Yes: A Hotwife Romance

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Yes: A Hotwife Romance Page 8

by Jason Lenov

  "No, no! I want it, it's just..."


  "Come on, Angie. You're...very different."

  She bit her lip and giggled. "Jeez, just trying to make a man happy. Sorry..." She puffed her lower lip out in a pretend pout.

  I had to lean in and kiss it. When I did, she was all over me. She pushed her tongue into my mouth, searching for mine. I gave it to her and revelled in her insistence. Soon I felt her hand crawling down my shirt, towards my belt. Next she was tugging at the buckle.

  "Hey!" I said, playfully pushing her away. "What is this? I haven't finished my dinner!"

  "Sorry, sir," she answered softly. It was incredibly erotic, the way she said it. She lowered her eyes and backed away, her posture begging forgiveness, like a concubine from her master. "What can I do to make it up to you?" She raised here eyes, her head still lowered, skewering me with a lascivious gaze.

  I let out a chuckle. I couldn't believe it was her, but I wasn't complaining. I would normally barely get a hello when I came to the restaurant and now this? Dinner? A beer? Sex? I must have done something right. We must have done something right...

  "I guess I'll have to think of a way," I said, smiling and pulling the tourtiere towards me.

  She bounced up immediately and crouched down beside the chair. "Oh! I have an idea!" she whispered, excited.

  I raised an eye. "Go on?"

  "Will wants to know if we want to come to his place tonight?"

  It kind of jabbed through me. Not so much the fact that he'd invited us, but the way she said it. Like a kid waiting for Christmas. Like she knew what presents she was getting already.

  I felt my hesitation ripple through my smile. She saw it right away.

  "If you don't want to..." she began, suddenly more serious.

  "It's not that. I..."

  ...had no idea what to say. I needed more time. I needed to talk to her. I needed to sort this out.

  At the same time, the idea of seeing her with him again was incredibly arousing and I couldn't think of a better way to spend the evening.

  I sighed. "What time are you guys going to close up tonight?"

  She glanced at her watch. "Probably ten-thirty?" She was all aflutter. I could tell she couldn't wait for my response.

  My heart started to pound a little harder. It was weird, that she should be so excited about it. It was kind of my fantasy. At the same time, I thought I should be thankful to have such an understanding wife.

  "Listen," I began.

  "I'm listening," she said, right away, putting her hands on mine. It felt like she was in love. Like we were in love again.

  The door to the office swung open. Will stuck his head in.

  "Oh shit, I'm sorry..." he said, waving a hand and backing up.

  Angie jumped up. "It's okay. What is it?" she snapped, suddenly gruff.

  "Sorry chef. Jen says she's sick. Gonna go home. Second seating's heating up, we could use another set of hands. Sorry Charlie."

  I shook my head. Like it was no big deal. Like I hadn't been looking forward to the conversation I was about to have with my wife, all day.

  "I'll be right in." Chef Angeline was back. No nonsense. No bullshit. Ready to bust some balls.

  Will disappeared back into the kitchen. She turned to me.

  "You don't have to say yes or no right now. I can text you. When we're done?"

  I opened my mouth. It was hard to find the words. Finally, I just bit the bullet and said, "sounds good," and left it at that. She smiled, winked at me and followed Will into the heat of the kitchen beyond the door.

  Chapter 16

  I was almost asleep by the time I got the text. I'd gone home, thinking I would do some more work there but ended up having a couple of beers and surfing the internet for weird porn.

  I jumped at the whistling sound my phone made. It was from her. My heart nearly stopped when I opened it.

  The picture was kind of blurry because the room where she took it was dark. She only had her sports bra on. Well, half her sports bra. her ample breast was peeking out over the top of one side. Behind her I saw three dark figures.

  My body went into fight or flight. Adrenaline flooded through me and I practically jumped the entire length of the staircase in my rush to get to the car. Backing out of the driveway I checked the address on the phone, the only text she'd sent along with the picture.

