The Milkman

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The Milkman Page 10

by Tabatha Kiss

  “You don’t want me to see?” he asks.

  I drop my hands, fighting with myself for another second before looking at him again.

  He nods with a smile as he withdraws his hand from my jeans. He leans upward to kiss my forehead and looks at me with the same playful eyes he always does.

  “Do you have a scarf?” he asks.

  I blink. “In my closet. Why?”

  He extends his hand. “Come on.”

  I take it without thinking and he pulls me up off the stairs with him.

  We go to the second floor and he takes me down the hall.

  “Here?” he asks, gesturing at the guest room door.

  “The next one,” I say.

  He tugs me along with him, shoving the bedroom door open as soon as his arm can reach it.

  My eyes instinctively roam to the walls, locking on the pictures hanging in various places around the room.

  Me on my wedding day. Curtis in his tux. A few shots of us on our honeymoon in Europe. The day we bought our house.

  The picture-perfect existence of the perfect couple with the perfect, little life.

  But it didn’t last. I’m beginning to wonder if anything ever does.

  Nate stops us in the middle of the room. “Blindfold me,” he says to me.

  I flinch out of my head. “Blindfold you?”

  He raises his left hand to my right cheek, softly pushing my hair back to rest behind my ear. “You don’t want me to see, right?” he asks.

  I nod.

  He leans in and kisses my cheek. “Well, I don’t need my eyes to do what I want to do to you.”

  The same smile touches my lips. “You’d do that?”

  Nate takes a step back and sits down on the edge of the bed. “Go on,” he says, bobbing his head toward the closet door.

  Warmth bursts from my chest. I focus on him for another second longer before walking over to the closet. A dozen scarves of various colors dangle from a hanger inside, right next to another few rods full of Curtis’ ties. I bite my lip, oddly tempted to use one of his ties but I take one of my black scarves instead.

  As I walk back toward the bed, Nate watches with impish eyes and tented jeans. My pulse skips a beat at the view of him sitting there. Strangely, the sting is starting to wear off. Another man on my bed...

  I pause in front of him, taking one last look into his green eyes, before laying the scarf over them. I wrap it around twice, making sure to cover them evenly.

  “Can you see anything?” I ask before tying it off.

  “Nope,” he says, still smiling.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  I raise my hand, pointing my index finger. “How many fingers am I holding up?”

  He hums. “And what makes you think I wouldn’t just lie?”

  I poke him in the forehead and laugh. “Are you saying I can’t trust you?”

  His smirk deepens.

  I raise two more. “How many now?”

  “Two,” he guesses.

  I poke him with all three. “Wrong.”

  He feigns a wince and lunges forward to wrap his arms around me, quickly twisting to pull me down to the bed. I fall with a rush of blood to my brain, happily lying back in his arms.

  “I can’t see a thing,” he says over me. “But...” He leans over and buries his nose in my hair. “I can smell you.”

  He inhales deeply and lets out a pleasurable grunt before pushing up on his arms and kneeling back.

  “And I can feel you...”

  His hands travel down to my waist, slowly hooking my jeans again, but he doesn’t pull them down yet. He lays his palms flat on my stomach and burrows them beneath my sweater, his skin touching mine. Desire builds inside of me as his touch rises up to find my bare breasts. I gasp with sudden pleasure and my legs spread a little wider.

  Nate chuckles. “I can hear you...”

  I bite my lip, stifling a laugh.

  He shifts downward, raising my sweater upward. Another stab of self-consciousness takes my spine and I nearly stop him again as the light touches the web of white lines along my right side.

  I breathe through it. I look up at his covered eyes and exhale the words off my tongue. As much as I don’t want him to see my scars, I want to feel more of his touch. My body needs to feel him.

  I don’t stop him. I relax down as he kisses my belly. I shiver as his tongue part his lips and he licks my skin.

  “I can taste you,” he says.

  I open my mouth, breathing harder, unable to say a word as he climbs my body. He moves with ease, leaving sweet kisses up my abdomen toward my breasts, led by his other four senses.

