Forbidden Love (Stone Pack Book 1)

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Forbidden Love (Stone Pack Book 1) Page 3

by Harper Phoenix

  ‘I’m sorry if I disturbed you guys,’ Maiya slurs. Jeez, how much can a girl drink in a couple of hours? The stench of alcohol is overpowering.

  ‘Jared was just leaving,’ I tell her, feeling my cheeks burning hotter and hotter. Any minute now I’m going to burst into flames. Maiya lies on her bed fully clothed and passes out in seconds. Jared turns his head momentarily in her direction before his eyes are back on me. Through heavily lidded eyes he watches as I stand from the bed and try to step around him to open the door, but he pulls me into his embrace, and I melt into him once again. His lips slide over mine, and he opens the door without breaking the kiss and pulls me into the hall, tugging on the belt of my gown. He pushes me up against the wall, his body hard against mine, pressing in all the right areas. My head is a mess. I ache for him. For more. I have never wanted something so much in my life, and at that moment I am willing to give him everything right there in the hall. I’m dry humping him like a dog. Trying to get the pressure from his cock against my clit. We’re interrupted again by a group of Chinese students. He steps away from me, breaking the kiss and I can see the torment on his face just as I feel my own. Leaning up against the opposite wall he scrubs at his face with his hands. Hands that had made me feel so much sensation only minutes ago. He runs one through his hair, keeping his eyes everywhere but on me, as if looking at me is painful. Then he leaves. Just leaves. Walking down the fucking hall leaving me aroused and embarrassed. Shit. I don’t move for ages, worried I might disintegrate into a pile of ash from the fire raging through my vagina. What the hell just happened? What the hell was I thinking? My first night here and already I’ve made a complete ass of myself. Fucking A. Devon. Fucking A.

  I slip back into my room unheard and gather my abandoned toiletries which are still on the floor, I spend the rest of my waking hours trying to get rid of his scent before I fall back into bed unbelievably still tired. Ignoring Maiya’s ridiculous snoring, I sleep. And dream of Jared.


  Leaving Devon’s building, I find Howard waiting in the car park under a street lamp, his arms folded across his chest. Disapproval all over his face. I grin, shaking my head. The idiot has probably been standing there the whole time.

  ‘You look like you’ve just chewed a fucking wasp,’ I tease him. Howard doesn’t answer. He doesn’t need too. I know what’s on his mind. He never changes.

  I feel torn. On one hand, I feel like a total fucking sleaze for leaving the way I did. But on the other, damn, I feel fucking elated. I can’t stop the smile creeping back onto my face despite the massive case of blue balls I’m leaving with. Just the thought of her makes me hard again.

  ‘What the fuck was that?’ he asks me. I don’t know what his problem is—he never cares where I stick my dick normally. Why start now?

  ‘The fuck you talking about?’ I stop walking and wait for his answer.

  ‘What about Kristen?’

  ‘Don’t give a fuck about fuckin’, Kristen,’ I answer like a petulant kid.

  ‘You can’t just ignore this.’

  ‘Who said I am? You don’t normally give a fuck when I bang other chicks.’

  Howard shakes his head, twisting his lips up in annoyance and rolls his eyes.

  ‘I saw her—saw how you looked at her. I’ve never seen you pursue a female, ever. Chances are, Jared, you’re not gonna go through with it with her on the scene.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ I ask the question, but I know. Know exactly what he’s talking about. I want her, like, fuck I don’t even know. I just know I need to be inside her. Badly.

  Being the alpha’s son sucks donkey balls. Big time. But I know I have to step up. ‘It won’t change things,’ I promise. I’m trying to reassure myself as much as Howard. I’d never felt like I did with Devon, with any other female. It was like her scent called out to me, to my very soul.

  My blood boils at even the thought of any other male touching her. I crank my jaw shut and grind my teeth together. Trying like fuck to get that image scrubbed from my brain. Nah, I was going to be the only male from now on. I had to be. Couldn’t have it any other way.

