The Milkman

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The Milkman Page 33

by Tabatha Kiss

  “What else?” he asks.

  I swallow through a shiver. “Uhh…” I chuckle. “You were the first to go down on me and not complain about it.”

  He laughs. “Oh, that I already knew.”

  “You were always so eager to please.”

  He hooks my jeans and pulls them down to my ankles. “Eager to learn,” he adds. “I wanted to be that guy who could make a woman faint with one caress of my hand… In the end, I just wanted to do that for you. Only you.”

  He runs a fingertip along my inner thigh, stopping a few inches short of my underwear and my core clenches.

  “You certainly did,” I say, taking a cool breath. “You were the first man to ever care about what I wanted or how I felt.”

  Will pauses, his eyes slowly gliding from my ankles and up. “Jove,” he exhales, “were you with anyone else? While you were gone, I mean.”

  “Wow…” I say. “Don’t think I expected you to ask that anytime soon.”

  “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” he says, “and I’ve mentally prepared myself for any possible answer you could tell me. I’m just curious.”


  He smirks. “No, you won’t answer? Or no, you weren’t with anyone?”

  I sit up onto my knees to look him in the eyes. “No,” I say again. “I wasn’t with anyone else.”

  He tilts his head. “Really?”

  “I wanted to,” I continue, choosing words slowly. “Or, I thought I wanted to but… I didn’t want to make any mistakes more, so… No.”

  I breathe out until my lungs weigh heavy on me, avoiding Will’s eyes as much as possible. I feel him staring down at me, reading me, picking every word apart for lies or falsehoods but there aren’t any.

  “Thank you,” he says.

  I nod, forcing myself to look at him again. He’s still smiling with a slight hint of giddiness behind it and I furrow my brow. “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing,” he says, lips twitching up. “Just the thought of you staying celibate for four years.”

  I shove at his thick chest. “Shut up.”

  “No wonder you pounced on my dick so fast.”

  My jaw drops and he laughs harder. “You know, I can leave.”

  “You’re free to try.”

  I set one toe on the floor and Will grabs me, pulling me back onto his bed with him. A giggle escapes my throat as I squirm in his grasp.

  “Let go!”

  Will pins me onto my back. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I promise I won’t tease. I don’t exactly have much room to talk…”


  “But…” he looks down my body, “I do love the idea of you lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, and thinking about me.”

  I scoff. “Oh, please. Who said I was thinking about you?”

  “Weren’t you?” I don’t answer and his smirk deepens. “Admit it, Jovie.” He releases me and sits back as he undoes his belt. “You came back because you wanted this again.”

  I bite my inner cheek, my eyes falling to his groin. His erection stands on end, firmly tenting his inner seam.

  “No,” I say, swallowing to wet my dry throat. “That’s not the only reason why I came back.”

  “It’s not the only reason,” he repeats, “but it’s one of them, isn’t it?”

  Heat rushes through me as he exposes himself.

  “Yes,” I answer, salivating.

  Will slides closer to me on the bed and I see subtle droplets of precum on his tip.

  I hold my breath. “Would you be jealous?” I ask. “If the answer was yes and I’d been with other men?”

  He shakes his head. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because…” he lays a hand on the back of my neck, “it’s my cock you’re sucking tonight.”

  I shudder as a blitz of heated pleasure invades my core. With parted lips, I lean forward to kiss his tip, tasting the sweetness as he gazes down at me. I keep my eyes on him, enjoying his reaction. His cheeks turn pinker. He inhales sharply. I open wider to slide more of him between my lips and he lets out the slightest moan. I straighten up taller to work him at a better angle and the pleasure on his breath turns me on even more.

  I close my eyes, bobbing slowly, and he tightens his fingers on the back of my neck. He wants more but he doesn’t force it. He never has. He lets me guide it myself and I’m once again reminded of the mistake I made leaving him back then.

