Drive Me Wild

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Drive Me Wild Page 4

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  He’d always wanted to sky-dive, but hadn’t had the money or the opportunity. Or maybe he’d used the money problem as an excuse because he’d been too damn scared and couldn’t admit that, even to himself. He imagined his first jump would feel something like this—adrenaline pumping, fear mixed in with wild anticipation and the knowledge that he’d never forgive himself if he chickened out and didn’t jump.

  He still didn’t like the financial arrangements surrounding this episode, but he understood why she’d want the fancy, anonymous hotel room. She planned to pretend she was someone else for a few hours in hopes she’d lose her inhibitions. He was the lucky guy who’d been asked to assist in that.

  That put a lot of pressure on his ability to perform, but he’d have to get over that. Somehow. He was glad she wasn’t an X-rated video star. Knowing that she was an unfulfilled woman looking for a peak experience was less scary than thinking she created images of sexual ecstasy for a living. Molly was asking him to help her, and he’d always been a sucker for a person in need of help.

  Yeah, right. He was a noble person, all right, devoting his time to her cause. Not. But he was surprised at how much courage it took to agree to her plan. He took a deep breath. “Okay,” he said. “I’m willing to try.”

  Her cheeks got all rosy and her smile trembled at the corners. “Good.”

  “On the condition you let me buy lunch.” He’d use his credit card, much as he hated to keep adding to the amount he couldn’t seem to pay off. Maybe he could pull some double shifts later this month for extra cash.

  “That’s silly.”

  “Not to me.” He would also repay her for the cost of the hotel room. If that meant dipping into the stash he was accumulating toward next year’s tuition, so be it.

  “All right. While you’re paying for lunch, I’ll go back to the lobby and book the room.”

  He nodded and released her hand. “That works.” He’d rather not be there when she plopped down her gold card for the room, anyway. “Then you’ll come back here?”

  “Yes, but only to drop off the key folder for you. Then I’ll go on up to the room alone, and you can follow later.”

  His insecurities hit him again. “Because of the way I’m dressed?”

  “Oh, no. I love the way you’re dressed. But somebody has to buy condoms.”

  “Oh.” He felt the blush coming and hated it. “Well, I knew that.” He’d forgotten totally, and he was a man who never forgot that particular item. He wondered if he could have ended up poised on the brink of paradise only to discover he was condomless. Could be. His brain wasn’t working very well at the moment.

  “Then I’ll be back in a little bit.” She picked up her purse and left the coffee shop.

  He was facing away from the exit, so he couldn’t watch her leave. Instead, he had to sit there, sip his water and hope he looked relaxed and casual, as if he took part in scenes like this all the time. Because he didn’t, he’d better start with a little advance planning.

  First of all, he’d buy her a single rose. Nice touch. When he walked into the room, he’d approach her slowly and present the rose. He’d look deeply into her eyes, and then he’d kiss her. The kiss should last a long time. If he intended to drive her wild, he should draw out the process.

  Yeah, the key was to keep it slow and build the tension gradually. He could do that. Then he suddenly realized that he needed to get the waiter over to the table with the check. He caught the guy’s attention and motioned to him.

  The waiter hurried over. “Everything okay, sir?”

  “Everything’s fine.” Everything’s incredible, except that I’ve been propositioned by an amazing woman and I’m scared to death that I won’t live up to her expectations. “I’d like the check, please.”


  While the man was gone, Alec took out his wallet and counted the bills to make sure he had enough cash for the condoms and the single red rose.

  “Here you are, sir.” The waiter left a leather folder beside Alec’s plate. “Would you like me to box any of that for you?”

  Alec hated to see the food go to waste, but he couldn’t picture himself arriving at the door of Molly’s room with a red rose and a doggie bag. “No, thanks.” He stuck his credit card in the leather folder and handed it to the waiter. “Where’s the florist shop?”

  “Right off the main lobby and to your left.”

