Scandalous Heroes Box Set

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Scandalous Heroes Box Set Page 115

by Latrivia Nelson

  “Why are you nervous?” he asked.

  “What…what do you mean?” she asked, clearing her throat.

  “For some reason, you’re nervous. There is no need to be. Relax and eat, Kendra. You are safe here. But I believe I have told you that before, no? Why don’t you believe me?” he asked, looking at her through squinted eyes.

  “I believe you. Let’s drop it and eat. I’m hungry,” she said.

  “For the record, what happened will go no further than the people involved. Your family will not find out from me or Piero, and trust me, those two imbeciles will definitely not be talking,” Michael said, furiously.

  “How do you know they won’t say anything?” she asked.

  “I know. Now eat up,”

  “I will. Stop being bossy,” Kendra said, picking up her spoon and putting a healthy mouthful of soup in her mouth. “Hmm, this is good.”

  “Of course. My mamma made it,” he smiled.

  “Wow! Boys and their mothers,” she said, shaking her head.


  “All I’m saying is that guys tend to skirt their mother’s coattails for a long time and then get married and expect the wife to treat them exactly like their mothers would.”

  “No, we don’t,” he scowled.

  “Uh, yes, you do. Tell me, Michael. What are you looking for in a wife?” she asked, stabbing a slice of lettuce with her fork and then putting it in her mouth.

  “That’s easy. I don’t expect anything in a wife because I am not getting married. At least not now.”

  “Well, let’s say the ‘not now’ is now. What would you expect in a wife or a woman whom you’ve been seeing on a regular basis?”

  “You have to understand. I am used to certain things—”

  “Uh uh uh. No excuses. You would expect her to do what your mom and sister do for you,” Kendra cut in.

  “Trust me. Neither my mom nor my sister can do for me what I want to do to you right now,” he smarted, and laughed outright as her eyes bugged. “What? Nothing to say?”

  “No. I think you’ve said it all. I still made my point, though,” she mumbled.

  “To some degree. For one, your sister can’t cook, and Piero adores her.”

  “Yes, he does. Sophia still insists on teaching Adanna how to be a ‘good’ Italian wife. Even went as far as damn near kidnapping her for the day, trying to teach her how to make Piero’s favorites,” Kendra snorted.

  “I remember. Well, Aunt Sophia is special. She’s also bossy as hell. For the most part, she is okay. Just set in her ways, as is my mamma. However, my mamma has been in America longer than Aunt Sophia.”

  “Yet, neither speaks English,” Kendra chuckled

  “Yes, well, that is another conversation altogether. One I don’t have the time to go into now. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m feeling a lot better. Still a little sluggish. It will pass. I take it my brother-in-law is still pestering you.”

  “Please, don’t talk him up. Piero and I have come to an understanding.”

  “Oh, what understanding is that?” she asked, taking another spoonful of soup.

  “Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over. Piero and I are fine. So, what do you want to do today?”

  “Relax and watch movies. I don’t really feel like being social today. Maybe tomorrow,” she murmured.

  “I’ll take care of it. I don’t have a television in my bedroom, but there’s one in a couple of the other bedrooms, and also in the entertainment room.”

  “Just how many bedrooms are in this house?”

  “There are only six bedrooms. Why?”

  “You all love monstrous houses. You’re a bachelor with this big house. I don’t get it,” she said with a shrug.

  “That’s easy. I like my privacy, and with a family as large as mine, you just never know when a family member or three will show up. However, because my family knows how I value my privacy, so no one will ever show up uninvited. Well, except for my mamma and Nicco of course. I think Nicco does it to be a pain in my ass.”

  “Hmm, could be,” Kendra chuckled. “He’s a character.”

  “Yeah. Real funny,” Michael snorted.

  “Wow, that was great!” she said, finishing off the last of her salad. “Since you prepared the food. I’ll clean up.”

  “No. Go relax. I’ll leave it for the cleaning lady,” Michael said.

  “Please, there are only a few dishes, Michael. You don’t need a cleaning lady for this. I can do it. Besides, it will keep me busy for a bit.”

