Caribbean Escape with the Tycoon

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Caribbean Escape with the Tycoon Page 9

by Rosanna Battigelli

  From her platform, strapped into her safety harness, Chanelle scanned the view around her with a fluttering in her stomach that continued downward into her legs. The sky was a calm blue with the occasional fluffy cloud drifting nonchalantly by. The sea below was a deeper blue and not as calm, the froth of whitecaps disappearing and reappearing with every undulation. Lined against the side of the ship was a series of lifeboats. Chanelle breathed in and out slowly, hoping she wouldn’t hyperventilate.

  What on earth had made her agree to this?

  Her gaze shifted to the colorful system of thick rungs that resembled a giant crocheted doily suspended above the ice rink. Each stretch of ladder led to a post with a circular platform where you stopped and gathered your courage before attempting the next rope ladder. Some ladders were horizontal, some slightly vertical, with vertical ropes suspended on either side.

  Chanelle held her breath as Vance took his first step. She watched the rope ladder swing with his every movement, and she gasped when his foot seemed to be slipping. And then Vance gingerly made his way across the next half dozen rungs before stepping onto the circular platform and turning around to give her a thumbs-up sign.

  Chanelle looked above to the metal track into which her safety rope was inserted, so she could glide along as she maneuvered the swinging steps. She could either cling to this rope, which was attached to her body harness, or grasp the cord dangling on either side of her to help her keep her balance.

  Why am I doing this? she asked herself again. Vance had encouraged her to conquer her fear, put her trust in the trust him.

  Perhaps she did have trust issues, as he had suggested. Maybe deep down she was afraid that history would repeat itself when it came to men, and that whoever came into her life would eventually abandon her... Maybe she was afraid of letting go of her job and trying something new. Maybe she was afraid of letting go of the HSP safety net that kept her cautious and protected.

  But maybe it also kept her from experiencing life fully. When had she last felt adrenaline pumping in her veins like right now? Yes, she was afraid, about to step out onto the rope ladder, but she felt an exhilaration at the thought of doing it anyway. She looked across at Vance, who nodded at her with a confident smile and gave her another thumbs-up.

  With her heart clanging against her ribs, Chanelle clasped the vertical ropes on either side of her and planted her foot on the first rung. The view below her made her knees tremble. She forced herself to focus on the rung, and gripping the ropes even harder, she put her left foot forward.

  The sway of the ladder made her give a yelp. There was no way she could continue...

  “You can do it, Chanelle.”

  Vance’s calm voice reached her, and her head snapped up to look at him. His expression was just as calm, as if he knew that that was what she needed instead of a loud exhortation or cheer.

  She had to believe that the harness wouldn’t let go, that she wouldn’t plummet to the ice rink. Trust me, Vance had said.

  With whatever ounce of courage that still remained in her, Chanelle wobbled across the ladder and stepped up on the platform and into Vance’s arms.

  * * *

  Vance tightened his arms around her. “I knew you could do it,” he murmured close to her ear. Chest to chest, the heightened pumping of his heart—and hers—made him wish they were alone somewhere so he could savor the sensation that was flooding him.

  He felt something primal, instinctive...a desire to protect this woman who had been brave enough to go against her own natural instincts and put her trust in the universe. In him. And the way she was clinging to him made him wonder if she could sense his feelings.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the attendant waiting for him and Chanelle to proceed before allowing the next guest to take a step forward. There were still plenty of ladders and bridges to navigate. They had to move on.

  “Okay, Chanelle, one step at a time. Ready?”

  She looked up at him, and his heart swelled at the look in the misty green depths of her eyes. This was not going to be easy for him, either. He would rather be in the pool than up in the air. Taking a deep breath, he released his arms around Chanelle and grasped the vertical ropes. “I’ll be waiting for you,” he told her huskily before stepping forward.

  With open arms.

  * * *

  “My legs feel wobbly,” Chanelle said as they left the Sky Promenade. “In fact, I feel wobbly all over...”

