by Steph
After several long seconds, she sighed and pulled away. He let her go, but not without one last, hard kiss. And a sweep of his hand down her sleek ass.
The look she gave him made him want to put both hands on her.
“You’re dangerous.” She stuck on finger in his chest when he made a move forward. “And I need to get in the shower.”
“Want some company?”
She sighed and shook her head, but her expression was amused. “Like I said…you’re dangerous. And I have to leave in less than an hour.”
“Then I guess the least I can do is make you coffee.”
Teeth in her lips again. Why the hell did he find that so sexy?
“Sure. But I really do have to go to work.”
He held his hand up and tried to look like the Boy Scout he’d never had time to be. “Promise I won’t distract you again.”
Now her brows rose and she shook her head as she turned to the bathroom. “Like you can help it.”
He barely heard her as she grabbed a robe from the hook on the back of her door then opened it as quietly as she could. But he couldn’t help smiling as she turned to look at him just before disappearing down the hall and shaking her head, a grin flirting with her mouth.
Damn, he wanted this. Every morning. Wanted to wake up next to her and have her give him that smile before she left for work.
Wanted to crawl into bed next to her after a great game, after a shitty game… Hell, after any game. Wanted to come home to her after a two-week road trip and kiss the hell out of her before he tossed her into bed, tore off her clothes, and got inside her.
Tomorrow, the next day, most of the mornings after that.
But she wouldn’t want to hear that. Not his Little Miss Cautious.
So how the hell was he supposed to let her know he was serious about her when he’d be gone for the next two weeks?
Usually he was good at talking. He could convince a rational man to drop his gloves by the end of the first period simply by talking shit. Hell, he was an expert at it. But he’d fucked up one relationship before. He didn’t want to fuck this up.
But first…he’d promised her coffee.
Grabbing his clothes, he pulled them on then headed for the stairs, passing the bathroom, where he could hear the water running. Damn, he wanted to push the door open and join her but that wouldn’t get her to trust him.
In the kitchen, he found the coffeemaker—a huge, twelve-pot monstrosity—on the counter, located the filters in the cabinet above it and the coffee in the freezer.
He’d finished his first cup by the time he heard the click of heels on the stairs.
He automatically looked toward the sound—and nearly swallowed his tongue.
Holy fuck, he was in so much goddamn trouble.
Her skirt was black and thin and reached her knees, her shirt was gray and tight and unbuttoned just enough that he could imagine he saw cleavage and her heels were black and red.
She’d pulled her hair into some twist on the back of her head that made his fingers itch to release it and she was wearing pearls. A double string that lay over her breasts and made him imagine how she’d look wearing only those damn pearls.
Jesus. He’d finally managed to will his erection away but now he was pretty sure he’d spend the rest of the day thinking about those pearls and getting a hard-on.
“You know, I never understood the whole librarian fixation.” He grinned as she gave him a bemused look and headed for the coffee. “I totally get it now.”
She rolled her eyes at him but he caught her smiling before she put the mug to her mouth.
And groaned.
“Oh. My. God. Where did you learn to make coffee this good?” Her eyes widened as she took another sip. “My sister’s always tastes like sludge and is so damn strong, I feel like I’m on speed all day. Mine never tastes this good. I think I’m going to keep you locked in my house as my personal coffee slave.”
“Not your sex slave, huh? Well, damn, I guess I’ll have to up my game in bed.”
Her eyebrows rose. “What time is practice?”
“Eleven. We go until one then refuel and hit the gym for a few hours. Refuel again.” A thought occurred to him. “Shit. Forgot I’ve got a thing this afternoon. An after-school program. Don’t know how long that’ll go but I should be done by six. Let’s get some dinner after that. Or we could cook. Which I can do, by the way. If you don’t mind someone in your kitchen. I’d have you over to the apartment but my roommate’s kind of a slob so…”
She didn’t say anything right away, just watched him with those steady blue eyes. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking and he was about to open his mouth and keep going when she nodded.
“Sure, we can cook here, if you don’t mind having my sister around.”
He shrugged. “Course not. Her house, too, right?”
“Should I—”
“I’ll pick up everything after the event and be here around seven. That work for you?”
“That’s fine.”
“Anything you don’t like?”
Her lips quirked. “I’m assuming you mean food?”
“I did but if you wanna talk about something else, I’m all ears.”
Her head tilted to the side, as if she were thinking about it, but then she shook her head. “I really do need to get to work. And you’re dangerous to my concentration.”
He didn’t bother to hide his smile and she shook her head and walked to the sink to dump her mug.
Standing, he did the same then wrapped an arm around her waist to bring her in against him for a quick kiss.
“I’ll see you tonight, hon.”
Then he walked out before she changed her mind.
* * * * *
“Dude, you look like you had a good night’s sleep, which is weird because I could swear you didn’t make it home last night.” Justin’s shit-eating grin spread. “Whose couch did you sleep on? Must’ve been comfortable.”
Riley had been the last one into the locker room by only a minute. But it was late enough for Justin to jump on his ass about it.
In response, Riley gave him the finger, which made Justin laugh maniacally.
