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Defiance Page 6

by Adrienne Monson

  “Wonder why that is,” he muttered.

  “I stopped trying to figure it out a long time ago.”

  The atmosphere in the car went into a comfortable silence. Samantha was looking out the window, as if trying to see as much of the Spanish countryside as she could in the dark.

  The drive from the airport took a while, and Leisha was stiff by the time they climbed out of the vehicle. Sore muscles were one thing she’d never get used to. She’d had them when she worked in her village in Africa but two thousand years made it easy to forget things like that.

  “Why are we staying at a hotel? I thought we would be meeting the other vamps right away,” asked Samantha, surveying the large building before them.

  Leisha shook her head, and Darshan answered, “This hotel is your destination. Victor and his people reside here.”

  Samantha looked impressed but didn’t say anything. Leisha supposed that after seeing their last vampire lair—beneath a tiny old Catholic church in India where parishioners continued to worship while vampires did unspeakable things directly below—nothing would surprise her anymore.

  Memories of the last time Leisha was here made her fingers feel cold. It had been over four hundred years ago and she’d been grabbing victims in the daylight to bring to Ptah and Ellery, Ptah’s mate. Thinking of all the wrongs she’d committed made her want to vomit. I’m not that person anymore. Victor can try, but I won’t let him push me around.

  She and Samantha walked into the hotel’s spacious lobby while Darshan and a bellboy carried their luggage in for them. The ceilings stretched high overhead and had beautiful paintings lining them. Samantha stared at the large chandelier hanging over their heads with wide eyes. It was plated in gold and held hundreds of light-refracting crystals. Beneath their feet, a marble floor led the way toward the reception area. At the front desk, Leisha recognized a human servant who belonged to a vampire named Ruth.

  The woman looked up and smiled as they approached. “Hello, Samantha. I didn’t think I’d see you again.”

  Samantha smiled in return. “Well, I’m glad I got to see you Vanessa. You were my favorite fellow servant.”

  Vanessa waved a hand. “Only because you didn’t stay long enough to meet the others.” She handed them an envelope. “Here are your key cards. Victor gave you a suite to share on the fifteenth floor. Danny and Darshan should have already put your luggage there.”

  Leisha took the envelope and expressed her thanks. As she turned to leave, Vanessa stopped them.

  “Since you’re arriving so late, Victor is giving you the day to rest. There will be a banquet tomorrow at midnight in the ballroom.”

  “He’s keeping everyone on night hours?”

  She nodded. “He says you’re still vampires and that you should all act as such.”

  “Even the blood drinking part?” Samantha quipped.

  Vanessa smiled. “It seems as long as everyone gets enough iron, they’re fine on that score.”

  They exchanged nervous chuckles. Nodding goodbye, Leisha and Samantha went to the elevators. As they entered the first car available, Leisha wondered why she hadn’t needed extra iron in her diet.

  “What floor do you think Nik is staying on?” Samantha asked.

  Leisha shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

  “Do you know how many floors there are total?”

  “Twenty. We’re being honored by getting a suite, by the way. But I’m not sure if Victor is trying to show me respect or if he wants something.”

  Samantha tossed her a look, as if to say, “What can you do?”

  Once on the fifteenth floor, they only had to walk a short distance before they found their suite. It was pretty standard for a vampire’s taste. Kitchenette, front room, and two bedrooms. Each room with its own gas fireplace and flat screen televisions.

  “Is this what first class is like?” Samantha asked, walking around and staring at the architecture around her.

  Leisha nodded. “It’s pretty nice, though I’ll bet the penthouse suites are much better.”

  Samantha walked into each bedroom on either side of the front room. “I’ll take this one,” she said from the bedroom on the right.

  Leisha picked up her luggage and headed to the bedroom on the left. She wanted to unpack, shower, and then sleep. She hadn’t realized how hard traveling was on a human body.

  She closed her door on Samantha, who was picking through chocolate covered nuts from the kitchen counter. The chocolate tempted her for a minute, but then she remembered nearly throwing up all the sugar she’d eaten on the plane.

