Marked by Destruction (The Marked Series Book 3)

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Marked by Destruction (The Marked Series Book 3) Page 8

by Cece Rose

  Chapter 18


  “Kells?” I whisper, walking over and touching her shoulder gently as I sit on the edge of her bed. She blinks her eyes open. She looks exhausted, even as she wakes up, with bags under her eyes, pale skin and messy hair. It’s like she has just given up, and I’m not having that. I’m not losing my best friend.

  “You’re back sooner than I thought. I saw it, but it was unlikely,” she tells me, more muttering to herself as she sits up on the bed. “There is a towel just under the bed where you have sat.” I smile, reaching under the bed and grabbing the blue woven towel, wrapping it around my shoulders. My wet hair still drips down my back, but at least I’m not cold anymore.

  “Thanks,” I mutter, watching her closely as she looks down at her hands and starts rolling the silver ring on her thumb around in circles. I’ve seen the ring before, but never on her. It was Ryan’s. My parents gave it to Ryan as a present when he finished The Marked Academy. I almost break down in tears at seeing her wearing it, because I know he must have given it to her before he died. They were going to be together. They loved each other, and now there is only a message from the dead left between them.

  “Tell me...” she finally says, but she doesn’t look at me as she speaks.

  “You know I spoke to Ryan?” I ask her, needing to make sure we are talking about the same thing.

  “I saw you talking with him. I felt your emotion and pain in the vision. I just couldn’t hear what you spoke about,” she admits and finally looks up at me with emotion filled eyes and tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Ry...” my voice cracks, and I have to clear my throat as I grab her hand. I expect her to pull away from me, but she doesn’t. “Ry, he told me to tell you that he died for you. I knew he did from the moment he volunteered, but I don’t think you knew because you were so out of it. He knew you would die if he didn’t step in. It was you or him, and he chose you.” I can’t help but pull Kelly into my arms as she sobs, great heaving sobs that feel like they could crush me.

  “I miss him so, so, damn much, Kenz. I don’t know how to keep fighting without him, without the promise of a future with him at my side,” she admits, and I pull back, holding her shoulders with my hands and making her look at me.

  “You fight because he would want that. He would want you to live, to be happy, and to fall in love again. You fight so that he didn’t die for nothing,” I tell her, and she nods, wiping her face with her other hand.

  “I won’t love again, it will always be Ry for me,” she says sadly as I rub a finger over the ring, getting her attention. “He gave me this and told me we would be forever. He wanted to marry me and have kids. All the normal stuff. We even joked that Auntie Kenzie would be getting our kids into trouble all the time.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I say honestly, I can’t even imagine losing one of my guys. I imagine all of us having a future together, and to lose it is impossible to fathom unless it’s happened to you.

  “So, when I say he was everything to me, I mean it. He was my only future on Earth,” she says firmly.

  “You don’t know everything, oh great seer,” I tease her, and she laughs.

  “I kinda do,” she admits, tapping a finger against her head, and now it’s my turn to laugh.

  “Now, do you have any spare clothes, and maybe some way to wash our faces? We are both ugly criers, and we have to leave this room at some point,”

  “Speak for yourself,” she jokes, as I get up off the bed, and she follows me. “I’ve got clothes for you and all your guys in the bathroom. I told you I see everything,” she says, showing me into the hidden door almost behind the bed, that opens up into a bathroom of sorts. It’s all pretty basic, with stone counters and water held in a cut-out sink. There are six piles of clothes on the floor by the door, and Kelly picks one up.

  “Yours,” she says as she hands them to me.

  "Thanks, Kells. I meant what I said. He really would want you to find love again, when you're ready. Please don't count yourself out just yet," I say, and immediately feel a little bad when I see the tears well in her eyes again. Did I push her too far?

  "Oh no, I know that look, Kenzie Crowe," Kelly says firmly. "You are not to feel bad for my tears. Alaric caused my pain, not you. Now clean yourself up, I have to speak to King Elnam before we leave. He's under the impression he will be sending some guards to escort us, but they're really not necessary," she adds, heading for the door.