  I shiver at the sight of him behind that black scarf. He kisses up my neck, his tongue lightly touching my skin on his way up to my lips again.

  “Can I taste more of you?” he asks, his voice a low growl.

  I bite my cheek in another moment of hesitation but this one doesn’t last. Lying here, feeling what it’s like to desired again, with my chest heaving and my body throbbing for it.

  I’ve made my choice.

  “Yes,” I answer, our lips still locked in a deep kiss.

  “Do you want it?” he teases.

  “Yes. God, yes.”

  He kisses me, lightly biting my bottom lip as he pulls away and begins crawling down my body again.

  I let out a gentle sigh, pushing every last ounce of air out of my lungs. I send all of my doubts with it. Every hesitant thought. Every last bit of my guilty conscience. When I breathe in again, I take in confidence with it. I take in pride and satisfaction. I let my lust come out with each fresh kiss Nate lays on my skin.

  He reaches my jeans again. This time, when he starts pulling them down, I let myself enjoy it. I ignore the discoloration of my skin and the scars from knee surgeries. I straighten my legs and point my toes to let him pull them all the way to my ankles.

  Nate drops them to the floor and settles back onto the bed again on his knees. He positions himself between my legs, his hands slowly gliding up my thighs toward my panties.

  I feel everything. There was a time I felt nothing; only a dull, numbing sensation from the inside out. Now, after months of healing, I feel everything. I feel every warm touch.

  I chuckle as tears fill my eyes.

  Nate reacts to the sound and smiles a little wider. “Are you okay?” he asks, his hands resting my waist again.

  I nod, quickly remembering he can’t see it. “Yes,” I answer as I wipe my eyes.

  He leans forward and grips my sweater. I raise my arms, feeling a burst of confidence deep in my gut. He pulls it upward over my head and drops it onto the bed beside us.

  I lie in front of him, nearly naked in nothing but my white panties. I glance down at my broken body. Truthfully, I’m glad he can’t see it. I’m glad to be here in the moment, sharing pleasure without remembering pain.

  He hooks my panties and tugs them down.

  I watch with baited breaths as he kisses my mound, inhaling my scent and my desire churns a little deeper inside. I swallow the moan in my mouth, not wanting to lose myself too much and miss a moment of it.

  He parts his lips for his tongue, giving my folds an eager lick that stokes the flames in me. I reach down to run my fingers through his thick, brown hair, silently urging him to go on. He doesn’t make me wait. He buries his tongue in me, firmly laving me.

  I rest my eyes, focusing on the rush of pleasure aching in my core. I lie back, twitching and panting with his face between my thighs, and the only thing I can think is...

  Dear God, please don’t let my husband come home.

  I moan loudly, my hand gripping his hair in my fist. “Nate,” I say, making his own hands squeeze my thighs even tighter.

  “Kimber,” he says, raising his head. “God, I love this…”

  I put pressure on his head. “No, no! Don’t stop, don’t—”

  He buries his face in me again and I fall back against the pillow. I whim
per at the sudden rush of blood flowing south, feeling a sharp pleasure deep within me. It builds fast, far faster than any other moment I’ve ever spent in this bed. He’s giving me what I want, what I need… better than any other man.

  Climax surges in me. I lose myself in it, arching my back and pulling Nate even closer. I practically smother him but he doesn’t seem to care. He leans in, ravaging me with his tongue over and over again until I decide I’ve had enough.

  I push softly against his forehead and he leans back, turning his head to leave kisses along my twitching thighs.

  “Nate…” I bite my lip. “That was amazing…”

  He chuckles and nips at my left knee. His hands travel up my legs to rest on my waist. My skin tingles. It hasn’t been touched like this in so long by anyone. Even I don’t love myself like this. Not anymore. When his fingertips brush along my scars, I don’t cringe. I don’t even turn away in shame.

  I feel it all, all the passion and desire behind his touch.

  “Thank you,” I say, catching my breath.