  Vance nodded. “Join the club. It’s the adrenaline rush.” He put his hand under her elbow. “How about we sit down for a few minutes with a nice refreshing drink?”

  “No alcohol for me,” Chanelle protested. “That would finish me off. You’d have to carry me the rest of the way.”

  “I meant something fruity. Like a tall, cool glass of freshly squeezed lemonade. Or a mango-peach power drink. And by the way, Chanelle,” he added with a grin, “my knees are wobbly, too, but not too wobbly to carry a Sagittarius warrior.” He raised a hand to give her a high five. “You killed it up there.”

  She lifted her chin. “I did, didn’t I?” She gave a little laugh. “So yes, I’ll let you buy me a drink. Mango-peach sounds yummy.”

  “Mmm. I don’t recall offering to foot the bill. But since I’m such a chivalrous guy, I’ll do the chivalrous thing. This time.”

  “Thank you, Sir Vancelot.” She beamed at him. “And by the killed it up there, too!”


  CHANELLE WANTED SOMETHING a little more dressy for Canada Night. The captain of Aquarius and some of the senior officers and staff would be greeting guests on Deck Five from eight to nine, and those who wished could have their professional photo taken with the captain during the last half hour. Not that she was interested in a photo...

  Stop kidding yourself, an inner voice taunted. You may not be interested in meeting the captain of Aquarius or getting a photo, but there will most certainly be a certain Vance Kingston there to impress...

  Did she want to impress him?

  Maybe, a small voice admitted.

  Something had happened between them up on the Sky Promenade. She wasn’t sure if it was the moment when she had looked across at him on the circular platform, and he had nodded for her to proceed, his eyes as calm and blue as the sky above them. Or when she had made it across the first ladder and had literally sunk into his arms. All she could hear against his chest was his heartbeat along with hers.

  She had accomplished a feat she had never thought herself capable of. And she would have never done it without Vance’s encouragement. Every step of the way. His arms around her had given her such a wondrous feeling of support.

  Or maybe something more...

  She felt excited about the evening ahead. She was here on a cruise, and she intended to enjoy as much of it as she could.

  Chanelle sifted through her dresses in the closet for something that might go with the Canada Night theme. She stopped when she came to a white cotton dress with splashes of red poppies. Well, they were as close as she could get to the red maple leaf on the Canadian flag. The dress was sleeveless, with a fitted bodice, snazzy red belt and skirt that flared from the waist, reaching to above her knees. And her new ruby earrings matched perfectly. As Chanelle swirled to look at herself in the mirror, she felt like a different person. A carefree, much younger person, without the preoccupations that had clung to her while at work.

  Chanelle took a deep breath. She hadn’t made much time to go out in the evenings when she had been working. She had usually come home late, exhausted, with thoughts only of getting into a shower and pajamas. Had Parker ever even seen her dressed up like this?

  The thought of Parker vanished as quickly as it had come. All she could picture in her mind was the expression she hoped to see on Vance’s face when he caught sight of her in this gorgeous dress... She swirled around,
loving how the skirt swirled with her. The words of her horoscope came back to her:

  Your inner world is transitioning and spinning you to a higher consciousness.

  She smiled at herself in the mirror. She was spinning, all right.

  And she liked how it felt.

  Chanelle chose a black purse that matched the black centers of the poppies, slipped on black high-heeled sandals and headed to the Galaxy Café. She looked forward to enjoying some of the featured dishes—like Digby scallops and other maritime delights—and then she’d make her way to Deck Five.

  The place was bustling. As Chanelle looked around for an empty table and didn’t see one, she regretted not arriving earlier. Pursing her lips, she considered leaving and trying one of the other dining spots but was blocked by a passing group.

  “That’s the nice young lady who helped me today,” a voice came out of nowhere. “Invite her over, Vance. There’s an empty spot at our table.”

