Sandy Sullivan

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Sandy Sullivan Page 5

by Doctor Me Up

  "I've already told you my opinion of him. I hope you know I would never think any less of you for being born and raised on a ranch in Montana. It happens to be some of the prettiest country I've ever seen. I'm glad I live here."

  She reluctantly pulled her hand from his grasp as the waiter returned to take their order. The moment the waiter disappeared again, they continued their conversation. "You said your family is in Boston?"

  "Yes. I was born and raised there."

  "Where did you go to school?"

  "University of Kentucky."

  "Wow. That's a long way from Boston."

  The waiter returned with the bottle of wine they'd agreed upon, pouring a small amount in the glass for Marcus to taste. "Delicious. Thank you." After the waiter departed the table, he said, "We didn't have much while I was growing up. A fairly large family didn't make for easy times."

  "Where were you in the pecking order?"

  "Middle boy. I have an older brother, a younger brother, younger sister."

  She swallowed a sip of wine, relishing the bite on her tongue. "I bet it made you feel, um, lost in the shuffle a bit."

  "Yes. How did you know?"

  "I'm the oldest of the girls in our family, but still a middle child so I know what you went through. We had a big family too." She pressed her lips together before she smiled. "I love my family. Don't get me wrong, but it's hard being a middle child."

  "Mitchell is very proud of you," he said, sipping from his own glass. "You should be proud of yourself. It's not easy being a physician of any kind. Where in Billings are you planning to do you residency?"

  "Billings Memorial. I have everything set up already for when I arrive. I'll be working a lot of different rotations. Surgery, pediatrics, emergency, you name the specialty, I'll be doing a rotation sometime during my time there. I need to get the most rounded residency I can get so I can practice general medicine back in Red Rock." His choking concerned her as his eyes watered and he gasped for air. "Are you all right?"

  "Yes," he croaked. "Wrong pipe." He coughed several more times and wiped his eyes with his napkin. "You're practicing in Red Rock when you're done?"

  "Of course. We need a good clinic and physician. It's too far to go to head to Billings for treatment. We don't have a hospital, which I wish we did, but at least a clinic would save people from making the long trek into one of the bigger towns, don't you think?"

  "I think you have a great idea. Yes, we need the medical care in Red Rock."

  "Why do you seem so shocked I want to practice near home?"

  He shrugged as he leaned back in the chair. "After you attended school in Los Angeles, I just assumed you didn't want to live in a small community again. It's hard to go from the fast paced life of California back to the slow, lazy crawl of rural Montana."

  "I love the slower pace of home. I can't wait to start treating patients. The little kids with their ear infections, doing women's health and all of that kind of work. It excites me to think about being part of the community like I belong."

  "You do belong, Elizabeth. This is home. Why would you think differently?"

  "Red Rock hasn't felt like home in several years, Marcus. Going off to Los Angeles was a smart decision. One I had to make for my education, but I never wanted to leave home on a permanent basis."

  "What about your engagement to the gentleman there?"

  "It doesn't matter now since it's not longer happening. I realize now the life I had there wasn't what I wanted. Yes, the fast paced hustle and bustle of things seemed great for a while, but the whole atmosphere got crazy. I'm ready to slow things down."

  Their dinner arrived and they both dug in, letting the conversation lag a bit. The food melted on her tongue as she groaned in ecstasy.


  "You have no idea."

  The eyebrow over his left eye rose and she wondered what he thought as a small smile lifted the corners of his mouth. Damn. I almost sound like I'm having an orgasm here. The meat went down a little rough as heat crept up her chest. Getting into that kind of conversation with Marcus would be a bad idea.

  "I'm glad you're enjoying the steak."

  "Oh yes. The meat is so tender, I can almost cut it with my fork. I do plan to save room for desert though. The chocolate decedent cake looks sinful. It's been a while since I've had chocolate." Marcus laughed. The rich, deep, sound reverberated along her nerves as if he plucked the strings of a bass. "I love your laugh."

