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Play Page 3

by Holly S. Roberts

  Malory shook their hands and looked genuinely pleased to meet us. She leaned in close to me and conspiratorially whispered, “Don’t let the big shots,” she nodded at the suited gentlemen standing around us, “intimidate you. They’re nothing but big fluffy puppy dogs when you get to know them.”

  I finally managed to exhale. I had hated Malory on sight because she was everything I wasn’t: short, buxom, blonde, and absolutely stunning. But I could forgive her anything for making me and my friends feel welcome.

  She introduced us to everyone; the team owner, his wife, and staff echelon. I stopped trying to remember names. Malory walked us to the bar, in the opposite corner from the door, told us to order whatever beverage we wanted, and to also order from the menu. Our food would be delivered. Two huge television screens took up the side walls. This was another world, but as awkward as I felt, what I really wanted was to stare down at the field and catch my first glimpse of Killian.

  “This is fucking unbelievable,” Lyle whispered in my ear. “You’ve struck gold, baby girl.”

  I shot daggers of fire his way and as discreetly as I could and gave him a short painful nipple twist. Of course, he loved it and managed only a small gasp. Amanda was right, he was a huge perv, but every kinky thing I’d learned about sex came from his verbal sharing of escapades. Too bad, besides nipple twisting, I’d never been able to try them on anyone.

  Chapter Five

  Malory directed us to the front seats, which were to the right of the owner and his group, but separated by an aisle. “These are Killian’s and he wants you sitting here,” she said when I gave her a, “No I’d rather sit in the very back” look.

  Just as we took the proffered seats, the crowd started clapping and cheering. I looked down at the field and saw Killian, helmet dangling from his hand, leading the team onto the field at a steady jog.

  Oh my fucking my.

  In street clothes, he was a wet dream, but in pads, the number twenty jersey, and skin-tight football pants…totally cream-dream worthy. Damp hair hung just a little below his ears and was plastered to his head. He made the wet shaggy style look scrumptious. I continued to subconsciously drool as he sat on the grass, spread his legs, and stretched.

  “Heart attack here. Where’s the medic?” Amanda said in a low voice.

  Malory heard, laughed, and said too loudly, “We keep smelling salts on hand for just this purpose.”

  “I need some of those,” Lyle said with the same loud voice.

  I couldn’t believe it when everyone laughed or at least grinned. Lyle always had that way about him—totally secure in his sexuality, even in a group of macho professional sports icons.

  The game started and Killian went directly in after the kickoff. He threw two passes and then handed the ball off to a teammate. I knew this because Amanda and Lyle quietly explained everything going on. Right before the Scorpions punted, Killian slow-jogged to the sidelines and watched intently while the other team’s quarterback did his thing.

  The ball was punted again and Killian returned to the field.

  Two handoffs, one pass, and on the next play, Killian threw a forty-yard touchdown. The fans went crazy, I leapt from my chair and cheered before noticing there was very little fanfare inside the box. Heat traveled to my cheeks, but Malory just laughed.

  “This is pre-season and there will be a lot of player substitutions. Neither team will show their best stuff until the regular season starts.”

  While Malory talked, I turned my eyes to Killian. Players slapped him on the back as he walked to the sideline. About ten feet from the white line, he turned, looked up toward the skybox, and blew a kiss.

  Holy shit.

  “He’s kinda into you if you haven’t figured that out yet.” At least this time Malory managed to lean forward and speak in a semi-low voice.

  I intertwined my fingers and pulled them close to my chest. They’d begun to tremble. I think Lyle and Amanda were just as stunned as I was. I sat in contemplative silence, waiting for Killian to return to the field, but it never happened. Malory explained that they didn’t want to risk injuring their star quarterback, and because the second and third string quarterback positions were up for grabs, the team wanted to check out its other options. I listened with half an ear, never taking my eyes off Killian. He remained focused the entire game, talked to the coach a few times, encouraged some players, and never looked back up at the skybox.

  The Scorpions won thirty-five to fourteen.

