallenti

  “Turn the car around!” Kyra shouted.

  A Middle Eastern cab driver with a turban flipped his gaze up to the rearview mirror. They were now locked in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Her request wasn’t only odd but implausible. Champagne and wine fizzled in her veins and dulled her rational thought. She should go home, lick her wounds and think over her next move. Instead she needed the opposite.

  “I want to go back to the Waldorf,” she clarified.

  “It’s your dime, lady.” The cabbie veered out of the lane and hit a sharp right turn so fast she was nearly slung to the other side of the car.

  Kyra laughed. “Wow! Slow down!”

  A bit giddy, she couldn’t help but find the humor in the driver’s dramatic maneuvers. It reminded her of those movie scenes when a person jumped in a New York cab and the driver was ordered to give pursuit of another car. In the past her mother often called her a drama magnet. Whenever and wherever drama could be found Kyra was the first in line. Kyra’s smile faded when she thought of her mother. Mama warned that no matter what dream she chose over sensibility it would end badly because of her immaturity.

  And there was no real justification for her return to the Waldorf. The man clearly wasn’t interested. The Battaglias wouldn’t give her the job she sought. All that awaited her would be drama.

  What made her desire to connect with men physically instead of emotionally? What made her throwaway years of the best schooling to chase her dreams? She sighed. The cab raced from one light to the next. Music in a foreign language burped out of the speaker system and the stale odor of the cramped backseat filled her nose. Kyra tightened her coat around her and stared out of the cab window. She wanted to see Renaldo again. Talk to him. Why not? He was charming, mysterious, and sexy. And if the office gossip was true he was also dangerous.

  Tonight she couldn’t walk away without a fight. He was the way in.

  The cab weaved in and out of traffic, only slamming on the brakes when they reached the next traffic light. Kyra opened her purse. She removed her mirror compact case and dabbed on a fresh coat of lipstick. She was shocked at the raccoon eyes staring back at her. “Shit!” she wasted tears in front of the man. No wonder he turned her down. She shuffled through her purse trying to find a tissue. She instead found some concealer and tried her best to cover the dark circles under eyes. She refreshed herself with some powder.

  Friday night in New York was filled with people, honking cars, and bright lights. Kyra chuckled to herself. That truly could be said about any night. She looked up at the counter and saw the meter slowly ticked close to forty dollars. She only had sixty to her name. She wouldn’t touch Jamie’s money unless absolutely necessary.

  If it weren’t for the brisk weather she’d have gotten out of the car and took to the sidewalk. In her stupid haste she ran for a cab instead of the car the company had for her that night. Stupid! Kyra looked between the driver’s and passenger seats and through the front passenger window. She could see the lights of the Waldorf. They were close enough. She dug in her purse for her money. “Here! I’ll get out here.”

  She shoved the bills on the man and got out of the car without waiting for change. She closed her coat to the brisk wind and started to march back toward her destiny. Sidewalk traffic bumped her left and right as she hurried. Kyra was grateful for the wind. It blew away any traces of doubt or caution. She hurried up the steps and through the revolving doors of the hotel. The place was grand and polished with its marble floors and huge chandeliers. The first time she arrived her nerves had blinded her to the glamour. As she approached the main reception area it dawned on her that she didn’t have Renaldo’s room number.

  Kyra paused.

  She had to be creative and think of something plausible. She heaved down a big sigh and stepped to a woman at the concierge desk. “Ah, excuse me, hi.”

  “Hello,” the woman said with a smile. “Welcome to the Waldorf Astoria, how can I be of assistance?”

  “My name is K
yra Okeeno. I work for Theodore Tate and the House of Mirabella’s. Tonight we had a private event for the Battaglias on the 41st floor this evening?” Kyra smiled. She reached in her purse and removed her company identification.

  “Ah yes ma’am, I believe the event has come to a close.”

  “It has. We have the Battaglias on a private floor. I will need key card access. Please.” Kyra sat in the chair before the concierge desk.

  “Well I…” the woman hedged.

  “I am to see to their needs. I will check in on them and then leave. I forgot my key.”

  “Just a minute.” The woman handed back the identification and typed on her keyboard. She reached in her drawer and then punched a key card in a little slot box on the desk.

  “Renaldo Cracchiolo,” Kyra said. “What room is he in?”

  The pretty black woman smiled. She began to peck away on the keyboard. “4225.”

  Kyra smiled. “Thank you.”

  She hurried off before the woman considered the culpability of her actions. Kyra’s heart thundered under her breast with excitement. She couldn’t believe how smoothly she pulled that off. Getting to his room was one battle won. Explaining her reason for her return was another matter. Renaldo’s rejection of her both confused and intrigued her. She knew he was attracted to her. What was his deal? Her sister was right. She loved doing things the hard way.

  Kyra used the keycard to access the private floor. The elevator doors closed and she punched the number 42 for it to start to make its slow climb. Half her mind was determined to continue this path of impulsiveness, and yet the other half warned that the night could undoubtedly end with regret. She watched the numbers blink. She braced for her destination.

  After all what was the real risk here? He could turn her down again. Or worse he could reject her and then tell her boss of her late night proposition. And then another thought crept into her mind:

  What if he has a girlfriend, Kyra? Did you ever think that is why he kept his distance? What if he opens the door and flat out tells you that he wants you to fuck off and leave him the hell alone? What if he’s just not that into you?


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