Scandalous Heroes Box Set

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Scandalous Heroes Box Set Page 110

by Latrivia Nelson


  This work contains adult language and sexually explicit scenes. This book is intended only for adults, as it is defined by the laws of the country in which the purchase is made. Keep this book out of the hands of under-aged readers.

  Author’s Note

  This is a work of fiction. All medications mentioned are for the purpose of “fictional” characters, and not necessarily the thing to do. Consult with a physician/clinician before taking any medication.

  Michael Alesi is not looking for anything other than a good time. He works hard and plays even harder. But after being summoned to the home of his cousin, Piero, Michael is blindsided by Piero’s sister-in-law, the feisty, Kendra Washington. Kendra is beautiful and sassy, and she seems to want nothing to do with Michael. That is fine with Michael—he doesn’t do relationships and he has plenty of business and social opportunities to keep him busy. Then he witnesses Kendra’s life being put in danger by a nasty crime. He comes to her rescue and, as he gets to know her, he decides that maybe a committed relationship isn’t so bad after all.

  Kendra is in town to visit her sister Adanna at the request of her brother-in-law, Piero Alesi. Upon arriving on her sister’s doorstep, she comes face-to-face with the ever-elusive Michael Alesi. Kendra, immediately senses his ‘I’m sexy, and I know it’ aura that all the Alesi men seem to possess. Not wanting anything to do with him, she decides to steer clear. One too-wild a night on the town changes that game plan, and Kendra finds herself held firmly in the arms of the man she’d wanted to avoid.

  Just as they are feeling their way toward a relationship, a whirlwind of deadly events sends life spiraling out of control for both Michael and Kendra. Will they be able to find shelter in each other’s arms, or will the demons of both the past and the present keep them apart forever?

  Chapter One

  Michael Alesi glanced over at the beautiful brunette lying next to him and wondered what the hell he was still doing with her. It seemed like the only things that he and Carmella had in common were sex and privilege. In fact, Michael had begun to think that he was spending far too much time with the woman lately. She was beginning to grate on his last nerve. He saw it coming. Once his cousin Piero got engaged, his mother had gotten it into her head that he should settle down and make babies. The thought of marrying any woman gave Michael hives. He couldn’t imagine himself being tied down to one woman for a lifetime.

  He eyed Carmella’s sleeping form once again before throwing the covers off, swinging his legs off the bed, and walking stark naked across the room toward the adjoining bathroom.

  “Michael, where are you going?” he heard her ask.

  “To take a shower,” he called over his shoulder as he kept walking.

  “Hmm, sounds nice. Maybe I’ll come join you,” Carmella purred and stretched her body like a lithe cat.

  Michael was tempted to have her join him. However, her visits were becoming more frequent than he liked. In no way were he and Carmella an item. She might as well dispense with that notion quickly.

  “The offer is tempting; however, I have a meeting with Piero in just under an hour.”

  “Even more reason why I should join you,” she said, letting the silk sheets slide down her body, exposing her bare breasts. “Come on, Michael. You know I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Michael stared at her voluptuous breasts for a mere moment before giving in to temptation and letting Carmella join him in the shower. “Why not? This has to be a quick one. I have to leave.” He smiled slowly.

  “We will see, dear Michael. We will see,” she crowed.

  He watched as she crawled on her hands and knees toward the edge of the bed, carefully gliding to her feet and walking toward him. She stood in front of him and grabbed his balls in her hand.

  Michael let out a long hissing sound as she gently glided her soft, silken hand up and down his hardened length.

  “I do believe you are trying to start something before the shower,” he breathed.

  “Any objections?” she asked coyly, running her tongue along his jaw as she continued to massage his erection.

  Inhaling deeply, Michael lifted Carmella up by her hips and walked the short distance to the bathroom. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck.

  “None at all,” he said, taking her lips in a scorching kiss.

  “I didn’t think so.” She smiled against his lips while simultaneously grabbing a fistful of his hair.

  “Just know that you will not always be able to use sex to get your way with me, Carmella. A quick fuck is all we will ever have…you know this, no?” he whispered in a stern, almost angry tone.