  I’d barely touched the finger foods we’d ordered and only drank a bottle of water. I turned to Amanda and Lyle. “You guys up for that pizza I promised you?”

  Malory answered for them. “Killian told me to bring you and your friends to the locker room. Eat some of this food or order something else. We’ll go down in about forty-five minutes.”

  I looked at Lyle and Amanda and asked, “Are you guys good with that?”

  Lyle’s face showed deep concentration. “Let’s see…me, in a locker room full of muscle-bound athletes? Chances of catching a few naked? I think I can handle the strain.”

  Malory looked at Lyle with a patient grin. “If I were you, I’d keep my eyes up. These are macho jocks after all.”

  “Gotcha, sister.”

  “I’m with Lyle. There’s no way on earth I’d miss this.” Amanda’s eyes were huge.

  Damn, I was a nervous wreck and they were no help. My stomach was a bundle of nerves, which kept me from eating.

  Malory made small talk with Amanda and Lyle, casting curious looks my way now and then, but asked me few questions. The owner, his wife and his crew cleared out five minutes after the game ended without saying goodbye to anyone. A few of the others left, while we just continued to hang.

  Finally, Malory told us to follow her and we trailed behind with the same wide-eyes that we had when we entered the secret world of pro football. It took ten minutes to get to the underground locker room. As we approached, I heard voices, laughter, the occasional shout and general camaraderie. Malory didn’t check to see if everyone was decent, she just pushed through the door and started congratulating the players she came to.

  My eyes circled the room looking for one person.

  “Pure fucking eye candy coming from your right,” Lyle whispered in my ear.

  I turned and there he was—freshly showered, tight black t-shirt molding his broad shoulders and muscled chest, tapering to a sleek waist, with black jeans accenting his long legs. I took it all in, unable to breathe. No picture on television or the Internet did him justice.

  His brown, melting eyes looked into mine—he took my hand, leaned in, and kissed me on the forehead. “Thank you for coming.”

  His luscious scent almost knocked me over and I was going to come any second. My lady parts were quivering in time with my heartbeat. His hand sent an extra zing to my clit, and like the fool I was, like the last time I saw him, I stumbled for words. “Um, well thank you for inviting me…us, I mean.” Yep, I had completely forgotten my best friends. Mac the Knife’s lips were about six inches from mine and they looked better than my favorite dessert.

  “Hi, Mr. MacGregor. I’m Amanda and this is Lyle.” My best friend finally saved me.

  I turned and gave her a relieved smile.

  “Hi, Amanda. Please call me Killian.” He switched my hand to his left one, tucked me loosely into his side, shook Amanda’s hand, and then greeted Lyle. “Pleasure to meet you, Lyle.”

  I think Lyle was in just as much trouble as I was. His usual flirty, devil-may-care repertoire deserted him and he settled for a handshake followed by a choked, “Nice to meet you, too.” Though he managed to say it without stumbling.

  Killian pulled me even closer. “I was hoping I could take you all out to dinner if you don’t have other plans.”

  Lyle’s eyes lit up, but Amanda cut in. “Actually, I need to get back to campus and Lyle has rehearsal first thing in the morning.”

  This was news to me and it took about two seconds to
realize Amanda was lying through her teeth. Lyle caught on just as quickly and declined, though his eyes showed genuine remorse.

  “Another time then?” Killian gave them both his dimpled smile and I saw my friends melt just like I did.

  “Yes, definitely. We’ll hold you to that,” Amanda said as she looked over toward the door. “Will someone be able to show us out of here?”

  “I’ll have security escort you. Thanks for coming and I hope you had a good time.”

  “Oh, believe me, we did.” Amanda leaned in and gave me a hug. Lyle landed a quick kiss on my cheek, not caring that a muscular arm surrounded me, and I was pretty sure I heard a decisive inward sniff. Yep, Killian smelled that good and Lyle’s eyes went dreamy. Killian lifted his free hand, gaining the attention of the guard at the door. “Sammy, could you see my friends out, please?”

  “Sure, Killian.”

  Lyle and Amanda followed the guard and I was left with Killian and half his remaining teammates.

