Forbidden Love (Stone Pack Book 1)

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Forbidden Love (Stone Pack Book 1) Page 19

by Harper Phoenix

  Her eyes widen, and her eyebrows shoot up almost off her fucking forehead.

  ‘Okay, so maybe I don’t always control it so good—but I’m learning okay?’ I smile. And her lips quirk up just a little at the sides, which turns into a full smile as I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into a kiss, which turns into a fumble, and before long I have her under me, my hands under her top and in her bra. I pinch at her nipple, and she groans, pushing her pussy up into my already solid dick. I’m in mid grind when she gasps—not in a good way—and she starts pushing me up off of her.

  ‘Shit, Jared. I’m late for work.’

  Fuuuuuuuuck. I drop my head to her shoulder, disappointment all over my face. But I get up, adjust myself and pull her up by the hand. We walk through the kitchen and as bold as brass, Kristen is sitting there all beat up and swollen. While Devon’s arm is already three-quarters of the way healed she looks like the whole pack took a swing at her. I don’t spare her more than a scathing look as we say our goodbyes and I get Devon into my car. We don’t mention what we just saw. Instead, I keep it light and tell her all about what I plan to do to her when she gets off work later that day. I leave her with a kiss, and I even apologise to her boss, ‘Wade’, about making her late. I give him a good enough description as to why. Just in case the ‘gay’ comment thing was just an excuse. I’m not convinced.

  When we arrive at Jared’s, the drive to the rear of the property is already lined with cars. I look at Jared—he’s gone very still at the wheel. His hands clenched around it. He closes his eyes and rests his head on it.

  ‘My father’s here.’

  Oh shit. Jared looks pale. I’m fairly sure all the blood has drained from my face too. Before we have the chance to get out of the car, Brad comes to the passenger side and raps on my window. I press the button to let it down.

  ‘Hey, Devon.’ He greets me and then he looks right at Jared. ‘Umm so your dad is here, and he’s real pissed, just thought I would warn you before I left.’

  ‘Wait, you’re leaving? Why?’

  ‘Alpha’s orders, man. Sorry, we’re all heading into town for a couple of hours.’

  ‘Should I go too?’ I ask them both and they answer in unison.

  ‘Yes,’ says Brad.

  ‘No,’ says Jared. If Jared doesn’t want me to, I’m not going anywhere.

  ‘Listen, man. I’ve got your back, okay? We all have, and I’ve said my piece. Not sure if it was helpful but I said it anyway. I hope it helps.’ He shrugs his shoulders and gets in his car. The rest of the group come sauntering out of the kitchen then—all except for Kristen. I’m glad not to see her. Jared doesn’t speak for a moment, and when they have all pulled out of the drive, he turns in his seat and grabs my hand.

  ‘This could go really badly, and we’ll have to leave immediately.’

  I don’t know what to say to him. I just nod and listen.

  ‘If we have to leave are you okay with that?’

  I nod again.

  ‘This isn’t about me, Jared. This is your pack—your father—this is about what you want.’

  He starts to protest.

  ‘Jared please, just hear me out? I don’t want to put you in any position where you have to leave your pack, and I don’t want to leave you either. I will do whatever it takes to make this right for you.’

  He smiles then and squeezes my hand in his.

  ‘I love you, baby.’ He leans across and kisses me. A slow, lasting kiss that says he wants to do so much more.

  I take a deep breath and using the same words he did when he met my dad, I say, ‘Let’s do this.’ I’m smiling, but it’s fake. I’m terrified. Jared helps me out of the car, and he walks me to the kitchen door. There are men sitting at the table, none of whom I recognise. And on the end is Kristen. Jared pushes the door open and walks in, his hand tight around mine as he pulls me to his side. He looks at a man at the head of the table, and I can see instantly that he is his father. Jared looks a lot like him, he has his broad build, his strong jaw and the same shape to his nose, his eyes and his smile must come from his mother though because where Jared has piercing green eyes and full lips, his father has blue eyes and thin, cruel-looking lips with a scar running down across them both. He has the same dark hair as his son—although it’s peppered with grey now. I wonder then what his mother had looked like. His father looks at me. I bow my head in respect. Jared doesn’t. I can see Kristen through the corner of my eye. She has a grin on her face. She’s acting like a cat that has got the cream. A bruise is still evident on the side of her face, and her eye is still swollen. Good. I wanted to wipe that stupid grin right off her face. His father catches my attention. Standing, he gives me a smile, which I wasn’t expecting and he holds out his hand for me,

  ‘Harry Stone, and who might you be?’

