Final Sharp Turn (Sharp Turn Saga #3)

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Final Sharp Turn (Sharp Turn Saga #3) Page 2

by Faye Byrd

  He pulls his phone from his pocket and starts going through the contacts. “Before I didn’t have much information to share with Investigator Masters, but now I can pinpoint a specific nurse. He should be interested,” he says, holding up a finger as he steps away to make a call.

  I sigh, pushing the negativity of the last five minutes from my mind, and move back to Kari’s side. “Everything going okay over here?”

  Cooper kisses her on the forehead and offers me a wink before moving off toward his brother. I watch him as he approaches and they start a quiet conversation. My eyes then land on the boys, who’re playing in the corner with their cars, before making their way back to Kari.

  “What the hell was that about?” she asks, her eyes narrowing in my direction. “Do I need to request a new nurse?”

  “No,” I say, quick to keep her from making waves. But then I consider the rudeness in Brandy’s tone. “At least, I don’t think so.”

  Instead of responding, she tenses, both hands going to her belly as she breathes through her nose. I don’t bother to touch her as I know that can be just as irritating as the pain itself, but I do offer soft, soothing words as a way to remind her I’m here for her. After about thirty seconds, she starts to relax as the contraction passes.

  “How are things going in here?” Dr. Sen’s familiar accented voice greets my ears, causing me to turn and stand with a large smile. “Easy, I was told you were here.” He holds up a folder. “There are some forms that require your signature.”

  The lady by his side extends her hand. “Hello, I’m Dr. Anvi. I am so happy to meet you,” she says with a genuine smile. “My brother has filled me in, and I am honored to do my part in helping your son find a cure.”

  After I return her shake, she moves off to Kari, checking her chart and asking questions about her labor. As Dr. Sen begins to explain the paperwork, Trystan joins us and listens quietly. When we step over to a table with four chairs around it, he doesn’t follow, instead choosing to check on the boys.

  Dr. Sen pours through the paperwork, explaining each sheet and pointing out every line I need to sign or initial. The process is tedious, but I’m appreciative of it. I’d sign my name for the next two weeks if that’s what is necessary to save my son. When the last sheet has been taken care of, Kabir neatens the stack and encloses them back inside the folder before standing.

  “This is all the paperwork for the collection and donation. Once the cord blood has been harvested, it will undergo rigorous testing. We should plan a meeting later this week to discuss a transplant date,” he says in his always-serious manner. “We will not have all results by then, but I think we can safely start the scheduling once the preliminary results begin to come in.”

  I can’t help myself, I throw my arms around his unsuspecting neck, thanking him profusely. The care he has given Cameron’s case is more than I could’ve hoped for, and I’m beyond grateful for his every action. Including suggesting Dr. Anvi, as Kari absolutely loves her.

  Once Dr. Sen leaves the room, I turn to look for Trystan, but he’s gathering the boys. “Hey, what’s up?”

  He tilts his head toward Kari. “The doc’s going to break her water, so I thought we’d clear out for a little bit.”

  “Oh,” I say, disappointed that we don’t have a minute to talk.

  He leans close and plants a quick kiss to my cheek. “We’ll be back in a bit.” He’s out the door with the boys before I can say anything further.

  Instead of stressing over his strange reaction, I move over and pull my chair to sit by Kari’s head. She grabs one of my hands and one of Cooper’s on the other side as Dr. Anvi positions her to break her water. It’s a tense few seconds, which feels like minutes, before Kari releases our hands with a sigh.

  “Okay,” she says, blowing out a breath. “It wasn’t as bad as I expected.”

  “I’m glad, sweetie,” I say, brushing her hair from her eyes. “Can I get you anything?”

  “A new cup of ice, please.” She looks at me with puppy-dog eyes, as if I’d ever say no.

  Kari’s labor picks up immensely after her water is broken. Trystan and the boys return about an hour later, but whatever was bothering him before he left seems to have faded. The next four hours pass much more quickly than the first few, and by five in the evening, Trystan is once again removing the boys from the room as we prepare for the birth of Violet.