  “I didn’t bring you here to clean my house, Kendra.”

  “I hardly call washing a few dishes ‘cleaning’ your house.”

  “How about we both put them in the dishwasher? It’s settled, no?” he said, getting up from the table and picking up dishes as he went along, not waiting for her to protest further.

  “You like getting your way, don’t you?”

  “Of course. Most times I do get it, too,” he smiled. “Are you going to hold that dish hostage or are you going to place it in the dishwasher?”

  “Ha. You do it,” she sniffed. Placing the dish on the table, she turned and left the room.

  “Aww, come on! We are supposed to do this together,” he chortled. “See, I could’ve left it for the cleaning lady.”

  Michael hooted with laughter when Kendra flipped him off. “We can do that too,” he called after her. “I have a feeling my life has just changed for the better,” he said to himself.

  Chapter Eight

  Kendra awoke to the sound of voices. She stretched, yawned and looked around the darkened room. “Oh, damn. I fell asleep again. Seems to be all I’ve done today.” Something across the room caught Kendra’s eye. Moving the covers off of her, she swung her legs off of the bed and walked to where her luggage sat against the wall. Kendra quickly went through her bag, grabbed a bra and a pair of jeans, and walked out of the bedroom toward the voices that had awakened her.

  Kendra stopped in her tracks. Apparently, the conversation was about her. A very heated conversation at that. She decided to listen a bit longer before making her entrance into the room.

  “Tell me, Nicco. Just what games are you playing?” Michael shouted.

  “I play no games. I am telling you for the last time. I—did—not—know what Marcello intended. So don’t blow your ass out of joint on me,” Nicco roared.

  “I feel like blowing a fucking hole in your head. You stupid shit! What the hell were you thinking, leaving her alone for that long amount of time, anyway? Newsflash, Nicco. If you take a young lady out, you don’t ditch her to go off on a whim. What are you, anyway? A young boy? Just when are you going to grow up? Nicco, you need to realize that everything you do affects someone else. And most of the time, it’s someone in this family. I am tired of cleaning up your shit, Nicco!”

  “Have I asked you to, Michael?” Nicco bellowed. “No! You’re the one who believes he’s some kind of knight to come to everyone’s rescue. Well, you know what, brother? Just maybe I don’t want to be saved.”

  “Maybe you don’t, and believe me, I am done. This thing that your friend did is unforgivable. You two have been friends far too long for you not to know what kind of man Marcello is. Yet, you left Kendra in his presence. That, to me, is just as unforgivable as the act itself. Tell me, Nicco. Just what do you think would have happened had I not been there? Do you not know that our cousin would have killed you and thought nothing of it?” Michael asked, his voice deadly smooth.

  “Please, the almighty Piero is too good to dirty his hands with me,” Nicco snorted.

  “Piero is not the one you should be afraid, Nicco. Remember that. You do not know everything,” he stressed slowly.

  “And neither do you, brother,” Nicco replied.

  “I know that you have stirred a lot of fires. Be careful, Nicco, that you don’t get burned.”

  “Thanks for the warning, bro. I think I’ll be okay,” Nicco snickered. “
Besides, I can always have my big brother come to my rescue. Right?”

  “See, that’s the thing, Nicco. I won’t be around to run interference for you always. Especially if you continue to get involved in stupidity. What is it with you lately? It’s like you’re intentionally causing problems,” Michael said, his voice calmer.

  “I’m just being me. Anyway, I heard that Kendra is here. I just wanted to make sure that she is okay. Is she okay?”

  “Yes. No thanks to you. She is resting. I will give her your regards when she wakes up.”

  “No. I want to apologize to her in person, Michael. I will wait.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why? And who made you her guardian?”

  “I made me her guardian.”

  “You seem to be juggling a lot of women at one time, brother,” Nicco said. “What are you going to tell the lovely Carmella? How is she going to feel about you having another woman in your lair?”