  I put my hand in his and met his eyes. ‘Devon Hathoway, Mr Stone. It’s nice to meet you.’

  ‘Is it?’ he says looking directly at his son. I pull my hand back and look at Jared also. I feel immediately uncomfortable. He meets his father’s eyes, which terrify me. Mr Stone chuckles. It’s a dark sound. Not a happy chuckle but rather, one of amusement.

  ‘You are not alpha yet, boy. You will do well to remember that.’

  Jared doesn’t avert his eyes though, and the tension in the room thickens with every second that passes. It feels like an hour has passed before Jared speaks.

  ‘Did you forget, in this house, on this land that I am alpha? You gave me that role.’

  ‘That may be the case, but I am still your alpha.’

  Jared nods, saying nothing more. His father gestures for us to sit at the table and Harry sits at the head of the table again. I’m closest to Kristen and opposite me are more men I don’t recognise. They are all big and burly. They remind me a little bit of Howard. The palms of my hands feel slick with sweat. Jared doesn’t let up on his grip, though. I sit awkwardly and look at him. Jared’s gaze is directed at his father. He is waiting for him to speak. It is like a standoff. Had I been in any other situation I would have laughed at the absurdity of it. But it was serious, and what happened next was vital to our relationship and the rest of our lives. I keep my poker face firmly in place.

  ‘So, Jared. I have heard some interesting things about your little bitch here.’

  Jared’s grip goes tighter on my hand, and his legs tense, to move to standing. I grip him hard and let him know I don’t want him to argue over this—he is testing him. The only sound is Kristen, squeaking as she holds in a laugh. Her face has lit up at Mr Stone’s insult. Jared’s father obviously doesn’t get the response he wants because he goes on. ‘I’ve been told some disturbing stories. I’m sure you would like to bring me up to speed on what is correct and what isn’t.’

  He looks to me for an answer, raising his brows.

  ‘Well, that all depends on what you’ve heard, Mr Stone,’ I tell him bluntly, making him chuckle again. A dark, sinister sound that tells me he is going somewhere with this and this is just part of his game.

  ‘Well then, correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe you have your grips into my son?’

  My hackles go straight up. Kristen’s pathetic little trill of laughter grates on me like a blunt saw on wood. Jared starts to answer, but I squeeze his hand, letting him know that I’ve got this.

  ‘If by that you mean I have fallen in love with your son, the answer is yes I have. Why is there a problem with that?’

  He doesn’t chuckle this time. His face becomes very serious, and his neck lengthens as he pushes his face toward me.

  ‘No problem,’ he says shaking his head. That is a relief. I let go of a breath I was unaware of holding. Jared’s hand squeezes so tight on mine I have to check his face for any sign of pain. He just looks angry. ‘The problem is, my son has decided he can love you. It is very evident that he has marked you. Everyone in this room is aware of that. And there lies the problem.’

  Jared stands then. ‘Why?’ He still holds my h
and so my arm is stretched across the distance. ‘I’m going to be with Devon, no matter what. If you cast me out, that’s fine.’ His father’s whole body language changes—he had not expected that. He sighs loudly.

  ‘This is why I never marked any female. Sit down, Jared.’ He flicks his hand out gesturing for him to sit in the seat.

  ‘Jared, I’ve been training you to take my position for some years now. You are a natural alpha. I wished for you to have a good female by your side.’ Jared’s lips went straight and thin, his jaw clenching. I squeeze his hand to help him calm down. ‘I picked out a female for you. I thought that was settled?’ Kristen leans back in her seat, grinning like a fucking Cheshire cat.

  ‘Dad that was never settled, you knew that. I never wanted her, never had any interest in her at all.’ That had to hurt. I peek over, and her grin has faltered. Ha! Bitch.

  ‘That’s not what Kristen tells me?’ He raises his eyebrows at his son. Jared doesn’t answer.

  ‘Tell me. Did you or did you not bed Kristen?’