  "Thanks, but yours is amazing too. I heard you earlier when I was in the barn. Very light and happy."

  "I haven't had much chance to laugh lately so it felt good to let go." She blushed again. "I don't even remember what I was laughing about." The flickering candlelight bounced the deep burgundy color of the wine in her glass around in a prism of rich color.

  "I'm sure Mitchell could tell you. I know he liked to hear the sound. He's been worried about you as are Cade and Natalie."

  "You've discussed me with my family?"

  Marcus dropped his gaze to his plate as a deep flush rushed into his face. "Um…yes. I guess so."

  "How long have they known?"

  "Known what?"

  "About what happened at the ball?"

  Chapter Four

  "Things aren't like they appear, Elizabeth." I'm so screwed. She'll never believe anything I say.

  "Aren't they?"


  "Then answer my question."

  He blew out a long sigh. "They've known since the ball. They knew we danced. Natalie and Cade have kept my secret since then."

  "Why, Marcus? I don't understand you at all." The napkin landed in a heap on the table top as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her ample chest. A small wrinkle appeared between her eyebrows. He wanted to smooth the crease away with his thumb. Kissing her until she melted against him would probably be a bad idea right now even if she'd let him.

  "I didn't want you to know who I was. The two of them wanted to introduce us, but I refused. I'd heard you were getting married so it wouldn't have been right away."

  "Why the secrets?"

  "I told you. The man you saw at the ball isn't really me."

  "I think it is." She leaned forward resting her arms on the tabletop. "You see, you were too comfortable in your own skin. Something like that can't be faked, Marcus. You might think you aren't dashing and debonair, but in reality the man is a part of your personality whether you wish to admit it or not."

  Could it be true? Do I really have it in me to be the man who could sweep her off her feet? Do I want to be? "You're seeing things that aren't there."

  "I don't believe so, but if you aren't willing to admit that man exists inside you, then there isn't anything I can do to convince you."

  The waiter returned and she ordered dessert. Chocolate cake splashed across her skin and he would lick the succulent treat off one crumb at a time, raced across his thoughts. The last thing he needed tonight were erotic images of his dinner companion. This would probably be the one and only occasion they'd spend time alone together, much less do any kind of touching. Maybe he needed to find a willing substitute. Several of the women in town made it known they wouldn't shun his advances should he choose to pay them some attention. None of them drew him like Elizabeth did.


  "I'm sorry. Did you say something?"

  "I asked if you were ready to leave."

  He glanced at her plate realizing she'd already finished her cake and was removing the remaining chocolate from her fork with her tongue. The wicked flick of pink skin over the sterling silver of the fork made him think of her savoring the shaft of his cock. Her sharp gaze would focus on his face as she slowly licked along his length and then swirled around the head. The warm heat of her mouth would surround him as she engulfed the entire head between her lips. His body trembled with need at each passing fantasy. He cleared his throat and sighed heavily. "Yes, I'm ready." More than ready.

  He reached for his
wallet but she stayed his hand. "My treat."

  "As you wish." He nodded and smiled. "I'd never turn down dinner with a beautiful woman, especially if she's paying." He wasn't sure, but he figured Elizabeth had an independent streak a mile wide and he wondered if her free spirit took over in the bedroom. Although he didn't think of himself as the strong alpha type, he did enjoy being in control between the sheets. What would she do if she knew about his dominate nature?

  "Such flattery."

  Once he helped her to her feet, he tucked her hand into the crooked of his arm and led her toward the doors. "Too bad they don't have dancing here. I'd love to waltz with you again."

  "You know, I knew you couldn't have been from Red Rock originally since you knew how to waltz at the ball."

  "You're a very graceful dancer yourself. Where did you learn to waltz?"

  "My father taught me. So I would know for when I married someday."

  "If Mitchell knows how to waltz then I'm not the only one in Red Rock."

