The Wicked Horse Boxed Set (The Wicked Horse Series)

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The Wicked Horse Boxed Set (The Wicked Horse Series) Page 21

by Sawyer Bennett

  I can’t help the lovesick sigh that comes out, but Woolf silences it with a kiss.

  A soft kiss, and then deeper.

  And deeper.

  And I fall all the way into him it’s so deep.

  When he lifts his lips from mine, he says, “I’m aching so bad to be inside you right now, but I think we need to go clear some things up with your father.”

  “It’s getting kind of late,” I point out.

  “This is kind of important,” he says simply.

  And yeah… this is kind of important.

  Chapter 23


  Thank fuck Callie’s father was in residence this weekend, otherwise, I would have put her in my Range Rover and we would have driven through the night to the Governor’s Mansion in Cheyenne. I want to hurry up and get this done… get Reggie back on board with me now that I’ve given up The Wicked Horse. I need him to see that I’m good for his daughter, and then once that’s done, I’m taking her back to my house and I’m going to spend all weekend making up for a whole lot of fucking we’ve been missing out on.

  Goddamn, my heart almost hurts it’s so full right now as I watch Callie unlock her front door and look over her shoulder at me with a wink. I can’t help myself… I grab her face and pull her in for a swift kiss.

  “I love you,” I murmur against her mouth. “So don’t let your dad shoot me, okay?”

  She giggles and kisses me. “I love you, too. And I’ve got your back.”

  Callie takes my hand and leads me toward her father’s den. She assured me he’d probably be up watching basketball and as we get closer, I can see the blue flicker of light through the doorway.

  She squeezes my hand in unification as we walk through the door.

  Reggie’s lying on the big leather couch against one wall and sees Callie first. A bright smile lights his face up, and then he sees me. His eyes cut down to us holding hands, and he flies up off the couch and bolts toward his shotgun case mounted on the opposite wall. Callie reacts faster than I do, releasing my hand and darting to intercept her father. She makes it there way before he does and stands in front of the case, her hands on her hips in a defiant stance.

  “You are not shooting him,” Callie says.

  “I am,” he growls at her.

  “You’ll go to jail. Leave this poor state to your gubernatorial opponent,” she says with a taunt.

  “Okay,” he says with a glare of malice shot my way before he turns to stalk to his desk. “I won’t shoot him, but he has ten seconds to get out of this house or I’m calling the police.”

  “Then I’m going with him,” Callie says, and I didn’t think my heart could melt any further for this woman. “And I won’t come back.”

  Reggie’s hand freezes above the phone, and he looks at Callie with his mouth hanging open. “What?”

  “I love him,” she says simply, and I feel the need to interject.

  “I love her too,” I say before shooting Callie a wink. She smiles at me with mega wattage and turns back to her dad.

  “Daddy… just sit down and listen, okay?”

  Reggie’s eyes cut back and forth between his daughter and me, before he scrubs his hands over his face and sinks down into the chair behind his desk. He looks at Callie in defeat and raises his eyebrows in expectation at her.

  “He sold The Wicked Horse,” Callie says without preamble. “It was his dream, and he gave it up so he could be with me. He gave it up so my reputation and yours could stay pristine.”

  Reggie cuts his eyes to me, but he quickly looks back at Callie. “But he took you to that club—”

  Callie holds her hand up. “I’m a grown woman and it’s none of your business what I do in my private life, but just so you get the idea out of your head that Woolf somehow tarnished me, I asked to go to that club and he refused at first. I kept after him so if you want someone to blame, you lay that on my doorstep.”

  “Oh, Christ,” Reggie grumbles and rubs at his face again. “I’m getting too old for this shit.”

  “Reggie,” I say as I walk across the room to Callie. I take her hand and pull her into my side. “Put the club aside for a moment. You know me… have known me my entire life. I would never do anything to hurt Callie or put you at risk. I love her and I gave up a lot to have her, so I’m not letting her go. You need to find a way to deal with me being in her life.”

