Until Alex

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Until Alex Page 3

by J. S. Wilder

  Luckily after the trench course today, both her and number three had a long shower, ate, and pulled their shit together. They even came back to apologize. Number seven said she had sores up her ass, like I wanted to know. Some things are best kept private.

  “I’m going to be blunt, very blunt. I want you to tell me, starting with number one, why you’re here.”

  They all look nervously around the room, eying each other up and down, wondering whether to tell the truth or lie.

  “I don’t give a shit what the reason is. There is no wrong or embarrassing answer. You spent a lot of money on this trip. If you want things to get better, then you better start talking. “

  I’m tired, fucking whacked. I spent most of the day trying to get number seven’s tits out of the net. It’s still beyond me how that even happened.

  The other part of the day was spent trying to get number nine out of the net. Shit, I hope she isn’t anorexic or something, but she’s as big as my little finger, or not much bigger; a stick, skinny, and she just looks like she’s about to drop any second. I told her to eat at lunch. Fuck, I demanded it, because she’s too small.

  The girl is around five two and must be a size zero. She makes Scarlett Johansson seem obese and she could be her twin sister if she wasn’t so thin. I wonder what her story is. She needs to go to an eating camp, not a fucking camp.

  “So…let’s hear it.” Their silence is starting to irritate me. Still nothing. Not a wink. We’re in one of the cabins. It’s set up like a school with wooden tables and chairs. They’re all in the right uniform and some of them even look half awake. Shit, I wear the same uniform as them, to give them a bit of team spirit. I stand in the same khaki shorts and white shirt.

  “My name’s..”, number one starts to talk, but I have to fucking interrupt her. This isn’t a dating service.

  “This isn’t a damn dating hotline, girl. The answer is simple. You can’t fuck, are single, lonely, or have no confidence in the way you perform. Shit, just tell me why you’re here.” I take a few deep breaths, because they’re really agitating me. Carl is sitting at the back, giggling like a girl. He knows I’m annoyed. He knows I’m getting fucking angry. He’s been working with me for the last four years. Two in the gym and two in these sessions.

  “My husband says I’m shitty in bed,” says number one. “This is the last option before he goes looking elsewhere.”

  “Damn, you’re married, so he told you to come fuck Alex? What a dick.” I watch as number seven speaks out as if she just woke up.

  “Speak when, and only when, I tell you to speak.” I’m starting to believe this woman isn’t only dumb, but that she can’t follow simple instructions either. Who’s she to criticize? Who goes on a cross training exercise naked and then judges someone else? Right, she does.

  “Number two,” I command, because this is an hour session which is starting to drag on to become a three-hour session and I need a fucking nap.

  “I’m a virgin,” she retorts.

  I shake my head at that one. She’s a virgin, so she’s decided I’m her first. She licks her lips. Shit, I better make Tina do a cross check on her. Paying to lose your virginity is pretty fucking insane to me. There are plenty of men that would sell their dicks for a chance to swipe someone’s V-card. She’s one of those that come to get with me.

  I move on.

  “Never satisfied,” number three states and smiles. I’ll satisfy you sweet heart. No worries there.

  “My mom sent me here,” the next one says. Sniggers come from everyone around her. “She says my fiancé cheated, because I’m a worthless lay.” Everyone gasps including me, but we have a flow so I motion for number five to carry on.

  “I’m frigid,” says number six, the beautiful Asian. Frigid, how’s that even possible? She speaks to the wooden desk as she says it as if she’s embarrassed. I so fucking want her more badly after she said that. Big boy Alex will get you out of your shell, sweetheart.

  “My fiancé wants the sex to be better during marriage, so he sent me,” number seven says, and this is the first time today that I actually feel sorry for her. She says it with sadness as her eyes move round the room, avoiding eye contact with anyone and everyone.

  “My husband sent me,” number eight states with pride; a bit too much pride if you ask me. The loud mouth that was shouting at the trenches has left the room and a pretty, younger version of Beyoncé before she started getting so nasty enters.