  Through the shifting throng, Chanelle turned and caught sight of Mrs. Kingston, who was smiling directly at her while nudging Vance gently on the arm. Vance’s sister and nephew were staring at Chanelle openly, and as Chanelle met Vance’s enigmatic gaze, she felt a flush travel up her neck to her cheeks, which she was sure were now as red as the poppies.

  “That’s the lady who tried to rescue me,” Adrien cried, pointing directly at Chanelle.

  Chanelle wished there was a way of rescuing herself. She hadn’t expected to meet Vance’s family, let alone dine with them. Now she had no choice but to wait for Vance to approach. A few moments later, the group had moved on and Vance was striding toward her. Before her eyes met his, Chanelle just managed to scan gray straight-leg trousers that fit impeccably and a baby-blue fitted shirt and a Canadian-themed tie with alternating rows of loons and maple leaves. Under other circumstances, she might have joked about it.

  “The Archer—slash—good fairy strikes again,” he said, a glint in his blue eyes.

  “It happens when I least expect it,” she replied, unable to keep a note of defensiveness from creeping into her voice.

  Her pulse spiked when Vance cupped her elbow to direct her toward his table. “I believe you’ve met everyone in my family but haven’t been properly introduced to my mother. Chanelle Robinson, Elizabeth Kingston.”

  “Nice to see you again, Mrs. Kingston.” Chanelle noticed that they had started on their meal, but Vance’s spot was empty. “I’m sorry to disturb your dinner.”

  “Please call me Betty.” The older woman smiled as they shook hands. “And it’s not a disturbance. Is this your first cruise, Chanelle?”

  Chanelle nodded.

  “And you’re traveling alone?”

  She nodded again, feeling a prickling sensation at the back of her neck. It happened whenever she became anxious, and right now she was very apprehensive about being questioned about her personal life. If there was anything she was highly sensitive about, it was either about work or that.

  “That’s very adventurous of you. Well, since you were so kind to help me today, Chanelle, I’m sure Vance here will be happy to help you in any way during the cruise. Right, son?”

  Chanelle groaned inwardly. She was afraid to look at Vance. He must be feeling even more cornered than her.

  “It would pleasure,” he drawled. He grinned as Adrien took a huge bite of a butter tart. “Would you care to join me for dinner, Chanelle? My family started without me, as I was at a meeting. They’ll be leaving shortly and I’ll be all by myself.” His eyes glinted at her expectantly.

  Chanelle’s heart flipped. “,” she said and, nodding to the group, she strode toward the nearest buffet, her nerve endings tingling knowing that Vance was right behind her.

  When they returned to the table, Vance’s family was ready to leave. “Goodbye, Chanelle,” Betty said. “We’ll be heading to Deck Five for the captain’s event. Perhaps we’ll see you there?”

  “Perhaps.” Chanelle didn’t want to commit; this encounter had already made her feel somewhat overwhelmed. She smiled her goodbyes and tried to focus on enjoying the famous scallops from off the Nova Scotia coast while Vance dug into his tourtière and poutine. She glanced at him as he was licking a dribble of the cheesy gravy before it slid down to his chin, and the split second that he caught her gaze, she felt her insides quiver. He ran his tongue over his lips and then flashed her a grin. “Je m’excuse,” he apologized. “I adore Quebecois cuisine, and it adores my face.” He slid his empty plate away and reached for the dessert plate. “And now for the pièce de résistance...”

  * * *

  Vance bit into his butter tart. It was sweet, but not as sweet as the woman sitting across from him, munching delicately on the lacy cookie she had chosen. Her auburn hair was gleaming in the sun that streamed through the window, and with the stunning dress she had chosen, she could easily be the subject of a painting.

  Vance was convinced now that fate was deliberately making them cross paths.

  It was impossible not to notice someone as beautiful as Chanelle. But being with her again, something deep inside him was telling him it was more than just her looks that was drawing his attention. It was her actions, whether it was the way she had sprung up for Adrien or how she had readily helped his mother.

