The Heir Of Westfall [The Alurian Chronicles Book 1]

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The Heir Of Westfall [The Alurian Chronicles Book 1] Page 26

by Christopher W. Wilcox, Sr.

  Chastened, Rory said, “I beg your pardon, sire. I had no right to pry. I was merely expressing my concern over the health of the queen."

  "We know that, and no offence was taken,” King William replied. “All will be clear in a little while."

  * * * *

  Duke Richard was waiting at the base of the steps when the royal party rode up. As the king dismounted, the duke went to one knee and said, “Welcome, sire. Westfell Keep is honored to host you for the second time this year."

  "Rise, Duke Richard of Westfell. We are pleased to escort your heir and his bride home from their adventures in the deserts of Solange,” King William said loud enough for all to hear. Then quietly, he added, “Go ahead, man! Greet your grandson."

  Duke Richard wrapped his arms around Rory in a great hug, saying “Welcome home, lad. You look happy."

  "I am, sir. Quite happy. Excuse me for one moment, Grandfather.” With those words, Rory went over to help Bethany from her horse even as General Gustav once again assisted his queen.

  Duke Richard welcomed Queen Beatrice even as his eyes went to the radiant face of Lady Bethany. Her happiness gleamed in her eyes as she came up to the duke and said, “Greetings, Grandfather. It is wonderful to return to Westfell."

  "Welcome home,” Duke Richard said. “And this is your home now, you know.” Turning to the royal couple, he said, “Why don't we go inside and get everyone settled? I am sure the ladies would like to refresh themselves after the long trip from Aluria.” Seeing a strange face among the group, he added, “And who is this?"

  Bethany said, “This is Ilara, my companion who, like me, was kidnapped and held as a slave in the desert of Solange."

  "Welcome to Westfell Keep, Ilara,” Duke Richard said. “Mistress Margaret will show you where everything is."

  Ilara curtseyed to the duke and followed Mistress Margaret inside, with the housekeeping staff carrying the luggage of those staying within the keep.

  "Bethany, why don't you escort Queen Beatrice to her rooms while your father, Rory and I entertain the king in the library. Once you have had a chance to freshen up, I would like you and Her Majesty to join us there,” Duke Richard said as they entered the keep.

  * * * *

  Rory had just finished telling Duke Richard about their adventures in Solange when the queen and Bethany joined them in the library. Once the queen was settled in a chair, Duke Richard said, “Bethany, since you are now married to Rorrick, there are some things I want you to have. Rory, would you please bring me that small chest over on that table?” Once the chest had been brought, Duke Richard said, “This chest contains the jewelry once worn by my late wife. They would have gone to my daughter when she returned from court but that was not fated to be. As you will be the next Duchess of Westfell, it is only right that they pass to you. Please accept them with my love as your new grandfather."

  Bethany opened the chest and was amazed at the collection of precious gems it contained, each set in gold, silver, or platinum. There were rings, earbobs, hair combs, tiaras, bracelets, and necklaces too numerous to count. Bethany rose from her chair and gave the duke a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Grandfather, for this magnificence. I am at a loss for words."

  He patted her on the back, pleased with her reaction. A flash of silver caught his eye and he realized she still wore the mithrail pendant that led Rory across the world to find her.

  "You're staring at my ... wolf again, Grandfather,” Bethany chided him. “You are as bad as Lord Swiftstalker. I guess some men just never outgrow their fascination with ... silver."

  Everyone laughed as the duke blushed and mumbled, “Men never outgrow an appreciation for a beautiful woman. The day I stop looking is the day you can declare me dead and Rory will become the next duke."

  "Flatterer,” she said before she kissed his cheek once more and then returned to her seat.

  "Before we get to the part where we start planning the recognition and celebration of the marriage between Bethany and your heir, the queen and I wish to make an announcement,” King William said. “After all these years, we are thrilled to tell you that the queen is expecting a baby in about six months."

  Bethany rushed to the woman who had been like a mother to her and gave her a loving embrace in congratulations, while the men all congratulated the king. Bethany whispered, “So that's why you've been unwell on the road. Oh, Your Majesty, I am so happy for you."