  “You tell me, Nicco. You seem to be spending so much time with her. As far as I’m concerned, this is no concern of yours or Carmella’s. I do as I please, and Carmella knows where we stand. I made sure to let her know,” Michael snapped.

  “I see. So it’s like that, is it?” Nicco asked.


  “Don’t think Carmella is going to take this information without a fight.”

  “Nicco, I couldn’t care less about Carmella at the moment. You’ve spent so much time with her, I am quite sure she will be fine. And this conversation is over.”

  “If you say so, brother,” Nicco said. “I’m still not going anywhere until I see Kendra.”

  Kendra had heard enough. She didn’t know who this Carmella woman was, nor did she care. It appeared that the brothers were at odds with one another, and surely not over her. She didn’t know what game Michael was playing, but she wouldn’t be a pawn in it. It sounded to her like he’d given Nicco the impression that they had some kind of relationship, which was absurd. She barely knew the man. Granted, he was sexy in all of his darkness, but she’d had enough of macho men for a while.

  Kendra was brought out of her reverie by Michael’s voice.

  “I said NO!” he barked.

  “And I said I am staying right here until I see her and apologize,” Nicco yelled back.

  “I will give her the message. Now leave!” Michael shouted, standing toe-to-toe with Nicco.

  “All right, you two. Enough,” Kendra said as she walked fully into the room. “What’s all the yelling and screaming about, anyway?” she asked, not letting on that she’d heard everything.

  “Kendra,” Michael called.

  “That’s my name. What’s going on here?”

  “Nothing. How are you feeling?” Michael asked.

  “I’m fine. It didn’t sound like nothing. You guys look as if you’re about to come to blows.”

  “Just a brotherly disagreement. Right, Nicco?” Michael said.

  “No. I wanted to apologize, and big brother here was trying to send me on my way,” Nicco cut in.

  “Apology accepted. Now you can be on your way,” Kendra spared Nicco a scarce glance before turning to Michael.

  “Thank you for your concern, but I am good. I am glad he came to apologize in person. It means more to me than had you delivered the message.”

  “I thought you accepted my apology,” Nicco interjected.

  “I do, Nicco. However, it is going to take a little bit more than an apology for you to gain my trust again. After all, had you not left me alone, none of this would have happened in the first place, now would it? Be careful of the company you keep. Guilt by association is a bitch. Excuse the language,” she said, again barely giving him a glance.

  “Fair enough. As long as you know I would never intentionally put you in harm’s way.”

  Kendra nodded her head in affirmation, still not looking him in the eye.

  “Thank you. And just so you know, not all of the company I keep is bad. After all, I had fun with you,” Nicco said, before turning and taking his leave.

  Kendra watched him leave and felt a little morsel of guilt. He looked as if he were truly sorry. Maybe he’d heed his brother’s advice and grow up. From what she could tell from the conversation she’d overheard, apparently Nicco was sleeping with the same woman Michael was sleeping with. Humpf. Oh what a tangled web we weave.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Michael asked, startling her back to the present. She hadn’t heard or seen him advance next to her. She’d been so focused on her own inner thoughts.

  “I’m positive,” she smiled over at him. “Has my sister called?”

  “About a dozen times. I want you to know, she now thinks you and I are in a relationship or just having sex. I’m not sure which yet. She made sure to let me know that I’d better have you available to speak with her tomorrow,” Michael grunted. “If you’re still not up to it, Piero said he would keep his wife busy.”

  “I bet he will. I’m sure it’s not for my benefit. Piero’s just nasty,” she smiled.

  “Why do you call him nasty?” Michael asked.

  “Have you actually heard those two? Please, at one point I thought I was listening to porn. I guess that’s why I got moved to the other side of the house.” She laughed. “And don’t get me started on some of the things I’ve found in Adanna’s possession.”

  “They have a very active and creative sex life. What’s so nasty about that? Wait, don’t tell me. You’re strictly vanilla?” He eyed her.

