Forbidden Love (Stone Pack Book 1)

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Forbidden Love (Stone Pack Book 1) Page 11

by Harper Phoenix

  ‘Oh, but you saw enough of her to fuck her?’ He throws my bag across the room and grabs my arms, almost shaking me as he does.

  ‘Okay, how about we go over your sexual history while we’re here, see just how many mistakes you’ve made huh?’

  I slap his face. He glares back as anger flashes clear in his eyes, but I’m not done.

  ‘You made me believe there was nothing between you, other than your father’s wishes. You’ve let me come here on her fucking turf and sleep with her man.’

  ‘I was never hers and never fucking will be.’

  ‘So what was it, Jared? A means to an end? A fuck buddy until something better came along? Is that my fate too? When you get bored, you’ll move on, and let me stick around long enough to see it?’ He cringes, hiding his face in his hands as he moves to sit on the bed.

  ‘This is so fucked up. How did we even get here? Kristen is a first-class bitch and trouble is what she does best. Why are you letting her do this?’

  ‘That isn’t what this is about Jared, and you know it.’

  ‘What do you want me to say, Devon, huh?’ He looks broken. ‘I’m sorry I fucked her, once, a long time ago. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it, but fucking hell, I didn’t think you’d want to hear it. I sure as fuck wouldn’t. And it’s not something you just drop into a conversation.’ He stands now and halts my pacing. ‘Devon, listen to me.’ He holds my hands and lifts my chin until our eyes meet. ‘I want you, only you. I don’t want anyone else, especially Kristen.’ But his words don’t penetrate because I’ve already put up my barriers.

  ‘Jared, this is just another reason why we shouldn’t be together. Your dad wants her. It’s for the best that we just call it quits now.’ I’m so emotionally spent that I feel numb. My feelings for him are in a compartment, and I’ve built a wall around them. I have to otherwise this is going to tear me wide open. Not an option.

  ‘You can walk away just like that?’ he asks. He’s angry and hurting, but I don’t answer. ‘You’re it for me—you know that right?’

  How can I know that? How can I trust that that’s the truth? I can’t get caught up in any more emotion. I can’t risk it, so I just look through him. He laughs, but it's humourless. Bitter. ‘But if you don’t feel the same, I can’t fucking make you.’ He leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.


  As I walk away, I feel like half a man. My hands are shaking, and my throat feels like it’s closing up, making it harder to breath. All I can do is swallow, trying like fuck to clear the lump in it. I walk right out through the kitchen, ignoring everyone. I can still feel the tension in the room. I want to run. I start stripping my top and unbuttoning my jeans as I stalk to the tree line. I drop my jeans in a heap and go with the change. It takes me immediately, and I let the wolf take over. Not caring. I just want the escape. The thrill, the freedom—I crave it. And right now, in this frame of mind, it’s the best thing for me. I run flat out. I take no time to adjust after the pain of the change. I just take off the second my paws hit the ground. I can hear the rabbits scurrying desperate to get away, but I have no interest. The ground cracks and breaks under me as I rip a path through the forest floor. I run until there are no more trees then I circle back, not slowing down at all.


  As Jared leaves, I collapse in a heap against the door and let my emotions rip. I cry until I have nothing left. Literally. There are no more tears, no sound. Just pain.

  It is time to get off this emotional rollercoaster. I pull myself together and dig around in my bag for my phone. It’s still switched off. Booting it up I think about what I want to say. It beeps immediately with messages, but I ignore them all. Scrolling to Jared’s name I text him in desperation.

  I’m so sorry. I love you. Please come back to me.

  He doesn’t reply. I wash my face in the bathroom, and I wait. Maybe he isn’t going to reply. Maybe he’s done with me this time? About an hour passes, and I decide I’m not getting a reply, so I have to leave. I’m gathering my bag when the door flies open, and Jared walks in like a man on a mission, scooping me up in his arms, his lips find mine in an unforgiving kiss. When he pulls back, he’s shaking, and his eyes are glazed with tears.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Jared.’

  ‘I won’t lose you.’