  “Alex,” number nine says. I nearly choke on my own spit. She came for me, so that’s number two and number nine I need to vet. Shit, I’m even scared to fuck her in case she breaks. I make my way to the top of the cabin and sit down in my chair.

  “Me,” says number ten, and I raise an eyebrow. The all American sweetheart is turning out to be my favorite one. Shit, she has the confidence and the body to pull everything off.

  I stand and write all their answers on the board. I turn around to see them all making notes. They’re taking notes as if I’m teaching fucking Latin or something. What’s on the board that they need to write down?

  I pick up the chalk and put a line through every one of their answers, except the last answer: me. I turn to them. “This is the only reason each of you should be here. Only one of you is fucking here for the right reason. I’m still debating whether the rest of you should go or not.”


  Boot camp turned out to be a success. The bitches they were before turned into ladies after that one line. Their attitudes transformed dramatically, and they started paying attention as if a light bulb had just come on in their heads. They started listening, putting on the right uniform, and following the rules. No more nakedness. They started being kinder to each other too. Their attitudes were shit to begin with, but I felt a bond between them as the days turned into weeks.

  I think number nine must have been the only one to put on weight, whereas the rest seemed to lose it, or toned up. Sometimes during boot camp I was giving them a smile and a wink, usually during training for motivation. They must have thought it was a ticket to come into my cabin. I had it on lock down.

  Either number four or five tried to sneak into my cabin at least ten times during boot camp. One of the bitches even tried to get through the damn window. Hell no. I must have trained them well, because they were fast, too fucking fast, and I never found out who it was trying to come in at night.

  I’m just glad that it’s all over and now it’s time for the fun part.

  Chapter Five

  When I was eighteen pops jumped on his bike and said, “Son, I ‘ve done what I needed to do since your mom left. Now, you can take care of yourself.” He handed me the keys to his worn-out gym and disappeared that day.

  I was given no instructions prior to him taking off. He said that tired women came just to screw him when their husbands weren’t at home. That was his last words before he put on his helmet and drove off on his motor.

  I stood there watching him, thinking, is he for real? I’ll never forget that day, it meant that I wasn’t just abandoned by my mom, but by my pops too.

  At school, I was the all star athlete. I had the body and the height at six feet. My dark features, black hair, and emerald eyes were just like Pops. He loved telling women that I was his brother; hell, he valued saying a whole load of shit that wasn’t true.

  Money, he never had. Shit, a whole load of crap used to come out of his mouth. The worst part was women used to fall for it. I’ve heard it all; celebrity women he’s never seen, let alone claimed to have fucked. My pop’s a looker and a fucking liar. I don’t think he knows the truth from reality. He’s said so many things it just became second nature.

  Mom grew tired of him fucking nearly every woman he taught during his spin classes. He always managed to give out his number for private sessions and the fucking gullible broads believed him. He could never keep his dick in his pants or in the right pussy.

  Mom drank too much as a result of it and one day came home whil
e I was at school only six years old, finished up work early, and left, never to be heard from again. She didn’t even leave a note to pops, but only me. It was a torn piece of paper lying in my room that read, “I´m sorry.”

  I can’t say that I blame her for ridding herself of him. My issue has always been that most mothers take their kids with them. They don´t dump them because the man’s unfaithful. How the fuck was that my fault? I never forgave her, even to today.

  She did ask once for forgiveness, when she got her shit together and realized her mistake. She showed up and begged, but I told her to go fuck herself, because she was a couple of decades too late. I mean, how could I after what she did?

  As for pops, he heard from uncle Wayne how well the gym was doing and tried to take an active role, reclaiming his ownership of doing the same shit, spinning and fucking women. He just looked old and run down, so I told his ancient ass to leave with fifty thousand dollars in his pocket. I didn´t have to ask him twice.


