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Frontline Page 11

by Z H Brown

  This brought a small chuckle from Solemn, but he was quickly quiet again.

  “Ever since we left Myrthal, I have felt a…presence coming from deep space,” he reached up and gently placed a hand on the glass. “I can sense…warmth. Energy. Power. It’s as though I’ve lived in a dark cave my whole life and suddenly discovered what ‘fire’ was.”

  Ansaria did some quick calculations on her TIG, which confirmed her suspicions. “Sounds like you’re picking up the Flame.”

  “What flame?”

  “You know, the Flame. The Golden Flame, the source of the Golden Emperor’s and-by extension- his empire’s power.”

  “And this is a well-known phenomenon?”

  Ansaria laughed. “Jeez, Solemn, you sound like you have been living in a cave. How do you not know about the Flame and the Imperium? We’ve only been at war with them for forty years.”

  “I’m sorry, sergeant, but my life’s focus has been on my research, not on border disputes and current events. Please, could you tell me about this Golden Flame?”

  Ansaria thought this over for a moment.

  “Why not, we’ve got a few hours to kill,” she said, before beginning the history lesson.

  The Golden Imperium was first encountered by the Xenlongian Empire thirty-eight years ago, ninety-two years into Emperor Xandarius’ reign.

  A pair of unknown ships (large, heavily armed and painted shades of gold from stem to stern), appeared on what was at the time the edge of Imperial space. These ships were detected and a small fleet was sent to investigate. The Imperial fleet broadcasted a message, welcoming the strangers and letting them know that peaceful trade and contact was always welcome. However, the ships made no reply, and after the Imperials finished broadcasting, promptly turned around and left. The encounter was referred up to the Emperor, who was intrigued by the mysterious visitors and decided to increase the size of the fleet in the area.

  It turned out that was exactly the thing to do, as the visitors returned in force. A fleet of two-dozen warships suddenly arrived and announced that this region of space was now under the control of the ‘Golden Imperium of Infinite Starlite’ and its ruler, the Golden Emperor. The Imperial locals of course refused to surrender, and the Imperial fleet was dispatched to deal with the invaders. The battle, the first of many between the Empire and the Imperium, was brief. The Golden Imperium’s ships, while intimidating and heavily armed, were inferior to their Imperial counterparts’, and the fleet was almost completely wiped out. A single ship remained its engines damaged and unable to escape. The survivors were collected and interrogated, revealing that there was a hitherto-unknown viper on the Empire’s doorstep.

  The Golden Imperium had begun on the planet Tamia almost two thousand years ago. During the early days of the Tamian’s space program, they landed a member of their species on their natural satellite. The Tamian astronaut discovered a cave that contained within it a massive, towering flame of shimmering gold. The astronaut, for reasons seemingly lost to time, stepped into the flame and became infused with it, transforming his body into an immense figure that was more flame than it was Tamian. Using his new powers, this lone astronaut returned to his homeworld and promptly seized absolute power. It was the birth of the first Golden Emperor and the Imperium as a whole.

  After the Emperor secured his power on his homeworld (by effectively enslaving the planet’s population and setting himself up as a god), he turned his attention to the stars, to

  countless unknown worlds that would soon feel the power of the Imperium. Every planet they encountered was enslaved and assimilated. Each new species was given a place in the Imperium, with everyone working solely for the good of their god-king and the ever expanding empire. After two millennia, the Imperium had grown to encompass thousands of worlds, and had yet to encounter a force that could challenge them.

  That all changed after the first encounter with the Xenlongian Empire. After their bold attack, Emperor Xandarius recognized the threat of the Imperium, and promptly assembled a fleet to meet them. The Imperium, meanwhile, grew curious about the lack of update from their invasion fleet, and sent a second one to investigate. This fleet was quickly destroyed by Xandarius’ assembled forces, and it was here that the advantage became clear: while the Imperium was numerically superior, the Xenlongian forces had superior ships and technology, their weapons and shields more than a match for their new foes.