  His lips crush mine so hard it hurts. His hand fists in my hair as he drops us on the bed. There’s no romance. It’s just raw, aggressive passion driving him. He’s taking ownership, marking his territory, and reaffirming it. I understand. I want that just as much. I want to stake my claim. He’s inside of me quickly-so quick we haven’t even undressed properly. As he pushes himself inside me, balls deep, I bite down on his shoulder to stop my scream. I wasn’t quite ready for him, but it feels so right as he thrusts into me. It’s almost savage, the sense of urgency clear. He isn’t doing this for my pleasure or his own. He’s satisfying a need. A need we both feel. The need to be claimed. This time, I smell his marking scent—so strong it seems to fill my every fibre. Such a beautiful, masculine scent, like nothing I could even compare it too. I don’t know how I missed it the first time. Holding his weight above me with our eyes locked he comes with a roar so loud I’m sure the whole house hears. It’s so intense. He kisses me then, so soft and tenderly, a complete contrast to what has just gone down between us.

  Everything I feel for him is echoed in the way he kisses me, and the look in his eyes. If there was any doubt that he was mine before. It’s quite clear to me now. He is mine. All of him.


  We fall asleep after I fucked her senseless twice more. Brad knocking on the door wakes me up. Luckily for him, Devon doesn’t wake, even when I detangle our bodies. I want to go out to Brad because I don’t want him seeing Devon like this. Only I see that. Mine. Pulling my jeans on, I open the door. He grins as I blink the sleep from my eyes, pushing a hand through my hair. I need a fucking haircut and soon.

  ‘Hey?’ he greets with a shit-eating grin on his face.

  ‘Sup?’ I question since he’s knocking on my door.

  ‘Nothing, man, just wanted to check in an’ shit.’

  ‘Huh? What the fuck do you want?’ He woke me, and he just wanted to ‘check in an’ shit?’ Seriously?

  ‘About earlier man, Kristen is downstairs acting like that shit never went down, and I just wanted to know how you wanna proceed with that? Because although that shit was hot! Like off the fucking charts HOT, I’m guessing you don’t want a repeat? Unless you do? Then I’m all over setting that shit up,’ he said, his grin getting even wider.

  ‘You guessed right first time, dipshit.’ I shove him playfully. ‘Gimme a minute. I’ll sort it.’

  ‘Okay, boss man,’ he says walking down the hall. Fucking boss man. I’ll kick him in the ass next time he says that shit. I close the door to find Devon sitting up in bed, looking all mussed with that just fucked and sated look. It makes my stomach flutter and my dick stand to attention.

  ‘Hey, boss man.’ She smirks.

  ‘Yeah that’s right, remember that,’ I tease, pushing her down and tickling her until she’s out of breath from laughing so hard. It’s so testing having my hands on her body without mounting her like a horny fuckin’ kid. That’s all I want to do. All the fucking time. I get serious though because we needed to talk this shit through. So I sit on the bed and pull her into my lap.

  ‘Look, baby, we need to chat about—’

  ‘Kristen. Yeah, I gathered.’ I flatten my lips and nod. Please let this go fuckin’ smoothly.

  ‘Promise me, Devon, that you won’t fly off the handle? You gonna listen to me?’ She crosses over her heart with her finger and smiles up at me. Cute as fuck. Now or never. ‘Okay, so I told you about the pack and where we come from yeah?’


  ‘So this place.’ I gestured around me. ‘Has been in the pack since before I was born, and it’s used for everyone of university age. We all attend here. We don't go anywhere el

  ‘Why?’ she asks genuinely interested.

  ‘Pack territory, and it’s close to home.’

  She frowns now.

  ‘I get that, but what if you wanted to go somewhere else? Like to live?’

  ‘Well, nomads do that. They float around from place to place but don’t affiliate with a pack. Me, I’m affiliated, so if I were to go to Uni elsewhere, out of our territory, I’d be handed my ass or worse, for being on someone else’s turf.’

  ‘This is so confusing.’

  ‘Okay, lemme get to the point. All of us were sent from our homes in Surrey to come here for however long our degrees take.’ She’s still listening intently, but I haven’t gotten to the crux of the matter yet. And I’m hoping like fuck she sticks around to hear it all. ‘So we have a choice to either come here and study or stay home and get jobs within the local community. I want to get my degree and then earn a living with my own business like I told you.’ She nods and gives me the odd, ‘mmm hmm.’ Okay, so far so good. Here goes.

  ‘We all have to live here, together.’ I’m cringing inside waiting for her to blow. But she doesn’t. Instead, she just sits there. Not saying a word. I try to gauge her mood. Can’t. Shit. Then she stands.