  “Let me grab my bag and we’ll get out of here.” He dropped his arm from my shoulder, but grabbed my hand. We passed a comfortable sitting area and kept going into the main part of the locker room. The huge alcoves held gear and personal items. Killian grabbed his bag and we both turned.

  Stump stood in our path.

  Killian’s fingers tightened on mine. “Back off, Stump.”

  The behemoth looked at me then at Killian. “I owe your lady an apology.” He turned back to me. “I’m really sorry for making a complete ass of myself and doing and saying what I did.”

  I squeezed Killian’s hand in return, and knew my face was beet red. “No worries. I’m going to use the experience for my college thesis.”

  Stump’s jaw dropped and his face went red.

  “I’m teasing,” I said with a genuine smile.

  He grinned, and from the corner of my eye, I saw Killian’s lips tilt up, though his eyes still burned holes in the poor guy. “Goodbye, Stump.” He used the same commanding voice he used with me.

  “Goodbye, Killian. Goodbye…”


  “Goodbye, Rebecca,” Stump mumbled and then made a hasty retreat.

  “Thank you.” Killian turned his now-softened, gorgeous moon-pie eyes on me.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “He’s a nice guy when he isn’t drinking. Has my back when I’m on the field. He’s a pain in my ass, but still a friend.”

  “You’re welcome.” My head cocked back so I could look into his eyes and I was in heaven.

  He turned, gave a firm tug to my hand and I followed him out. My eyes were glued to his backside, causing me to stumble over a discarded shirt lying on the floor.

  “Sorry,” Killian said over his shoulder and slowed down.

  “Not a problem.” Walking at a more leisurely pace gave me more time to admire his tight ass. Killian didn’t introduce me to any of his teammates and no one stopped us.

  There was actually an underground garage, so I didn’t melt from the outside heat, but I still dissolved into the seat of his car. I know a low moan escaped my lips, but Killian just showed his dimples and buckled me in. I wondered what he’d do if I pulled him tightly against me and sniffed…for an hour or two.

  He opened his door and folded into the seat with absolute grace despite his size.

  “Ah, hell,” he muttered, turning my way. He unlatched my seat belt and pulled me in for the most mouthwatering kiss I’d ever had.

  His hard lips molded to mine. His tongue ran over my teeth, tasted, dipped deeper and then plunged. His hands went to my ponytail, effortlessly sliding out the elastic before spreading his fingers to either side of my scalp. He sank farther into the kiss, making promises with his lips.

  He tasted so fucking good.

  When he pulled back, I actually whimpered. The sound he made was more like the rumbling growl of a lion. He took my lower lip between his teeth and pulled slightly before letting go. He put distance between us and I immediately missed his mouth.

  “We’ll eat at my house.” He kissed my forehead, reached over, grabbed the seat belt, and fastened me in again. My hands went to my hair as I looked around for the hair tie.

  “Leave it.”

  I stopped my search, but couldn’t help running my fingers through the mussed tangles. Killian’s hand captured mine. “No.” He released my fingers just as fast as he verbalized the one word.

  Okay, I wasn’t a pushover, didn’t have much experience with guys, but I had some. I should have argued, straightened my hair anyway, or even voiced some sort of displeasure. But an intense electrical pulse shot straight to the juncture of my thighs, charged my clit, and there I went and tried to stain his upholstery again.

  I kept my mouth shut.

  Chapter Six

  Killian clicked a built-in switch above our heads and the wrought iron gates opened into a different world. He hadn’t touched or looked at me since his vocabulary demise. It was disconcerting, but I thought he might have some idea of the literal puddle I was sitting in. By not talking, he was looking out for the best interest of his car.

  He drove up the long driveway, clicked another control, and drove straight into the monstrous garage. I had just enough time to notice a huge truck and little else.

  “Don’t touch that door.”

  My hand had automatically lifted to the handle. There was something to be said for his manners when it came to gentlemanly behavior, but he negated it with his commands.

  Like I really cared!