“And where did you sleep last night, jackass?” Jake smacked Justin on the back of the head as Riley started to strip. “All by yourself in your own bed. I think maybe you are a little jealous.”
Stripping as fast as he could, Riley pulled on his base layers then began strapping on his pads. For the first time in god knew how long, he had no desire to talk shit with his teammates. Especially not about Aly.
“And when was the last time a girl let you in her bed? I think it was never, yes?”
Lad directed the dig at Jake. The two defensemen were tight as brothers and trash-talked each other like mortal enemies. It worked for them.
They were the best defensive line in the league and they came to play every day. And if they occasionally acted like douchebag teenagers… Well, nobody was perfect.
“Says the man who still does not know what a rim shot is.”
“Rim job,” shouted CJ as the rest of the team either groaned or laughed hysterically. “It’s rim job.”
Lad and Jake exchanged a look, said a few words in Russian then Jake focused his famed Russian glare at CJ. “This from the child who still hordes his cherries.”
Now the entire team busted into laughter and CJ turned the same color as the fruit Jake had just mentioned.
Riley shook his head, his brain working on a smart-ass response, but when CJ sat next to him on the bench, his mouth snapped shut.
CJ’s downbent head and bright red neck brought out Riley’s protective instincts. Same as if they’d been on the ice and someone went after the kid, Riley jumped to CJ’s defense.
“Considering you two need each other to get laid, I figure you have a few cherries you haven’t popped yet.”
With an almost imperceptible glance at CJ, Lad took the hint. “I have no cherries. Jake, however
, has entire bush.”
Holding his gut, he was laughing so hard, Derek turned to Jake. “Son, if you have a bush instead of a tree, maybe that’s the problem you been having hooking up.”
“Hey, something up?” Riley asked CJ as he pulled his sweater over his head, just as Coach walked in the room.
Before CJ could answer, Coach said, “Listen up,” and launched into his game plan for the week. Twenty minutes later, right before the team was ready to hit the ice, Coach looked at him and inclined his chin.
“Hatch. Young. Stick here. Everyone else, on the ice.”
Not expecting anything other than Coach Scott wanting him and CJ to work together on technique or drills, Riley nearly fell off the bench when Coach started to talk.
“The big club had a couple of injuries last night and you two are headed to the Colonials. They get back from a road trip today and Coach Angstadt wants you two at the practice barn for morning skate tomorrow. Today, you skate with us but they want you down to talk to the assistant coach tonight.”
Coach turned to grab a piece of paper from his desk, detailing where they needed to be and when and the hotel they’d be staying at. He and CJ would be bunking together for the duration, could be an extended stay, but they would probably see ice time.
Beside him, CJ vibrated like a fucking puppy, running at the mouth with questions Coach answered with a grin. Riley just sat there.
Holy shit. Finally. Fucking finally.
And on the heels of that…
I can’t fucking wait to tell Aly.
Yeah, he couldn’t wait to tell his parents. But Aly was different. He wanted to share everything with her. Wanted her to be happy for him. Wanted her to come to the game and be waiting for him afterward.
Philly wasn’t that far away. If he stayed with the Colonials for any length of time, he and Aly would make it work—
“Riley, you have any questions?”
Coach’s question knocked him out of his thoughts and he smiled, shaking his head. “Nah. I think I’m good.”
“All right then. Get out on the ice. You can text your parents after practice.”
CJ bounced up, grinning from ear to ear, and headed out. Riley got up slower, watching the kid disappear down the hall to the ice.
He took a few seconds to make sure his laces were tight and found Coach watching him, arms crossed over his chest.
“Sure you don’t have any questions?”
“Honestly,” Riley shook his head, “I’ve got a shit-ton of them but I don’t think you can answer any of them.”
Coach grinned and slapped him on the shoulder. “Keep your head in the game. Just like you’ve been doing for the past eight years. You made it this far. Just keep pushing. You’ve got the skills, Riley. You’ve proved it. I have no doubt you can make this happen. Don’t let anything get in your way.”
Riley had no intention of letting anything get in his way. But he had no intention of giving anything up either.
* * * * *
Aly had gone to work with a smile on her face that faded about fifteen minutes after she walked in the door.
The billing system had gone down and the techs weren’t sure why. Which meant her department was hamstrung. Which meant the people who called in to get their bills straightened out had something else to complain about.
And they did. All morning.
It left her very little time to daydream about Riley and last night, but when she did, holy crap, she couldn’t stop.
So when his number popped up on her phone after lunch, she shut herself in her office and sank into her chair.
“Hey,” she said. “I was hoping you’d call.”
“And I’ve been dying to talk to you. I got called up. I’ll probably be on the ice tomorrow night with the Colonials in Philly.”
It took her a second to process what he’d said then she started to smile. “Riley! That’s amazing! Oh my god, that’s so wonderful. We can celebrate tonight at dinner.”
“Yeah, about dinner. I need to cancel. I hate to do it but CJ and I have to be in Philly tonight. They’re putting us up in a hotel for the night so we’re ready for morning skate tomorrow. I’m really sorry—”
“Are you kidding? Don’t you dare apologize for getting what you’ve been working for for so long. I’m so happy for you.”