  Will bends at the waist and slides a hand down my belly. I spread my thighs, still throbbing like crazy he fishes into my panties. He cradles my clit with his fingers, knowing exactly how to rub me off.

  I moan around his shaft, sending vibrations through his loins and his muscles jerk beneath his skin. I stiffen as warm sparks travel through my clit and up my spine. He rubs a little faster, a little harder, and I increase the suction on his cock.

  Will flexes his entire body, holding back his passion as he rewards me with a finger. He slides it downward and plunges it into my dripping slit.

  My jaw drops but I keep his tip nestled between my lips, refusing to stop pleasing him as he pleases me. He strokes my insides, putting firm pressure along the inner wall and I can’t stop my thighs from twisting around his wrist.

  I tighten on his fingers and suck harder, feeling my blood and desire boiling at both ends. If I could scream, I would, but I can only moan on his shaft. His own body reacts, his chest heaving and his hips bucking.

  He pulls his finger out of me and I breathe a hard sigh of blissful frustration as he moves downward to use his mouth on me instead. I spread my legs wider and we both shift onto our sides as a unit to continue pleasing each other. I feel his lips clamp down around my sensitive clit and I pull his cock free to keep from hurting him as I thrash from the intense pleasure radiating my teeth.

  Will sticks his finger back inside me as he laps and sucks my folds, sending tremors through my bones. I grip his hardness to stroke him but I can barely concentrate with his face dominating me like this.

  He withdraws his dripping digit and slides it along my tight anus. I stiffen again but he lays his other hand on my hip to relax me as he teases my hidden nerves.

  I give up, releasing his cock and he shifts closer to gain a better view of my backside.

  “Turn over,” he whispers.

  I obey weakly, succumbing to the perfect pleasure still trembling my knee caps. I turn onto my belly, fighting against my own strength to balance on my knees beneath me.

  Will keeps a finger pressed against my entrance with one hand and reaches for the bottle of lubricant with the other.

  “I’ll go slow,” he says.

  I nod, unable to speak.

  He leans over me to kiss my neck from behind. I crane around to meet his lips and he smiles as I quiver against him. His cock slips between my legs, tempting him but he doesn’t take me. He bites at me as he kisses down my back. I laugh at the tickles along my spine. He nips my cheek and I flinch but the pain vanishes as his tongue touches my wide-open crack.

  I squeeze the pillow beneath me with both hands as this new pleasure overwhelms me. Will was wrong to think that he’d never been my first anything. I could go on all night about all the firsts he gave me. My first multiple orgasms. My first public fuck.

  My first love and first regret.

  He palms a bit of lube and gently massages it against me. “Jovie…”

  I twist my head around. “Yeah?”

  He crawls back over me, keeping the pressure on my entrance as he kisses me softly. “I want you to talk to me. Tell me what feels good.”

  I nod and he crushes his mouth on me again.

  “Do you like this?” he asks.

  He traces circles on my sphincter and I bite my lip.

  “Yes,” I answer.

  His slick fingertip presses harder and he works it inside, stretching me out as I squirm in his hands.

  “Keep going,” I say, holding my breath.

  Will ki
sses me harder as his finger invades me an inch. I loosen, trying not to grow tense for him but his lips do well to distract me. He works me slowly, taking his time and refusing me more without my direct request for it.

  He moves back again to use his other hand, placing it right against my burning clit. The moment he touches me I moan, the intoxicating blend of sensations riddling me from the inside out.

  “Come and I’ll give you more,” he says.

  I hear the smirk in his voice and I laugh. “Almost there…”

  He leans over to tease my back again, continuing to take me with his fingers. Slow and steady, I feel everything as it flows from my loins to my head to my heart. I want to come for him so badly but I don’t want this to end either.

  My body betrays my will, breaking down and forcing me to come on his hands. He releases me from his grasp, letting me finish in peace but I hear him picking up the lube again beneath my piercing moans.

