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Drive Me Wild

Page 5

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  “Hey, you’re not getting hysterical, are you?”

  “Maybe.” She grinned at him.

  “I’ll bet you could use some water.” He started to turn toward the bathroom.

  She put a hand on his arm, holding him in place. “That’s okay. I’m fine.”

  “You’re sure?” He peered into her face.

  “It’s just that…” She started laughing again.


  “Well, I didn’t expect to end up with my head between my knees.”

  A rushing sound filled his ears and his heart started beating crazily.

  She smiled at him, her pink lips parted, her cheeks flushed. “I thought most likely it would be your—”

  He groaned and swooped in for the kiss, going from zero to sixty in three seconds flat, all his careful plans left in the dust. At last he was kissing Molly, and life couldn’t be better. Her mouth tasted like cherry wine—sweet, rich, addictive. He wanted her naked and on her back in that bed. Now.

  She seemed to be of the same mind. Shoving her fingers through his hair, she let him have his way with her mouth, and any woman that free with her mouth was ready for some serious loving.

  He was just the guy to give it to her, too. Vaguely he remembered a different plan, one that didn’t involve stripping her clothes off immediately, but nothing seemed more important than getting her out of her little suit. If only he could make some headway with the buttons on her jacket, they’d be in business.

  Except he was at an awkward angle and the buttons were square. Whoever had put square buttons on this jacket should be shot. Then she got into the act, trying to help him. In the frenzied tangle of fingers, a button popped off and fell to the floor.

  He drew back immediately, feeling clumsy. “Damn, Molly. I didn’t mean to—”

  “Who cares?” Breathing hard, she glanced down at the front of her jacket and fumbled with the buttons, managing to unfasten two more. “What idiot would think square buttons were a good idea?”

  “Somebody who doesn’t like sex.”

  “Exactly.” She finally pushed the last button through the hole and glanced up in triumph. “There!”

  As the lapels of the jacket drifted aside, Alec expected to see some kind of lacy bra appear. It took him a couple of seconds to realize it wasn’t there. She was all creamy skin and tempting shadows just beyond the line of fabric. He gulped. “You aren’t wearing a—”

  “Nope.” She braced her hands on the bed and gazed at him, her color high.

  Desire tensed his muscles and interfered with his breathing. “You’ve been like that…all day?”

  She smiled at him. “What do you think?”

  He wasn’t having much luck thinking about anything except what was under that jacket. “I think you’re incredible. And full of surprises.”

  “Thank you.” Her green eyes glowed. “And in case you’re interested, the jacket’s unbuttoned now,” she added softly.

  His voice was thick with anticipation. “Oh, I’m interested.” He trembled as he imagined sliding his hands beneath the jacket. Then he remembered the rose he’d brought and then dropped on the floor when she’d started to faint.

  It was now or never for that rose. He’d meant to hand it to her with a James Bond flourish, but that moment was long gone. Gazing at her open jacket, he could feel an even better moment coming up.

  “I, ah, brought you a rose.” He reached down and picked it up off the carpet.

  “That’s very sweet.” She reached for it.

  “Wait. Stay like that. Like you were before.”

  Looking puzzled, she braced her hands on the bed again. “Like this?”

  “Like that. And let me…seduce you. Just a little.”

  A LITTLE WAS ALL it would take. Molly’s nerves still vibrated from that humdinger of a kiss. She was ready to start removing clothes and testing the mattress. But if they plunged right in, so to speak, this encounter might turn out like the others she’d had—brief, mildly satisfying, ultimately forgettable. She didn’t want that. She wanted to be inspired.

  Alec himself was pretty inspiring, standing in front of her with a fragrant, blood-red rose in one hand. The bud was beginning to open, its outer petals gently unfurling, its inner ones wound into a knot of color. She felt like that rose, her center curled tight with promise while a sweet ache urged her toward the heat, toward bursting into bloom.

