Clue and the Sea Dragon (The Clue Taylor Series Book 2)

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Clue and the Sea Dragon (The Clue Taylor Series Book 2) Page 6

by Wendie Nordgren

  Second guessing myself, I observed Snappy. His sapphire-blue hair could be explained as a typical pre-adult attempt at establishing his own identity. However, there was no way I could explain to a doctor the amber eyes that tended to emit a bright glow at the most inopportune times such as right now. Too late, I started to panic. Dr. Benjamin entered his reception area.

  “Well, Miss Taylor, what brings you by this morning?” My heart thudded in my chest. Did Dr. Benjamin know that I was different, along with Tadashi, Lord Tanaka, Dorian, and I didn’t know who else? Dr. Benjamin approached me and began palpitating my neck. “Is it a sore throat? Does this hurt? I’m not feeling any swelling.” Snappy blinked at him from over my shoulder. Dr. Benjamin’s attention focused on him.

  “No, sir. I’m fine. My new friend hurt his arm. You’re the only one I know who might be able to help him.”

  Dr. Benjamin stopped paying attention to me and released my neck. He focused on Snappy. “Let’s get you into my exam room,” he said while leading Snappy away. I followed. “Tell me about your new friend,” he said as he began scanning Snappy, who he had to help to sit on the exam bed.

  “Um.…” I started fidgeting.

  “Clue, I realize your friend is special. Do you want me to help him or not?”

  I met Snappy’s eyes. “Yes, sir. We rescued him from an underground cave. He’d been trapped there for I don’t know how long.”

  Dr. Benjamin held a scanner to Snappy’s mangled left arm. “With what exactly am I dealing?” He asked while focused on whatever it was he saw on the scanner’s screen.

  “Um…a baby sea dragon?” I whispered afraid of his reaction.

  “I see. Both the ulna and radius were crushed and then healed incorrectly which is understandable. While I reset the bones, I will sedate…. What is his name?”


  With a raised eyebrow, Dr. Benjamin said, “Truly, I doubt a sea dragon would have such an undignified name. You will go to Lord Tanaka and bring him here immediately. I have no intentions of being masticated should your friend regain consciousness with an appetite.”

  My guts clenched. “Lord Tanaka? Really? How about we don’t tell him about Snappy? I can get him out of here as soon as he wakes up.”

  Dr. Benjamin placed the scanner on the exam bed. Snappy picked it up and sniffed it. “Seriously, do you think to hide a sea dragon from Lord Tanaka within his own city? What of Tadashi Shimizu?”

  I sighed. “Fine. Snappy, I’ll be right back. Be good for Dr. Benjamin. He’s going to fix your arm.”

  Slowly backing out of the room, I stepped into a corner of the reception area where I was hidden from view and slipped to the Wisteria Hotel. I materialized in Tadashi’s bed. I hopped down and hurried for the door. In his main room, I noticed that a few of the weapons which usually graced Tadashi’s walls were absent. As I opened the door to look for Lord Tanaka, I jumped and squealed in surprise to find him standing right outside. Dark brown slanted eyes narrowed further at me in concern.

  “Are you alright, Clue?” Lord Tanaka wore an expensive light-grey suit even at the early hour, but he did have a hotel to run.

  “Kind of, but I really need your help with something, and I really hope you can find it in your heart to be supportive and non-judgmental.”

  He snorted at me. The power of the Okami rolled from him to send tingles against my spirit energy. He sniffed at me and took on a troubled expression. “Why is your spirit energy depleted?” Since I had agreed to marry Tadashi, Lord Tanaka considered me to be the weakest member of his pack.

  “Dr. Benjamin made me come to get you. Will you come with me? Please? I’ll explain everything once we’re there.” I sounded whiny even to my own ears.

  Lord Tanaka held up his hand for silence. “I will drive us there. I forbid you to slip through realities until your energy replenishes. Does Colwyn know of your weakened condition?”

  I shrugged figuring Snappy must have absorbed my energy like a sponge as we slept. Tadashi had done the reverse thing for me. I rubbed the edges of my jacket with my thumbs and fingers. Abruptly, Lord Tanaka turned heading for the lift. I had to practically jog to keep up with him.

  As soon as my butt hit the transport seat, he said, “Explain, now.”