  Thus began the long war (known to the Empire as the Imperium War, while amongst the Golden known as The War against the Gray Wyrm) between the two interstellar powers. For the last thirty-eight years, the war has followed a pattern of escalation and tense recession. In the beginning, both emperors led from their respective flagships; however, after the loss of a massive fleet and a narrow escape, the Golden Emperor withdrew from the front for a time to coordinate the war from Tamia. Xandarius, desiring to eliminate the Golden Emperor personally and seize his place at the top of the local galactic power structure, withdrew from the frontline as well, turning his attention back to imperial conquest. Occasionally, the Golden Emperor reappears with a fresh army, only to be met by Xandarius and defeated, forced to flee and rebuild.

  The war will likely continue until one of the two rulers is dead; Xandarius seeks to free the Imperium from the tyranny of the Golden Emperor and give the conquered peoples a place in the true Empire. The Golden Emperor, meanwhile, wishes to destroy a credible threat to his power, plunder Xenlong’s technology, and enslave its people.

  “That’s why I enlisted,” said Ansaria, after she had finished enlightening Solemn. “The thought of all those people, enslaved by an egomaniac with godlike powers that only ever thought about getting his mitts on more and more? I had to do something,” she said with a determined clench of her fists. “We’ve had enough of stuff like that on my planet. But wouldn’t you know it? I enlist, make it through basic, get promoted to sergeant, and I’m assigned to guard some dust ball on the other side of Imperial space. How’s that for life?”

  “You mean, before you and your squad were assigned your current mission, correct?”

  Ansaria quickly realized what she had said and silently kicked herself. “Yeah, of course.”

  “Yes, but Ansaria, please,” said Solemn. “You still haven’t told me exactly what the Golden Flame is yet.”

  “Oh,” she said simply, “well, we don’t exactly know what it is. All we know about it comes from prisoners and captured enemy equipment. We know that it’s an intense energy force that the rulers of the Imperium are somehow able to wield. We don’t know if it needs to be recharged, if it’s harmful to its host, or exactly what the power is capable of, but, this power was enough for one lone guy to conquer a whole planet. We certainly can’t leave it in the hands of warmongers, can we?”

  Solemn was silent as he mulled over what Ansaria had told him. He continued to stare out into the depths of space for a few moments before speaking.

  “I must admit: I’m feeling some professional regret. Perhaps if I hadn’t been so buried in my own work, I would’ve found out about this Flame sooner, and maybe even have gotten a chance to study it…”

  “Yeah; and just think, maybe if you had, you wouldn't have turned a planet full of Imperial citizens into prisoners and test-subjects.” And with that, Ansaria turned on her heel and left to find Slog, leaving the soul-infused machine to dwell on her words.

  Chapter X

  Monsters in the Fog

  Amalgabeasts are a mysterious and frankly frightening species: the creatures seek out new organisms to consume in order to absorb advantages traits that allow it to become stronger. A single specimen is capable of breeding a hive on a new planet, necessitating a quarantine of any ‘infected’ worlds. Illegal transportation or possession of an Amalgabeast is punishable by death.

  --Excerpt from The Newcomer’s Guide to the Empire

  “Sarge, we’re coming up on Brakka.”

  Slog’s voice emerged from Ansaria’s comm. as she made her w
ay back to the cockpit. Slog was there, alone at the controls. In the viewscreen, the planet Brakka loomed before them; vast, blue seas broken up by varying expanses of green landmasses. Ansaria heard the sound of metallic walking and turned slightly to see Solemn join her in the cramped space.

  “At last,” she heard him whisper.

  “Anything about this planet I should know, Solemn?” asked Ansaria.

  “There’s nothing special about it. Imperial colony world, specializes in R&D for the Empire, corporations and private individuals, though not without oversight, of course. Until the communications blackout, I would’ve said this should be as simple as going up and ringing the bell.”

  “And you have no idea what could have caused the blackout?”

  Solemn’s answer was to hold his out his empty hands.

  “Great. Have they spotted us, yet, Slog?”