  I turn my head and watch as he strokes a thick layer of it from his tip down to the base of his cock.

  Will take hold of my hips, aligning us closer together. I breathe deeply, soothing my twisting nerves as I feel his tip between my crevice. I grip the pillow ever harder, moaning with approval for him. I’m still shaking with desire, nowhere near satisfied. I need to feel him inside. I want to give him this. I want to give Will Myers all of me on the off chance I never can again.

  He pushes in, unleashing a fresh pleasure throughout my body. I hear his groans behind me and his fingers dig harder into my skin. Still, he doesn’t lose control. I’m safe and warm in his capable embrace. My climax builds again.

  “Will,” I moan his name, barely able to hold myself up.

  He fucks me a little faster, but not harder, stroking the same inch inside repeatedly before daring to go in further. I balance on one hand, reaching the other between my legs to touch myself.

  “More,” I beg.

  Pleasure blends with the promise of discomfort, pushing me closer to the edge. He caresses my body, firm and gentle, adding balance to his rough thrusts and I fall for him all over again. My knees go weak and my arms buckle beneath me. Will guides us down to let me rest but I’m so close again. I don’t want to stop.

  We settle on the bed, his cock still raging inside of me and I bring myself to orgasm with one last stroke of my clit. He groans with me, easily feeling it as I tighten around him.

  “Can I come in you?” he breathes into my ear.

  I don’t hesitate. “Yes,” I say, moaning.

  Will wraps an arm around me, holding me close as he takes his final thrusts. I feel it happen; a sudden invasion of warmth that spills out against my skin. I reach back to hold him, finding whatever part of him I can cling to. I latch onto the back of his head and he presses his open mouth into my shoulder to breathe and groan with release.

  He collapses with me and we lie still together. His fingers twitch along my hip. His pulse runs wild. His body heat blends with mine. I can’t tell where he ends and I begin.

  After a few moments — or minutes, I don’t know — he lets go of me and slides off the bed to leave the room. I prop up onto my elbow and wait for him to come back. When he does, he carries a wet washcloth in one hand and a dry one in the other to help clean me up.

  “Thank you,” I tell him, reaching for the wet one.

  He smirks. “Thank you.”

  I laugh as I clear the semen dripping out of me.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I answer. “I’m great, actually.”

  He joins me again, slinking in close to kiss my shoulder. “I tried not to hurt you.”

  “You didn’t.”

  “Good.” He smiles and lays on his side. “So, do you think there will be a second time for everything?”

  I laugh. “Maybe.”

  “Because I would not mind doing that again.”

  “I’ll have to check my schedule.”

  His grin fades and he looks at my left hand. “Yeah, speaking of…”

  I look down, quickly catching sight of the new rock on my finger. A wave of warmth washes over me again. Will’s fiancée. My future fake husband.

  He clears his throat. “We should tell our parents first. In person,” he adds. “My mother will kill me if someone else tells her about this before I can.”

  “Maybe your parents,” I say. “Hank’s never been privy to my personal details. No reason to start now.”

  “Jove…” He pulls a more serious tone. “He’s your dad.”

  “That word means something different in my family than it does in yours.”

  Will pauses. I can tell he wants to try and talk me into it but he moves on instead.

  “We’ll have dinner with my parents,” he says. “I’ll call Mom in the morning and tell her we have news. She’ll probably set it up for tomorrow night, so be ready.”

  “Okay,” I nod.

  “Then, we probably don’t even have to tell anyone else.” He chuckles. “It’ll spread.”

  I grin. “And I’ll be one step closer to party planning my way back onto Clover’s nice list.”

  “You know, as evil and maniacal plans go…” he says, “this one isn’t bad.”

  “It’s definitely one of my better ones.”

  “It’s not the great Steal the Principal’s Wallet and Put it in Bryan Sumner’s Car caper but it has its charm.”

  I raise a brow. “I had nothing to do with that.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  He smirks. “I saw you do it.”