  Putting her suitcase down, Leisha sat down on the bed. She’d intended to unpack and take a shower, but fatigue overwhelmed her. She decided to lie down for a minute, and before she realized it, she fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 8

  Samantha woke up in darkness. The combination of fresh-smelling linens and thick down cushioning her body made her burrow into bed a little longer. After a few moments of basking in luxury, she glanced at the clock on the nightstand and saw that it was midday. Yawning and stretching her fingers above her head, she got up and stumbled over to the window. It took a moment of fiddling with the blinds, but she figured out how to open them. Sunshine blinded her.

  She was impressed with how thoroughly the coverings blocked out the sun. Of course, this hotel catered to vampires, so she didn’t know why she should be surprised.

  Making her way to the bathroom, she decided to take a long bath. The huge tub fit her five-foot-eight-inch frame wonderfully. She drizzled the hotel-provided shampoo into her fingers and sniffed the light flowery fragrance before rubbing it into her hair. The conditioner was a sweeter scent, more fruity, and made her hair feel like silk running through her fingers. The liquid soap made her skin feel smoother than ever.

  “I could get used to this,” she mumbled to herself. She felt something by her hip. It was a button and, out of curiosity, she pushed it. Jets shot water around her body and she groaned in pleasure. “I could really get used to this.”

  When she was finally too pruned to stay in the water, she got out and readied herself for the day. Coming into the main room, she saw that Leisha’s door was still closed. She went over and quietly eased it open. The room was pitch black and she could hear Leisha’s even breathing. Still asleep.

  Knowing it wasn’t a good idea to venture out by herself, she sighed and went into the small kitchen. After a brief inventory of the food, she grabbed two candy bars from the counter for her breakfast. She was on a vacation, of sorts, after all. She’d discovered last night that chocolate from Spain was definitely worth having. She wasn’t sure if she could go back to eating American chocolate after this trip.

  Glancing at the hotel phone on the counter, she wished she knew which room Nik was staying in. Reaching for the phone, she hesitated. She knew if she called down to the front desk, they could direct her call to him, but wasn’t sure if it would look suspicious. After all, Nik had to play vampire politics here. She remembered how it had been when Leisha had played those very games. Every move made, no matter how small, could affect the situation. Samantha couldn’t wait to see him again, but reconciled herself to hang out until Leisha woke.

  Candy in hand, she sat on the couch and was just reaching for the remote when her vision blurred . . .

  She was in some kind of tunnel. It was dark and hard to see.

  “Why can’t you just leave me alone?”

  She turned to see… herself. The Samantha in her vision was against a curved wall, crying and staring at her father across the way.

  “We’re family, girl. That means I’ll never leave you alone.”

  “You did a first-rate job of it for ten years.”

  “Things are different! You’re with vampires. How can I ignore that? And look at what they’ve done to you!” Mason pushed a hand through his hair. “But don’t worry, Samantha. I think I can fix it. You need to come with me.”

  “She’s not go
ing anywhere with you.”

  Samantha turned to see Nik blocking the tunnel, looking as if he’d barely arrived. His normally passive demeanor was replaced by something intense, almost feral. There was an emotion in his eyes that she couldn’t read. He started walking toward them.

  Before Samantha could look back at her father, she heard her vision-self scream out a warning. The next thing she knew, a look of surprise spread across Nik’s face and a hideous bloodstain was blossoming around his chest.

  Coming out of her vision with a gasp, Samantha’s heart pounded in her chest. Sweat cooled on the back of her neck as she breathed deeply for a few minutes. Going into the kitchen, she swigged some water. She sat again and let her heart rate go down. Once calmed, she reviewed the details of the vision.

  Now she knew that her father would track her down eventually. What had he meant when he said the vampires had done something to her and that he could fix it? She couldn’t think of what it would be. Then there was Nik. Had becoming human again made him more emotional? She had seen his barriers come down once, but even then he hadn’t shown a lot of expression in his face. The more frightening question of all was making her fingers twitch. Was he still human in that vision? If that was the case, then she had just witnessed his death.