  “There’s no need to be crude, Michael. Besides, we both know that you like fucking me,” she shot back.

  “Hmm, so I do,” he said, placing her on her feet in the bathroom and grabbing a condom out of his medicine chest. He kept a supply of condoms in all four of his bathrooms, one in his wallet, and several in his cars. He was a single man who enjoyed sex, and a lot of it. After ripping the packet open and sheathing himself, he walked Carmella backwards into the walk-in shower, where he guided her against the wall, lifted her leg around his waist, and surged into her.

  She screamed his name. “Ugh. You do that so well, Michael,” she cried.

  Michael didn’t respond. Instead, he took her lips, more to shut her up than from any need to kiss her, and continued to pump vigorously into her. He didn’t stop until she cried out her release. His release came immediately after. He then let go of her leg, turned on the shower jets, and began to wash them both.

  “My, when you said ‘quickly’, I didn’t know you meant that quickly,” Carmella whined.

  “You weren’t complaining when you came, Carmella. Isn’t that the ultimate goal of sex: to ‘come’? Sexual gratification? I accomplished my task. Why complain? I’ve taken you quicker and harder before.”

  “Yes, you have. However, it was different this time. As if you weren’t here...detached even,” she said, eyeing him.

  “I am sure you’re imagining things. I have a meeting, Carmella. We can linger no more,” he rushed out. He said nothing further as he rinsed the soap off of them both, grabbed bath towels, and toweled them both off. Michael then wrapped a towel around his waist and led Carmella out of the bathroom. “Get dressed.”

  “Really, Michael? You are literally throwing me out of the house?” she practically yelled.

  “Stop being so dramatic, Carmella. You knew I was pressed for time. You wanted sex, and I gave it to you. Now it is time for you to leave. Get dressed,” he barked. Michael watched her pout as she began to throw on her clothes. After she’d dressed, he walked her to the door.

  “Will I see you again this week?” she asked.

  “I am not sure. I will have to check my schedule,” was his response. “I make no promises.”

  “You’ve said that a lot lately. What’s going on, Michael?”

  “Carmella, we are not a couple. We hook up to have sex, and that is it. It has always been that way. That has been the rule from day one. If you have any notions that we will be exclusive, you need to dispense with them straight away. I-am-not-the-marrying-kind,” he said, emphasizing each word. “So, get that out of your head now.”

  He watched as her eyes bulged. Her lips moved, but no sound came out. Finally, she murmured, “You can be such a dick, Michael. Call me,” she added, before turning and walking out the door and to her car.

  Michael locked up after her and walked leisurely back to his bedroom. He wasn’t trying to be cruel to her, but he knew she was getting the idea in her head that she could use sex to convince him to put a ring on her finger. That just wasn’t happening. Even if he were to get married…which he wasn’t…it definitely wouldn’t be to her. Carmella would learn soon enough that she could only use her looks or her body for so long. Besides, he knew too much about her. No matter what she said to him, Michael knew that she never lacked companionship.

  His landline and cell phone began to ring simultaneously. Michael looked toward his house phone. “That can only be Mamma.” He opted to answer his cell instead. “Michael,” he called into the mouthpiece.

  “So, your company finally left. How is the lovely Carmella?”

  Michael stiffened. “What is it that you want so early this morning, Nicco?” he asked.

  “Can’t I call my brother without wanting something?” Nicco laughed snidely into the phone.

  “You know, Nicco, these games you play will catch up to you soon, no? When you were a boy they were…amusing, but as a man, they are pissing me off. Be careful, brother,” Michael snapped.

  “You’ve been talking to cousin Piero again, I see. Relax, Mikey. I am good, no?”

  “State your business, Nicco. I have plans this morning,” Michael said slowly.

  “Just thought I’d give my big brother a call to see how he was doing.”

  “Really? What are you doing up and about so early, and so near my home, to be exact?” Michael asked.

  “Just felt like a drive,” was Nicco’s response.