  I didn’t sleep, couldn’t. All my thoughts were back in that dorm room with Devon. What would I have done if we hadn’t been disturbed? Was I seriously asking myself that? I knew damn well what I would have done, and it’s just as well I didn’t. I did a lot of thinking, toing and froing between what I had to do and what I wanted to do. Howard’s words echoing around in my head. I am going to be the alpha soon, and what kind of example am I setting if I can’t follow orders? The pack has to come first, even over my own feelings. But would it hurt to see Devon again? Maybe I just needed to get her out of my system? Then I’d be able to think straight. After all, I hadn’t officially made any commitments yet.

  By the time the sun comes up, and after barely any sleep I have decided that I have to stay away from her. I’m certain I can’t fuck her and not go back for more. So I’m staying the fuck away. How I’m going to do that, I’m not sure, but I have to try.

  The next few days pass so fucking slowly. I don’t leave the house. Can’t. Because if I do the temptation will be too much. I know I will find myself back at her door. I still have a fucking hard on at the mere thought of her. The little noises she made, her hands on my body, her tits—fucking perfect little mounds with dark nipples hard for me. Fuck, I need relief. Stroking one out on my bed like a pervert at the images ingrained in my brain. Fuck me. This is what I’ve resorted to. But I can’t even think about putting my dick anywhere near a pussy that isn’t Devon’s. And that makes me fucking mad.


  Maiya decides it’s time for me to get out. Her patience has worn thin. I’ve locked myself up in my room from sheer embarrassment for the last couple of days. Maiya, bless her heart, has been keeping me well stocked with food and drinks. Today she’s having none of it and has dragged my ass out, deciding we needed breakfast, I wanted a healthy breakfast, but after being out the night before, Maiya was craving what she called ‘greasy café food.’ I can tell where the name came from as soon as it was put on the table. It consists of a huge plate full of eggs, bacon, sausages, baked beans, and tomatoes with fried bread and an excess of grease. I order a bagel—I just didn’t have my usual appetite—and even that feels hard to swallow. My head is elsewhere, the feelings I have for Jared are so confusing, and I just can’t shake them. Why has he affected me in such a big way? I’m dreaming about him when I sleep and fantasising about him when I’m awake. Gah, it has to stop. It is getting me nowhere, and on top of that I needed to change and go for a run, it isn’t healthy for a werewolf to be cooped up inside.

  I make the decision after forcing my bagel down, that when I leave the café, I won’t think about him anymore. At least for the rest of the day. Yeah, that doesn’t work, it lasts about five minutes. Everywhere I go, I can smell him. So I keep looking for him, hoping to find him around every corner. Jesus Christ! Maiya turns to look at me abruptly.

  ‘What? What’s up?’ she probes. Frowning, I shake my head in question.

  ‘Nothing, why?’

  ‘Well, usually when someone yells, “Jesus Christ,” something’s up? Yah know, it’s like a big hint?’ Oh shit.

  ‘Sorry, I was thinking out loud, I didn’t realise!’ Maiya’s eyes widen and her chin juts out and a look on her face that says, ‘yes and?’

  ‘It’s nothing. I can’t even remember now.’ Her eyes roll at my vague answer.

  The rest of the day passes quickly. Maiya drags me around all of the student crap going on for orientation week, and time passes relatively fast. I feel lucky to have met Maiya. She’s been so good to me despite my bitchy mood the last few days. If I were her, I’d have stopped talking to my miserable ass already. Checking my phone, I realise I’ve missed a call from my dad. I listen to the voicemail.

  ‘Hi, it's only me—Dad. Just checking in, I hope you aren’t too jetlagged. Call me.’

  I text a quick reply. Sor
ry didn’t hear the phone. V busy here. Lots of ppl. Lots to see. Classes start in two weeks. Caught up on sleep. J Don’t worry will call you tmw. Love you <3


  Maiya is going to hit the club again tonight. I’m invited, but honestly, I don’t feel like it.