  Jared blanches, but he remains silent. I inwardly cringe, so thankful that he’d already told me this. ‘DID.YOU.BED.HER.OR.NOT?’ his father demands this time.

  ‘Once,’ Jared bites out. ‘And it was a fucking mistake. I told her that.’

  Mr Stone looks to Kristen then, confusion on his face.

  ‘Kristen? Is this correct?’ she squirms under his gaze but doesn’t speak. ‘KRISTEN’ he growls at her.

  ‘No. He treated me like a mate.’

  I feel sick. The room spins around me. I want to get up and leave, but as my legs tense, Jared holds my hand tight, turning to look at me, his eyes pleading with me. So I remain in my seat and hold my head high. It kills me inside. I want to run. Leave the room at least. I feel like an intruder. I do not want to hear about him with her.

  ‘You lying bitch, Kristen!’ Jared yells at her.

  ‘Explain what Kristen is saying, Jared?’ his father asks calmly. Too calmly.

  ‘I’ve never led her to believe I wanted her as a mate. She’s lying. I slept with her once, when I was drunk, and I told her it was a mistake right after and that it wouldn’t ever happen again. I didn’t treat her badly after that. We have to live here together. I didn’t want any animosity, but I have never treated her like she was my mate. She wasn’t, and never could be.’

  ‘Do you have anything to add to that Kristen?’

  I can’t look at her. Jared scowls her way. She shakes her head. ‘So what Jared is saying is the truth?’ Jared suddenly slams his fist down onto the table making it shudder from the force of it.

  ‘Do you need to ask that question? Do you take her word over mine?’ He rises to his full height, his hands on the table. He stares his father down, anger radiating from him. A small yelp escapes me as he shouts down to his father. I’m worried what’s going to happen next. Jared doesn’t budge his position and his father, although he remains seated, is staring right back at Jared.

  ‘LEAVE US!’ his father demands. Everyone rises in unison. I’m not sure what I should do, Kristen hasn’t moved though, so I’m not going anywhere. ‘You too,’ Mr Stone tells Kristen. She rises then, and I begin to do the same. Jared points without looking back, gesturing for me to sit back down. I hover over my seat, unsure, with my ass in the air. He puts his hand to my shoulder and pushes me back into my seat without a word, then he squeezes it affectionately before letting go.

  ‘Well?’ Jared gives his father the floor. Mr Stone’s lips quirk up slightly as he’s thinking about his answer. It isn’t immediate. Instead, he takes his sweet time deliberating over an answer. It’s almost painful to sit and watch this unfold before me. Jared’s jaw is clenching and unclenching so hard I’m beginning to worry about his teeth. Finally, his father breaks the silence. And although I’m unsure of his answer, I’m so relieved that tension is over. I’m fairly sure I popped a few blood vessels on that wait.

  ‘I am not in any doubt that you are telling me the truth, Jared, but this is not the only matter I wish to address today. If you do not want Kristen as a mate, I can choose another.’

  ‘Come on, we’re leaving.’ Jared turns to me. I make to get up.

  ‘SIT DOWN!’ It’s a command that I feel in the depths of my stomach. A command that I instinctively feel the need to obey—it’s hard not to. But Jared is my alpha—if I have an alpha—not his father. Jared moves with me to the door.

  ‘I’m sorry it’s come to this.’ He looks at his father. ‘But I’m going to be with Devon, with or without your consent. I was hoping you’d be reasonable.’ He opens the door, and I go through first.

  ‘Jared!’ He stops and turns to look at his dad. He has aged in that moment—I can see it in his face, hear it in his voice. He’s lost the battle with his son.

  ‘Let us discuss this.’

  Jared blows out a big breath and looks to me,

  ‘I’m with you no matter what,’ I whisper. He takes us back to the table and pulls out my seat for me.

  ‘Jared, I do not want to lose you as my alpha heir, or as my son, but this is a very difficult situation you have put us in.’ Jared frowns, confusion all over his face. But I know what is coming. He knows. All this song and dance about Kristen wasn’t important. It wasn’t the issue at all. I was. He knows what I am. But how?