  "Wait, is it the dragon shifting guys he wants to send with us? Taelon?" I ask curiously, and Kelly turns sharply, giving me weird look.

  "Why would you ask that!?" she demands.

  "Just curious. Gods, Kells, relax. They seem okay, for Ariziadian marked anyway," I respond with a shrug.

  "I don't think they should come is all," Kelly says firmly, her mind clearly made up.

  "Okay then, whatever you say, oh great seer," I say jokingly, rolling my eyes as I make a beeline for the hot water to clean up. I hear her footsteps as she all but runs out the door. I wonder what that was about?

  "Is it okay to come in?" Logan shouts from outside Kelly's room.

  "Sure!" I call back, before splashing some water over my face.

  "Any reason you're using a sink to clean up when there's a bathing pool over there?" Logan asks, as he steps into the room. I turn in his direction and follow the his outstretched hand to the pool dug into the floor of the room that I'd completely missed. I didn't think to look at the floor in the corner of the room, I guess. He doesn't waste any time whatsoever, stripping off his clothes and jumping in. I shrug, deciding I might as well join him, there's plenty of room. I shimmy out of my torn and dirty clothing, leaving them discarded on the floor, as I cross to Logan, dropping into the pool of hot water beside him. I sigh, as I feel the heat relaxing all the tension across my body.

  I barely notice one of the others sliding into the pool, followed by another, until they're all squished in here with me. None of them seem the slightest bothered by the others, just content to be here with me, and I smile. Gods, I love my guys.

  "We love you too, Kenz," East's voice says, and I turn to look at him accusingly. He smiles sheepishly, before showing me is telepathy mark.

  "Try and keep out my mind, Easton Black. Or I'll start delving into yours," I threaten, winking at him.

  "You can fucking read minds now?" Locke exclaims, giving East a perturbed look.

  "Yes, and can I just say, I have never met anyone else who thinks about burgers so much," East says, giving him a knowing look. I look between the two of them in confusion, just as Locke bursts out laughing

  "Shut it, mate," he finally says, once he stops himself from laughing. I just roll my eyes, happy to leave them to whatever joke they have between themselves. I lean back against the huge bath’s edge and rest my head.

  I feel a hand grip mine, and open one eye to peek at who it is. Enzo is looking at me, clearly worried about everything going on, but content to enjoy this short moment of peace together. I savour it, worried that it may be our last.

  If this is our last peaceful moment, all six of us together, then I would damn well enjoy it while I can.

  Chapter 19


  “Again, I have to say, I don't think they should be coming with us,” Kelly insists, but King Elnam isn't listening to her at all. He'd already said, several times, that he wouldn't put his full trust in Earth's marked, and that he wanted an Ariziadian presence. He said it was both in case we needed the support, but also to report back to him on what happens and about our world itself. I guess meeting us has made him curious.

  “I have a parting gift for you, Mackenzie Crowe,” King Elnam says, pulling out a small, old book from inside his cloak. He holds it out for me, and I take it as he explains. “It is a book with all the marks we know about. All of you have received more marks than the usual twelve your kind are used to receiving, therefore you will need to learn about these new marks.”

bsp; “Thank you, this means a lot,” I say honestly, handing the book to Locke to put it in the bag he has.

  “I hope you take this gift as a sign of trust, with hope we can build a future between Earth and Ariziadian marked one day. Since you returned with so many marks, the other clan leaders and I have spoken in great detail, and we have decided to count Earth marked as another clan. We offer our alliance, and our help if you should need it,” he tells us all, and I’m honestly shocked into silence.

  “We have councils of leaders, and we will discuss this with them once the war is over. I can speak for the London council, of which I am a member, and accept this alliance,” Mr Daniels says, offering his hand. King Elnam slides his hand up Mr Daniels’ arm, so they shake elbows more than hands before Mr Daniels steps back.

  “I still believe we don’t need any guards with us,” Kelly chimes in again.