  He opened my door, grasped my hand and walked me through the door into his home. Again, I had little time to appreciate the details because he pulled me past the kitchen, an entertainment room, took me around a corner, down a long hallway and into his bedroom. It was a huge house, but I had no doubt this was his room because his incredible scent permeated the air.

  My eyes immediately went to one of the largest beds I’d ever seen then back to Killian. He stopped, released my hand, turned my way and looked deeply into my eyes without saying a word.

  I began to grow self-conscious, but then his hand came out and his fingers grazed the side of my head. At the same time, his thumb skimmed across my cheek, sending shivers clear to my toes. I watched him exhale a long breath and ever so slowly move into me. His other hand came up and he seized my lips with his. It was like the first kiss, but much more earth shattering. He slowly explored my mouth, causing my pulse to accelerate. His tongue dipped and teased, discovered and demanded. No one had ever kissed me like this.

  My feminine core screamed for attention as the kiss continued. I sighed into his mouth, but he wouldn’t take the hint and just kept his fingers in my hair and his palms on my jaw. My hands came up to his biceps and I gave a small squeeze that he probably didn’t feel. The strength in his arms turned my sigh into a moan, causing him to release my lips and move an inch back.

  “We should talk,” his silken voice purred.

  Maybe for once in my life honesty would pay off. “I don’t want to talk.”

  I saw his dimples flash and before I knew what happened he pulled the hem of my t-shirt over my head. He took a moment to gaze at my tank-top tan line and my pink bra. His dimples grew more pronounced. His hands came up and his thumbs slid down inside the bra cups, grazing my nipples. He suddenly jerked them to the side and slightly down, startling me as my small breasts came free.

  “Heaven,” he breathed against my naked flesh as his head bent and he took one nipple into his mouth.

  I went to my tiptoes, awash in pleasure, and wasn’t sure if my legs would hold me up. Like he’d done to my mouth, he leisurely worshipped my breasts. I sank my hands into his sable hair, so soft and divinely perfect. He turned us slightly, but never took his mouth off my breast. I followed his lead, walking backward until I felt the mattress against the back of my legs. My breast slipped from his lips as he nudged me to sit.

  And then—oh fucking my.

  Killian pulled his shirt over his head and flung i
t to the floor.

  He stood still, and his heavy breathing filled the room. I admired every ripple of muscle I could see. Killian MacGregor was Merriam-Webster’s definition of mouth-watering perfection. His chest was a trail of shadows and muscles from shoulders to abs. I wanted to lick every ripped line.

  “Take your bra off.” His eyes feasted on my breasts.

  With a mind of their own, my hands traveled to my back to unhook my bra. But then, a small spark of modesty reared its head because my breasts were misshaped by the pulled-back cups. Placing my hands behind me would only accent how ridiculous I thought they looked.

  A low rumble came from his throat and his dimples disappeared. “You think too much. Take it off.”

  I needed the heat of passion to get past my insecurities, but he stood there waiting, expecting me to do just as he ordered.

  My hands went behind me again and his eyelids lowered slightly as his gaze continued to admire my chest. I unclipped the strap and pulled my arms forward, relieving the awkward pressure from the cups and took off my bra.

  His eyes sizzled. “Beautiful.”

  For the first time in my life I didn’t feel inadequate. He left no doubt that he believed what he said, but more than that, I believed him.

  “Lie back for me.” He didn’t touch me with anything but his thick voice, and his words sizzled clear to my toes.

  I sank back into the softest comforter in the world. I took a quick intake of air when he grasped my foot. My shoe went flying behind him. A long caress slithered over my calf before he released my foot and lifted my right ankle. He left a scorching trail along my leg, sending molten energy straight to my clit. He slowly lowered my leg, bringing his hands to the fastening of my capris. His fingers glided down my legs, hooking my panties in the same movement. I was bare in no time.

  His voice dripped with red-hot need. “Fuck, I want to look at you for hours, but I’m done being nice. You ready, Legs?”

  Speech was completely beyond me, but I managed a smile, which he took as a yes because his pants and boxer briefs dropped to the floor. I had only a few seconds to admire his full erection before his body covered mine.

  “Wrap your legs around my hips.”


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