  Alec’s plans were shaping up. After a very long kiss, he’d take the rose, lay it…somewhere, and begin to undress her. Maybe she’d take off her clothes and climb into bed before he arrived. That might make his slow seduction a little tougher. But ripping off his clothes and jumping into bed with her lacked class.

  God, he hoped he didn’t make a complete fool of himself. For one thing, he hadn’t had sex in several months. Even that had been a short-term event, because Sharon hadn’t appreciated working around his demanding schedule. The chemistry hadn’t been great, so he’d let her slip away without an argument.

  But the chemistry with Molly was off the charts. Considering how much he wanted her and how celibate he’d been recently, he could have a problem with control. He hoped not. Control was another key ingredient if he planned to do as she’d asked and turn her inside out. Yep, control was essential, and—he jumped when he heard her voice just over his shoulder.

  “I have the key,” she said softly. Then she moved into his field of vision and stood hesitantly beside the table.

  He pushed back his chair and stood. “What next?”

  “I don’t want to make a production of giving it to you.”

  “Then wait until we leave the coffee shop.” He gestured toward the food. “Do you want to take any of this?”

  She glanced at their plates. “You know, we should probably get a doggie bag. We might be hungry…after.”

  Lust surged through him, leaving him trembling. Doggie bags. Doggie style. They would eat the rest of this food while they were naked. Omigod. Easy does it, sport. Slow down. Control. It’s all about being slow and in control.

  When the waiter came back with the credit card slip, Alec said they’d changed their minds and wanted the food boxed. The waiter whisked the plates away while Alec stared at the slip of paper and tried to remember his name.

  “It’s too expensive,” Molly said. “Let me pay for it.”

  “It’s not too expensive. I was deciding how much of a tip to leave.”

  She rummaged in her purse. “I’ll leave the tip.”

  He caught her wrist. “No, you won’t. Let me salvage a little of my male pride.”

  Her glance was soft with understanding. “I really don’t mean to insult you. It’s only that this is my idea, so I think I should—”

  “I’ve had this idea ever since the day I met you.”

  Her eyes widened. “You have?”

  “You couldn’t tell?”

  “I thought you were being nice so you’d get better tips.”

  “I would have driven you around for free.” He took the plastic bag containing their food from the outstretched hand of the waiter. “Thanks.” Then he turned back to Molly. “Speaking of that, what happens after today? I don’t see how I can continue to be your driver, do you?” Unless we end every trip in the back seat, naked.

  She looked startled. “I…I hadn’t thought of that.”

  “Maybe you should.” Maybe he should. Although he was ready to trade one afternoon of making love to Molly for future months of driving her around, he would really miss her. Yet he couldn’t imagine how they could go back to being strictly client and chauffeur. But if they kept fooling around on the side, his boss would find out, and all hell would break loose.

  When she stood there looking confused and not saying anything, he took her arm and guided her out of the coffee shop. “Maybe we need to sit in the lobby and talk about this. It’s not too late to back out.”

  “Yes, it is. I’ve asked you to have sex with me. We couldn’t possibly pretend I’d nev
er done that.”

  “We’d have a much better chance of pretending if we don’t go upstairs. But going upstairs is pretty much going to blow the lid off any chance of maintaining the status quo.”

  She turned, looking adorably troubled as she faced him. “Do you want to back out?”



  Alec turned as the waiter rushed out, heading their way. The bottom dropped out of Alec’s stomach as he imagined that his credit card had been rejected for being over the limit. He’d thought he had room, but maybe not.

  “You forgot your card,” the waiter said.

  That was only marginally better. He was solvent, but he’d managed to look like a moron in front of a woman he wanted to impress with his coolness. “Thank you.” He took the card and shoved it into his pants pocket. No, he wasn’t rattled. Not him. Not much.

  “I’m glad they discovered it now,” Molly said after the waiter left.

  “I can’t believe I left it there. You must think I’m—”

  “I think you’re nervous. Like me.”