  “Just leave it, Kells. We can't waste any more time arguing,” I say, and she nods.

  “You're right, and we need to go now if we're going to do this in time,” she agrees. “Portal it up, oh mighty chosen one,” Kelly says, holding out her hands dramatically, making me smile as I try and hold back a laugh.

  “Thank you for your assistance, King Elnam. I will do whatever it takes to stop my father,” I promise to the king, and he nods. My eyes catch on Taelon, and I notice that he’s glaring at Kelly. Did something happen between them while we were at the Honzel? Is that why she doesn’t want them coming with us? Do they not get along? A part of me is a little tempted to dip into her mind and find out, but I know it’s none of my business. She’d tell me if she wanted me to know. I internally sigh, deciding to leave it for now.

  “I hope you are successful in your endeavour, Mackenzie Crowe. I also hope you will not need to fall back into my world again. Your first portal was quite destructive, so I can only hope that your skills have improved for your journey home,” he responds, and I try not to roll my eyes. I hadn't seen any signs of destruction. “Not everything can be seen with your eyes, child,” he snaps, clearly having read my mind.

  “I'm sorry, it was just a thought. I didn't mean to offend. Thank you for your generosity and allowing us to stay in your world unharmed until we could return home. We will offer the same courtesy to our guests,” I say, nodding towards the dragon guard he's sending with us. He nods, accepting my words.

  “I wish you luck then, all of you,” he says finally, and I smile, stepping away to make our portal home.

  To get us home, I think about my dads, and how much I love them. My real dads, the one who raised and loved me. I feel the portal coming into form and relax.

  “Are you all ready?” I ask, and the guys nod confidently, having travelled through two portals now. Kelly grabs my hand, and I grip hers back, figuring she must be nervous. The Ariziadian marked all look nervous, but not to be shown up by our confidence, they stride through the portal first. I walk forward to pass through with Kelly next, allowing the guys to bring up the rear.

  Now is the time. I will save everyone from my father, or I will die trying. The vision the Honzel gave me flashes in my mind; me dying, and my mum being the one to finish this, killing my father. I grip the spear in my other hand tighter. I’d called it out of the water before we’d stepped through the portal to get back to Kelly. I figured since it was in the vision, it was important, and so I wasn’t about to leave it behind.

  Kelly squeezes my hand, just as we step into the blue shimmer, and then we fall back through the portal, into our home world.

  Chapter 20


  “What are you all doing here?” I hear Dad M ask in shock, and I begin to push through my guys and the guards, with Kelly at my side. I hear the rattle of chains moving just as my dads come into view. Enzo’s sister, a bunch of teachers, and some people I don’t know are all chained to the wall with them. Dad M is the only one awake out of the lot, leading me to believe they must be drugged or something.

  “Dad!” I shout, running over to Dad M and throwing my arms around his neck, despite the fact he can’t hug me back as he’s restrained. When I pull away I can see his relief. I can also see that he looks awful, and a quick glance around the room shows everyone else appears much the same way. Dirty, tired, and not in a good state at all.

  “I thought you were gone, thought I’d lost you,” he says, kissing my forehead as I lift his chained arms to see the marked handcuffs on his wrists.

  “Why aren’t they waking up?” Enzo demands after trying to wake his sister and failing.

  “They inject us with something every day, so I don’t know why I’m awake. Maybe they messed up and gave me a lower dose,” my dad answers.

  “You can heal them,” Taelon tells Mr Daniels, looking intently at the marks on his cheeks.

  “What? How?” Mr Daniels asks.

  “The marks on your cheeks are extended healing gifts. They don’t work like the normal healing mark. They can only heal poison or deadly bites. Back on Ariziadia, those marks are very useful and highly regarded,” he explains.

  “Let’s give it a try then,” Mr Daniels says, walking over to Enzo’s sister and placing his hands on her face. Mr Daniels closes his eyes, the marks on his cheeks lighting up brightly, and then Stacey’s eyes pop open with a gasp.