“Happy enough to want to drive to Philly tomorrow night? Game starts at seven and I know it’s short notice but I can get you a ticket.”
He wanted her at the game? Her heart began to pound and she wanted to say yes.
But she also had to be practical. She worked until five-thirty and then had an evaluation with her boss that she couldn’t miss. Even if she didn’t go home to change and left straight from the office, she wouldn’t be on the road until six-thirty and it’d take her at least two hours to navigate the Schuylkill Expressway at that time of night.
But he wanted her there. Just the thought made her heart pound against her ribs and her thighs clench like he’d told her he wanted to strip her naked and do her against a wall.
It made no sense whatsoever because they’d met four days ago. Four days. People didn’t become this invested in another person’s life that fast.
And if they did, it wouldn’t last.
“I would really love to go,” she said. “I just…I’m afraid I wouldn’t make it in time.”
He paused and her throat dried. Anxiety made her stomach ache.
But realistically, she’d probably get stuck in traffic and would probably miss the entire game.
And maybe he was only asking to be nice. Maybe he felt obligated to ask her because they’d slept together.
“Yeah, okay, no problem. Seriously, I get it. I’ll give you a call after the game, okay?”
And maybe he really hadn’t wanted her there to begin with. “Of course.”
“Great. Okay, I really gotta get moving. CJ and I need to be on the road in a few. We have to check in with the assistant coach…”
“Oh, that’s—”
“…before six. And yeah, traffic’s gonna be a bitch.”
Feeling sick to her stomach and fighting the urge to hyperventilate, Aly sucked in a deep breath. “Riley…you’re going to be amazing tomorrow.”
“Thanks, hon.” He huffed out a little laugh. “I hope like hell you’re right. You can probably catch the game on TV. Let me know how I look.”
A lump formed in her throat.
“Of course. Riley…I’m really happy for you.”
“Thanks. Appreciate it. Look, I hate to cut this short—”
“No, I totally understand. You have to go. Just…have a great game. I have no doubt you’ll be wonderful.”
“Let’s hope. I’ll talk to you tomorrow night.”
“That’s great. Good luck, Riley.”
“Thanks, hon.”
He didn’t say good-bye, just disconnected.
And by the time Aly put her phone down on her desk, she had to suck in air because it was getting tougher and tougher to breathe.
Her eyes burned and she blinked fast, willing back the tears that had popped up for no reason.
It wasn’t like she’d never see him again. And if she didn’t, well…
It would suck. Go ahead, at least you can admit it to yourself.
Her desk phone rang, startling her so badly, she flinched and gasped, her hand flattening over her heart.
After another three rings, she grabbed it and tried to go back to work.
Knowing she’d made the totally wrong decision and still unable to do anything to change it.
* * * * *
CJ ran at the mouth the entire drive to Philly.
Riley was driving, partly because he was worried the kid would be overly excited and run them into a wall. And partly because it would keep his mind off his conversation with Aly.
While CJ catalogued every player on the Colonials—their strengths, their weaknesses, their freak
ing PIMs, for chrissakes—Riley answered when he needed to and kept his eyes on the road because, holy fuck, was there a shit-ton of traffic.
Logically, he knew Aly had been right. She never would’ve made the game for puck drop.
So why the hell are you so fucking frustrated?
Because he’d wanted her there. He wanted to share this with her, wanted her to be there after the game to celebrate. Hell, he didn’t care if he got five minutes of ice time or twenty.
He’d finally fucking made it.
And he found the girl he wanted to share this milestone with.
But the girl had turned him down.
Yeah, he knew it wasn’t that simple. She had a job, a demanding job. She couldn’t just take off at a moment’s notice and follow him wherever.
“Oh, and hey, I got a heads-up from Ian MacDonald that Duchene isn’t really hurt. Mac says Duchene and the coach got into it over something and that the team wants to trade him. I heard some of the stories about Duchene. Do you think it’s true?”
Hell, everyone had heard the stories about the Colonials’ third-line right winger. He partied hard, played a physical game, and led the team in penalty minutes. A loose cannon who’d been a scoring machine. But he was thirty-five now and didn’t score as much as he used to.
Riley had heard the talk that the team had considered not picking up his contract last year and he’d been a late addition on a one-year contract.
Sucked for Duchene, but it opened up a spot if they actually decided to get rid of the guy. Still, Riley knew he was a long shot for the position. More likely the club would go with CJ. He’d been a first-round draft pick and the kid improved every day. And even though Riley had better numbers this season, the Philly coach would probably go with the rookie if he kept one of them up.
And for a split second, Riley thought that would be okay.
Are you fucking crazy?
He must be. Because he was seriously thinking that if he got sent back to Reading, he’d be closer to Aly.
How fucked was that? He should be doing everything he could to grab a spot with the Colonials, not hope to be sent back to the Redtails.
“Yeah, sorry. Got a lot on my mind. Do I think it’s true? Probably. Does it mean they’ll trade him? Hell if I know. They’ve got some money invested in him so they’ll wanna make that back, and with his record, I don’t know that anyone’ll want to take a chance on him.”