  Everything goes as expected and within thirty minutes, Violet has made her entrance into the world. Her loud wail fills the air, bringing a smile to her tired mother’s face. I get to witness their immediate mother/daughter bond as she quiets when Kari settles her against her chest. Tears leak from my eyes as I observe one of the most magical gifts of nature.

  Unlike when my son was born, before she ever leaves the birthing room, Violet’s matching bracelet is in place on both her wrist and ankle and so is her miniature alarm—a new hospital protocol, except when life-saving measures are necessary.

  Trystan and the boys make it back just in time to see her before she goes to the nursery for her bath. Once the boys have met and gotten over their baby sister, Trystan steps forward with his arms open. My heart swells to the point of bursting as he cradles her in his arms and talks quietly. I’m frozen in my spot, hypnotized by the visage they create.

  As if he can feel my stare, his dark green eyes find mine. “One day, baby,” he mouths, and I almost pass out from the intensity of his gaze.

  2 Full Speed Ahead


  In the week since Violet’s birth, we’ve gotten a lot accomplished when it comes to Cameron’s transplant. After a Friday afternoon meeting with David and Kabir, as a unit, we finally settled on November first as the tentative date. From our perspective, knowing what he faces, we saw an opportunity to give him the fun of Halloween and a good outlook on being home for Christmas. There are still tests results to consider, but Dr. Sen feels this date is a good choice, so we’re adjusting to it, allowing it to solidify in our minds.

  Something that hasn’t solidified, though, is my hurt from that day. Watching Easton sign the paperwork for our son’s transplant and not having a part was hard. Even though she’s always been his legal guardian, and I’ve been Blake’s, I felt it keenly when my name didn’t need to be on those papers too.

  It fucking hurt.

  We’d already established legal paperwork in case something was to happen to either of us, but this wasn’t about that. This was her signing legal paperwork for her legal son. Our son. It plagued me, sending my mind soaring into uncharted territory.


  Up until that moment in the birthing room, it was an abstract vision, but one that was definitely in our future. But now, I can’t stop thinking about it. Her. Us. The boys. I love them all with every fucking breath in my body, and I’m suddenly desperate for us to take this step.

  I’d never marry Easton just for legal rights to my son, as she’s already given me so much, but I want her to be my wife. I want it all. I want this family to be real. And it’s not as if we aren’t already, but I mean real in the legal way. The way that bonds us in more than just our eyes.

  Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself―ahead of us. Maybe we’re not ready. Maybe we shouldn’t be ready. Maybe I’m moving too fast, or not fast enough. I just don’t care anymore. I can’t care because I want this. I want it so fucking bad.

  I want Ashby to be the family name. I want to one day hold our infant, or two, hell five, in my arms. I want to legally adopt Cameron and for Easton to do the same for Blake. I want so much, and I’ve decided to reach for it.

  Does it seem too soon?

  Maybe to other people―maybe to Easton, that remains to be seen, but not to me. I ache for her to be mine in every way. And marriage is that final step.

  Now I need a game plan.

  As the days fly by, things start falling into place. Between a couple of stops and a few phone calls, I actually have a viable fucking plan. It’s amazing what throwin
g money around can get accomplished.

  I’ve even gone so far as to speak with my attorney in terms of legalizing our relationships with the boys through marriage. Since sole custody resides with each of us, it won’t be more than a step-parent adoption procedure. While I scurry around to make wedding preparations, he’s working behind the scenes so we can be in front of a judge as soon as we’ve done the deed.

  Which brings me to the big thing―asking Easton.

  I’m stuck.

  I don’t know what approach to take. Do I get down on one knee? Do I ask her after fuck-hot sex? Do I take her for a romantic dinner, then ask? Do I have the boys do it for me since they’re so good at spilling secrets?

  And then the all too real fear that she’ll reject me rears its head. Can I handle it if she’s not ready? Will I be able to say okay and wait her out? Should I try to talk her into it if she has reservations?

