Sandy Sullivan

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Sandy Sullivan Page 10

by Doctor Me Up

  The look on her face must have told him she wanted to speak, but was afraid of saying anything out of turn. Spanking might be fun although full-blown punishment might not be.

  "You can speak freely now, Elizabeth. I'm not the twenty four seven type of Dom."

  "Thank you."

  "How did you like anal sex?" he asked, running his hands over her shoulders and arms.

  "Everything was intense. I don't think I've come so hard in my life."

  "Good. The feeling is indescribable to me."

  "Do you enjoy anal more than vaginal?"

  "Not always. It depends. It's a different type of feeling." His lips settled over hers in an all too brief kiss. "Shall we get something to eat? It's going on dinner time."

  "I can rustle us up something if you like."

  "Not necessary. I'd like to take you out for a simple meal. Burgers?"

  "At Jack's?"

  His eyes twinkled with mirth. "You are the connoisseur of the best burgers in Red Rock. Jack's it is."

  They moved into his room and redressed although his eyes never left her body. Her gaze seemed to drift to his maleness almost as much. The hard muscles and delicious plains of his sculpted body called to her to touch, to explore with her mouth. Her palms itched to stroke him, feel the hair-roughened skin.

  "Stop looking at me like that or we won't be going anywhere."

  "I can't help it. I want to feel you under my hands."

  "I'll let you explore later. Deal?"

  "Oh yeah. I can do whatever I want?"

  "Maybe. It would be difficult for me to give up total control, but I may allow you to explore my body at will. Actually, it sounds fun."

  She allowed a small smile to drift over her lips and one of his eyebrows arched over his eye as an answering grin lifted the corners of his mouth.

  She moved to stand in front of him, lifting her hands to smooth over his chest until he grabbed them in his palms. "Not now or we'll never get food."

  "Spoiled sport." This earned her a swat on the butt. "Ouch!"

  "Behave yourself, sub. Backtalk will not be tolerated although I think you would enjoy me reddening your ass."

  She gave him a saucy wink. "Maybe."

  Once they were both dressed, he took her hand in his and headed back toward the living room. "I really should go home to change. I didn't bring clean clothes."

  "I'll run you home. You can meet me back here in about an hour?"

  "That would be great. I could shower, slip into something sexy and come back."

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. "You're sexy in anything or nothing at all."

  "Sweet talker." She kissed him quickly.

  "Let's get going before I change my mind and keep you here tied to my bed."

  After she slipped on her shoes, they walked outside. He held open the door to his truck so she could slide inside. Such a gentleman.

  Silence enveloped them in a warm cocoon of intimacy as they drove out to her dad's place. Marcus took her hand and held it in his on the drive out there. Something so small but very significant to her. I hope he's not getting too wrapped up in this relationship. I don't want to hurt him. "Marcus, don't forget I'm leaving in less than a month."

  "I know, Elizabeth," he said, squeezing her hand. "I'll keep my heart intact. I promise. You are a very tempting woman though."

  She sighed and pressed her lips together. I can do this. I can keep this simple and non-assuming. I can keep my own heart from becoming emotionally involved with him. It would be a rebound relationship anyway. I was in love with Ari. Her heart vehemently objected to her internal observation. She knew the feelings she thought she had for Ari didn't compare to the budding feelings stirring for the man beside her. Nothing had prepared her for what he stirred.

  They pulled into the driveway of her childhood home. She squinted as the setting sun painted the white house with an orange glow. White lace curtains blew in the breeze through the windows and cattle shuffled around the pen on the side of the house. Obviously, her father had decided keeping them closer would be better until they found out what had killed the group.

  "Hi Dad," she said, stepping out of Marcus' truck to find her father with his foot braced on the fence.

  "Hi, baby. Are you just getting home?" he asked, his perceptive gaze stopping on Marcus.

  "Actually, I'm only home to shower and change. I'm going out for burgers with Marcus."

  "Again? You've been gone since yesterday."