  Alec’s dark gaze swept over her and his breathing quickened. She waited, her heart dancing, to see what he’d do next. First, he brushed the velvety rose against her cheek, and the look in his eyes made her dizzy all over again. Remembering what he’d said, she breathed in through her nose, imprinting the scent forever on her memory. Now she would always think of Alec whenever she smelled a rose.

  He dragged the rose gently across her lips, still moist from his kiss. “You have…a perfect mouth,” he murmured.

  Warmth crept through her, coaxing her into a lazy, sensual pace so different from the urgency of a moment ago. The muted sounds of traffic, buffered by the drapes, increased her sense of delicious isolation. Cocooned here with Alec, she could imagine herself doing…anything.

  When she spoke, her voice was low and sultry. “Perfect for what?”

  His breath caught. “For…for kissing….”

  She dared still more. After all, no one would ever know. She swept a glance over his bulging fly. “And what else?” she asked softly.

  His eyes darkened to jet black. “Oh, Molly.”

  “Did you think…” She paused as the image of slowly unfastening his fly took hold. She could almost hear the rasp of the zipper, feel the soft cotton stretched tight over his straining penis. “Did you think you would be the only one doing the seducing?”

  The rose trembled in his grip and fell unnoticed to her lap. “Uh…”

  “Because I expect this to be—” she hesitated on purpose, testing her power as she ran her tongue over her lips “—a two-way street.”

  His hot gaze still on her mouth, his expression one of a man who’d run smack into a door, he slowly nodded.

  She had him. All she’d had to do was hint at oral sex, and he was totally hers. This was so brand-new, the burst of sexual courage that had allowed her to say such things. She’d never spoken that way to a man in her life.

  But her first stab at talking sexy seemed to have immobilized him, and she didn’t want that. He’d started something with the rose, and she wanted to find out how he’d finish it. She moved her hands back a fraction on the mattress, which allowed her jacket to slide open a little more. “You can go first, though.”

  He swallowed. “You…you’re tying me up in knots here.”

  “Now there’s an idea.”

  “Molly.” His expression tensed and his pupils dilated.

  “Okay. I’ll be quiet. But I didn’t know talking sexy could be so much fun.”

  A muscle in his jaw twitched. “Keep it up and I’ll be finished before I ever get started.”

  She was more powerful medicine than she’d thought. “You mean, if I keep making suggestive remarks, you would just…”

  “Uh-huh. Sure would. I’m not far away from that point right now.”

  Thinking of him being close to that point stirred her up quite a bit, too. But she didn’t want such a lovely reaction to be wasted. “That wouldn’t be good.”


  “What did you have planned for the rose?”

  He glanced at the flower in her lap with some surprise, as if he’d forgotten all about it. “I was…I was going to stroke you with it.”

  Her body tightened in anticipation. “That sounds nice. Show me.”

  He lifted the rose by the stem and touched it lightly against her throat. “Well, after I brushed it over your mouth—”

  “Which is where we got sidetracked talking about—”

  “Watch it.”

  She took a deep breath and forced herself to be quiet. Temptation was so hard to resist, no
w that she’d discovered he was so easy.

  “Then I was going to slide it from here, all the way down to here.” He trailed the rose slowly from her throat to the waistband of her skirt.

  The petals slid lightly over her heated skin and it was very nice. She shivered in delight.

  “Do you like that?”

  “I do.” Her breathing grew shallow. “What next?”

  “This.” He started at her collarbone and traced a path downward again, slipping the rose under her jacket so it caressed the swell of her breast. He hadn’t touched her nipple, but it grew rigid anyway as a jolt of arousal shot down between her legs.

  “And this,” he whispered, starting at her collarbone again and drawing the plump cluster of petals under her jacket and directly over her nipple. But instead of continuing, he lingered there, brushing the petals back and forth.

  She moaned and closed her eyes as control of the seduction shifted dramatically in his favor. She was so absorbed in the sensation of the rose softly massaging her aching nipple that she didn’t know he’d eased aside her jacket until the velvet petals of the rose gave way to the slick heat of his mouth. The contrast was electric, making her gasp.