  "Okay, clarification. The only one of our generation. Face it, kids who graduated in the seventies or even eighties didn't waltz. Slow dancing consisted of shuffling your feet back and forth while you hung on."

  The soft laugh escaping from her lips did little to calm his aching cock. He'd already fantasized about her to the point of pain and beyond.

  "Where did you learn to waltz?"

  "My parents were old fashioned in that way. All of us kids learned to dance in the middle of our living room. My mother used to be a dancer some years back so she taught us all."

  "How sweet."

  "She's a great mom. I miss having them close, but I wouldn't trade living here for the world."

  "You really do like Red Rock, don't you?"

  "I do. There's nothing like the smell of the wildflowers in bloom in the spring, the gurgle of a mountain stream as the rushing water winds itself around boulders and trees, or the sight of a beautiful woman spread out on a blanket under the stars waiting."

  "You've had a woman spread out on a blanket under the stars?" she asked, her voice a mere husky whisper as they approached her car.

  "No, but I do have my fantasies." He stopped her beside the driver's door and turned her toward him. "What are your fantasies, Elizabeth?"

  "I have a few."

  "Care to tell me?"

  Her tongue peeked out as she ran the tip over her lips. He had to stifle a groan of pure torture as he fought himself over whether to lean in and brush his mouth over hers. One kiss. One touch. It's all he wanted…for now. Warm, wine-tinged breath wafted over his face. His cock got impossibly hard and he finally decided to give into the torture of having her this close.

  The moment his mouth met hers, she sighed, opening herself to him. Automatically he reached for her hips, bringing her body into the curve of his. There would be no way she wouldn't notice his cock against her belly.

  Her lips were soft and yielding beneath his, just like he remembered. Her tongue swept out to slide along the side of his.

  Wanting to feel more, he pulled her in tighter, wrapping his arms around her back. Her hands pushed into the hair at the nape of his neck, curling into the strands like she wouldn't let go.

  A soft laugh broke the spell as another couple moved past them with a soft, "Excuse us."

  "I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I never meant…"

  "Don't be sorry, Marcus. It cheapens the kiss. I enjoyed it, but you have to understand, I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm only here for a short time."

  The crystal blue of her eyes stared back, although they'd darkened now to a light sapphire color with her increased passion. Her breath sawed in and out, driving her breasts into his chest until he thought he'd lose his mind.

  "I'm not looking for a relationship either." She frowned as he stepped back and opened her door. "Goodnight, beautiful lady."


  * * * *

  The next morning found Elizabeth on the back of a horse, riding fence line. She'd slept restlessly throughout the night as the feeling of Marcus' mouth on hers drove her desire to a level she'd not experienced before, except for the last time he'd kissed her. "This is ridiculous. He's just a man and a cowboy. I don't do cowboys. Most are egotistical, arrogant, and not the least bit shy about taking their own pleasure. Their thought is to hell with the woman." She should know. She'd been with a few right out of high school. Never mind the fact of their youth or inexperience. The businessman didn't suit my needs much either if I count Ari.

  She tapped her fingers against her lips as she said, "Maybe a short term fling with Marcus might be all right. I mean, I'm not staying in town after the month is up. We could have a good time together, have some great sex. If the heat we produce when he kisses me is any indicator, we should ignite the sheets." She wanted more. No, he wasn't the business suit type, but he had the sexy cowboy thing down. He sure looked good in the sport jacket and slacks he wore last night though.

  Birds circling in the distance caught her eye. Hmm…I wonder what that's all about? Moments later, her cell phone rang.


  "Hey, cowgirl. Where are you?"

  "Out riding of course."

  Natalie laughed on the other end of the line. "Of course! Hey, want to meet me for lunch?"

  "Sure, at the diner say elevenish." She glanced at her watch. Nine. She'd have just about enough time to finish her check of the fence and get back to the house to shower if she hurried. Nudging her gelding with her heels, she said, "If we go early, it won't be so crowded."

