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Scandalous Heroes Box Set

Page 20

by Latrivia Nelson

  The temptation to call Lex and find out what she knew about Affrica was almost too much to ignore. But now…Affrica had left something for him, and him alone. He felt near giddy.

  Pulling up to valet, he jumped out and was off into the building without a word to the man taking his car. Everyone who worked here knew him anyway.

  Without stopping, he strode to Godric’s office, walked through the open door, and froze. Both his brothers were there. Scott sat at the desk as well, sliding through the images on the smooth surface.

  “Hello, Reeve,” Scott said without looking up.

  “Reeve,” Godric added with a smirk. “I must say, you’re here sooner than I thought you’d be. Must have ignored that pesky little thing called the speed limit.”

  Reeve sneered at his brother. “Scott, Godric,” he replied. “Where’s my envelope?”

  That brought Scott’s head up, and his blue eyes twinkled with humor as they watched him. One finger pointed to a holder on the desk where a large manila envelope sat. To Reeve sat scrawled across the middle.

  His heart sped up. He was nervous as he reached for it, palms sweaty, uncaring and nearly unaware of the scrutiny of his brothers.

  He opened it and looked inside. There were some photos and a note. Pulling out the sheet of paper, he read:


  I have to admit, I didn’t think having you along on the photo shoot was a good idea. But I will admit, I was wrong. If you could be more like the man I see in these pictures, then you would be considered among some of the most handsome men I’ve ever met in my life.

  Slán go foil


  He smiled as he pulled out the photos that were inside. There were three of them. Each one Reeve didn’t recall her taking, but even he had to admit that there was something about the image she captured.

  Reeve looked at his photo and was amazed at how happy he seemed in them. There was a smile on his face that wasn’t normally in photos. More often than not, he had more than a bit of arrogance in his portrayal. But not this time.

  He looked content, happy even, and there wasn’t a single bimbo on his arm. He was alone in two of the pictures, and the third was of him and Godric. You could feel the camaraderie between them, something he hadn’t seen in a photo of them in a long time. Of course, there hadn’t been one taken in a while.

  “Well?” Scott’s voice asked. “What’d you get?”

  “Some photos,” he responded, handing them over, opting, however, to put the note in his pocket and not share it.

  “And the note?” Godric asked.

  “Is none of your damn business,” he snapped.

  Scott just laughed and shook his blond head. He fell silent as he glanced over the trio of pictures he took from Reeve. “These are really good, Reeve. She’s made you look human.”

  Godric looked at them as well and agreed. “You are almost handsome as well.”

  Reeve narrowed his eyes at them and walked to the rest of the proofs. “Shut it, runt.”

  This time it was Godric who laughed. It didn’t take long before Scott and Reeve joined in. He had missed this, spending time with his brothers. Reeve fully intended to enjoy it.

  By the time he walked into his condo that evening, he had read Affrica’s note another ten times or so. Five minutes after he had gotten home, his doorbell rang. Padding toward the door barefoot, Reeve opened it, still content with the fact Affrica had written him a note.

  “Hi, Reeve.” The words were delivered on sultry thread.

  His heart skipped a few beats, and his lip began to curl. Marisol. “What do you want?” The last time she had been around him, she had claimed to be carrying his child. He wasn’t about to have a repeat performance.

  “I missed you, baby.”

  She stepped closer and placed one pale hand on his shirt. Reeve glanced down at it, noting how it seemed to blend into the paleness of his shirt, as opposed to standing out as Affrica’s skin would.

  “What do you want, Marisol?” He stepped back so she no longer touched him.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”


  Her eyes narrowed briefly. “You have another woman in there? Are you trying to make me jealous?”

  Reeve scoffed. “I didn’t even know you were stopping by so why would I try to make you jealous? Besides, I don’t give a fuck what you think. There is nothing left between us. You tried to get to me for my money, enough said.”

  “We were great together. And could be so again. I made a mistake; I got stupid. But you showed me the kind of man I wanted to be with.”