  I knew the street. It wasn't too far from the restaurant. I knew I only had a few minutes before I got there. I only had a few minutes to think this all through, to set it straight in my mind and to not come out a fool once I got there, or once we came out of the other end of this.

  I tried to calm myself as best I could. My mind was racing with worry, tinged with regret. Should I have even begun this whole thing? It had only been one time and now she practically couldn't wait to get fucked by him again...with others watching, from what I saw in the picture. A part of me felt grateful that she'd even sent the text. I could have fallen asleep only to wake up in the middle of the night with her not there. I shuddered at how terrible that thought made me feel.

  There was a spot right in front of his door and I parked the car kind of crooked in my rush to get inside.

  Will opened the door and smiled. "Hey Charlie!"

  It seemed genuine. It seemed like he was a little drunk already, but he seemed friendly. It didn't seem like anything had happened yet. I breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

  "Hey Will. She here?" I asked. It felt awkward, asking him if my wife was at his place.

  "Hell, yeah, bro! Come on in! I've got some friends over."

  My heart skipped when he said that. I knew there were friends over. I'd seen it on the picture she sent. What I didn't know is if they were going to be as friendly as Will was. Or as understanding. After all, a guy's not supposed to let his woman go around sleeping with other guys, right?

  He led me into the living room. My eyes dropped wide open and I stopped as soon as I saw her on the couch with them.

  It was a messy tangle of white flesh surrounded by hard, dark skin. There were two of them and they were all over her. One had his hands pressed to her exposed breast, kissing her neck. The other guy was just sitting there watching and rubbing in between her legs. She looked like she was in heaven.

  I stood there, watching it play out. I watched her legs spread a bit, watched her head turning this way and that. Her eyes were closed. It seemed like the only sense she was tuned into at that moment was touch.

  Will put a hand on my shoulder. "You cool, bro?" He said it softly but the sound made her open her eyes. As soon as she saw me, she leaped up from the couch. The hands that had been mauling her go and she bounced towards me, giggling as she holstered her breast back into her bra. She pressed her body against me and put her arms around my neck.

  "Hey handsome," she cooed, staring right at me like there was no one else in the room.

  I looked back at her, deep into her eyes. It was the weirdest feeling. I knew she'd just been making out with these other guys and it made me a little jealous but at the same time I'd never felt this close to her before.

  "You okay?" she asked. She looked worried again.

  I don't know where it came from, the confidence that surged through me just then. I felt like a fucking superhero. It didn't matter who banged my wife. I knew I was in charge.

  I smiled at her. "Couldn't be better." Leaning in, I gave her a kiss. Will shifted his weight beside me. I looked over, still smiling.

  "Uh, I guess that's a yes?" he said with a laugh. We both had a good chuckle. "Meet my friends?"

  "For sure," I replied, stepping past Angie but keeping an arm around her waist.

  "This here's Malik."

  Malik got up from the couch. He was lean but when we shook hands, there was power in his grip.

  "That there's my man Jayden." Jayden got up. He was a beefcake. Thick, tree trunk arms and a huge torso. A shudder went through me as I though of him in between Angie's legs.

  I don't know what got into me. Some of that confidence from before. As I shook his hand I asked, "Do you even lift, bro?"

  He scowled for a moment but soon got the joke. The room burst into laughter. Even Angie was giggling at my side, covering her mouth. This seemed like it was going to be a fun time. I had to set things straight with her though. I had to talk to my wife.

  "Get you a drink?" Will asked.

  "Yes," I answered, "but Angie and I need to talk first." When I looked at her, she looked worried. I tried to reassure her with a smile. It would all be clear soon anyways. I took her by the hand and we stepped outside. I sat her down on the steps in front of Will's apartment.

  "Are you okay?" she asked, still looking worried.

  "I'm fine," I answered, putting a hand on her arm. "I want to know that you are. That we are."

  "I'm...I'm fine. I'm here, right?"