  Michael knew his brother was up to something. He had no idea what, but with Nicco, it couldn’t be good. “I don’t know what you are about lately, Nick, but be careful you don’t find yourself swimming with the fishes,” Michael said, his voice controlled.

  “Interesting,” was Nicco’s only reply.

  “Yes. Very. Heed my words, Nicco.”

  “I see you’re not in the mood for conversation. Talk to you soon, Mikey,” Nicco said.

  The next sound Michael heard was nothing. Nicco had disconnected the call. His brother was hell bent on being a pain in the ass. It was sure to land him in a lot of trouble, Michael thought. I don’t have time for Nicco’s stupidity. He will learn soon enough that grown men are not to be toyed with. Michael hurriedly dialed Piero to let him know that he was running a little behind. Piero’s cell rang several times without an answer. Michael was waiting for his voicemail when Piero finally answered in a lazy voice.

  Michael gave a shout of laughter as Piero shot off rapid Italian in his ear.

  “Piero, sorry to take you from your beautiful wife, but did you forget that you asked to meet with me and Sal?” He laughed since it was obvious Piero had forgotten. “I am just calling to say that I will be a little late, but I see that is not necessary, as it appears you are otherwise engaged, no?”

  “Where are you?” Piero asked in their native language. Evidently, he didn’t want Adanna to know what he was saying.

  “I am still at home. I just wanted to let you know that I would be there shortly. You know how I am on timeliness,” Michael said.

  Piero told him to drive slow in Italian and then spoke in English. “That will be fine. Cara Mia’s sister, Kendra, will be stopping by soon to visit for the weekend.”

  Michael chuckled again. “I see. So, you’re trying to spend some quality time with your wife before she arrives,” he joked.


  “Piero, your home is huge. Adanna’s sister could get lost in there trying to find you two. Besides, do you ever come up for air? You’ve had Adanna to yourself for months now…not including the honeymoon. I’m surprised she’s not pregnant with triplets,” Michael said.

  “Take your time, Michael,” Piero said before hanging up.

  Michael looked down at his cell and gave a full-bellied laugh. “Wow, love must be grand?” he said, shaking his head and going over to his walk-in closet to pick out something to wear. He dressed quickly and went downstairs to put on a pot of coffee. He might as well grab a cup. That would give Piero more time to spend with his beautiful wife, but he would make Piero feed him. He didn’t feel like making himself anything.

  After sitting down to a leisurely cup a coffee and reading the paper, he grabbed his keys, set his alarm, and left his house.

  Chapter Two

  Michael pulled his Mercedes™ into Piero’s long, circular driveway behind Sal’s sleek, black Cadillac™ and got out. Sal exited his car at the same time.

  “Sal?” Michael questioned.

  “I’ve been here for fifteen minutes trying to get in,” Sal grunted.

  Michael chuckled. “Damn! And I thought I liked sex. Those two should run a marathon.”

  “Tell me about it. It’s a wonder Piero hasn’t had a coronary by now. Even a young man has limits. I don’t care if he makes love to his wife all day and night, but hell, open the damn door when you invite people over,” Sal grumbled.

  “Did you call his cell?” Michael asked.

  “What for? You know him, Michael. He won’t answer,” Sal snorted.

  “I spoke to him, and he said not to hurry, but that was over an hour ago. As a matter of fact, that was almost two hours ago,” Michael said, looking down at his watch.

  Just then, another car pulled up in the driveway.

  “I wonder who that could be,” Michael said.

  “That’s Adanna’s sister, Kendra,” Sal said, eyeing the burgundy SUV.

  “That’s a big car,” Michael said, watching as she pulled in behind his car.

  “That’s her toy. She whips that truck around like it’s a small vehicle. Scary it is. It’s in the shop more than it is on the road. She refuses to let Piero or Adanna buy her a new one. I offered, but she wouldn’t hear of it. Our sister-in-law is very thick-headed. She doesn’t think we know, but she’s been trying to recoup the money her boyfriend stole from her. I’ll tell you all about it later. Here she comes,” Sal whispered.

  At that moment, Kendra walked up on the both of them.