  On one hand, I’m confident she loves me as much as I love her, but on the other, I am planning the wedding before I’ve even asked her. The doubt starts creeping in, enough to overcome me.

  With all the preparations mostly taken care of, it’s time I start letting the rest of the family in on the plan. “Yo, man, haven’t you had enough of me lately?” Coop says in lieu of a hello.

  I chuckle because he always finds a way to set me at ease, without even realizing how bad I need it. “I could never get enough of you, you know that.”

  “Uh, oh,” he observes. “Judging by the tone of your voice, there must be a reason for this call.”

  “Fuck, man, you know me so well,” I say, scrubbing my hand through my hair. “Yeah, there’s a reason. A fucking big one, actually. You might quite literally think I’m off my rocker when you hear what I’ve been up to.”

  “Do tell.” His voice is excited by the prospect of some good gossip, only that isn’t what this is. This is my life, and I’m in deep.

  “Well, uh … you see …”

  “Spit it out, Trystan. Whatever the hell it is, just tell me,” he says, resigned.

  “I’m going to askEastontomarryme,” I spew before I lose my nerve.

  He laughs. “Slow down, man, because that sounded like you said you’re going to ask Easton to marry you.”

  “I did say that.” The line is silent. “Coop?”

  “I’m here. Bear with me,” he finally says. “I honestly can’t say I’m surprised, but what has you so fucked up over it? I’m confused.”

  I laugh uneasily. “I mean, my mind is all over the place. One minute I was just happy we were in love, and the next I realize I can’t live without taking this crucial step.”

  “Okay,” he says, and I can almost hear his mind churning through the phone. “I expected this. Just not this soon. Something new happen?”

  “Actually, it was during Violet’s birth ... when Dr. Sen had Easton signing all of those papers.” I fiddle with the centerpiece on the bar, trying to come up with the right words. “It fucking hurt to realize I wasn’t a part of the process. And I know that’s beside the point because he’s mine and always will be, but it made me think … really think, ya know?”

  “Yeah, man, I do know.” He sighs. “You two are perfect for each other, it’s obvious. How do you think she feels about it?”

  I smile just thinking of her. “She loves me, I know that.”

  “Fucking duh,” he scoffs. “So what’s the problem then? What do you need me to tell you?”

  “I sort of, uh … fuck!” I pause to get a hold of myself. “I’ve already booked the wedding.” I finally spit out what has me so worked up and my stomach in knots. “And I want to invite you, Kari and the kids.”

  “Wait just a damn minute,” he says, his voice rising. “So you’re telling me you’re going to ask Easton to marry you in one breath, and in the other that you’ve already booked the fucking wedding?”

  “Uh, yeah,” I answer, cringing as I await his tongue lashing.

  But I don’t get that, I get laughter. Loud, boisterous laughter. “Come on, man. Stop fucking with me,” he says with another chuckle.

  I take a deep breath and let it out with a growl. “I’m not fucking with you.” He abruptly stops laughing, so I continue. “I’ve booked a destination wedding and … no, I haven’t asked her to marry me yet. I want it to be a surprise.”

  “A surprise,” he sputters. “Are you fucking crazy?”

  “Either incredibly stupid or the most romantic fucker ever,” I deadpan.

  “Okay, I’m going with stupid, but I guess Easton gets to be the judge of that. So what do you need from me?” he asks.

  “I just need you to be there,” I say with a sigh. “And maybe be my backbone when I start second-guessing myself.”

  “You know we’d never miss it, and I’ll gladly slap you around as much as you want. So what we talking? A spring affair?” He mimics the way our mom would sound when discussing one of her charity functions.

  “Shit!” I exclaim, realizing that he’s still missing one crucial piece to this puzzle. “More like the end of next week.”

  “Jesus fuck, man,” he says with another laugh, only this one is incredulous. “Might as well give me all the details now.”

  So I do. I explain exactly what I’ve planned so far.

  I chose a destination that fits our family perfectly. In the future, when Cam is well, we’ll work on a private honeymoon, but as it is now, this is a family affair. One that is a celebration of us all, not just Easton and me.