  He was seeing glimpses of her highly sensitive qualities, he realized. And he liked them just as much as her physical qualities...

  They hadn’t exchanged much conversation over dinner. She had seemed very pensive, and he hadn’t wanted to disrupt her thoughts. As he bit into his second butter tart, a drop of syrup began to slide down one corner of his mouth. He saw Chanelle’s mouth twitch and he laughed. “I told you, French Canadian food and I have this mutual attraction...”

  Vance wiped his mouth with a napkin. Chanelle was gazing at him enigmatically, and he felt something shift inside his chest. He wanted to reach out and squeeze her hands and impulsively tell her that sharing her company had been another treat for him, and that he had also enjoyed their time together in the Sky Promenade and afterward at the fruit bar.

  It was crazy, but despite his intention earlier to not seek her out, Vance suddenly wished he could take hold of Chanelle’s hands and get her out of that chair and into his arms. Right or wrong, he wanted to taste her lips, and trail kisses down her neck to that lovely spot at the base of her neck where her pulse was softly beating.

  His eyes burned with longing as he held her gaze, and a flicker in Chanelle’s green hazel depths made him wonder if she could possibly be feeling the same way...


  CHANELLE DIDN’T KNOW if she should feel relieved or upset at the sudden appearance of a waiter with a jug of water to refill their glasses. For a moment there had been something in Vance’s expression that had made her want to catch her breath. But when she transferred her gaze from the waiter back to Vance, whatever she had seen—or imagined—was gone.

  He rose and asked her if she would be going to the captain’s event. Unsure if he was leading up to asking her to accompany him, or if he was just being polite, Chanelle hesitated. Maybe that look in his eyes had just been a figment of her imagination. Like a mirage for a desert traveler seeking water...

  So what had she been seeking? An indication that Vance Kingston—a seasoned playboy—had feelings for her? Feelings that went beyond a physical attraction?

  You’re delusional, her inner voice mocked. Do you actually think this Zodiac magnate would be interested in you in that way? Wake up and smell the sea air, honey.

  She saw Vance glance at his watch.

  He was obviously anxious to get back to his family.

  She stood up. “I think I’ll just go back to my stateroom,” she told him. “I’ve developed a bit of a headache, and if I rest awhile, it may not develop into a migraine.”

  Vance frowned. “Do you suffer from migraines ofte

  “When I’ve been under a lot of stress, or if when the barometric pressure changes. Usually before my head starts pounding, I get a warning, an aura.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

  “Auras can vary. For me, it’s a zigzag that flashes in my eye, making it hard to focus,” she said. “So if I’m looking at you, I don’t see you the way you are. I see you like a Picasso painting...”

  “Wow, I had no idea,” he said. He peered at her closely, as he were expecting to see an aura develop right then and there. “Will you be okay to go back to your stateroom alone?”

  “My vision is fine at the moment,” Chanelle said drily. “Your features are perfectly in place.”

  And perfect, she added silently.

  “If you do end up with a migraine, please don’t hesitate to dial the medical facility. And if you want to de-stress, you might want to consider a spa treatment while you’re here.”

  “Thanks. I’d better go. I’m keeping you from the captain’s event,” she said lightly.

  “Not at all,” he murmured. “Take care of yourself, Chanelle. And if you do feel better, I hope you consider coming back to the event.”

  She nodded and started to walk away. Of course she would take care of herself. But she had no intention of going to the captain’s event with Vance. Even though she had seen something in his eyes moments earlier that had ignited a spark of excitement in her veins...

  No, she tried to convince herself as she entered her stateroom and plopped down on the edge of her bed, she had only imagined something in Vance’s eyes.

  Chanelle caught sight of herself in mirrored panels on either side of the television unit. Her cheeks didn’t need blush; they never had. They were quite rosy right now, a telltale sign of the anxiety caused by her ambivalent inner voices: Vance Kingston is interested in you. There is no way Vance Kingston is interested in you.


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