  He doesn’t acknowledge me for a moment, staring down at his hands, which are clasped tightly in his lap. Finally, he lets out a sigh and pushes up out of the chair. His gaze comes to Callie and his face is unreadable, but then he opens his arms and she pulls away from me to step into them. Father and daughter hug in silence, and she accepts his reluctant approval so he doesn’t lose her.

  When Reggie lets her go, he turns to me and sticks out his hand. “You’re right… I do know you, Woolf, and it takes a big man to have given up something important for love. You better take care of my girl.”

  I shake his hand. “I will. I promise.”

  We break apart and he turns back toward his couch, but then he pauses and turns to look at Callie and me. “And do me a favor… no more talk of sex. Your old man can’t handle it.”

  Callie laughs and takes my hand. “Promise. Now… I’m going to Woolf’s house to um… well, we’re going to…”

  “Watch a movie,” I say lamely.

  “Yeah, watch a movie,” Callie says as she pulls me out the door, and then yells over her shoulder, “Night, Daddy.”


  “F-u-u-u-u-c-k,” I groan as I drive deep and then roll my hips against Callie. “That feels good.”

  She whimpers and gasps, but that’s about all she’s been able to do since I contorted her into this position. Not even sure how I got her there, but she’s half on her back, half on her side, with one leg laying straight along the mattress. I’m straddling that leg, and have her other leg pulled up and angled across my chest, so I can drive into her almost like two pairs of scissors mating.

  And Christ… I want to mate with this woman.

  Over and over and over again. I want to fill her up with my cock and my semen and never let her out of this bed. Hell, maybe I’ll keep her barefoot and pregnant. The thought of Callie pregnant is a fucking turn on for some reason, and I’m amazed at how fast my brain seems to be leaping forward in what is a very new relationship. Hell, we just exchanged words of love for the first time not five hours ago, and I’m already trying to knock her up.

  I’m such a caveman, just like she said.

  “Woolf,” Callie moans as I hit into her deep again.

  “Yeah, baby,” I murmur as I rock my hips against her.

  “Will this be enough for you?”

  I stop… right in mid-thrust, and look down at her in surprise. Her cheeks are flushed, her neck is red because I already made her come twice during this go round, but I see a whole lot of uncertainty in her eyes.

  I drop her leg down, let her roll fully to her back, and push my cock in deep so I can come to rest in between her legs. Putting my elbows on the mattress, I bring my face close in to hers. “Why would you ask that?”

  “Because I’m afraid this won’t be exciting enough for you.” Her gaze cuts away from me in embarrassment.

  “Hey,” I say softly, and she looks back at me. “Let me ask you something… did you like what we did with Bridger that night?”

  Her face gets even redder, but she nods hesitantly.

  “Would you do it again if I asked you to… minus the crowd watching, because that definitely cannot happen again?”

  “Would you want me to?” she asks shyly.

  I think about it a moment. There is no doubt there were some moments of that experience that were so erotic, I thought I’d die from the intensity of it. But I also had issues with it. I was jealous when Bridger was inside her, but do I still feel that way? Back then, I’m not sure love was involved. Care and tender feelings, definitely, but not this all-consuming love I feel for her now.r />
  Which you would think would make me more jealous, but I actually think it makes me more secure. Knowing how she feels about me.

  “I don’t know how I feel about it,” I tell her honestly. “I could never let another man touch you. Bridger would be the only one I’d ever trust, and that’s only because sex is just an act to him. There’s no intimacy.”

  “He’s safe,” she guesses.

  “Yeah… I don’t feel threatened by him.”

  “Just so we’re clear though,” she says saucily. “I’m never sharing you with another woman. I will go batshit crazy if one ever touched you.”

  I laugh and then pull my cock out, slamming it back in. “I can live with that.”

  Her eyes flutter shut, and she grips me tight.

  Fuck… that feels so good. It’s never felt this good.