  Queen Beatrice smiled shyly. “I suspect it happened the night of your betrothal dinner, my dear, so I owe you a debt myself. Oh, Bethany, we have waited so long for this and I worry that I am too old."

  "Nonsense, Your Majesty.” Although secretly, Bethany had thought the same thing. The queen was nearing her fortieth year and was far older than most women who carried their first child. “We will just have to take extra care of you from now on."

  Duke Richard poured them all a large brandy to toast the news, although the queen and Bethany both demurred from the potent alcohol. “To the heir!” offered Duke Richard.

  "To the queen,” said the king.

  After the toasts were drunk and everyone returned to their seats once more, Duke Richard said, “The whole kingdom will rejoice in this news."

  "A proclamation will be read tomorrow in Aluria and copies will be sent to Kendrahl and Eastfell. Another copy accompanies my envoy to the Great Caliph as we have accepted his offer of an alliance and returned Solange to his control,” King William said. “You may spread the good news within Westfell."

  "It will be my great pleasure, sire.” Duke Richard rang for Mistress Margaret. When she appeared, he said, “Mistress Margaret, I want you to spread the joyous news. The king and queen are expecting an heir to the throne of Aluria. The happy event should occur in about six months."

  Mistress Margaret said, “Your Majesties, this is indeed wonderful news. It will be my pleasure to tell everyone I see.” With a quick curtsey, she left the room to start spreading the new gossip.

  "I have found she is faster at getting the word out than any proclamation could ever be.” Duke Richard laughed. “She has more connections among the people than one would expect."

  * * * *

  The feast at the keep was a joyous event for not only did they celebrate the marriage of the heir and his lady, they were also joining with the king and queen in celebrating the long-awaited heir to the throne. The queen had drawn the very pregnant Rachel, wife of General Gustav, aside to ask those questions that only another pregnant woman could answer. The feast was well underway when a bedraggled Swiftstalker walked in to the room. His clothes were muddy and torn, mute evidence of a hard trip to Westfell.

  He walked straight to the head table, picked up Rory's wineglass, and drained it. He then picked up Lady Bethany's and drained it as well before he could speak.

  "I bring ill news. King Alaric has been murdered,” Swiftstalker said. “You must come to the Heart of the Veil at once. Your father, King Brightblade, extends an invitation to your wife as well."

  When Swiftstalker refilled a glass and started to drink once more, pandemonium broke out. The king motioned for Duke Richard, Rory, General Gustav, and Swiftstalker to join him away from the hall. They withdrew to the library, where the king said, “Tell us what happened, Lord Swiftstalker."

  "King Alaric had received a message requesting a meeting near the Tower of the Pact. Since the message was signed by Duke Richard of Westfell, the king thought it might concern the whereabouts of Lord Rorrick, so he went with his usual guards who travel with him within the Great Forest. When King Alaric did not return in a reasonable period, we went to find him. His guards had been slaughtered, literally dismembered. Our king had also been mutilated in an effort to disguise the method of his death. He was slain by magic, a fact verified by our Master Mages.” Swiftstalker turned to Duke Richard. “The fact that magic of the darkest sort was used to kill him is all that kept the elven warriors from riding on Westfell Keep. It was only through Arianna's intercession th
e warriors were averted. She rightly pointed out that no one in Westfell was capable of performing such dark magic and, after examining the message, she declared the seal and signature as fakes. The mood within the Veil is dark."

  "Lord Swiftstalker, this news is upsetting to us all. You say that Lord Rorrick and Lady Bethany have been summoned to the Veil. Would there be a benefit if I and Duke Richard were to accompany them?” King William asked. “We could leave Queen Beatrice here in Westfell to rest, as well as all of the King's Own. We would entrust our safety to you and Lord Rorrick."

  "I honestly don't know, Your Majesty. It would either defuse the tensions between the Veil and Aluria or result in open warfare as the pact would be broken."

  "Would our being there break the pact?” Duke Richard asked.

  "No, Your Grace, but your deaths would."