  ‘You look like you need a drink and a dance, are you sure you don’t want to come?’

  I consider it for a second, but I stick with my original plan.

  ‘Nah I’m just gonna curl up in my pj’s and watch crap TV on my laptop.’

  Maiya pouts and blows me a kiss.

  ‘Your loss. There is so much hotness to choose from out there—you shouldn’t brood over one guy. You should just go and find yourself another one.’ She shimmies her ass out of the door, making me laugh, and then pops her head back into view. ‘If you change your mind, you know where to find me!’ I shoo her away and download the first season of friends.

  I’m getting fucking cabin fever. Howard and Brad have paced the floor outside my room the last few nights, and they’re driving me fucking crazy. I’ve had enough. I swing the door open so hard it goes through the stopper and hits the wall with a bang. I don’t give a shit.

  ‘Just fucking go out, will you? You’re doing my head in. I’m not going anywhere, so you can quit with the fucking pacing.’ I have no idea what either of them says in response, and I don’t care, I just want them gone. Eventually, I win out, and they fuck off to meet up with the rest of the group at the club. And I finally have a clear space to think in.

  My decision to stay away from Devon just isn’t gonna fly. I’m restless, angry, and everything fucking irritates me. I’m permanently ready for a fight. It’s no good. I have to see if getting her out of my system will work. Maybe that’s all I need to do. Then I can go back to life as normal.

  Decision made. I take my motorbike and intend to be back before the others even get home. I park up and ride the lift to her floor. I stand for a minute outside of her door. What if she has a boyfriend? Fuck me; I can’t handle that shit.

  I know she’s home. Her scent is strong, sending all the blood in my body straight to my dick. Jesus, I want to break the fucking door down. My head is seriously messed up. I know this cannot be a one-time deal and I haven’t even gotten inside her yet. I need to get the fuck out of dodge. I turn away and walk back toward the lift. Fuck me.


  Jared’s all too familiar scent wafts into my room, and I know he’s in the hall. I can’t help but get excited. My heart rate goes through the roof, and I feel hot and bothered. I stand with my ear against the door and wait impatiently for him to knock. Then his familiar rap on the door sounds. EEEEP. I almost squeal, then realising I’d not re-applied any makeup or done anything with my hair after my shower, I panic. I must look like a hot mess. Shit shit shit. I scrape my hair into a loose band and wrap it up into a messy bun. I have no time for anything else. The fact that I’m in flannel pj’s with penguins on, and a fluffy robe and slippers, is tough. At least I’ve actually showered today.

  I open the door so it’s only just ajar, enough so I can see him. He can only see my face and a smidge of the fluffy gown, which he’d become accustomed to the last time he’d been here. He looks all sex-god-like, just like he had the last time I saw him. His emerald green eyes are almost glowing in the dim lights of the hall. He’s looking at me through lidded eyes—his head bowed and those long luscious lashes framing the green. Every part of my body heeds to him. Only my mind is being a stubborn ass, determined not to get into it with him again. Ever. But here he stands, in blue denim jeans and a white t-shirt that hugs his muscular body in all the right places. That already familiar feeling of the air becoming charged between us is strong.

  ‘I shouldn’t be here.’

  He almost sounds like he’s in pain. It wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, but, okay.

  ‘So why did you come?’ I ask through the small crack in the door. He scrubs his face, clearly uncomfortable.

  ‘Are you, do you have—Fuck.’ He scrubs at his face again. ‘Are you fucking anybody?’ he growls it out like he’s angry. Really?? That’s what he asks? I’m stunned to silence. Shaking my head because I don’t trust my mouth, I shut the door. I stand there with my back against the door, dumbfounded at his nerve. The door opens, propelling me forward. I turn on him.

  ‘Hey!’ I yell, but he keeps coming. ‘Get out, Jared.’ The arrogant asshole is back. How dare he? He walks me backwards until I have nowhere else to go.