  When she started to lose her balance, she discovered his arm circling her back, guiding her down to the mattress. He followed her there, spreading the jacket open with his free hand. Tenderness became lusty enjoyment as he took what he wanted without hesitation.

  She arched upward, loving the possessive feel of his hands, his tongue, his teeth on her breasts. Her mind switched off as pleasure overrode every thought, every inhibition that had held her back before. She writhed beneath him, unabashedly taking all that he offered.

  And then he drew back, leaving her damp and panting for more. She opened her eyes and found him propped on one elbow, simply looking at her. Her tongue was thick and unwieldy, but at last she managed to speak his name.

  He glanced into her eyes, his expression taut, focused, hungry. “I had to see.” Struggling for breath as he talked, he began to fondle her again, cupping and stroking each breast, feeding the fire.

  “I wanted to see you lying there on the bed, your jacket open, your breasts bare and quivering, your skirt pushed up past your thighs.”

  Desire rocketed through her as his gaze traveled her body. And all the while he continued to knead her breasts and massage her nipples. She felt the beginnings of an orgasm, still deep inside, but rising quickly to the surface.

  “I wanted to watch you arch your back and lift up toward me, asking for my mouth. I wanted to see how you look, all damp and pink where I’ve been licking you. I wanted to know the exact color of your nipples, and see how they pucker when you’re hot.”

  She whimpered, nearly as turned on by what he was saying as by what he was doing to her.

  “And you are so hot. The heat’s coming off you in waves. The scent of aroused woman is filling this room. Your panties are already soaked, aren’t they?”

  Her reply was breathless, telltale. “Maybe.” Her blood pumped through her at breakneck speed. And she knew what she wanted next, just in case he didn’t. Speaking took great effort, but she managed to choke out the words. “Why…why don’t you find out?”

  His gaze intensified. “You know I’ll make you come if I touch you there.”

  “Oh, I hope so.” She took in his fierce expression. “But what about you? Is that putting too much of a strain on—”

  “I won’t come.” His smile was grim. “As long as you keep your mouth shut.”

  Bold suggestions were so easy to make while she was hidden away with him in this hotel room. “I can’t talk while you’re kissing me, you know.”

  “Now there’s an idea.” He leaned over her, his eyes flashing dark fire. “God, I love your mouth.” Then he proceeded to show her how much, kissing her so thoroughly that she almost missed his hand sliding up her skirt. Almost.

  While his tongue thrust deep into her mouth, he drew a spiral pattern on her thigh, climbing higher with each rotation of his fingers. She forgot to breathe as he edged closer to the elastic leg opening of her panties. Almost there. The anticipation alone was threatening to give her an orgasm.

  Slow gave way to swift and sure as he reached up and pulled her panties down. She gasped as he quickly probed her with nimble fingers. Two quick strokes and she arched off the bed, her cry of release muffled by the pressure of his lips against hers.

  He lifted his mouth away as he finished the job with a steady rhythm that left her quivering and gulping for air. “I had to speed things up,” he murmured, breathing hard. “I’m about to explode.”

  She was short on air and even shorter on working brain cells, but sexual craving was still high on her list. Despite that most excellent climax, she still wanted his penis buried inside her. Fingers were all well and good in an emergency, but she wanted the real deal. “Get…a condom,” she said, panting. “Do me, Alec. Do me now.”

  He didn’t have to be asked twice. The mattress bounced as he left the bed, and the sound of rustling plastic and ripping foil told her he was in as big a hurry as she was. Both hands went up under her skirt this time as he wrenched the wet panties down. They tickled against her ankle, dangling there as he shoved her skirt up to her waist and cupped her bottom in both hands.

  “Wrap your legs around me.”

  She did, gladly. With one firm thrust and a deep groan of satisfaction, he introduced her to heaven. She was filled to the brim, and she loved it. As for that firm thrust, it was everything she’d imagined and more. Alec knew how to make an entrance, all right.