  All Easton will have to do is talk with the wedding coordinator about colors and pick a dress from any number of on-site shops. That’s easy enough, right? I’ve taken care of every other detail. I think I’ve come up with something she’ll adore, or at the very least, the thought behind it.

  When I’m finished explaining my plan, Coop remains silent. “You still there?”

  “So you didn’t just check shit out, you actually booked it, huh?” he finally asks.

  I fucking sigh, because yeah, I’ve gone all out. Except for the most important thing. “Yeah, I booked the whole shebang. But … I still have to ask her. What if she turns me down?”

  He blows a breath into the phone. “Damn, man, I wish I could say she’ll definitely say yes, but you two are so oblivious to everything that everyone else has seen for a while. Will she enjoy being surprised you booked a wedding before you even asked her? I’m not sure, but I know that’s where you’re headed. Even if this doesn’t go over well, just regroup and wait, enjoy your vacation. Your and Easton’s day will come.”

  “But you’re penciling it into your calendar, right?” I ask. “I’ll book you for Friday and Saturday night.”

  “We wouldn’t miss it for anything,” he assures. “And Trystan, you got this. You know her. You wouldn’t be doing this if you thought she’d turn you down.”

  He’s right. I do know her. Her words from the night we admitted our love play through my head “And I want it all, too, Trystan. Everything you’re offering.”

  “You’re right. She’ll say yes. She’ll say yes because she wants everything just like I do,” I announce, my confidence bolstered by that simple thought. “Thanks, bro, you always make things better.”

  “Of fucking course.” He chuckles.

  “See ya.”

  After hanging up with my brother, I feel better about my plan. He’s right, I know Easton. I know her better than anyone, and she wants this, too. This life with the boys, our future kids and me. She might not expect it this soon, but when is the right time? For us, I think it’s now.

  The sound of the doorbell brings me from my thoughts, and I jog toward the door, already knowing who’s there. “Amelia.” I kiss her cheek. “Thank you so much for doing this. I promise I won’t be long, and the boys are already napping.”

  “It’s not a problem, Trystan,” she says, stepping inside.

  “When I return, I’d like us to have a chat,” I say as I pause in the threshold of the door. “I think you’re going to like it.

  “Sounds promising,” she says, looking me over thoughtfully. “Well get going. The suspense is going to kill me.” She shoos me out the door.

  I take a deep breath and make my way to the car. With my brother out of the way, it’s time to move to the next person on my list. What’s to come is almost as scary as asking Easton.

  I meet him at a sandwich shop close to his office. “Harold,” I greet, shaking his hand. “Thanks for agreeing to see me.”

  His mustache twitches, but he says nothing, instead motioning to a seat across from him. After sitting, he continues to eye me without a word. So I cross my arms over my chest and raise a brow. Yeah, I asked him here, but he doesn’t have to act like an asshole. He’s lucky I’m here at all.

  Finally, he swipes his hand down his mustache and clears his throat. “Trystan, you asked me here today, so why don’t you just go ahead and get it over with.” He waves his hand.

  “Get it over with?” I ask, confused as to what he thinks this is about.

  He sighs. “Well, I’ve only been asked out to lunch one other time by a man who was seeing Easton, and he wanted to marry her. So I have a good idea where this conversation is headed.”

  I fucking blanch. I’d completely forgotten she was engaged before. It seems like a blip in her life to me, but in reality, it was something huge―so huge that this guy asked Harold’s permission.

  I lean my elbows on the table and meet his stare head on. “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not like that guy. She probably wouldn’t agree to marry me if I was.” I smirk at the surprised look on his face. “I actually asked you here to make my intentions clear, to be a man―honestly and up front. I don’t need your permission to ask her, as I know Easton is plenty capable of making her own choice. I just wanted to give you the courtesy of knowing my intent.”

  He leans back in his chair, regarding me. “You’re right. Easton doesn’t need her father making decisions for her.” He looks out the window in thought for a second before again finding my eyes. “You don’t think this is too soon?”


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