  "Dad, I'm spending time with him. Didn't you want us together?"

  "Well yes, but you said you didn't want a steady guy."

  "We're okay. We both know how this is working. Don't worry."

  "I don't want to see either of you get hurt, Elizabeth. That's all."

  "We aren't. Right, Marcus?" she asked as he slid his arm around her waist.

  "True, Mitchell. I hope you don't mind me seeing Elizabeth."

  "Not at all. I think you two are good together. Just be careful, eh?"

  "Of course." She turned to Marcus and brushed her lips against his. "I'll meet you back at your place in an hour."

  "Sure. See you there."

  She glanced behind her as she stepped onto the porch, noticing her father's glance and Marcus' gaze. Her father's words echoed in her head. Was she getting in too deep? Would she lose her heart to Marcus before the month concluded or would she be able to walk away unscathed? Somehow, she didn't think so.

  About fifteen minutes later, her father tapped on her door. When she opened it, she didn't like the new lines on his face or the worry in his eyes.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I got the test results back on the water."


  "It's been poisoned."

  "By what?"

  "Nitrate. There were toxic levels found."

  "What the hell could have contaminated the water with nitrate? The pool looked fine. No decaying animals or plants in it."

  "I'm not sure. I don't know whether it's a combination of high levels in the water or possibly the extra feed they've been getting to fatten them up before we take them to auction."

  "It's crazy, Dad. Are you sure?"

  "Yes. I intended to talk to Marcus about the situation, but he seemed in a hurry to get back to his place. I really need to ask him what other sources of contamination could have occurred and if he saw anything up there when he inoculated the herd. They are specific symptoms of nitrate poisoning he might have observed."

  "When I asked him about it, he said he didn't see anything."

  "You two have talked about our situation?"

  "We did do other things besides have sex, Dad."

  "Too much information, Elizabeth."

  She laughed and kissed his cheek. "Well, you asked. I'm sure you had to be aware we've been sleeping together."

  "I doubt sleep had anything to do with it," he said, brushing her hair off her forehead. "Please be careful, sweetheart."

  "I am. We aren't getting serious or anything. Hell, I barely know the man."

  "Yet, you're having sex with him?"

  "Who is Elizabeth having sex with?" her sister Caroline asked, stepping out of her room down the hall.

  "None of your business, sister dear. Are you just now getting up? It's almost dinner time."

  "I was out all night working at the bar."

  "Working or playing?"

  "Including the Lawson twins? Playing a little and working a lot."

  "I'm going to work in my office. I really don't need to hear about my daughters’ exploits."

  "We're adults, Dad."

  "Yes, but you'll still be my little girls even if you are over eighteen," he replied, kissing Elizabeth first, and then Caroline before he disappeared back down the hall.

  "So, the Lawson twins, eh?"

  "Yep. If one is good, two is better."

  "I wouldn't know, but I'm sure Emma could tell you."

  "She has. Why do you think I'm doing the twin thing?
Sounded intriguing to me."

  Elizabeth grabbed Caroline's hand and pulled her into the bedroom. "Tell me."

  "What?' Sweet, innocent Elizabeth wants to know the down and dirty with two guys?"

  "Yes, damn it. Not that I would try it myself. One is enough for me if it's the right guy, but two…"

  "It's hot, let me tell you."

  "Really? How does it work? I mean they go at separate times, right?"

  "Nope.Been with one and with both together."

  She pulled Caroline down on the side of the bed. "What's two men like?"

  "Intense. To have two men focused on my needs is incredibly hot."

  "Care to give me deats?"

  "No. Just know where there are two, it's double the pleasure." Caroline stood and headed for the door.

  "You're rotten, you know."

  She grinned as she waggled her eyebrows. "I know, but it sounds like you're hot and heavy with the incredibly handsome Doctor Melton."

  "Yeah." The heat from a blush crept up Elizabeth's cheeks. Although she wasn't ashamed of being with Marcus, just a little self-conscious of how he had half the women in town wrapped around his little finger, yet he wanted her.