  ‘Just need a sec, okay?’ She beats feet to the bathroom, still gloriously naked. I get up to follow, but she closes the door. FUCK. I hear her bang about a minute and then she growls out a noise. Frustration? Then the door opens, and she has her poker face on again. No sign of emotion. Nothing. Double fuck.

  ‘Carry on,’ she says deadpan. I’m about to, but I bite my tongue. I need to tread carefully here. Really fuckin’ carefully.

  ‘Remember you promised you would listen?’

  She clenches that beautiful jaw and nods as she climbs back into my bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. I could stop this right now and just fuck her back to contentment. I’m a coward when it comes to upsetting her. But I push on.

  ‘You know I’m willing to go anywhere with you?’

  ‘Yes Jared, but you can’t leave everything else—’

  ‘Devon, don’t get all worked up over that again. I’ll see what my father says, but if he doesn’t agree then I have no other option—’


  ‘Devon, listen. It’s irrelevant right now. What I’m trying to explain is that I can’t just send Kristen away.’ Her face is still void of emotion. Her only tell that she is pissed is the slight tick in her jaw as she clamps her teeth down tight. I try for a handhold. No response, so I just grip hers in mine.

  ‘Okay, well, I guess I won’t be staying over anymore then.’ She half smiles, half curls her lip. Great. Fan-fuckin-tastic. No way am I not having my female with me. NO WAY.

  ‘Fuck no, that’s not gonna work for me. I want you here with me.’

  ‘Well I’m not sharing air with her, so while she’s here, I’ll be staying in my room.’ You have got to be shitting me. Now I’m pissed. There’s just no reasoning with this female. I clench my jaw tight so I don’t snap, and take a breath in through my nose and count, one… two … three… while I pace in front of her. At ten, I feel a bit better. This female will be the end of me, I swear.

  ‘Listen—’ That’s as far as I get. She’s on her feet and in my face like she’s about to gimme a beat down. If she wasn’t snarling in my face, I could appreciate her gorgeous body an inch from mine.

  ‘No, you listen, Jared. I’m not going to be that girl. I won’t do it. As much as I want to punch her right now, look at it from her point of view?’ I had, and I felt bad, but she doesn’t know Kristen like I do. She’s a conniving scheming bitch.

  ‘Kristen couldn’t give a flying fuck about me, Devon. She never wanted me. She wanted status in the pack. So don’t feel fuckin’ sorry for her like you’ve come in here and stole her man. It was never like that. She knew where I stood way before you came on the scene, but she stuck with it because of where it would get her.’

  ‘So you’re telling me she hasn’t got feelings for you?’ Would she ever let this fucking go? I snarl in frustration, turn and punch the wall my guts burning up inside. I’m so fuckin’ angry. Why won’t she just listen?

  ‘NO! ALL SHE CARES ABOUT IS THE ALPHA-FUCKING-FEMALE STATUS!’ I snarl back in her face—the sound reverberates around the room. Devon sits back down, covering herself, her lips in a pout, which looks damn sexy, and goes some way to calming my temper. I want to fuck the angry right out of her.

  ‘That make you feel better?’ She motions to the hole in the drywall. I don’t answer. It didn’t, and she knows it. ‘So, she’s power hungry?’ I nod. I don’t want to snap again, so I keep quiet. ‘And she has no feelings for you whatsoever?’ The way she says it makes it quite clear she doesn’t believe that for a fuckin minute. I sigh, frustrated with this whole thing,

  ‘Nope.’ A one-word answer because I’m pissed the fuck off.

  ‘Okay.’ I’m stunned. What the fuck? Did she just concede? Fuck yeah. Progress.

  ‘Okay, what?’ I’m sceptical.

  ‘Okay. I’m not convinced, but okay.’ Fuck me she did, she just conceded. Score to Jared. If I could high five myself, I fucking would.

  ‘So you’ll stay?’ She gets up and heads to the bathroom. Naked. Throwing me a sultry look over her shoulder.