  “To answer your question,” I say as I pull out. I push back in slowly, relishing her tiny moan. “I can do without it though. You’re enough excitement for me. Always.”

  Relief shines in her eyes, but she licks at her lips before saying. “But… um… I’d be up for us to try some kinky stuff.”

  I give a husky laugh and start thrusting in and out of her again. “Of course you would.”



  I follow Woolf out of his office.

  No… correction… that would now just be Bridger’s office.

  I cannot fucking believe Woolf sold out completely to Bridger. I mean… he seemed so invested in this club, and not just monetarily. As head of security and a longtime friend of Woolf and Bridger’s, they wanted me to be the first to know. They apparently signed the purchase documents last week but had to get some other things in order before they wanted to announce it to everyone else. I got the news first, but they’re going to have a staff meeting tomorrow to let everyone else know, and I suppose some type of email would go out to the sex club patrons.

  Just… damn.

  Woolf Jennings went all legit and vanilla on us.

  I watch as he walks over to the bar where he slips his arm around the waist of Callie Hayes. There’s no shame in admitting it… they make a gorgeous fucking couple. I’ve known Woolf a long time. I’ve seen him at what I’ve thought has been his pinnacle of happiness when we opened the doors to The Wicked Horse, but fuck… looking at him right now. The way he looks at Callie with such unfettered love and reverence actually makes my chest constrict a bit with overt happiness for my friend. It’s at this moment that I realize he’s doing the absolute right thing.

  I smile to myself because ever since I caught Woolf fucking her outside The Silo that night and watched how he tried to protect her so I couldn’t see… well, I just knew then he was a goner. And you know what? Good for him. Everyone deserves a chance at love, I suppose.

  I mean… if that’s your thing.

  Woolf catches my gaze and lifts his chin up to me in acknowledgment. I give him another congratulatory smile and watch as he takes Callie by the hand and leads her out of the club. I expect the only time I’ll be seeing him now is on the days that I work out at the Double J. I’ve been working there on and off since high school as it’s a good way to make some extra cash and while Woolf—I mean Bridger, now—pays me well, I’m on a mission to become debt free as quickly as possible. That means I work my ass off and live frugally, because I can’t stand being constricted by financial obligations.

  Making my way out into the main nightclub, my eyes do a quick sweep around. I have between four to six security men on duty each night to keep everything under control and running smoothly. There’s no mistaking them in their black BDUs and form-fitting black t-shirts with The Wicked Horse logo on the front and the word SECURITY on the back. I want them to be obvious to the crowd so they know I don’t fuck around when it comes to the safety of the patrons here and that I don’t tolerate any shit on my watch.

  I’ve got my black BDUs on tonight too along with my combat boots—product leftover from my days in the Marine Corps. Instead of my Wicked Horse security shirt though, I’m wearing a long-sleeve, black athletic shirt that fits my skin like a second glove because my job tonight is a little different than the normal security oversight I provide.

  As I walk through the club to the front door, I continually scan my eyes back and forth. Old habits—those where I’m waiting for an ambush by Taliban insurgents while sweeping the Zabul Province of Afghanistan—die hard, and I suppose that will never go away.

  Except, my eyes slam in an abrupt halt on her.

  This is the third night in a row she’s come in, and I don’t necessarily like how she rattles my focus at work.

  I wish I could tell you what it was about her that caught my attention, and I’m ashamed that I can’t. It’s a blow to my ego that my intuition and street smarts are failing.

  She’s pretty, for sure.

  Not gorgeous, but really pretty. Wavy, blonde hair that comes down halfway in between her chin and shoulders and bright blue, baby doll eyes. On the petite side, but with plenty of curves. This, I’ve noticed, when she dances with her three girlfriends who she comes in with.

  She only dances with those girls. She’s turned down every man who’s come up to ask her to dance. I’m also ashamed I noticed this because I have better uses of my time than watching a pretty girl get hit on in a bar.