  "Right." She still seemed confused by the question. "It's just...we never got a chance to talk about last night and now this is happening," I said, pointing up the stairs.

  "Charlie we don't have to if..."

  "No, it's not that I don't want to, I do. I just..." I trailed off and into my own thoughts.

  What was it, exactly? I couldn't say there was something bothering me. That would have meant I regretted what had happened, or that I didn't want to go through with what was about to happen. I did. I just wanted to make sure we both wanted it the same way...or something.


  I looked down at her. Her eyes were big and round with concern.

  "We don't have to do this," she repeated.

  That's when I thought that maybe she was right. Maybe we needed to talk about some ground rules first.

  "Yeah. I think we should go home and talk instead. Is that okay?"

  "Charlie, of course it's okay!" she answered, leaping up and throwing her arms around my neck. Even though I hadn't been feeling bad about the situation, or her, it was a relief. That kind of comfort felt good just then.

  We walked back up the stairs and knocked on Will's door.

  "Hey guys, come on in!" he said, waving us in. It must have been the way we hesitated that clued him in. "Second thoughts?"

  "Kind of," I answered. I looked down at Angie. She was leaning her head on my arm and holding my hand. "I think we're going to have to pass today. It's not that I'm not into it, it's just..."

  Will held up a hand. "Hey Charlie, no need to explain my man. It's all cool. The boys and I'll probably have to hit a strip club though," he said, grinning.

  Angie and I chuckled. I gave him a fist bump and told him maybe next time and he said anytime and before long we were both in the car on the way home.

  Chapter 17

  "You know you're going to have to help me out, now that the boys got me all riled up and you dragged me out of there?" Angie said, tugging at my belt as soon as we stepped through the door. Her skin felt hot, like her arousal had sunk through her whole body.

  I wanted her, I really did. But I wanted to talk before we both fell asleep. I leaned in, kissed her neck gently, but straightened up and put my hands on her shoulders right away.

  "I want to talk about this."

  She seemed to understand it wasn't a request. "Okay," she replied, nodding.

  We went up to the bedroom and turned on the nightstand light, then lay down on the bed.

  "Okay," I said, breathing in deeply once we were both settled. "I guess I just want to..."

  "...make sure we're on the same page?" she asked, finishing my sentence with the exact words I was about to say.


  "Okay. Good. I like that." She leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

  I took another breath and started combing through all the thoughts I'd had about what had happened, about what was going to happen from now. I couldn't think of a single thing to say. After a few minutes, she smiled.

  "How about I start?" she asked.

  "That...might be better."

  "I guess you liked what you saw? Yesterday?" she asked with a giggle.

  It made my cock move, just thinking about it. "I loved it."

  "But something's not quite right? Is there something bugging you?"

  "I guess..." I trailed off again, trying to put my finger on exactly what the problem was. What my problem was.

  "You started it, remember?"

  I looked at her and realized she was teasing. It struck me that that was part of my problem. She'd never been this soft.

  "Look, I told you it seems like you're different. Maybe it's me. Or maybe you really are. I just don't want to..."

  "Lose your ball-busting wife?" she asked.

  She certainly had a way with words. "Yeah. Kind of. I kind of...liked you like that."

  She burst out into giggles again. "Charlie you are so cute. Okay, here's my side of it. When I saw Will walk in yesterday I couldn't believe you'd done that. I actually thought of walking over, slapping you in the face then telling Will to get the fuck home. But I'm glad I didn't. Not just because I had a great time. I'm glad I didn't because I can be such a thoughtless bitch sometimes and I saw that this was something you really wanted. It was something I could do for you after everything you've done for me. With the money. With the restaurant. I love you Charlie. I'm just sorry I don't tell you that enough."

  For a woman who said she was going to keep busting my balls, this didn't seem like the greatest start.

  "So why are you different? Dinner at the restaurant? Fawning all over me at Will's place?"