  “You’re alive! They told everyone you were dead,” Stacey cries as Enzo hugs her. We all happily watch as they hold each other and then Stacey’s eyes meet mine.

  “You need to stop him, he’s destroying everything,” she says.

  “What has Alaric done so far?” I ask, almost not wanting to hear the answer. Mr Daniels heals Dad P as Stacey explains.

  “He has killed the entire London council, the New York council, and the Paris council. He must be close to getting the last two, but they’ve hidden from him so far,” she says, and there is a horrified silence in the room as we all process this.

  “Fuck,” Locke breathes out what we are all thinking.

  “The London council is not destroyed. It has me, and I’m officially making Kenzie, Kelly, the twins, East, and Enzo new council members, until we have destroyed Alaric and we can have a vote,” Mr Daniels says firmly, pulling his hands away from Dad P as he groggily wakes up. He looks straight at me, so much relief in his eyes.

  “Come here, Kennie,” he tells me, and I run over to him, holding him close as I feel him kiss my forehead. “I knew you weren’t gone. No one beats my little Kennie that easily.”

  “So, council members, what are we going to do now?” Stacey asks, and none of us have a reply. Other than the intention to kill Alaric, we are pretty much winging this.

  “Also, the marks on your hands can open any lock. Like these handcuffs,” Taelon tells us.

  “Daniels, you focus on waking everyone up, and the ones with the locking breaking mark, you start unlocking everyone,” East says. We all get to work, and I hold my hands over my Dad’s handcuffs, thinking of the mark on my hand. The mark lights up with a slight burning sensation for a second, but then his handcuffs fall to the ground and I’m pulled into my dad’s arms. We all make quick work of releasing everyone and just have to wait for Mr Daniels to wake up Dad L and everyone else.

  We find that most are either old teachers of Marked Academy, or family of the council members that were killed. We’re in a large warehouse, surrounded by boxes, and I bet there are rebel guards outside. I wonder if I could just create a portal to get everyone out of here without them even noticing?

  “Nope, it’s too much power, and we need to make a solid plan of attack, rather than just jumping in. We were lucky there are no guards inside here when we came through,” East says, clearing reading my mind again, but I don’t argue with him. He’s right. Though, I am annoyed at his new tendency to just pop into my mind whenever he likes. We’re going to have to discuss that later.

  “First off, where is Alaric?” I ask everyone that is awake, and it’s Dad P that answers.

  “He has control over the academy, and it�
�s his base of operations. If he’s anywhere, it’s there.”

  “With your mum,” Dad M points out with a slight growl.

  “We need to get close, but it has to be somewhere he wouldn’t expect. We have the element of surprise for now, and we can’t lose that. It’s our only chance to end this. Does anyone have any ideas? It’s not like we can sneak up on an island; he’d see us coming a mile away,” Enzo points out, speaking to the room. A woman puts her hand up, standing up shakily with a nervous expression when I nod to her.

  “My name is Linda. I went to school with Alaric, and I was also a teacher there for many years. I have a house on the mainland. It’s just across the water from the academy, as I didn’t want to live in there,” she begins, and I listen impatiently for how this will help us. “It has an underwater tunnel in the basement that leads into the Academy’s basement. No one else knows it’s there. It’s an old tunnel, and I’m warning you now that it’s probably falling apart from lack of use and upkeep. It will likely be dangerous,” she explains quickly, probably noticing my expression. I give her a small smile, hoping to make up for my impatience.

  “Even falling apart, I still think it’s the better option than just walking straight into the academy randomly,” I state, and there are mumbled agreements. “Okay, so we’re using the tunnel, then. I guess there’s only one more thing I need to ask; who’s coming with us?” I say, looking around at all of them. They aren’t in a good state, not to fight anyway, exhausted from their torture, and unable to be completely healed without the time and manpower to do so. I’m not going to force them if they don’t want to do this. I’m surprised when nearly everyone in the room, bar one or two, puts their hands up.

  “We have all lost someone to Alaric and his rebels, and we will fight to get our revenge,” Linda says firmly, and I totally understand that.


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