  My jaw drops. “No, you didn’t.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “You were there?”

  “I watched you jimmy open Bryan’s car in the parking lot about an hour before the school was placed on lockdown. Put two and two together once they found it in his glove box.”

  “Son of a bitch.” I beam with pride. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “Because I was no snitch…” He shifts over me and I roll onto my backside. “And he had it coming anyway.”

  We sink deeper into the mattress and I tense up from the pleasurable ache lingering beneath me.

  “Careful.” I smile. “I’m still a little sore back there.”

  His lips graze mine. “I thought you said I could be too gentle.”

  “Gentle is good sometimes,” I whisper.

  He rolls us around to lie on his back instead. “I must be rubbing off on you, Ross,” he says, kissing me once.

  I take a breath but the butterflies wreak havoc inside.

  “Yeah,” I say. “Must be.”



  “They’re gonna ask about my teeth, aren’t they?”

  I glance over at Jovie in the passenger seat. “Yeah, probably,” I answer.

  She shakes her head and flips down the visor to check her reflection one more time in the mirror. “Classic Myers.”

  I take my eyes off the road to look at her just a little bit longer. Jovie could roll out of a hammock into a patch of dirt and still stand up looking majestic but she took the time to make herself presentable tonight. I didn’t say anything about it. The thought of Jovie taking our engagement seriously warms the blood in my veins and the last thing I want to do is spook her off.

  I might be in a little denial. This isn’t real. I know that.

  But a man can pretend.

  I turn onto my parents’ street. “So, here’s the plan,” I say. “We go in, play it cool. Mom will offer us drinks, Dad will grunt a conversation. We’ll sit down for dinner and I’ll say we have news. At that point, it’ll be all smiles and celebration. My parents are pretty predictable.”

  Jovie sits back in her seat. “Sounds like a bit of awkward fun.”

  “We might have to field a few questions.”

  “About what?”

  “Our relationship. Why we’re moving so fast.” I pause. “Where you’ve been.”

  She stares s
traight ahead. “We’ll think of something.”

  I park in the driveway and flick my seatbelt free but Jovie doesn’t budge. Her eyes flick softly as she scans the house.

  “Jove?” I ask.

  She looks at me. “Hmm?”

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay. Just… haven’t been here in a while.”

  From what I know, the last time she was here, she slipped that note in my window on her way out of town. A little bit of suppressed panic lingers behind Jovie’s eyes.

  I reach out and take her cold hand. “Come on,” I say. “Mom’s really excited to see you again.”

  Jovie nods and crawls her other hand toward her seatbelt.

  We get out and walk to the front door hand-in-hand. Each step pumps a bit more excitement into me. Me and Jovie. Jovie and me. Together again. I imagined this night years ago when I bought the ring. The two of us sitting down with my parents and announcing the big news. Laughter and champagne. Dad patting me on the back while Mom pulled Jovie aside for a little girl talk.

  I knock twice on the door with my free hand and Jovie’s fingers relax in my palm.

  She looks at me and smiles. My Jovie.

  The lock slides free, the door opens, and Jovie’s grip tightens until I feel my knuckles pop. Her cheeks turn white and my guts slide downward into the tips of my toes.

  “Hey, guys.”

  Sara stands in the doorway with a half-full wineglass clenched in her hand. Her eyes flick between us but her stare lingers longer on Jovie.

  “Sara…” I swallow. “What are you doing here?”

  “Mom invited me.” She steps to the side. “The two of you were dropping by and she’s been dying for a dinner party… so… here I am. That’s not a problem, is it?”

  “No,” Jovie and I answer in unison.

  I discreetly free my aching fingers from Jovie’s iron grip. “Is Andy here, too?” I add.

  She nods. “In the kitchen with Mom. Dad’s reading in the living room.”


  I lay a hand on Jovie’s back and gently guide her into the foyer, feeling the slight resistance in her step as she passes by Sara.


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