  He looked into her eyes and thought that he hadn’t done that nearly enough in the past six months. If they went through with this, he might have a few more hours of that privilege, and then he’d probably have to give her up. “Could be. This is a big step we’re contemplating.”

  “Do you want to reconsider?”

  “Molly, I want it all. I want this afternoon, and I want to keep being your driver.” And your lover.

  She nodded, making her red-gold curls bounce. “Me, too. That’s what I want.”

  “But it’s not realistic.” In that moment he knew his choice. Reckless urges rolled through him. Right here in the middle of the lobby he was tempted to bury his fingers in her hair and pull her close so he could kiss those full lips. “You’re the one in charge. You need to choose.” Choose this. Choose making love until we can’t see straight. Let tomorrow take care of itself.

  Her gaze searched his. “Then I choose this afternoon.”

  His pulse leaped. “You’re sure?”

  “I want to find out who I become when…when you hold me.”

  His brain stalled, immobilized by that seductive image. “Oh, Molly.”

  “I’m going up now.” She tucked the key folder inside the plastic bag of food. “I’ll see you soon.”

  SHE’D STARTED OUT wanting to have an afternoon of wild sex with Alec so she could begin to improve her writing. Somewhere along the way her motivation had changed to something else. Now she wanted this not only for her writing, but for herself.

  Although she’d never been part of the anything-goes crowd in Hollywood, she’d secretly envied those free spirits. Here was her chance to cut loose without the danger of the paparazzi showing up. She deserved to know what she was capable of sexually, and she believed Alec was the man who could show her.

  That didn’t mean she was filled with confidence as she rode the elevator to the ninth floor and located the room down a carpeted hallway. Growing up in an uninhibited atmosphere, she’d protected her sensitive soul by wearing her own inhibitions like a suit of armor. The thought of shedding it scared her to death.

  She’d also spent a lifetime, except for her visits to Connecticut, being recognized as the daughter of a celebrity. That feeling was hard to shake, and she imagined that anyone seeing her would know immediately what she planned to do with her afternoon. Thankfully she passed no one on the way.

  She’d never checked into a hotel for one night without a bit of luggage, either. At the desk she’d made up a story of suitcases lost by the airline, but she didn’t think the clerk had believed her. Her stuttering over the explanation hadn’t helped.

  Well, here she was, key card in hand, standing in front of the door to a whole new world. She had the urge to run the other way. But then she would miss this perfect opportunity to become the woman who’d peeked out from the pages of her manuscript, a woman who wanted more than mediocre sex.

  If she didn’t follow through with her plan, she might be doomed to write cozy mysteries for Dana Kyle forever. Worse yet, she’d have blown her chance to discover, after countless hours of imagining, what the flesh-and-blood Alec was like in bed. She might never find another man who fueled her fantasies the way he did. He’d inspired her to write an entire book without laying a hand on her. Once they’d made love, she might never stop typing.

  Straightening her spine, she slid the key card into the slot, waited for the blinking green light and opened the door. The room was furnished in dark woods and pseudo-antiques. A four-poster bed held a luxury mattress and box springs that elevated the top edge to about…crotch height. Of course she’d think of that. Pulse racing, she closed the door and automatically flipped the privacy latch into place. Then she remembered that Alec had to be able to get in and switched it back.

  Her stomach did a few flips as she realized he could be here any minute, and the room looked far too prissy to be the scene of a wild seduction. Walking quickly over to the high bed, she tossed back the covers. Better. Then she pulled the drapes and turned on one lamp in the corner, across the room from the bed. There would be light, but not a glare.

  Kicking off her shoes, she pulled up her skirt and shoved down her panty hose. Absolutely nothing was less sexy than panty hose. They didn’t look sexy going on or off, so she shoved them into her purse, not wanting to spoil the mood by tugging them back on later.

  God, she was trembling like a leaf. Deep breaths. She paused and dragged in air until she started getting light-headed. Okay, that wasn’t working.