  He arched a brow. Man, she’s pathetic. “Marisol, the only reason I’m the kind of guy you want is because I have money. I’ve seen what you are truly like, and I want nothing to do with you. Ever again. Don’t bother me anymore.”

  Stepping back, he shut the door in her face, not caring if it was rude or not. That there was one woman he wasn’t ever going to touch again. Not willingly anyway.

  His dreams that night were full of Affrica O’Shea and the way she moved, smelled, and made him feel. The sparkle in her dark brown eyes.

  He was in a good mood the next day as he escorted his mother to a dance and luncheon. No other male in the family could do so, so he went along with her.

  “You seem in a pleasant mood today, Charleston,” she said as they moved around the dance floor.

  His mother, Wilhelmina, loved to waltz. It was something she did on a weekly basis. Normally, his father escorted her, but he had a meeting today.

  Reeve made sure his lip didn’t curl at the use of his name. She was the only one who insisted on calling him that, as opposed to Reeve, which he preferred.

  “I’m in a great mood today, Mother.”

  “Who’s the lucky woman?”

  “No woman, Mother. I’m just in a good mood.” He wasn’t about to tell her about Affrica until he knew he had her himself.

  “I saw the photos of you and Godric for his business. They are very well done.”

  “Yes, Miss O’Shea did a wonderful job with them.” He chuckled to himself. It was amazing how he automatically went back to being all proper when with his mother. One didn’t call a young woman by her first name.

  “What did you think of her?”

  The waltz ended, and he escorted his mother to a chair. Reeve was a bit hesitant to answer that; he didn’t want to appear like he was fawning over her.

  “I told you, I liked her.”

  “And Godric?” Her question was lined with a bit of harshness.

  Reeve frowned before smoothing out his expression. “I think he liked her just fine.” Taking a seat beside her, he asked, “Why?”

  “He just seems very taken with her, that’s all.”

  That made his eyes narrow. Godric and Affrica? Oh, hell no! Not in this lifetime. Affrica O’Shea was his. Mine, Godric. Mine. With a shrug, he replied, “Well, she did a wonderful job with the pictures of his business in the magazine.”

  “Perhaps,” she mumbled. “Let’s go to lunch, Charleston.”

  His mood was dampened by the news that his youngest brother may be interested in Affrica, but he never let his mother know. Once he had dropped her off at her house, he ranted to himself all the way home.



  Affrica waved to her brother, Aidrian, as her bus pulled away from the station in Geelong. She knew he would be standing there until he could no longer see the bus—it was just his way. Still, she loved him immensely.

  “He doesn’t like me, does he?” Miles’ voice questioned.

  “Nope,” she responded without looking at the man beside her. “He never has.”

  “Why not?”

  Affrica looked at Miles now. He was watching her avidly. “He thinks your desire for landing on the front page will put me in danger one day.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think he’s right.” She watched his eyes narrow. “I’m not blind
, Miles. I know you come along where I go because I seem to find stories. And you have a knack for getting me into situations that I don’t feel good about.”

  “Do you think I’d let harm come to you?”

  “If it is between me and your story, yes.” She turned toward him. “But I know that, so it’s not like I expect you to protect me. I know how you operate, Miles. I’ve known that since day one.”

  An emotion she hadn’t ever seen before flashed in his eyes then he shrugged and faced front. Affrica stared at him for a few silent moments before she turned her attention back out the window of the bus.

  Suddenly, she couldn’t wait to get on the train where she could get away from Miles. Unsure of why she felt that way, she kept her mouth shut as the bus took them to the train station.

  Affrica was amazed by the relief she felt as the train began moving and Miles headed for the dining car, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Unbidden, her thoughts went back to Reeve Leighton.

  She didn’t know why she couldn’t get him out of her head. The cocky smile he had, the way his eyes sparkled when he watched her.

  I bet Reeve has no idea how expressive his face is.