  “I’m not telling you anything,” she said, moving away from him. He was giving her an all-too-familiar look. Kendra knew that he wanted her. She began to quiver on the inside. Her stomach felt as if she had butterflies swirling around inside. Lacking anything better to do, she ran her fingers through her unruly hair and realized that she was badly in need of a comb and a flat iron. She should have stuck with the short haircut. Much more manageable.

  “Why are you frowning?” Michael asked.


  “You’re frowning, and moving further and further away from me. Don’t tell me you’re suddenly afraid of me?” he asked.

  “Don’t be silly,” she stuttered. “I was just thinking.”

  “Um hm. About creative sex?” he mocked.

  Kendra could feel herself blushing. “Not at all. I wasn’t thinking about sex. Creative or otherwise.”

  “You lie,” he snickered. “But I will let it go for now. Are you hungry?”

  “Why are you always trying to feed me?”

  “Probably because it is after 6 p.m. You slept the day away.”

  “Oh, goodness. I had no idea it was that late. I’m still not hungry. Just really thirsty. I’ll have a glass of juice for now. Maybe I’ll eat something later.”

  “Kendra, you have to eat. How about I order takeout? Anything you like.”

  “I’m not hungry, Michael,” she protested.

  “Humor me,” he said.

  With a heavy sigh, Kendra gave in. “I could go for some Chinese food. Ok, Michael. Order some Chinese”

  “Anything special?”

  “I’ll let you choose. I’m going to watch some television,” she said, turning and heading back to the bedroom.

  “You know, there’s a much bigger TV in the entertainment room. It’s quite comfortable in there, too. Besides, we can watch together. Get to know one another better,” he said. “You don’t have to hide out in the bedroom.”

  Kendra stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him. Michael was right. She was hiding out. The man had been kind enough to take care of her thus far. It wouldn’t hurt to get to know him better. She was more afraid of her attraction to him than of anything he might do to her.

  “Lead me to this famous room. Can I get a glass of juice first?” she asked, sarcastically.

  “Sure, smart ass. I’ll take you to the room and then bring you a glass of juice. Is that to your satisfaction?”

  “Do I have a choice?” she snicke

  “Of course, you do. Tomorrow,” he replied. “Come. I need to order the food.”

  Kendra let him lead her to the entertainment room, which was really impressive. After he’d settled her in with the remote, Michael went to get her juice and then to order the food.

  “You think this television is big enough?” she murmured to herself, eyeing what had to be about a 70” screen. She sat back on the soft leather and relaxed, folding her legs underneath her, as she began to flip through the many channels.

  Kendra snuggled deeper into the softness of the sofa and continued to turn the channels. Finding nothing on that she really wanted to watch, she settled on the news. She was just getting into the day’s events when Michael walked into the room---keys in hand as if he was about to go out.

  “What’s going on?” she asked with raised brow.

  “It appears I am going to have to pick up the food. Are you comfortable here for about half an hour?” he asked.

  “I’m sure I will be fine, Michael. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “No reason why you wouldn’t be. I’m not expecting anyone, so if anyone comes to the door before I return, do not answer.”

  “Not even if one of your relatives stops by?”

  “Not even then. Like I said, I’m not expecting anyone. My family will not show up without calling first. I will be back shortly,” he said walking over to her and placing a kiss on her forehead.

  Kendra was taken aback. She hadn’t expected the kiss. “Uh…okaayy,” she murmured.

  “Why are you acting like you’re surprised that I kissed you? You have to know that I’m attracted to you, just as you are attracted to me,” Michael said aligning his lips with hers and planting tiny kisses on her full lips. “Kiss me back,” he commanded.

  Her lips opened under his command. The feel of his silken tongue inside her mouth caused her to tremble with want. Her arm automatically went up and around his neck---pulling him deeper into the kiss; her fingers tangled in the soft tresses of his long hair. His gentle assault on her lips wasn’t enough for her, but before she could deepen the kiss even more, he pulled away.

  “I have to go,” he breathed against her lips. “We will pick up where we left off at a later time. When I take you, it will be fully. No regrets from you. Now is not the time. And, before you even form your lips to say it won’t happen, be assured that we will be together in every way.”


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