  ‘Just answer the fucking question.’


  ‘No, you aren’t or no you won’t answer the question?’ He’s visibly shaking.

  ‘Just get out.’ I try to shove him back toward the door, but he doesn’t budge an inch. I scream in frustration and hit out at his chest. I’m used to being in control of my body and my mind, but around him? I just am not. No, I wasn’t fucking anybody. But I didn’t have to tell him that. I’m so angry. Angry with him for being here and having the gall to ask me that, and angry with myself because even as he stands there in all his arrogance, I want him in every way possible. I am so fucking aroused. And it’s obvious that he is too. Fuck. I need this over and quickly before I offer myself up on a plate.

  He grabs my wrists, halting my half-assed attempts at making him leave. My breath hitches at his skin on mine. His eyes are lidded, and his pupils dilated. My attack is forgotten—my breathing quickens. I stare into those green eyes and time seems to stand still. He pulls me into him—our bodies touching in every place possible. His hand slides around to the small of my back, and he crushes me against him. His head bows as he leans in. I think he’s going to kiss me, but instead, he just lingers there, giving me the option. Take it or leave it? Like an idiot, I jump in. And god it feels so fucking good. He kisses me with such aggression like he can’t get enough. I’m tearing at his clothes, desperate for more skin—our tongues sliding in and around like a choreographed dance. Human guys have never had this effect on me. Was it a wolf thing? Or was it just him? Would I want to jump the bones of every werewolf I came across? I doubted that. But at that moment all I wanted to do was get beneath him. The door was locked, my gown untied, and I was on the bed in seconds. Just like last time. He must have had lots of practice. That unwelcome thought invades my mind. I don’t want to think. I don’t want to do anything other than surrender to the feeling and emotions I’m experiencing being with him. His hands are under my pj’s, exploring. But I want him naked too. I tug at the hem of his t-shirt, and he lifts his arms so I can take it up over his head. He is gorgeous. I stop and stare for a second. His body is perfect. He doesn’t give me long to take in the view before he’s on me, taking my mouth and fucking it violently with his tongue. He tastes divine. He starts fumbling with the buttons on my pj’s, but they’re too delicate for his big hands. I push them away and begin unbuttoning them, but he’s impatient, and yanks the two halves open. My buttons pop off and land all over the floor. A growl rumbles up his throat as he latches onto my nipple with his mouth. My hands go to his hair, fisting handfuls, holding his head to my body as he expertly sucks and nibbles at me. OH.MY.GOD.

  ‘I need to know,’ he mumbles against my breast. Oh, for fuck's sake.

  ‘No one,’ I clarify, my voice breathy and barely audible. He rears up above me. Then comes down hard, taking my mouth with his. I can barely catch my breath, but then he stops. No. No. Not again! Looking up at him, I can see he wants to say something, but he’s unsure of what to say or maybe how to say it. ‘Just spit it out already?’ I’m flustered and eager to finish what we’ve started. I don’t want to wait a second longer.

  ‘Are you a virgin?’ he blurts. Oh my God! I laugh hysterically and shake my head. I see a spark of disappointment cross his face, and I’m eager to remedy that.

  ‘I’ve never been with a wolf,’ I confirm. I’m not sure if that helps or not, but he is greedily kissing my mouth while I fumble with the buttons on his jeans. I don’t get very far because
he grabs my hands and pins them above my head. I panic a little at being restrained, but when his mouth finds my hard and sensitised nipple again, that fear subsides. He uses his tongue expertly. Tracing the contours of my body, and then licking at my navel, which sends shockwaves straight to my clit. With one hand holding my wrists, he kneels and pulls my pyjama bottoms down, while I lift my ass to make it easier for him. Leaving me in only my panties, he groans and then his mouth meets my core through the already wet material. The heat from his mouth spreads over me. I want to touch him, press him closer. I buck a little, trying in vain to get what I need. He stops and looks up at me,


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