  I suppose the reason she caught my eye is because it seems she’s been trying to catch it. While she sits at a table, talking and laughing with her friends, her gaze will roam around The Wicked Horse. She’ll watch the dancers or the band if we have one going. She’ll sometimes focus in on other tables of people, but she never rests her gaze in one place very long.

  Except when it lands on me. Then she’ll hold my stare if I just happen to be watching her, which is often, and sometimes she doesn’t look away for an almost unbearably long time. She’s always the one who breaks eye contact though, and it’s always with a wistful smile.

  She’s never approached me though, even though women do that all the time despite the scary-as-fuck scar that slashes across my face and the menacing glare I seem to give off most of the time. It’s true… I’ve been hit on more times than I could ever hope to remember, and I’d be lying if I didn’t say this job wasn’t without perks. While I’d never leave my post while on duty, I’ve taken plenty of those women home and fucked them after work hours.

  Hell, sometimes, I’ve just taken them up against the side of the building after I’ve got everything locked up.

  My security team always shakes their heads with amusement at the amount of female attention I get, and I assure them it’s not because of my charm or good looks, but rather the rumor floating around—which just happens to be true—that I’ve got a massive cock and I’m a god in the bedroom with it.

  They all tell me to fuck off when I point that out to them. Jealous pricks.

  I’ve never approached the blonde woman; although I get the sense she wants me to. Again, when I’m working, I’m working. I don’t have time for flirting or fucking. But maybe I should come in on my next night off and possibly talk to her. Try to figure out what’s going on underneath those pretty pale curls because she fascinates me. While I get hit on all the time, women have a hard time holding my gaze the way this one does. They’re content to stare at my feet while they try to flirt because my eyes are sometimes too cold and my scar is too angry looking.

  But not this woman. She looks me dead in the eye, and it is a fucking turn on as much as it is a mind fuck to me.

  I think she senses my gaze, because hers slides away from one of the girls at her table who seems to be telling quite an animated story, and she locks irises with me. We engage in the same staring war for only a moment, but I’m the one who has to look away this time as I reach the front door of The Wicked Horse. Things to do… people to see.

  I nod at Peter, one of the security detail who opens the door for me, and step out into a warm July Wyoming night.


  I look in
side the glass panes of the back door and the living room is empty. People are so stupid sometimes when it comes to their safety.

  First, they have their porch light off and with my black clothing, I blend well into the night. Second, they have flimsy glass panes that would be easy for me to break and unlock the door with a quick flick of my wrist.

  Morons. Haven’t you ever heard of double dead bolts?

  But what I find to be more insanely stupid is the fact that these idiots left the back door unlocked.

  Turning the knob, I sneak stealthily inside.

  I can hear noise from the bedroom down the short hall… late evening news. The harsh quality of blue, flickering light into the hallway tells me the occupants are in bed with the lights off.

  Possibly asleep.

  So fucking easy.

  I hold the gun in my hand down at my side as I sidestep quietly down the hall. These new construction homes are solidly built and not a floorboard creaks. Just before I reach the door, I pull the black knit mask down over my face, assured that the holes cut out for my eyes and mouth will not reveal my identity.

  I take a deep breath.

  And then step into the bedroom.

  Husband and wife, laying side by side on the bed, watching TV. Mid-forties I suppose. The guy has a bit of a belly on him, but the woman isn’t too bad on the eyes. Dark brown hair cut into a bob and long legs pouring out from a silky, pink nightgown that barely covers what I’m betting are matching panties.

  I’m a sucker for lingerie and I start to get hard.

  Raising my gun, I hold it sideways in a gangster sort of pose, which is not the way you should ever handle a gun. I just find the sideways tilt is more menacing and lets them know I mean business.

  The woman sees me first and a tiny scream pops out of her mouth. The man comes flying up out of the bed, only wearing a pair of white boxers, and stops the minute I swing the gun toward him. His hands come up in an immediate pose of surrender.

  “Turn the light on,” I rasp out to the man. He reaches a shaky hand back and flips on the bedside lamp, coating the room in a soft glow.


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