  Nate sits up on his knees and cocks his head, his blindfold still fixed in place. “Thank you?”

  I laugh as he settles between my legs. “Yeah, thank you.”

  “You say that… as if I’m done with you.”

  I bite my lip. “Oh, yeah?”

  He leans down, easily finding my mouth. He kisses me once, my lips parting for his tongue and I shudder beneath his wet, greedy kiss.

  “I told you I was going to fuck you senseless,” he says. “So, no, Kimber. I’m not done with you yet.”



  I look between us at Nate’s tented jeans. A sudden reality strikes me in the moment and a laugh rises from my chest.

  His brow furrows over the blindfold. “What?” he asks.

  “Nothing,” I say, shaking my head. “Don’t worry about it.”

  I push up to kiss him again and he turns his head away.

  “No, what are you laughing at?”

  “I just...” I sigh, chuckling softly. “I just realized that I’m having sex with Nate Scott.”

  He leans back. “You just realized this? Because I’ve had the I’m Having Sex with Kimber Kyle soundtrack playing on repeat in my head since the stairwell.”

  I snort. “It’s so weird.”

  “Why?” he asks.

  “I keep picturing that photo of you in the yearbook by the lockers with Will and Jovie,” I say. “You seem so different now than what I thought you were back then.”

  He smiles. “Better or worse?”

  I cup his cheek and he turns into my touch to kiss my palm. “Better,” I answer. “So much better that I’m kicking myself for not noticing you until now.”

  “To be honest,” he kisses the tip of my nose, “I’m happy you didn’t notice me at all back then.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Because I would have fucked this up. Guaranteed,” he jokes.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Finding a clitoris with a blindfold on would have definitely been an issue.”

  I throw my head back, laughing harder. He takes the opportunity to lay kisses on my neck. I guide him back to my lips and I kiss him hard as I reach down to unzip his jeans.

  “Well, let’s see what you got now, milkman,” I tease.

  Nate pushes up and balances back on his knees. I watch him as he pulls his shirt off over his head and tosses it to the floor. I bite my lip, eyes admiring his toned torso as he slips his jeans down below his ass.

  His cock stands on end and my brow piques.

  Hello, Nate Scott.

  He pauses and tilts an ear in my direction. “Okay, no laughter. That’s a good sign.”

  I chuckle and grab the pillow behind me to smack him with it.

  He jolts in surprise, quickly blocking the second hit and taking it from me. As he falls forward, he tosses the pillow behind me and it knocks the lamp over on the nightstand. I glance back to look for damage and he pins me to the bed.

  I rest my thighs on either side of him, taking another look downward to admire his body.

  His lips find mine for one long, smooth kiss. “Do I need a condom?” he asks.

  “I’m on birth control,” I answer. “You clean?”

  “Squeaky. You?”


  “Okay.” He nods. “Glad we got that out of the way.”

  He kisses me again as he kicks off his shoes. I help him push his jeans down to his ankles and he nudges them away.

  I lie back, relishing in the feeling of him towering over me. My entire body tingles with anticipation and I part my legs a little wider around his waist. I touch his chest and arms as he lowers down to take my lips again.

  “I want you to do it,” he whispers, his voice a low growl.

  I slide a hand between us and he sighs the moment my fingers wrap around him. He’s so hard in my palm, I can’t help but give him a few firm strokes as I guide him toward my entrance.

  Our lips graze. We share warm, eager breaths. He touches me the way I’ve longed to be touched for so long. If I could bottle this moment, I would. If I could keep us here, suspended in lust, I would live here forever.

  I push him inside of me. I open myself for him, relaxing everything to let him thrust inside. Our bodies lock together. He moves slowly, feeling how tight I am around him.

  “You feel amazing,” he says.

  I try to speak, to tell him the same, but my words blend into an unintelligible moan. His lips curl as he takes my hands and guides them over my head. He picks up his speed, easily holding me in place as he grinds harder.

  Again, I hold a laugh in my throat. Nate Scott? The dorky son of the milkman. Better late than never.