  Sighing yet again in resignation, I filled him in. Lord Tanaka parked behind the building, and ushered me through a back door that required a palm scan to enter. Then, he took a seat outside of a closed treatment room and gestured for me to do the same.

  Finally, he spoke. “I had wondered at the shifting weather patterns. For many seasons, Cassini has not benefitted from the precipitation that was once so plentiful.”

  Lord Tanaka looked lost in his own thoughts. I wondered what Snappy could possibly have to do with the rain, but I was afraid to ask. Lord Tanaka didn’t seem angry with me, so I thought if I were quiet enough, he might not fuss at me. An indeterminate amount of time later, the door opened and emitted a brighter light into our waiting area. Then, the light was partially blocked by Dr. Benjamin’s form as he joined us in his doctor’s surgical uniform. My eyes widened as I caught a glimpse of sapphire-blue tail trailing from the surgical table down to the floor.

  Looking down at me, Dr. Benjamin said, “Your friend, Snappy,” pausing to smirk at Lord Tanaka after saying his name, “reverted to his natural form as soon as I anesthetized him for surgery. I assume he will need clothing once he comes out of it, that is if he doesn’t eat us all.”

  Lord Tanaka stood and entered the room to stand beside Snappy. Stepping over Snappy’s tail, I stood to his other side.

  Dr. Benjamin explained, “It was necessary for me to break and reset the bones. I used an osteo-adhesive compound to stabilize the breaks and assist in healing. I’m uncertain of their effectiveness due to his physiology. However, I applied a nanite patch in hope of speeding his recovery. The arm will need to remain rigid and stable. I used a pressurized gel-flex cast to accommodate his shifting forms injecting his own deoxyribonucleic acid into the gel so that it will not disappear when he shifts. It will need to stay on for several days so he doesn’t reinjure himself. If you catch him trying to chew the cast, spray it with some of this.” Dr. Benjamin passed a small spray bottle to me.

  I sniffed it and gagged. “Ugh! That’s vile!”

  “Yes, of course. I replicated the scent of the feces of the Komodo dragon of Earth. It may serve as a deterrent to a sea dragon,” Dr. Benjamin stated matter-of-fact.

  “Why?” I asked with repugnance clearly evident on my face.

  “Young Komodo dragons roll in feces so full-grown males don’t eat them.”

  I thrust the bottle back to him. “No. I’m the one babysitting him, and I’m not smelling that ever again. I’ll keep him from messing with his cast.”

  Dr. Benjamin again raised an eyebrow at me. “The young man you brought in appears to be of your own age.” Then, he gave Lord Tanaka a pointed look.


  The end of Snappy’s tail began to twitch, and the white sheet covering him shifted. When his eyes opened, they began to glow with an amber light and focused on Lord Tanaka.

  “It’s okay, Snappy. Lord Tanaka is a friend. He came with me to make sure everything is okay.” Snappy shimmered but was unable to change form. Lord Tanaka placed his hand on Snappy’s snout and concentrated. Snappy’s eyes shone brighter, and then he shifted back into the form of the blue-haired boy. He lifted his newly repaired arm and sniffed the cast which had shifted with him due to Dr. Benjamin’s modifications. “How’d you know to do that to the cast?”

  Dr. Benjamin smirked, looked at Lord Tanaka, and said, “From experience. Snappy will be needing some clothing, Miss Taylor.”

  I patted Snappy’s blue hair. “I’ll go to the store and be right back. Be a good boy for Dr. Benjamin. Okay?” Snappy sat up, the sheets falling from him as he tried to follow me. I heard Lord Tanaka snort. “No, Snappy. It’s cold outside. I’m going to buy you some clothes. Stay.” I patted the
surgical bed and got him to sit. Dr. Benjamin covered him again. “Stay. Good boy.”

  Backing out of the room, I left the doctor’s office and walked to a clothing store on Swan Street where I bought a couple of outfits, a pair of boots, and a jacket that I hoped would fit him. Rushing back, I entered to hear a ruckus. However, as soon as Snappy saw me, he calmed.

  “She treats him like a puppy. It’s no wonder he wants to follow her like one,” Lord Tanaka observed. “Have you as of yet fed him cookies?” he asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

  “Yes, sir, but he likes fish.” While putting socks on his feet, I noticed sapphire-blue hairs on his toes.