  “Negative, Sarge. Or, if they have, then they’re keeping quiet about it.”

  “Bring us in then, and keep the comms open.”

  The small ship accelerated towards the planetary location provided by Solemn. As they got closer and closer to the day-side of the planet, the communication system remained silent and Ansaria’s unease began to grow. It wasn’t until the ship entered the atmosphere that the comm. system sprang to life.

  Garbled and unintelligible words filled the cabin, intermixed with bursts of static and high-pitched shrieking as the equipment tried to compensate.

  “Any way to clean this up?” said Ansaria, who almost had to shout to be heard over the incomprehensible din.

  “I’m doing all I can, Sarge, but none of it seems to be working,” said Slog as he fiddled with the equipment. All the while the ship drifted closer and closer to the surface of the planet.

  As they broke through what should have been the lowest level of clouds, the ship’s inhabitants saw a sea of white mist stretching out in all directions, completely obscuring the ground below. Ansaria’s feeling of unease intensified and she called for their craft to halt just below the clouds. The seconds stretched on while the crew examined the opaquefog beneath them, trying in vain to use their scanners to see through it. The silence was broken by Solemn, who had been fidgeting nervously behind them.

  “Sergeant Ansaria, please, we must go on. We won’t learn anything hanging in the sky- we have a deal, and every moment we linger puts my experiment at risk.”

  Ansaria mulled the situation for just a moment longer before nodding. “Take us in, Slog.”

  As the ship drifted down and entered the fog, the stuttering comm. finally began producing some intelligible messages.

  “Imperial Starhopper! We….immed….Base loca…need…” “That doesn’t sound good,” mumbled Slog.

  Before Ansaria could reply, she was knocked against the wall as the ship shook from a sudden impact.

  “Slog! Report!”

  “We’re under attack, Sarge! Whatever this fog is, it’s playing havoc with our sensors-I can’t get a fix on ‘em!”

  Another blast rocked the ship and Ansaria heaved her way toward the port viewscreen. She was uncertain what she would be able to make out in the thick fog, but she had to do something. Another blast hit the ship as they approached their landing site. Dark shapes flickered through the mist, nothing recognizable to Ansaria as she prayed that their attacker wouldn’t be able to knock them out of the sky.

  “Slog, how much further?!”

  “Beginning our final approach, just a few more seconds!”

  Ansaria keyed her TIG. “Squad, meet me at the hatch, and prepare to engage unknown hostiles!”

  Ansaria moved to follow her own orders, making for the ship’s exit, Solemn close at her heels.

  “Whatever happens, Solemn, stay behind us. If we are forced to split up, you come with me or Alvara, got it?”

  “Understood,” agreed Solemn.

  Looking over her shoulder and examining the scientist’s slim robot body, she doubtfully asked, “Any weapons in that rattletrap?”

  “Honestly, sergeant, I find that term offensive,” said Tread as he approached the exit, his plasma cannon whining as it began powering up.

  “I’m afraid not, Sergeant,” replied Solemn. “I may be able to tap into my mental powers and utilize some telekinesis, but I cannot guarantee it.”

  She reached the exit and saw Alvara waiting there with Critter tucked away in a belt pouch. She felt the shudder of the ship as it landed followed by rocking explosions from their unknown attackers. Heavy footfalls behind her announced the arrival of Slog.

  “All right everyone, as soon as we’re out, we head straight for the nearest cover. Keep low, watch your fire, and above all else, stick together.”

  She gave herself a moment before hitting the control pad on the door, which slowly opened. The fog shrouded everything, rendering the world outside a mass of whitish gray filled with shapeless, dark masses. Energy blasts struck the ground outside the door, creating small, burning craters.

  Ansaria dashed out, her head low, her senses straining for any hint of an enemy or incoming projectiles. She ran full speed toward the nearest black shape, which resolved itself into a building of some kind.

  She heard the footsteps of her troops behind her before they were drowned out by the thumping of Tread’s plasma cannon as his advanced senses were able to pick out the aerial threats better than the others.