  ‘Being the alpha heir is as good as having royal blood running through your veins, and you want to mate with her?’ He spits the last word out as if it is something disgusting. Jared growls deeply. It’s so loud the men on the other side of the door come in to see if their alpha is in trouble. He waves them off. Jared doesn’t loosen up. He is so angry. And fuck me if I don’t want to crawl up onto his cock right there, and ride him like a rodeo bull. Angry Jared is so HOT when he isn’t mad with me. Jesus H Christ, Devon. Brain in the game. I squirm in my seat, a tad worried that my sudden arousal will be in the air.

  ‘Jared, I understand you have feelings for the girl. I am not suggesting you send her away. Keep her, but you must mate with someone of true bloodline.’

  Jared scoffs. He is visibly shaking, his anger undulating.

  ‘I can keep her?’ he bites out through clenched teeth, ‘What, like a sex slave? As long as I make little alpha babies with someone else?’

  ‘Exactly.’ His dad sounds pleased like Jared has finally realised and is on board with the idea.

  ‘GO.FUCK.YOURSELF!’ Jared marches us out of the room and straight to his car.

  He can’t start it at first—he’s so angry. He hammers on the steering wheel in temper while cussing everything and anything. Then he takes a deep calming breath and tries again. It roars to life. He drives us straight to a bar in the town. He doesn’t say a word all the way there. He’s way too angry to form words. So I just sit beside him and let him take us away. He parks in the lot at the rear of the bar.

  ‘Do you want to stay in the car?’

  No, I didn’t. I wanted to go with him. I answer by simply getting out. He takes my hand, and he walks us fast and with purpose. As he pushes the door open, I catch the scents of his friends—his pack mates. The bar is not as quaint as others I’ve been in—this is more modern with more than one pool table and fruit machines line the back wall. The bar is a circle in the middle of the room. Jared walks us over to his friends who are playing pool at the back, near the fruit machines. And as I smile at Zoe everything seems to happen in slow motion. Yet it’s so fast that no one can do a thing to stop it.

  Jared flies over the pool table where Howard is taking a shot. He jumps back, noticing Jared at the last second. Jared’s fist crunches against Howard’s jaw and blood splashes up and all over them both. Jared hits him three times in total before he stops. No one moves in to stop him or to help Howard. They all just stand watching. I go to Jared’s side and try to pull him to me. I don’t know what the hell had just happened or why. He shrugs my arm off him and grabs Howard by the scruff.

  ‘Why? Why did you tell him?’ Jared asks him. Almost pleading
with him. He is hurt, it’s obvious.

  ‘I swear I didn’t tell him.’

  ‘Then who did you tell?’ he demands. Howard replies on a small whisper, almost incoherent.

  ‘Kristen overheard us talking.’

  It all fell into place then. Jared had obviously confided in Howard, his best friend, about me and what I was. Jared had assumed he’d told Mr Stone.

  The security guy comes over, Brad and Logan are holding him off and telling him they had it all under control. The guy clearly isn’t happy, but he lets it go. Just as well, the mood Jared is in, I don’t fancy his chances. It isn’t long before we are back in the car. Brad comes after us.

  ‘If you’re leaving the pack, I want the option to follow you, man.’

  Jared nods.

  ‘When we get sorted, you’ll be the first to know.’ He smiles then for the first time in hours. As we pull away, I wave at Brad, then watch as Jared’s face changes from slightly relaxed to majorly tense in a second. He stops around the corner, pulling into another parking space.

  ‘I don’t know where to go from here, Devon?’

  I know he isn’t talking about right this minute but about life as a whole. He doesn’t know what to do next.

  ‘How about we check into a hotel tonight and go from there?’

  His answer is to lean over and kiss me.

  ‘Sounds like a good plan to me.’

  We checked in at a swanky hotel. Jared refuses any money from me and pays for it in full. The first thing I do is run the huge bath and strip off. I shout Jared in. His eyes widen as he comes through the door, and that smile I love so much is spread across his face. I pull his top up and over his head—my hands greedily taking in all the ripples of his torso, as I move down to unbutton his pants. I slip my hands in, around the waistband, and push them down over his ass, leaving only his boxers. I stand back long enough to take in the view before I push them down too. He steps out of them and lifts me effortlessly into the tub before getting in behind me. He puts his legs on either side of mine, and I lay back against his chest with his arms wrapped around me. The warm water and bubbles slosh around us. It’s heaven. We don’t speak about anything that has happened—just savour the time together.


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