  Dr. Benjamin insisted that I leave the room so that he could help Snappy put on his underwear and pants. Once he was dressed, I said, “Thank you for fixing Snappy’s arm and not freaking out about him being a sea dragon and all. How much do I owe you?”

  Lord Tanaka said, “I have already paid the bill, Clue. Lead Snappy to my transport.”

  Knowing the “don’t argue with me” tone when I heard it, I took Snappy’s good hand and led him out the back. However, when I attempted to get him into the transport, he became distressed and refused.

  “What is the problem?” Lord Tanaka asked from behind us.

  “He’s scared. We’ll walk home.”

  “Clue, I will check on you in a few hours.”

  I nodded and walked with Snappy back through Dr. Benjamin’s office to Honjo Street. I turned to the right to go home, but after Snappy sniffed the air he had other plans.

  “No, Snappy! Wait!” Hugging his good arm to my chest, I prevented him from stepping out in front of a Farm Supply delivery transport. With more caution, we crossed the street to the diner.

  “Who is your friend, sugar?” Nadia asked. Today, she wore a bright pink uniform. She picked up menus and rolls of silverware.

  While following her to my favorite corner booth, I said, “He goes by Snappy.”

  “Why is that? Does he always have some witty remark?”

  Frowning and glancing at Snappy, who smiled at me when he managed to sit in the booth, I answered, “No, he doesn’t talk much.” I shoved his bag of new clothes across the seat and sat beside them. “Nadia, could you please put a lid on his drink so he doesn’t spill? Dr. Benjamin just fixed his arm.”

  “Sure thing, sugar.”

  “We’ll both have plum juice.”

  When she returned, I ordered us each a platter of baked fish. Getting up, I scooted in next to Snappy and showed him how to drink from his glass and use a fork.

  “Is he okay?” Nadia asked with a scrunched up forehead.

  “Yes, Dr. Benjamin had to sedate him. He’ll be fine.” Nadia disappeared behind the counter. I tucked a napkin into the neck of Snappy’s new shirt. “Good, boy!” I said as he successfully got the fork into his mouth. A man seated at the counter turned and looked at me like I was crazy. I managed a few bites, but Snappy ended up eating all of his food and mine, too.

  After I had paid, Snappy, now with a full tummy, was more amenable to letting me guide him back home. I pressed my palm to the scan pad on the front door and brought him into the kitchen where I helped him wash his hands in the sink. Snappy yawned.

  “Come on. You’ve had a busy day. It’s time for a nap.”

  Chapter Six

  After getting Snappy up to my room, undressed, and tucked into bed, he immediately fell asleep. I snuck out and ran all of the way to Tavora Shipping. Mr. Tavora was in a terrible mood. Cora was handing him a clear plasti-file that was covered in colored overlapping texts when I entered. He moved the files around with his finger and frowned even harder. I feared his face might break.

  “Well, this is of no use to me now. What do I have to do to get electromagnetic compatible tech around here?” Mr. Tavora asked angrily. “Cora, get this straightened up. Clue, you’re with me.”

  Mr. Tavora handed the ruined plasti-file document to Cora and strode from his office and out to a long black transport. A driver held the door open for him. I got in on the other side minus any assistance. The driver took us along the coast. Mr. Tavora’s attention was on the data pad on his lap. At least an hour later, the driver pulled over and parked in some long grass that grew up through the sand, got out, and opened Mr. Tavora’s door. My bladder felt like it was going to explode. Several yards away on the beach, a portable building had been erected. Mr. Tavora strode to it as a supervisor hurried to meet him.

  I ventured into the building, found a restroom, and made use of it. Tears leaked from my eyes in relief. Leaving the building, I found my boss with a group of men on the beach. They stood surrounding the remains of a ship.

  “What do scans reveal to have been the cause?” Mr. Tavora asked.

  A handsome blonde man about the same age as Winks said, “It’s like the others. We have discovered no signs of tampering, fire, or an explosion. It is as if it were simply crushed.”

  “Survivors?” Mr. Tavora asked.

  “We haven’t found any traces of the captain or five crewmen. All hands of the Gull are presumed lost.”

  “I’ll notify their families. Continue the search teams. I want to know what happened to my men and my ship.” A furious anger and sadness filled Mr. Tavora’s eyes. He was silent for the return trip. As we stepped from the transport, he said, “You have the next two days off with pay. I have to pay my respects to their families.”