  As their destination became clearer and clearer, Ansaria noticed the building sat dark and silent, its main door firmly shut. A flicker in her vision caught her attention and she fired a burst from her rifle into the fog. Uncertain if she hit anything, she turned her attention to the rapidly approaching door. Summoning her diminishing energy, she telekinetically struck the door, the blast blowing it heavily back into the building. With a last burst of speed, Ansaria threw herself over the entryway into the building, with her squad quickly following.

  “Slog, Solemn, block that hole! Tread and Alvara, get upstairs and take positions at the windows!”

  As her troops scrambled to comply, Ansaria raised her TIG. They had gotten a signal on the way down, and that meant that there were people here, probably in the same situation as them.

  “This is Sergeant Ansaria Dormus broadcasting on an open channel! To any Imperial forces in the area, we are under attack! Our ship was engaged by an unknown enemy upon approach, and we are currently taking shelter in a small structure but we are being besieged by hostiles! Can anyone hear me!?”

  The building shuddered as a pair of blasts struck it, but this was followed by a screech that sounded distinctly like an animal in pain.

  “Bagged one!” came Alvara’s voice from over the comm. unit.

  “Keep it up!” yelled Ansaria. She raised TIG to repeat her distress call before a static-y voice emerged from it.

  “This is Lieut……I have dispatch…..old your position! ETA less than…..”

  “Come in lieutenant! Please repeat- what’s your ETA?”

  “….ess than ten standard minutes!”

  Less than ten minutes. They could hold out for that long. After all, Alvara had already taken down one of them, so they clearly weren’t unstoppable.

  “Troops, help will be here in less than ten minutes. We just have to hold on ‘till then. And we’re going to make it out of here, cause I didn’t escape an unstoppable killing machine three times to be killed by a fog monster. Understood?!”

  “Yes, sergeant!” came the chorus of replies.

  Slog and Solemn had propped the door back in the entrance and had turned over a heavy metal table to hold it in place. Slog had taken up position next to a window with a steel shutter obscuring most of it, while Solemn had retreated to near the staircase. Ansaria moved to take up the other ground floor window.

  More energy blasts struck the building, a couple even blowing small, smoking holes in the sturdy metal walls. The fog air outside exploded with light as a fireball tumbled through the air before hitting the ground out of sight, its glow the only thing
still visible.

  “Hit one of them with a plasma blast and it went up like dry grass,” said Tread over the comm.

  The next few minutes settled into a pattern: the attackers would swarm the structure only to be forced to retreat once the troops returned fire. They heard cries of pain from the creatures that indicated they were scoring hits, but they never recreated Tread’s results.

  Ansaria slapped a fresh clip into her rifle and realized that it was her last one. After this, she’d be left with nothing but her sword and her powers, both of which were of limited use against an unseen enemy.

  She checked her TIG and saw that eight minutes had passed since she had gotten the reply. Help should be here any second- she hoped.

  Seeing a figure swooping through the darkness, she raised her rifle and unloaded on the target. The plasma rounds struck the mysterious shape and knocked it out of the air with a cry of pain. This was followed by another chorus of blasts from their attackers, and Ansaria was forced to duck away from the window as multicolored beams bombarded her position. As soon as the blasts subsided, she cautiously peeked out the window, only to see the constant cover of fog.

  As she tightened her grip on her weapon, the sky outside suddenly filled with light; a mighty “boom!” shook the building and Ansaria was just barely able to make out the sight of one of their attackers disappearing in a fireball. Laser blasts began filling the air, though these came from behind the building the squad was in.

  The beams illuminated the mist enough to briefly make out pieces of the creatures. Ansaria saw a multicolored wing of one beast and the scaly talon of another. It was only after wrenching her eyes away from the sky that she realized that the small structure was filled with the sound of her squad cheering. Ansaria allowed herself a tired smile.

  They made it.

  The barrage from the reinforcements continued for another few minutes. The new arrivals also had rockets in their arsenal, and they fired two more of them into the mists. The area was filled with the sound of explosions, energy blasts and cries from the creatures.


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