  “Hey there, Sal!” Kendra cried, giving Sal a big hug. Michael watched the exchange quietly. As Kendra stood on her tiptoes to kiss Sal on his cheek, Michael’s eyes landed on her backside.

  “Why are you standing outside?” Michael heard her ask.

  “Your sister and my brother are not answering the door, even though Michael and I were invited over,” Sal chuckled.

  “Oh, hey, Cousin Michael,” Kendra cried, turning away from Sal.

  “How are you, Kendra?” he asked, eyeing her from head to toe and liking what he saw. She wasn’t what you would call a classic beauty, however, her skin was simply flawless. From what he could see, she had a body that would make a man like him beg for it. Often.

  “I’m good. Thanks for asking,” she responded, not giving him a second glance as she turned back to Sal. “Come on, big guy. Let’s wake the freaks up. My brother-in-law absolutely knew I was coming, and I refuse to stand outside while they get their freak on, especially since I can’t. Hell, being horny is not fun.”

  Michael and Sal both stood with their mouths open as they watched Kendra march to the door, lift the gold door knocker, and begin banging and ringing the bell simultaneously.

  “Did she say what I thought she said?” Michael asked.

  “She did,” Sal answered. “That’s Kendra. She says what’s on her mind.”

  “Maybe she shouldn’t,” Michael frowned. “Someone might take that the wrong way.”

  “My brothers and I have stressed that to her. She is too spontaneous. It can and will land her in a lot of trouble if she is not careful. Very intelligent, yet naive in many ways. She needs a good man, according to her mamma and mine,” Sal whispered. He walked toward Kendra, leaving Michael to follow.

  “Are you volunteering?” Michael asked, following on Sal’s heels.

  “Not at all. I consider her a sister, and I am very protective of her,” Sal added, eyeing Michael keenly.

  “Understood, Salvatore. I am merely inquiring,” Michael assured him, although he did feel a sense of relief knowing that Sal was not interested in Kendra sexually.

  “Not you, Michael. Nicco. We will talk later, no?” Sal said.

  “I will make sure of it.” Michael scowled. He didn’t want Kendra anywhere near Nicco. Nicco was his brother, and he loved him dearly, but more often than not, he could cheerfully strangle him with his bare hands.

; “What are you two blabbering about?” Kendra asked, still banging on the door. “Adanna, if you don’t open this door this instant, I will…” Kendra was in mid-sentence when the door swung open to reveal a smiling Piero on the other side.

  “Hello, Kendra. Cara Mia is getting dressed. She will be down shortly,” he said, pulling her the rest of the way inside and engulfing her in a big hug. “Sorry to have kept you waiting.”

  “No, you’re not. You and my sister are sex-starved freaky-deaks. I swear that girl should be walking bow-legged as much as you two go at it. Lucky girl,” Kendra said, returning Piero’s hug. “Now, move it so I can see my sister. Hell, can she still walk?”

  “My wife is well, Kendra, and yes, she can walk. We are newlyweds, no?” he said.

  “Newlyweds, my ass. Tell that to Mommy and Daddy. I know the deal. I’ve seen those toys Adanna tries to hide every time I come around,” Kendra shot back, walking toward the winding staircase in search of her sister. “I guess I’ll be sleeping on the other side of the house again. I ain’t mad atcha.”

  Michael watched her disappear around the corner, still mumbling about Piero and Adanna’s sexual escapades.

  “Is she always like that?” he asked no one in particular.

  “Yes,” both Piero and Sal answered at once.

  “And she doesn’t have a man in her life?” Michael asked quietly.

  “She is not a good fit for you, Michael, no? You are used to women kowtowing to your every whim. Kendra is not like that. Besides, I do not wish to see her hurt. In fact, I will take offense at anyone who tries to,” Piero said pointedly.

  “So will I, Piero,” Michael responded, holding Piero’s gaze. “Now, why have you summoned us here?”

  “Yes, why have we been summoned?” Sal interjected.

  “Come into the library, and we will talk,” Piero said, leading them to the library.

  “Must be serious,” Sal whispered.

  “Why do I have a feeling I am not going to like what he is about to say?” Michael moaned.


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