  ‘I didn’t say that,’ she says swaying her hips in a come-hither-and fuck-me fashion. I’m up and through that door like a starved man. I kick my jeans off as I push her up against the shower tiles, hands above her head and kick her feet apart. I wind her hair in a twist and pull her head back, exposing her neck to me. I bite down leaving my mark on her skin. I lap at her, curling my tongue as I work my way around her neck and shoulders, before twisting her head and taking her mouth with mine. I will get my way, and this is how I’ll get it. My free hand roams from her tits to her stomach, hips, and thighs, and she moans as I brush against her clit. I press ever so lightly there and feel her shudder. No. Not yet. Smiling to myself as she squeaks in protest. I’ll teach her to fucking tease me.

  ‘Jared,’ she pleads. I take her mouth again and bend at the knees, pushing my dick under her ass to rest against her slick pussy. All the while unrelentingly fucking her mouth with my tongue. I stimulate her clit with my dick over and over again. She’s making little mewling noises, desperate for me to bring her to climax. But I don’t. I slide inside her, and she groans in relief. I pull right back and pull her ass out further away from the wall. Now she’s bent at the waist, ass in the air and hands holding her up against the wall. Fucking beautiful. Mine. Using her hips as an anchor, I sink in deep till my balls hit her clit. I slam in again and again, but as I feel her walls start to strangle my dick I pull all the way out.

  ‘Jared!’ she shrieks like I’ve slapped her. I chuckle. This is too easy. Any minute now.

  ‘Jared… Please…’

  ‘What do you need, baby?’ I know full well what she wants.

  ‘Fuck me damn it!’ So fucking sexy. Mine.

  I ram myself in to the hilt again, and she quivers under my hands. Pulling out again she makes that mewling sound, and I almost cave. I push back so slowly it nearly kills me.

  ‘You gonna stay with me, baby?’ I ask just as I slide back out. This is torture.

  ‘Yes…. Yes. God, I’ll stay. Please, Jared….’ I fuck her hard and have her crying out my name until she can barely stand. Hook. Line. Sinker. Mine.

  I carry her back to bed and lay with her in my arms, a smile firmly on my face.

  A knock at the door a while later has me up and dressed again. Howard stands on the other side this time.

  ‘Had a call from your dad. He said he’ll be coming up the day after tomorrow. He has some business he needs to settle first. He tried to ring you, but I guess he couldn’t get you on the phone.’ Huh. Strange. Two day’s grace. Guess he’s waiting me out.

  ‘Okay thanks, man, ‘ppreciate that.’ Howard nods in his sullen way before he turns to leave. But stops and looks back to me.
  ‘You coming down for dinner?’

  ‘Yeah, we will do, what time is it?’

  He checks his watch

  ‘Five. Imogen said should be ready in about an hour. Kristen isn’t in. She headed out about a half hour ago.’

  ‘Probably for the best.’

  He agrees and leaves. I sit on the edge of the bed watching Devon sleep. Each breath she takes makes her chest rise and fall, meaning her tits are constantly on the move. Stunning. I watch as her dark nipples, soft from the warmth, rise and fall just slightly with each intake and exhale. I could watch her all day. I can see her heart beat at the pulse in her throat. And her dreams behind the flicker of her eyelids. When she sleeps her fingers twitch like she’s playing an invisible instrument, and her full lips—swollen from my kisses—make a pout. I want to kiss her again as my eyes fall on the mark I’ve left. My mark. And I’ll put them all over her body.

  I wake to my phone buzzing on the carpet, but I don’t want to move,

  ‘Devon, it’s your dad,’ Jared says in a worried tone.

  ‘Shit, I completely forgot to call him back.’ With everything else, it was the last thing on my mind. I had cut my dad off and hadn’t spoken to him since. I threw myself back on the pillow. Jared passed me my phone just as it started to ring again.

  ‘Hey, dad, I’m—’

  ‘Are you okay?’

  I assure him I’m fine and nothing bad had happened to me since he’d called the day before. ‘Don’t you dare do that again, young lady,’ he scolds. ‘I’ve been worried sick by your thoughtlessness.’ Jared gestures for me to calm down and take it on the chin. I blow out a deep breath and bite my tongue, allowing my father to rant. ‘Where are you now. I want to see you.’

  ‘Well, I’m busy just now, Dad, can we make it a little later on?’

  ‘No, we cannot, Devon. I expect you to meet me within the hour. There’s a small Italian restaurant not far from my hotel.’ He went on, giving me all the details, and I reluctantly agreed to meet him there. I showered quickly and started to get my hair sorted. Jared came in and put his arms around my waist, kissing me before he stripped to get in the shower.


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