  Chapter 28

  Bethany left Ilara behind in Westfell to care for the queen. Much to the consternation of all the men, she had appeared in the courtyard wearing a pair of Westfell trousers and shirt and boots rather than the expected riding habit.

  "Be reasonable. The traditional garb would require that I ride sidesaddle, and that would slow our pace to a sedate walk. That would be inexcusable in these circumstances. This way I can ride astride and we can trot, canter, or even gallop as needed.” She looked at Duke Richard, and said, “I have already had this discussion with my husband and he has seen the wisdom of my attire."

  Duke Richard knew when to stand his ground and when to walk away. In this battle, he had lost before he knew there was one to be fought. He caught the glint of humor in the king's eye and he sighed, which made the king laugh.

  "Lady Bethany, you will be a formidable duchess.” King William laughed. “We see nothing wrong with your attire."

  Bethany smiled at the king and kissed her new grandfather's cheek as Rory appeared leading his new horse and one for Bethany. Both were saddled with standard war saddles. Rory helped his wife mount and then spent several minutes adjusting the stirrups to fit her feet. “Beth, place your boots in these and post for me, please, so I can see if they are set up right.” She did as he asked.

  The king turned to Duke Richard. Indicating the young couple, he said, “Seeing the way she fills out the seat of those trousers, we would support making all women wear them from now on."

  "Sire, for shame! What would the queen say?” Duke Richard laughed even as he agreed that Lady Bethany did indeed fill those trousers quite attractively.

  "Her Royal Highness would call us a dirty old man even as she demanded several pair of her own. Perhaps your good wife never said anything, but we know the queen hates to wear the formal dresses society says she must. She has often told me how much she envies men the freedom of movement granted by our clothing. Well, my good Duke, it appears they are ready for us. To horse, old friend, and let us see if we can keep the Pact between elves and man intact."

  * * * *

  They had ridden hard, reaching the Tower of the Pact in just two days. Bethany had thoroughly enjoyed the ride, racing her husband and jumping fences whenever the chance presented itself. Her face was flushed with excitement and they had often raced ahead in order to steal a few private moments alone for a kiss or two. The king and the Duke of Westfell would lag behind with Lord Swiftstalker, granting the couple those brief moments together. They had spent the night in one of the small hamlets along the road to the tower, much to the surprise of the farmer who lived there.

  They had ridden up to the front of the farmhouse just before sundown. The farmer had come out to see who his visitors might be. He had recognized the Duke of Westfell immediately. “Your Grace!"

  "Good evening, Goodman Farmer. Would you have room by your fire for five weary travelers?"

  "It would be an honor, Your Grace, but surely you would rather have our bed."

  "Perhaps you should give the bed to King William.” Duke Richard indicated the tired king.

  The poor farmer had fallen to his knees before the king's horse, babbling about the great honor he felt. King William slid off the horse and helped the man to his feet, saying, “Nonsense, we will not deprive a hard-working man of his one comfort. We are so tired that a blanket and a warm fire will be more than enough after, perhaps, a bit of food and drink. Lord Rorrick, did you happen to pack any food we can give this goodman's wife?"

  "Aye, sire, we have a great many items to give to her, more than we shall ever need since we will be in the Veil tomorrow,” Rory said to the surprised farmer. “Lead on!"

  * * * *

  On their second day of travel, they had reached the Tower of the Pact shortly after midmorning. As they passed the site of the murder, Rory opened his senses completely. He was overwhelmed by the massive presence of evil. Whatever happened in this place involved such a great evil that Rory had no words to encompass it.

  Swiftstalker reined up and asked, “Are you all right, lad?"

  Color slowly returned to Rory's face as he shut down his senses, focusing them solely on Bethany's concerned face. Drawing a shaky breath, he said, “I am now. This was not done by anything human, Swiftstalker."

  "We must move on if we are to reach the Veil. We still do not know whether we can get the others inside, and if we cannot, then we must return them to the tower with sufficient protection."

  "The only protection from whatever did this is to be found inside the Veil, Swiftstalker. We must get them inside. When we get to the entrance, you must go inside and find Arianna. She will know what must be done."