  Not knowing what to say, I just nodded and started walking. My feet took me to Frog Street. I went to the apartment of Ivan Drifus, Cora’s truant boyfriend. Getting inside of the building was no problem. After a simple perusal of the directory in the lobby, I made my way up in the lift to the third floor. Because of the time of day, not many people were around. Stepping casually over to apartment thirty-two, I pressed my ear to the freshly painted white door. The walls were painted a cheerful pale yellow. I could see my shoes reflected back to me from the glossy wooden floors.

  Knocking softly on the door, I called out, “Mr. Drifus, are you home?” in case anyone was watching.

  No sounds came from the other side. Ignoring Lord Tanaka’s orders, I concentrated on needing to be on the other side of the door and slipped. Anytime Winks or I slipped into Cassini’s spirit realm, we became invisible in the mortal realm. I decided that it would be best to remain in the spirit realm for the duration of my illegal search of Ivan Drifus’ apartment on the off chance that he had a video surveillance system in place that would actually function with Cassini’s electromagnetic interference.

  Careful not to disturb anything, I began by searching all of the pockets of his dirty clothes. Then, I checked his closet. I searched his bedside table, under his bed, in his bathroom, and then moved on to the living room. In a grungy battered old tackle box, I got lucky. Within a fancy bag, I found a small square box that contained an engagement ring. The sparkling diamond appeared to be of the colored variety, but when I slipped everything was either black, white, or grey. He had purchased the ring on Swan Street.

  I needed to know if the ring was for Cora or someone else. Why would Ivan buy an expensive ring and then vanish? Was he cheating on her, had he lost his nerve and left, or had he gotten jumped or stabbed in the tunnels under Scorpius? I worried he might also be one of the lost crewmen. Putting the ring back as I had found it, I spotted a picture of Cora with a man I assumed was Ivan. He was a big strong man with short hair and beautiful teeth.

  Puzzled, I checked the kitchen. Wilted vegetables and ruined fruit were inside of the cold storage. If the neatness of the rest of the apartment was any indicator, Ivan hadn’t been here. Satisfied that I had searched through everything, I concentrated on needing to be on the other side of the door. I felt the pull through my belly button and opened my eyes.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing?” a man’s voice asked over my shoulder. I jumped instantly terrified. “Does your father know you’re here?”

  Drawing in a sharp breath, I turned relieved that the
voice belonged to Yago, who appeared concerned and in human form. “No, but I’m trying to help a friend.”

  “By breaking and entering?” Yago asked.

  “I didn’t break anything.”

  Yago motioned for me to follow him into the lift and then outside. Once we were in the alley, he looked around. Aside from a big mean-looking orange cat that was being stalked by a mononoke, we were alone. “It’s safe. You should drop the reality merge. You’re looking thin around the edges.”

  I concentrated on feeling satisfied and felt an immediate throbbing headache as soon as I emerged into mortal reality. However, this time it felt almost like a brain freeze brought on from drinking something too cold too fast. “Ow.”

  Yago wanted to know what I was up to, but I could tell he was worried about frightening me. Yago was operating under the false assumption that I was Winks’ fragile little daughter. I decided to work with that.

  “Please, don’t worry, Yago. My friend’s boyfriend is missing, and she’s worried about him. She’s been crying. I told her that I would help her look for him.” Yago shifted from foot to foot. I made my eyes as big as I could and blinked at him.

  “Well, okay. That is a sweet thing for you to do for a friend, but I should still take you home. Colwyn wouldn’t want you popping into the apartments of strange men.”

  Smiling sweetly, I said, “Thank you, Yago. On the way home, would it be okay to stop at a jewelry store? I’d like to try to find Daddy a nice welcome home gift.”

  Yago looked at me like I was adorable. I resisted the urge to snicker. After Yago got to know me just a little, he’d never fall for this act again. “Sure, Clue. Your father is fortunate to have such a thoughtful child.”

  I did my best impersonation of an innocent smile copying from Cosmo. Yago had a work transport with a flatbed behind the passenger cab. Large tool boxes with scan pad locks lined the sides of the bed. When Yago politely opened the door for me to get in, I started to feel a little guilty. The guilt lasted until he turned on the heat. Then, I forgot about it and concentrated on warming my cold fingers.


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