  "I hope you don't get in over your head though, sis. He doesn't seem like the settling down type."

  "Neither am I."

  "You thought you were marrying Ari and didn't have a problem with it."

  "I do now. I want my life on my terms. I want to get my practice going, and then worry about settling down with one man. Marcus is just a diversion until I go to Billings."

  "Yeah, but Billings is only a two hour drive. It's not like it's halfway across the country." Caroline returned to the bedside and kissed her cheek. "Think about it. If he hints he wants more than a month-long fling, I say go for it."

  Chapter Nine

  "You seem distracted. Did something happen at your father’s?" Marcus asked as they sat down at the picnic table outside of Jack's Burgers.

  "Not really although Dad said he got the water sample report back and he wanted to talk to you about it."

  "What did they find?"

  "Toxic levels of nitrates."

  "Damn. Seeing any animal suffer kills me, but nitrate poisoning is horrid."

  "You've seen that type of death before?"

  "Yeah, a time or two. The animal basically suffocates."

  "Shit." She chewed her bottom lip for a second, then popped a French fry into her mouth. "How do you think high levels of Nitrate might have gotten into the pool?"

  "Decomposing animal, fecal matter…there are a number of ways," he replied, taking a bite of his hamburger. "Does your dad suspect foul play?"

  "Why would he? He doesn't have any enemies that I'm aware of."

  "It seems odd to have high levels of nitrates in the water supply without contamination of some sort. You said you didn't see anything right?"

  "No. The pool looked clear."

  "I'm sure they tested for fecal matter to rule it out as the source. Hmm…this really seems strange to me." He wiped his mouth with a napkin before he stuck a fry in his mouth. "You aren't hungry?"

  "Not for food."

  "Naughty girl." He reached over and took her hand in his, which garnered a few raised eyebrows from the surrounding patrons. Their mouths drops opened when he brought her fingers to his mouth to suck one between his lips.

  "Marcus." The word came out in a breathless pant. "People are staring."

  "I don't care," he said after he nipped at the tip. "I like being with you. If this town is too uptight to see me with you, then it's their problem."

  "I don't think they are uptight, Marcus. After all they've accepted some pretty unconventional relationships from my family and the Dunns in the last few years."

  He returned her hand to the tabletop but didn't release it. "Like?"

  "My sister is living with and enjoying a triad with two men in Nashville. Their bond started here though. No one really got upset about it. Delaney Dunn is in a triad relationship with two men who are also together from what I understand. She's married legally to one but the three are together."

  "What would they think if they knew I spank your ass until it's bright red under my hand or they saw the bench I fucked you on last night? In the ass, no less," he asked, his voice dropping to a whisper of conspiracy.

  "You might ruin your reputation or you might be the most sought after single man in Red Rock."

  "I only want you so it doesn't matter what my reputation is as a single man in this town."

  "Marcus, I…"

  A smile creased his lips as he tried to lighten the mood. "Don't get hung up on what's going on between us, Elizabeth. I'm okay with a temporary relationship. It's fine. Really."

  "Are you sure?" What the hell am I saying? I'm not even sure I'm okay with it.

  "Yes, I'm sure. You'll go off to Billings at the end of the month. I'll be left right here. We can see each other occasionally if we so desire to and continue to see other people if we want. Right?"

  She dropped her gaze to the tabletop and shrugged. Somehow when he sounded so nonchalant about the whole thing, she didn't care for the idea. Him seeing another woman or many women didn't sit well with her. Sharing him seemed wrong all of the sudden. "Sure. Sounds good to me."

  With one finger under her chin, he forced her gaze up to his. "Why don't I believe you?"

  "I'm okay with it. I mean getting attached to you right now would be totally stupid." She pulled her face from his fingers and sipped her soda for something to keep her occupied. Hopefully he wouldn't see the lie in her eyes.

  "Would it?"

  "Yes. We've only known each other a short time. I really don't know very much about you and even though we've been together in the biblical sense of the word, the whole thing is just two people having fun."