  Samantha blew out a breath as Leisha tugged her hair into a chignon. Her ex-vampire friend could pull harder than was necessary at times. However, Leisha was an expert at fashion and knew how to turn a casual teenager into a breathtaking beauty. While the chignon was simple, Leisha perked it up by putting shining gems throughout the smooth sections. They matched her sapphire jewelry, which made a pretty complement to her light blue dress.

  Leisha, as usual, looked stunning in a gold gown that hugged her curves and had many straps that artistically curved over her open back. Her hair was up in a loose fishtail braid that ended in an equally loose bun. Victor had arranged for the gowns to already be waiting for them in their closets before they’d arrived – perfectly sized to each woman.

  The cloying scent of hairspray permeated the room as Leisha covered every little flyaway.

  Leisha glanced at the clock in the bedroom, visible through the doorway. “It’s almost time to go.” She shook her head. “I still can’t believe I slept so long. If you hadn’t woken me, we’d have been late tonight.”

  “Yeah, you slept over twenty hours straight. That’s not normal, even for a human.”

  Leisha raised a brow, as if she’d been challenged. “Who knows what I am these days. Besides, I feel totally refreshed and we’ll be up all night. I’ll bet you’ll be exhausted before we’re halfway through this thing.”

  “Is it going to be like it was before? Where I serve you, then go with the other human servants to eat?”

  Leisha shrugged. “If they don’t follow Ptah’s tradition, then I think it best if you stay by my side.”

  Samantha got up from the chair and put on her strappy high heels. She knew it wasn’t practical to dress like this all the time, but she did enjoy it. The added height from her shoes probably put her at six feet tall. She hoped Nik would be there so he could see her looking her best.

  She turned to Leisha. “Well, shall we?” Her friend nodded and they left.

  Once downstairs, they moved toward the back left part of the hotel. The ballroom was large, and housed the thousand people comfortably. The soft lighting created a romantic ambience even though it was completely crowded. Classical music played from overhead speakers while people milled about, some getting drinks at the bars scattered along the walls, and others sampling hors d’oeuvres from trays carried by roving waiters. Leisha grabbed a few spinach balls from a passing tray and handed one to Samantha. They looked good and Samantha was ready for something besides the snack food she’d had all day.

  Biting into it, she quickly revised how hungry she was. She searched for a place to spit it out before the salt and heavy spices burned away her taste buds.

  “Mmm.” Leisha closed her eyes as she chewed. “Finally! Something with flavor.”

  Samantha stared at her. “You mean this is what food tastes like when you’re a vampire?”

  Taking the uneaten portion of the spinach ball from Samantha, she answered, “Not exactly. When you’re a vampire, you’re aware of everything. Like the flavor, and the texture, and even the temperature.” She popped the food in her mouth and spoke around it. “These aren’t the best, but at least it tastes like something.”

  Samantha smirked. “I think you’ve convinced me to never become a vampire. I like my palate the way it is, thank you very much.”

  Leisha’s green eyes warmed with her smile.

  Right then, the lights flickered a few times. Everyone started moving toward the stage at the far end of the ballroom. Leisha gestured with her head and they followed suit.

  Samantha saw Victor, flanked by Annette and another woman on the stage. They were sitting in decorative chairs, Victor seated in front of the women. The three of them were dressed elegantly in modern formal attire, Victor’s tux crisp and tailored to fit his massive frame perfectly. His brown hair shined in the stage lights, and his dark eyes seemed to twinkle.

  Samantha swallowed at seeing Annette, looking like a perfect rendition of Snow White—or maybe her evil stepmother. She reminded herself that the woman couldn’t hurt her tonight. Forcing back memories of the brunette beauty torturing her, she tried to focus on her surroundings.

  Leisha faltered a step when she looked at the stage. Her face was pale.

  Placing a hand on her companion’s arm, Samantha leaned down. “Leisha, are you all right?” she murmured in her ear.