  “Get a grip, Affrica. Reeve Leighton is not anywhere near your league.” She sighed. Still, I bet a man like that could do wonders for a girl. Tall, handsome, muscular, with kissable lips that would make a nun give up her habit and an ass that makes me want to drop to my knees and thank the good Lord.

  She looked out the window as the train headed toward Perth. Eventually, the rolling countryside lulled her to sleep. They had a vehicle waiting for them at Perth to take them to their hotel. A sigh of relief left her as she shut the hotel door, blocking out everything else. An eerie feeling settled about her shoulders as she sagged against the heavy door. Her brother’s concerns followed by the odd look she’d gotten from Miles on the train, all of it was making her nervous.

  “Focus, Affrica. This is just a trip like all the others. You go with them, take some photos for their story, and move on. Basically, it’s a free ride to Australia. And you can’t go wrong there.” She spoke to the silence of her room as she opened her camera bag and checked her equipment. Until this moment, she’d not had the opportunity to look over what Miles had given her. It didn’t matter to her, she was going to go anyway with him. He may make her a bit uncomfortable but he’d not steered her wrong for her work yet.

  Miles had given her images of mass graves. She frowned even as her stomach revolted, and her hands shook. What is this? This kind of thing didn’t happen anymore, did it? Disgust filled her as she saw the camera zoom in on what seemed to be a recent addition to the graves.

  A young girl. A young aboriginal girl.

  A knock at her door startled her, and she closed the lid of her computer, ending the horrific images. Still a bit shocked, she gave herself an extra moment before opening her door.


  Miles leaned against one side, clad in jeans and a t-shirt. His hair appeared damp as if he’d allowed himself a shower.

  “You saw it,” he said without preamble.

  “Are you sure this is legit?” she asked, stepping back to allow him entrance to her room.

  “Unfortunately, yes. That was taken less than a week ago.” Miles sat and wiped his palms off on his thighs. “I know how I’m viewed, Affrica. Hell, you even made a comment on it today. Yes, I love getting the scoop and having my byline on the front page, but this… If what we’re seeing is true and fresh, we’re talking genocide.”

  His solemn attitude threw her. This behavior was very atypical Miles Horne. “Are you telling me not to go?” she asked with a frown. “Because you’re the one who invited me along in the first place.”

  “I know. This is different. Genocide isn’t pretty.”

  She muttered in Gaelige, “No shit.” Calming herself, she sat on the only other seat in the room, her bed. “I’m a damn good photographer, Miles. Do you want another instead?”

  He shook his head. “If I had, I never would have given you a mention about this. I just want you to be really sure about this.”

  “I am. Where is this? I mean, how come people havena done a feature on it or something to stop this?”

  He frowned and gave her a “duh” look. “They’re Aboriginals, still obviously considered expendable by some.” He swallowed. “This is going to be dangerous, Affrica. We leave tomorrow night.” That said, Miles left.

  Alone again, she expelled a sharp breath and flopped back on her bed. Her mind streamed along at well over one hundred kilometers per hour. Miles offering up actual concern? That alone made her hesitant. He also hadn’t told her where they were going.

  Think about what these people have gone through, she reprimanded herself. Now isna the time to wuss out. She had to go. There wasn’t any way she could walk away from this. Phone in hand, she paused, checking the time, before dialing a number.

  “O’Shea residence,” a female answered in Gaelige.

  “Hi, Ma,” she replied in the same language.

  “Affrica. How are you, sweetheart?”

  She smiled at the genuine warmth in her mother’s voice. “I’m fine. I just wanted to call and let you know I’ll be out of touch for a bit.”

  “What’s going on? What’s wrong?” Immediate concern.

  “Nothing, Ma.” She hoped it wasn’t a lie. “I’m just going to be out of cell range for a bit on this next gig.”

  “Is it dangerous?”