  He releases my hands and pushes himself up, staying deep inside of me as he moves. His hips continue pulsing as he leans over me and caresses up and down my body with one hand. Feeling me. Seeing me. Fucking me senseless.

  “Nate,” I moan, finding my voice.

  He halts in place, his heading cocking to the side to hear better. “Say that again,” he says.

  I grin, crawling a hand up his chest to cup his cheek. “Nate,” I say again, breathy and wild.

  Nate lowers down and kisses me. “I love the way you say my name.”

  I raise my left knee and rest it on his shoulder. “Keep going... and I’ll say it again.”

  He smirks and adjusts to a new angle, one that instantly makes my toes twitch with pleasure. He senses it and holds me with strong hands, taking me with quick, firm thrusts.

  Every breath feels more intense than the last.

  Every buck of his hips makes my head spin.

  Every touch creates a spark between us and we moan, unable to contain the heat.

  “Nate,” I say, my voice breaking. “Don’t stop.”

  He laughs, as speechless as I am. The pounding continues, curling my toes and tempting me to the edge. I bite my lip, trying not to focus too much on it or else it’ll go away. I don’t want this feeling to stop. I don’t want it to end. I don’t... oh, God...

  The tension snaps and we both let out deep groans. I lie back, riding out my orgasm as Nate finishes inside me. My leg slips from his shoulder and tears spring to my eyes. I twitch beneath him with a mix of bliss and sobs.

  Nate pauses. “Are you okay?” he asks, hearing my tears.

  “Yes,” I answer, wiping them off my cheeks. “I’m fine. I’m fine...”

  He touches my face. “Are you sure?”

  I pull him back to me and kiss him from his forehead to his nose and mouth. “No one has ever made me come this way before,” I tell him.

  Nate smiles. “Really?”

  I exhale, my stomach quivering with butterflies. “Not bad, milkman,” I say.

  He kisses me again before resting his head on my chest.

  I run my fingers through his hair as my heart pounds. “Not bad at all.”



“Can I take this thing off yet?” I ask, seeing nothing but black.

  “No!” Kimber answers from the bathroom. “Not yet!”

  I smirk. “Okay, I’m taking it off...”

  “No! Nate...”

  I laugh and sit still, not even touching the blindfold as I lay back against the headboard. “I’m just kidding!”

  She walks into the room, her soft feet shuffling along the carpet. “You’re such a bastard, Nate Scott...”

  “I’ve been called worse.”

  The mattress shifts beneath her weight. “Of that, I have no doubt,” she says.

  I feel her soft fingers touch the back of my head, digging beneath the scarf. I lean forward and she pulls the blindfold up and off my head.

  I blink to adjust the sudden influx of light and focus on her pleasant face. Kimber sits beside me, fully-clothed from head-to-toe-to-fingers while I’m still buck-naked beneath the sheet. Her hair tumbles over her right shoulder, still a bit flared with post-coital tangles.

  “Hello there,” I say.

  Her eyes dip down my chest and back up again. “Hello,” she says, clearing her throat.

  “So, that was fun.”

  She laughs as she unties the knot. “So, it was.”

  “You wanna do it again?”

  “Right this second?”

  “Hell yeah. I’m ready.”

  “No,” she says.

  I wince. “Damn.”

  Her cheeks flush a little. “You did say you were only here temporarily, right?”

  “I did, yes.”

  “And… you also said that you wanted to have fun while you’re in town, so…” She lays the scarf flat in her lap. “Maybe before you leave... I don’t know. I can see it happening again.”

  I sit forward, sliding into place with my legs resting around her. “Are you suggesting that we, you and I, have an affair?”

  She shrugs. “Why not?”

  “Madam,” I say, feigning offense, “I cannot believe that you see me as nothing more than a side piece.”

  I kiss her on the lips and she leans into it, warm and willing.

  “I didn’t say that,” she says. “In fact, the glowing Yelp review I’m about to leave for Scott’s Dairy is going to explicitly mention the superior quality of service you provided here today.”


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