  "We've discussed seeing each other after you leave."

  "Not really discussed. You've mentioned the possibility."

  "Billings isn't so far away to be unreasonable."

  "No, it's not. Are you sure you want to continue this?"

  "I do. Do you?"

  "Let's see how things go while I'm here and we'll go from there."

  Silence stretched between them for several moments before he changed the subject. "The Fourth of July picnic is coming up. Will you go with me?" he asked, finishing off his food.

  "I'd love to, but I'll have to come back to town for the celebration. I hope I have the day off. I'll pack the lunch if you bring the blanket."

  "Sounds good to me. What about until then? The fourth is still a couple of weeks away."

  "We can still see each other unless you'd rather cool things off."

  "I'd rather heat them up if you know what I mean." He brought her hand to his mouth to kiss her palm. "I like you hot and wet."

  "You don't have to do much to get me there."

  "No?" he asked, his eyes turning a sapphire blue.

  "Not at all."

  "Are you there now?"

  "Hell yes." Her blood rushed in her ears as desire pooled in her belly. She wanted this man with everything inside of her. How he'd tied her up into knots, she wasn't sure, but she didn't care either.

  "Shall we go back to my place?"


  "Oh, I love how you beg, Elizabeth. So pretty. I love to see you on your hands and knees sucking my cock," he whispered, tonguing her palm, sending shivers down her arms. "Look. Goose bumps. Are you excited?"

  "More than excited.My blood in thrumming for you."

  "Good. Let's go then. I have a need to feel your lips wrapped around me again."

  They tossed their wrappers and remaining food into the trash receptacle before they rushed to his truck like two giddy school kids, laughing at their antics as she glanced over at the others eating with their shocked expressions. She continued to giggle when they pulled out of the drive-in.

  "What's so funny?"

  "The faces of some of the others at the burger place just crack
ed me up. Nothing huge. They need to lighten up a little."

  They drove off down Main Street, past the diner, Jake's Harley Store and Delaney's Gas Station as they headed out of town. Several moments later, they pulled up in front of his house and he jumped out to come around to her side of the truck. She squealed as he scooped her up in his arms before he walked up to the door.

  "Where are your keys?"

  "In my pocket. Care to retrieve them for me?"

  "Sounds like fun, but you'll have to put me down."

  "Reach between us. They're in the front right pocket. You should be able to reach them."

  "Is that what's poking me in the butt?"

  "No. My cock is searching for its home."

  "Ah, well then. We'll have to make sure he finds it now won't we."

  "Oh hell yes." She reached between their bodies only to hear Marcus hiss when she grazed his cock with her hand.

  "To the right, Elizabeth."

  "Sorry." She giggled.

  "No you aren't. You'll be getting ten swats for your little wandering hands."

  "Only ten?"

  "Shall we make it fifteen? I could always get out the crop I have. You might not find the swats so pleasurable."

  "Let's not."

  "All right, fifteen with my hand. We'll see how red I can make your ass," he said in a tortured whisper as she finally retrieved his keys and opened the door.

  The moment he set her on her feet, she dropped to her knees, glancing up through her lashes. "Shall I suck you now?"

  "I'll do the directing. You may not speak."

  She dropped her gaze to the floor. Would she ever figure this stuff out? She wanted to be a good sub for him, but the mechanics of when and how to do things kept evading her. Hopefully, Marcus would instruct her or give her some kind of reference material. Maybe I should ask him?

  He put his finger under her chin to bring her gaze up to his. "In this type of relationship, Elizabeth, you do not have to worry about if you'll please me. You already do. I will tell you everything you need to do and say. You do not have to guess at what I want. If I don't tell you to do something, then don't do it. Is that understood? Say yes sir or no sir."

  "Yes, Sir." The relief she felt at his words lightened her mood. She'd always worried with other lovers if she should pump her hips with him, suck his cock or not. Lick it or suck it. Caress his balls or don't touch them. Did he want her on top or not?


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