  The vampire closed her eyes, then opened them again. After taking a breath she smiled at Samantha. “Fine. I simply had a little surprise, that’s all.”

  Samantha looked back at the stage and saw Victor watching them with a smile of amusement, and maybe smugness. Knowing it wasn’t the time to press her for more information, she followed behind her friend.

  Victor waited for a minute before standing and walking over to a microphone. Samantha was struck by how different things were now compared to when Ptah had been running the show. The girl remembered the master vampire’s voice clearly. It had been smooth as silk with a hardness hiding under the surface. When Ptah spoke, he didn’t need a microphone since his voice resonated with everyone in the room. Of course, Victor was forced to utilize modern technology since they didn’t have vampire hearing anymore.

  “Welcome, my faithful servants,” Victor started. While his tenor voice was smooth, it was not as mesmerizing as Ptah’s had been. “I am holding this banquet in honor of the loyal service of those who remained by my side. And also in honor of the vampires who were away and have finally found their way home.” His eyes sought Leisha. “While some things have certainly changed recently, many things are very much the same. We have had long lives, and I know that many of you appreciate the consistency that I have provided for you.”

  He pointed to someone off stage. “Tonight we will be celebrating by executing the leader of those so-called rebels. They have been tortured and killed for their crimes.” A burly man escorted a woman to stand on the stage next to Victor. She wore only the heavy chains around her wrists, which did nothing to cover her injuries. Samantha could see that one of her arms was hanging at an awkward angle. Her right eye was sunken. It took a second of staring to realize that her eyeball was gone. Samantha forced her mouth shut when she realized what the blood dribbling down the woman’s inner thighs meant.

  When Victor looked at the lady, her gaze immediately went to the floor. “I’m assuming you’ve had time to consider your crimes, Leighanna,” he said. “After watching your comrades suffer and die, and experiencing your own torment, I expect you have something to say to me.”

  Samantha could see Leighanna trembling, and sweat was making her nose shine in the lights. “I’m sorry,” the woman whispered.

  Shaking his head, Victor nodded at Annette. “What a weak fool
you are. You thought you could defy me? Now you know you are nothing without me. A weakling!”

  Annette walked toward the two of them with a small knife in her hand.

  “I will let you die. No longer will you entertain us as you have this past week.” He grabbed her chin and forced her to meet his eyes. “What say you?”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks as she answered with a breathless, “Thank you.”

  Samantha couldn’t believe it, but Leighanna actually looked like she meant it. She forced herself not to think about what the woman must have endured.

  Annette was on the other side of Leighanna now. Victor turned the woman to face Annette. The ex-vampire smiled benignly as she plunged the knife into the rebel’s chest. Leighanna screamed, but did nothing to defend herself.

  Samantha started when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Leisha kept her eyes on the stage while she whispered, “You should turn around. I don’t think you can handle what they’re about to do.”

  Samantha had seen enough already, so she looked away and tried not to hear the screaming. Leisha pulled Samantha into her arms and patted her back. Samantha heard Leighanna’s screams become shriller before suddenly stopping. It seemed like an eternity before Leisha turned her around again.

  The man who had escorted the rebel to the stage grabbed an ankle and started to drag the corpse away. Blood pooled around Annette and she licked it off her fingers. Somehow, that was even creepier to Samantha, knowing Annette was now human.

  Victor gestured to food laid out on tables to their left. “Now, my servants, go. Enjoy yourselves and celebrate your loyalty to me.”

  His audience bowed low, both Samantha and Leisha a beat behind the others. Then they all walked toward the food and began dishing up. The music came on the speakers again.

  “Are you hungry?” Leisha asked her.

  After what they had just witnessed, Samantha couldn’t believe Leisha would even ask. Samantha shook her head, her jaw clenched.

  Leisha nodded. “I’ll eat after I figure out what’s going on.” With that vague statement, she headed for the stairs that led to the stage. Samantha hesitated, looked around at the people noticing her, and then trailed behind.


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