  “Don’t move a muscle.” His voice was strained, his body rigid and his eyes glassy as he stood above her. “Let’s see how long we can hang on.”

  She wanted to stay like this for a little while, too, so she tried to keep herself from welcoming him too warmly. That wasn’t easy. She’d never invited such a well-endowed guest inside, and her entertainment committee was ready to start the party.

  What a fantasy moment. This certainly wasn’t the way a cautious, introverted woman ended up, with her jacket undone, her breasts exposed, her skirt bunched around her waist and her bare-bottomed chauffeur between her spread thighs, his large penis buried deep inside her. She even liked that Alec was still wearing his car service shirt with the logo on the pocket.

  Mission accomplished. She was officially a naughty girl.

  Alec moaned softly. “I can’t believe how beautiful you look.”

  “You, too.”

  “Men aren’t—”

  “Yes, they are.” Her heartbeat quickened as his fingers flexed, unconsciously kneading her bottom. “You should see the expression on your face,” she said. “Like you’re lit up inside.”

  He swallowed. “I feel like I am. Like I’m a…rechargeable battery…hooked up to the power source.” He shifted his weight ever so slightly. “Ah, Molly.”

  He filled her so completely that she felt that tiny shift, and she quivered, balanced on the edge of ecstasy. She ran a tongue over her dry lips. “Interesting…comparison. About the battery.”

  “I was in—” He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw for a couple of seconds. “I was in electrical…engineering for a while.”

  “I believe it.” She drew in a breath as he shifted his weight again. “I’m feeling very…electrified.”

  “Me, too.” He opened his eyes again. Then he groaned. “Molly, I can’t wait. I have to—” With a soft cry he clutched her bottom and started pumping, his breath coming in ragged gasps. “Oh, yes…yes…yes.”

  She grabbed the bedspread and held on. That beautiful equipment of his brought friction to all the right spots, and soon she was spiraling out of control right along with him. As pleasure vibrated from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes, she called to him, urging him on, asking for faster, harder, deeper.

  He responded. Oh, Lord, how he responded. She’d never been stroked so hard and so fast, and never with such a magnificent instrument. She er
upted while shouting his praises, and he followed right after, shuddering against her as he bellowed with satisfaction. Fighting for breath, he slipped his hands from beneath her, braced them on the mattress and slumped against the edge of the bed.

  She didn’t know how long she lay there still connected to him, his breath warm on her face, her eyes closed and a satisfied smile on her lips. Outstanding. Even after climaxing, he was still big enough to make her feel totally occupied.

  “That…that was…”

  Her smile widened, but she kept her eyes closed, still reveling in the picture of him driving into her. “Unbelievable.”

  “Mmm.” He leaned down and kissed her smiling lips. “Gotta disappear for a minute. Don’t go away.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Let’s get you a little more stable. You’re cantilevered out a little too far for my comfort.”

  She opened her eyes as he slid his hands under her. “Cantilevered?”

  “Architecture. Four semesters.”

  “Oh.” He had more facets than a Tiffany diamond, this chauffeur of hers.

  “Up you go.” He lifted her onto the mattress and ended their connection at the same time.

  As he withdrew, she couldn’t help making a little sound of disappointment. He felt so damn good in there. “Come back anytime.”

  “I’d love to.” Then he nudged off his shoes, stepped out of his pants and walked into the bathroom.

  As she listened to the water running, she sprawled on the satin bedspread, all sense of modesty destroyed. She wondered if it had been destroyed for good, or only for this afternoon, if she’d learned how to let herself go sexually in any circumstance, or only with Alec.

  Lifting the foot where her panties still hung around her ankle, she kicked them into the air and caught them. She should probably get out of her jacket and skirt, too. The skirt might be a lost cause, though, even if she took it off now. Her jacket was missing a button. An hour ago she’d been worried about the condition of her clothes when she left the hotel. Now she didn’t really care.

  Alec had helped her accomplish so much already. By the time they left this hotel room she might be a certified wild woman. She wondered what a certified wild woman would do while Alec was in the bathroom.


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