  She thought about it for a minute before answering. "I just wanted to make sure you knew."

  "Knew what?" I asked.

  "Knew that I was doing this for you."

  I stared at her for a long time, wondering what I'd done right in the universe to deserve a woman like her.

  "Are we done being sappy?" she asked, finally.

  I had to laugh. I knew she was probably horny as hell. The memory of seeing her on that couch with Will's friends had kind of got me going, too. It made me think of something.

  "Almost. I need to ask you one more thing. If we're going to do this, what about birth control?"

  She looked down at the bed. She hadn't been on it in a while. We were toying with the idea of a family but always ended up doing something kinky in bed so it just hadn't come up.

  "I don't really want to go back on anything," she said finally. "We could just carry a big bag of condoms around? Just in case I end up in a gang bang?"

  Hearing her say the word made me jolt. Her hand shot to my arm. "I'm joking!" she added quickly, with a laugh.

  She wasn't, though. It had almost happened at Will's place. The thought made me completely stiff. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered if Will had more friends that might be into something like that.

  "Listen, we don't know what's going to happen," she offered. "I can just make sure things...stay safe. You know?"

  I didn't know. I really didn't. From what I'd seen the night before, I didn't know if she was capable of anything once Will was stuffed inside her, far less anyone else. The thought of it sent another ripple of nervous energy coursing through me. It was dangerous as hell, just leaving it to her to "stay safe" as she put it. It sure was erotic as hell too.

  She must have seen my cock bounce out of the corner of her eye. A smile lit up her face again.


  "Wow, what?" I asked, trying to play it off like it was no big deal.

  "Wow as in, that turns you on too, doesn't it?"

  There was no trying to hide it. "I don't know...I mean it's not like I actually want it to happen. You know that much is for real, right?"

  "Sure. I think I get it," she said, moving towards me on the bed and starting to unbutton my shirt. "Still, you wouldn't mind seeing one of those big black boys leave a little something for me there?"

  She'd unbuttoned half my shirt and I felt the soft skin of her fingertips moving through the hair on my chest. I started to imagine it.
What if Will had fucked her pussy until he climaxed? What would it have looked like? What would it have felt like, watching another man's cum seeping out of her, knowing there was a chance...

  "Tell me," she whispered, breaking my train of thought. I looked at her. She was staring at me intently, her eyes wide with expectation.

  I looked down her body, my cock bulging at the curve her hip made. She was a beautiful woman. Built for breeding.

  "You want to see those big, black boys fuck their seed into me don't you?"

  I groaned as her hand slid along the fabric of my pants, down the length of my cock and settled in between my legs, cupping my balls. "Fuck yes..." I whispered.

  "Tell me!" she hissed, her voice more urgent.

  I looked at her. I knew she wanted to hear it as much as I wanted to say it. "I was just thinking of what it would look like, watching Will fuck his cum into your pussy, then watching it drip out of you."

  Her curves sprang to life at my words. She started moving on the bed like a fish in water. "Tell me more..."

  I could barely keep up with the game we'd started to play. My mind started to wander to what else I might do. I put a hand on her breast and she rolled over onto her back. "There was so much cum, I couldn't believe you swallowed it all. Thinking of all that cum in your pussy I'd...I'd have to do something about it. I'd have to do something before it was too late."

  She moaned and slid the tank top she was wearing down over her shoulder, revealing her breast.

  I leaned over it and let my tongue slide around it. I felt her nipple stiffen in my mouth. I pushed my a hand into her tights, past the elastic and in between her legs. She was wet already.

  "What would you do Charlie? Tell me what you'd do about it?"

  Suckling on her tightening nipple, I felt her fingers in my hair. I slid a finger between her slippery folds and found the opening to her cunt. Leaning close to her ear, I began to whisper.

  "I'd have to put my head down between those thighs," I said. I watched the skin on her neck pimple from the closeness of my breath. Everything about her, her sloppy pussy, the way her skin smelled, screamed sex.


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