  Think, Molly. Think. What else should she do to get ready? Take off everything and get into bed? No, she wanted to find out if Alec knew how to undress a woman. Her fantasy included a man who could navigate buttons and zippers with finesse, while making it perfectly clear that he’d rather tear her clothes off.

  However, she had a competing fantasy in which a man wallowed in his baser instincts and sent buttons scampering over the carpet as he uncovered what he was after. She imagined his deep groan of impatience and the satisfying rip of delicate material by hands trembling with passion. Unfortunately, leaving the hotel in an outfit that had been reduced to rags wasn’t part of her fantasy, so she’d better make sure Alec didn’t ruin her clothes in a fit of lust.

  Maybe she should give him a little head start on the process. At least the shoes and the panty hose were gone. She studied herself in the mirror. Her silk suit jacket was meant to stay buttoned, and underneath she wore a really boring bra.

  She’d been thinking about that bra ever since she’d had the idea of seducing Alec today. When she’d picked that one out of the drawer this morning, she’d been going for comfort. She’d expected to spend the day riding the train, not cavorting in a hotel room with Alec. The debate of comfort versus style hadn’t been an issue.

  Maybe if she partly undressed, that would be provocative enough. She experimented with unfastening the top button, then the top two buttons. At last she undid all the buttons. Well, that wasn’t any good. Underneath that black silk was that stupid plain bra.

  Aha. She could ditch the bra. With that in mind, she ducked into the bathroom and closed the door. Then she locked the door. She didn’t want Alec coming in while she was in the process of modifying her outfit. Very uncool.

  She made it back into the room in less than a minute and stuffed the dorky bra into her purse beside the panty hose. Now the mirror revealed a barefoot woman dressed in a black silk skirt, panties and a suit jacket half buttoned. When she moved, only bare skin and a hint of shadowy cleavage showed.

  But her hair was too carefully combed. She mussed it up. Good. Posing in front of the mirror, she arched her back and tossed her head. Then she pursed her lips and lowered her lashes. Not bad. If she’d ever had the nerve to do that in front of the camera, she might not have been such a washout as an actor.

  Alec wasn’t even in the room yet and she was already coming into her own. She smiled seducti
vely at the woman in the mirror and made a soft purring sound. She was going to be bad, very bad.

  The door lock clicked.

  She leaped back from the mirror and frantically smoothed her hair into place. Who did she think she was? Then she buttoned her suit jacket all the way up to her neck and scrambled for her shoes.

  She had one on and was hopping around trying to get the second one in place when Alec opened the door, the doggie bag in one hand and a single red rose in the other. Had she really invited him to make love to her all afternoon? She couldn’t imagine herself ever doing such a thing!

  Yet here he was, and she’d practically promised him that a fancy hotel room and her fantasy guy would make her lose her inhibitions. She’d hinted that if he peeled away her nice-girl persona, he’d uncover a purring sex kitten. What had she been thinking?

  The room began to spin. Still holding her other shoe, she staggered back toward the bed and sagged against it while she struggled to breathe.


  “Oh, Alec. I…I think I’m going to faint.”


  ALEC KICKED the door shut and rushed over. Dropping the rose and the doggie bag to the floor, he lifted her onto the oversize mattress. Her feet dangled above the carpet. “Okay, now put your head between your knees.” He guided her head down. Her hair was even silkier than he’d imagined, but he couldn’t think about that now. His first priority was keeping her conscious. “Breathe deep.”

  She gasped for air.

  “Through your nose. It gets the oxygen to your brain.”

  “How do…you…know that?”

  “I was premed for a couple of semesters.” He listened to her breathing and was relieved when it evened out. “It’s okay. You’ll be fine.”

  “I—I know. But I can’t…believe this.” Her shoulders started to shake.

  “Molly, don’t cry.” He stroked her silky hair. “Everybody panics once in a while. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “I’m not crying.” Her giggles erupted as she lifted her head to look at him.


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