  "Eleven is fine. Cade's going to watch the kids so we can have a nice leisurely lunch."

  "How sweet of him. Tell him I love him, would you. I'll see him for dinner one night this week."

  "I'll tell him. How did dinner go with Marcus the other night?"

  "I'll tell you at lunch since I need to have a discussion with you about that and the ball."


  "Yeah. I heard about your part in his secret."

  "Elizabeth, I wanted to tell you."

  "He told me part of what happened. How you and Cade wanted to say something, but he wouldn't let you, but we'll discuss things more at lunch. I've got a little more to tell you about."

  "Sounds intriguing.Me thinks you are attracted to our fair doctor."

  "Attracted yes, but looking for anything beyond a short term fling…no." The birds circling in the distance bothered her. She needed to check it out before she headed back. "I need to go, Nat. There's something I want to check out before I meet you for lunch. Talk to you in a couple of hours."

  "Sure, hon. See you then."

  Elizabeth stuffed her cell phone back in her pocket and leaned in, urging the gelding to a faster clip as they galloped toward the area to her left. A small outcropping of rocks sheltered a nice pool of water where many of the animals gathered in the heat of the Montana summer. She wondered if maybe a late calf didn't survive. "There are an awful lot of birds for one carcass."

  As she crested the hill a disturbing sight met her eyes. Several dozen cows along with their calves were being ravaged by the buzzards. The stench just about caused her to lose her breakfast. She clamped her hand over her mouth. What could have taken out so many? "I need to warn Dad."

  She reined her gelding around and raced across the open field toward the ranch house in the distance. Nothing had prepared her for the slaughter of so many animals. That's all she could think of it as…slaughter.

  Her father stood on the porch looking in her direction as she skidding to a halt in the front yard. "Somethin's wrong."

  "Yeah. I just came from there. Several head of cattle have been slaughtered. It's going to be hard to say what did it, Dad. The buzzards have done a pretty good job of picking them clean already."

  Removing his hat, he jabbed his fingers through his hair before replacing the felt with the brim down low across his forehead. "Damn it. This is the second time in the two weeks."

  "Seriously?" she asked, swinging dow
n from the gelding’s back. "You've got a hell of a problem then. From what I saw, it wasn't something natural. Something like a coyote or wolf pack would only take down a few. This was at least a dozen."

  "Near the pool?"


  "I need to talk to the neighbors or the hands. Someone had to have seen some commotion. Maybe Marcus knows something. He inoculated several head in the last month for me."

  "Marcus?" she asked, grabbing the reins to lead her winded gelding in a cool down.

  "He's been out here a lot helping me with the horses and cattle," her father said, stepping into an easy rhythm next to her.

  "I didn't realize he'd spent so much time here lately." Maybe Marcus had seen something, but he wasn't aware of it. Being a vet, he'd surely pick up on the animals acting strange.

  "Yes he has. Probably more time than anywhere else. I should just put him on my payroll to call it good." Her father chuckled as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "I'd better call him. He'll need to check the rest of the herd to make sure nothing is wrong with them. I'll also need someone to check the water supply in the pool out there. Someone might have poisoned it."

  "I'm headed into town to have lunch with Natalie, Dad, so I won't be home for a couple of hours. Are you okay? Do I need to cancel?"

  "I don't think so, honey. Enjoy your lunch. Don't worry about things here." He hugged her, and then stepped back. "Tell Nat hello for me. Let her know I'm still planning dinner out at their place on Sunday."

  "Sure," she replied, heading across the yard.

  "Tell her to make sure to kiss those grandbabies for me," he yelled from the porch as she stepped into the interior of the musty, hay filled barn.

  A quick wave over her shoulder told him she heard him. The tack room sat off to the back of the building with the door ajar. She heard muffle voices coming from the room, piquing her curiosity as the timbre got louder.


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