  Turning to the king and his grandfather, he said, “From this point forward, each of you and your horses must be blindfolded. The Veil is protected by a glamour that is meant to confuse and mislead. By covering your eyes, you will not be affected. We will lead your horses as well as our own. Once we reach the Veil itself, you will be able to remove the blindfolds."

  The king reached down and pulled a scarf from his saddlebag. “The queen's. She always gives us some token of hers to take with us on a journey away from her."

  Swiftstalker quickly wrapped some cloth around the eyes of the five horses, while Rory tied the king's reins to the back of Swiftstalker's saddle. Then he affixed the duke's reins to the king's mount. Bethany's reins went on his own saddle. After securing all the reins, he helped Duke Richard with his blindfold and then went to Bethany. She leaned down and kissed him quickly, and then let him fasten her blindfold. As he started to move away, she said, “Just don't run me into any trees."

  The passage to the Veil was slow, made necessary by leading five horses on foot. It gave Rory plenty of time to think. What could possibly have made such an impression in that spot? As he thought, he kept an eye on their surroundings, remembering his first passage through this forest and the sentries who guarded the approaches to the Veil. He caught sight of one of the sentries, who did something that surprised him. Instead of following the group with his bow, the sentry lowered it and placed his hand over his heart and bowed his head as the group passed. Even as he puzzled over this action, he noticed that each sentry in turn did the same thing.

  "Swiftstalker, is there some way the sentries have recognized King William?” Rory asked quietly.

  Swiftstalker turned his head, catching sight of one of the sentries. “Lad, they do not honor the King of Aluria. They honor you."

  "Me? Whatever for?"

  "You've not realized what this all means, have you? Lord Rorrick, the Heir of Westfell, is now also Lord Rorrick, the Crown Prince of the Forest."

  * * * *

  "You can remove your blindfolds now,” Rory said once they reached the passage to the Veil. He helped Bethany off her horse and then began to tie the horses’ reins to one of the nearby tree limbs. “Swiftstalker has gone ahead to arrange for your passage through the Veil."

  As King William and Duke Richard stretched the kinks out after many hours in the saddle, Rory observed Bethany as she looked around. “The trees seem different, much older and taller than those at the edge of the f

  "They are, yet these are nothing when compared to the ones beyond the Veil."

  King William and Duke Richard joined them. King William said, “You speak of the Veil likes it's a physical thing. Where is it?"

  Rory gestured toward the sparkling motes that danced in the air beyond them. “The Veil lies a few yards in that direction. I know you can't see it or hear its song, but I do. Those with impure minds cannot pass through it, and it will not admit those who are not of elven blood, which explains why Swiftstalker has gone before us. He must find some way to get the Veil to admit the three of you."

  "Such a way has been found,” came the sultry voice from behind them.

  Rory spun around and said, “Arianna!” He gave her a brief hug, and then turned to introduce her to the others. “Everyone, this is Arianna, one of the Master Mages of the Forest. Arianna, this is King William of Aluria. You probably know my grandfather, Duke Richard of Westfell, and this is Bethany, my wife."

  "We were expecting Lady Bethany; so much thought had been given regarding the passage through the Veil.” Arianna stared at the king and duke for a moment before asking, “I know why she is here, but why did you accompany Rory? What do you hope to gain by coming here at this time?"

  "Gain?” King William said. “We hope to gain nothing! We are here to honor your fallen king, whom we greatly admired, and to pledge the support of the Realm of Aluria in bringing his killers to justice."

  Her gaze flicked to Duke Richard, who said, “I have known King Alaric my entire life and I too have come to honor him. I also wish to show your people that Westfell still honors the Pact."

  "Very well. Before we can pass through the Veil, you must remove all your weapons, even personal daggers. Your cold iron has no place within the Veil. They will be kept safe and will be returned to you when you depart."

  Rory collected the weapons from the king and duke, wrapped them in a silk cloak to insulate the iron, and handed the bundle to one of the sentries who had silently appeared. Rory said, “Your horses will be taken to the stables and your belongings, other than your weapons, will be waiting for you in an assigned hiakehla."


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