  She walked into my office six weeks ago; I´d never seen a woman like her. Don´t get me wrong, I’ve seen plenty of hot females, especially on the BNU program. They fly in from all states: Nevada, Washington, and New York, among others. They travel to me here in Chicago for a taste of Alex, the legend. I´ve been told that’s my other nickname.

  I knew she was different from day one. She asked Tina about signing up. I knew she wasn’t from around here at first sight. The women from up state look different. They tend to dress classier and certainly more sophisticated; must be all that money. Rich women can buy everything, apart from a decent attitude.

  Tina showed her around, but it was clear when she was walking that she only had eyes for me. She wasn’t my type, not that I have one, but she asked too many questions about me. The drill is that women who want to know me also want to own me.

  Hell no, I´m not down with that shit. I belong to no one.

  I flagged our usual invisible signal that only Tina and I know, to tell the lady that the gym’s full and there’s no space for a new membership. That´s what we do in this scenario, so it was nothing out of the ordinary. I don´t need shit or drama. My life’s simple. I fuck for free. No strings. No ties.

  The gym and the BNU program has left me with enough money in my bank account to live a comfortable lifestyle. I have a nice monthly salary. Nothing like what I was brought up in. Don’t get me wrong there was always food on the table, but I doubt pops could afford the brand new convertible I’ve got parked in the garage. We certainly never went on exotic holidays, yet I can afford to go on a couple each year. I love travelling and exploring new cultures and especially different types of ladies.

  My penthouse’s up in Lakeview. No one knows where it is, because they think my official home is in the apartment above the gym. I give it out to mom for whenever she´s in town, which isn´t often. I may not forgive her, but I won’t leave her on the streets either.

  She comes and goes as she pleases, looking for the next idiot to take care of her. Mom believes her and Pops relationship failure to be Pops fault, but I know the truth. It’s both of them, neither tried to make the marriage work.

  Mom’s lazy, shit whenever she stays in the apartment above the gym, it looks like a fucking pig style. Everyone was shocked she left, because she wants to do fuck all. I think it was more the humiliation of him fucking everyone else, but her that drove her to leave. Fuck, who cares? No one thought she had it in her to up and leave. The only reason she never took me was because it would’ve been too much work. One thing about mom is work and her don’t belong in the same sentence.

  The penthouse’s my real home and no one´s fucking business, but Tina. She’s my business partner, because when I finished high school with no idea how to run a gym. She gave me the helping hand I needed to turn this place into one of the most successful gyms in Chicago.

  Tina’s the business manager, the brains, the marketing manager and the thinker outside of the box. She was brought up in a trailer park, had nothing going for her; no one cared, which is probably why we were such good friends in school. Having parents that don’t care if you’re living or dead does that to you.

  She loved to dance at school. Fuck, she was so good, still is. She had the idea to do a few classes at the gym. I was an athlete so looking after my body was natural. We worked side-by-side and with a helping hand from the bank, turned this place into what it is today.

  The gym had a ton of connecting land that wasn’t being used. It’s located in a nice part of town, so we sold some of it and made a good profit, enough to change this place with the bank loan too we were sorted. We had our eyes on bigger and better things and we got them. That was five years ago. Some days it feels like only yesterday, but other days it feels like a lifetime ago.

  Our offices are only accessible through the reception of the gym. First you enter Tina’s; it acts as a shield before you enter mine. This stops women that think they’re entitled access to my office trying to get in, they need to go through Tina first. She’s a real bitch, when it comes to screening. Some of these ladies are horny and think they own the place, because they fucked me once. Shit, they don’t seem to realize I don’t even remember their names, let alone what they looked like.

  “I´m here to see you, Alex Sinclair,” she purred approaching closer to me. I was shocked, because this woman took my breath away with her beauty. I hadn’t seen anyone as beautiful as her. Her skin was pale and she had auburn hair which she wrapped in a bun. This emphasized her cheekbones and all I could think was, bet she knows how to suck!