  She restrained her sigh. Some days, her family seemed steadfast in their decision to view her as a baby. Yes, she was the baby but she knew how to do her job. And she’d accepted there were some risks involved. It didn’t matter her brother was a US Navy SEAL; it always seemed they worried about her.

  “I’m in Australia, Ma. We’re going out in the bush. It’s not like I’ll be in a metropolis, but I’ll be as careful as I can.”

  That at least wasn’t a lie. She just didn’t want to tell her mother what they were going after out there.

  “We. You’re not going alone then?”

  “No, ma’am. I’m going with a reporter.”

  “Well, I guess that’s better than you out there all alone. When are you coming back?”

  She got up and paced her small room. “Kind of playing things by ear, Ma. I’ll call when or if I can out there and will definitely do so when we return.”


  Her sigh of relief was short-lived when her mom spoke again. “You aren’t going with that Miles guy Aidrian said was no good, are you?”

  Note to self, punch sole sibling next time we meet.

  “Adrian probably wanted to distract you, Ma. I just saw him.”

  “You saw Adrian?”

  She grinned wickedly at her reflection in the mirror. “I did. He saw me off on my bus in Geelong.”

  Her mom digested that for a bit. “What is Adrian doing in Geelong?”

  Back on her bed, she stretched out a leg and stared at her boot. “Not sure; he was with a girl, though.”

  Her mother’s sharp breath made her smirk. Jackpot! Ma had a new target.

  “A girl? Who is she?”

  “Not sure, he didn’t want to introduce me. She was pretty, though. Very pretty.” She let her ponder for a few seconds. “Ma, I have to go. I love you. Tell Da I love him, too.”

  “Of course, honey. Just one more thing.”

  Damn it! So close. “What’s that?”

  “Don’t you think I’m able to pick up on a diversion tactic? Nice try, Affrica. Now, be safe.”

  Her mom disconnected, and Affrica muttered while she shut her own phone. Damn. Damn. Damn. She sighed, hoping they wouldn’t be too worried. Drumming her fingers, she called another.

  “Hey,” she said in Gaelige. “Just letting you know I made it fine. Going out into the bush. Don’t worry, I’ll be safe. Hope you’re having fun with your cutie. Love you. Bye, brother.”

  Ending the call, she flopped back with a groan. Normally, th
e idea of heading out filled her with huge anticipation, but honestly, all she felt right now was trepidation.

  Mass killings weren’t exactly common in this day and age, but neither was she dumb enough to believe they didn’t happen either. Because the ugly truth was that evil not only existed but thrived in the world.

  Personally, she’d never been a headline seeker; her thrill came from acquiring that “perfect” shot. She preferred capturing the essence of wild animals but this…wasn’t something she could pass up.

  You should tell your brother where you’re going, her brain advised.

  She dismissed it with a shake of her head. There was no way, for that would mean, in a matter of time, she would just look up to discover the eight members of SEAL Team Seventeen, or as they were more aptly and affectionately referred to the Megalodon Team, surrounding her for an immediate evac.

  Not that she despised their protectiveness of her but, while one overprotective brother could be annoying, eight likeminded ones would ensure she never left the house.

  Chewing on her lower lip, she thought for a bit longer. Eventually, she sat up and reached for her bag. An hour later, she made her way to a local pub for dinner and a drink. She mailed her letter along the way.

  The next day, she spent ensuring all gear was ready. Since she would only be taking the minimum, she’d made arrangements for the rest. The hotel would keep her items for her until she returned. Then, she rested, well aware that, once out there, a solid, safe night’s rest would be few and far between.

  As planned, she met Miles at the front where they climbed into an old Jeep and headed off into the inky blackness. She rested her head back and tried to ignore the hard beating of her heart.

  Chapter Four

  Reeve swirled his vodka around in his glass as he gazed around the table at the five guys with him. They’d all grown up together, from privileged homes. Money, prestige, it didn’t matter, they had it. The nights were filled with the finest things—liquor, women, whatever he wanted. This used to be stuff he enjoyed.


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