  She wore light and subtle make-up that wasn’t over the top. She was a natural beauty. She had a figure most women would die for, the perfect number eight. Eat your heart out J-Lo. This one has bootie and tits. She was a little shorter than me; maybe five foot eleven, but then again she had on heels, so maybe five nine.

  I actually stared at her, which rarely happens. Her body was just as beautiful as her face. She had the kind of chest that I wanted to put my head in and get lost in the volume and curvature of her breasts, letting it comfort every side of my face. Her nipples were hard. The thin, red, wrap dress she had on didn´t conceal what was going on underneath, and it was making my cock stir, coming to attention. With her piercing blue eyes she cleared her throat while standing close, too close to me, awaiting confirmation that it was me she was after.

  This uptight, hot lady was dominating me. I didn’t think she was trying, but I sure as hell didn’t like it either.

  “Can we go to your office? My name’s Mrs. Watson,” she said interrupting the thoughts I was lost in.

  Normally, I would have said no. It’s my gym, my rooms, and my rules, but something about her swayed me in the opposite direction from my normal reaction.

  She held out her hand for me to lead the way. I wanted to have her bent over my desk with those perky cheeks bared to me. Her ass cheeks were round and perfectly firm. I wanted to slap them, pinch them and most of all fuck her while holding onto them.

  What did I do? I walked in front of her. I had to. I couldn´t contain myself with her in front of me. I would’ve made a move. I could feel my length growing and straining against my pants. My dick’s always under my control until I take the girls to the room. I looked down and wondered why today it was out of control.

  My cock was begging me to fuck that ass. Visions of me fucking her and sucking on those nipples, hard and strong, flashed through my mind as I walked her to my office.

  “Would you like me to come in?” Tina whispered as we approached the door. Her voice was faint, which was unusual for her, because she was so confident. I turned and shook my head.

  Did Mrs. Watson make everyone around her feel inferior? That kind of power is a gift. Shit, I know I have power, but compared to her its invisible.

  I was fucking floating in heaven about this mysterious lady. She brushed past me as I opened the door and pointed to the seat in front of my desk.

  “Would you like som
ething to drink, Mrs. Watson – tea, coffee, or water, perhaps?” Tina popped her head in the door to ask.

  I nodded as I took in the name, wondering what she had under her dress to make her nipples show themselves proudly. Did she do this to her husband or just any man she came in contact with?

  She shook her head and Tina closed the door as I walked to my chair. Mrs. Watson began to talk and I was shocked by her words.

  “Let´s cut the crap, shall we? A friend of mine needs to enroll in your program.” I was confused. Why start with a friend if she wanted to cut to the chase? Women normally refer to themselves as friends when they’re scared that by revealing that it was for them it would mean automatic dismissal.

  “Bullshit,” I interrupted, before she could say anything else. “You don’t need to lie and say it’s for a friend. I don’t like liars. Anyway, my membership’s full, “ I blurted, not even checking the calendar or the dates she required. I knew I never wanted to see her again.

  I smelt lust when she brushed past me to sit in the chair. Her pussy was calling to be fucked, and hard. I could sense how much she needed it, but I sensed trouble when she spoke, and that was enough to keep me away. One thing I can’t stand is trouble.

  Chapter Six

  I continue remembering the events of that particular day which was a few weeks ago…

  She crossed her legs and inhaled, sitting in silence for what felt like a few minutes, but could have been only a couple of seconds. Time seemed to drag on as I was getting hot under the collar and wanted this woman to leave. She was starting to really get under my skin.

  I glanced around my office making sure everything was in order. I scanned each item, stopping first on my trophies, then the celebrity photos hanging on my wall. She was making me feel twitchy. My dick was reacting to her scent, her breathing, her looking at me. Fuck, everything!

  I hated not being in control, the one thing I despise. I’ve always steered clear of any woman that made me feel like that, especially beautiful ones. “Confession time,” I commanded.


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