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Frontline Page 26

by Z H Brown

  Xandarius allowed the cheering to go for a reasonable length before once more holding up his hands for silence. “While I wish today could be only for celebration, let us not forget that we will soon be engaging the nefarious forces that have tried to destroy our great empire from the safety and anonymity of the shadows. In just a few short hours, we shall rendezvous with an Imperial fleet, and once we have planned our battle strategy, we shall find these aggressors and drag them into the light of justice!”

  More cheering followed the Emperor’s words. Xandarius threw his arms up into the air, but it was not to call for silence. Instead he encouraged the roaring of his troops as they eagerly anticipated the coming battle.

  “For peace! For freedom! For the Empire!” shouted Xandarius over the din.

  The crowd yelled even louder in response.


  Chapter XXII

  Asteroid Assault

  The Throneship is the pride of the Imperial fleet and, for a number of reasons, its greatest asset. The massive war vessel's most devastating weapon, the Throne Lancer, is capable of emitting a continuous stream of energy that decimates smaller vessels. In addition, it carries aboard it the Dragon Arsenal, a trio of superweapons each capable of razing a planet. Perhaps most impressively, though, is the ship's onboard teleportation system- the only one known to exist within the Empire. The power costs of a teleportation system make it impractical to use anywhere else, but the Throneship’s massive engines provide all the energy it needs. The teleportation system allows the Emperor and his personal forces to instantly insert themselves into any situation.

  --Excerpt from The Newcomer’s Guide to the Empire

  Ansaria and her squad exited the stage the same way they had entered while behind them, the cheers of Imperial soldiers continued to fill the room. The same lieutenant that had greeted them was waiting.

  “Congratulations, everyone,” she said, with a beaming smile. “While I’m sure you’re all eager to celebrate, I’m afraid the Emperor has other plans: Captain Dormus, you and the sergeants will need to report to this location in less than two hours.” Ansaria, Tread and Alvara all received a message on their TIGs, containing the necessary information. “The corporals are released under their own volition, until such time as His Majesty summons them.”

  The med-bot spoke up.

  “I’m afraid Private- forgive me- Corporal Krunkle will have to accompany me back to the infirmary until he’s officially discharged.”

  Slog groaned. “Great, just what I wanted to do after getting promoted: sit on my duff.”

  “I apologize, corporal, but the doctor did tell you that would be the case before you left.”

  “It’s fine; I’ve got some calls to make while I’m laid up anyway.”

  As the artificial physician helped Slog back into his chair, Critter spoke up from his spot on Ansaria’s shoulder.

  Slog smiled. “As long as you wouldn’t mind spending the day in the med-wing, and if the docs don’t mind…?”

  The rest of his statement was directed at his android assistant. The machine shook its head. “That shouldn’t be a problem; the doctor feels you’ve recovered enough to qualify for extended visits.”

  Ansaria smiled as she took Critter off her shoulder and held him close to Slog. The diminutive soldier hopped off her hand and on to Slog’s shoulder, where he affectionately patted the side of his larger friend’s head.

  “We’ll contact the both of you as soon as we’ve finished meeting with the Emperor,” said Ansaria. The group began walking toward the lift.

  When they arrived, the caretaker backed into the car so that Slog and Critter were closest to the door. Before the lift closed, Slog smiled and said, “Just don’t keep us in suspense this time, cap'n.” He saluted as the gray doors slid together.

  The first few minutes of the ride the three ranking officers took was spent in silence. Alvara was the first to speak.

  “So that was…unexpected.”

  “That seems to be the running theme of our lives lately, M,” replied Ansaria. This got a laugh out of everyone. Tread looked down at his medals.

  “Congrats on the Crest, Tread,” said Alvara. “You sure earned it.”

  “Perhaps,” said Tread, as he examined the award with his single hand. “Honestly, I don’t feel like I did anything that any other able-minded Imperial soldier wouldn't have done.”

  “Speak for yourself, Tread,” said Ansaria. “I don’t think anyone else in our squad could’ve saved the ship in time, let alone your average Imperial grunt.”

  They lapsed into silence once more, each wrapped up in their own thoughts. As they neared their destination, Alvara spoke again.

  “What I want to know is: why are we going to the meeting? I mean, they have the data drive. It seems like we don’t have much more to contribute at the moment.”

  The same thought had crossed Ansaria’s mind. “I wish I knew, M, but I’m sure the Emperor has a good reason for including us.”

  When they arrived back at their quarters, they found three bottles waiting for them, along with an equal number of glasses. The bottles were all chilled to perfection, and each one was featured drink from their homeworlds. They all exchange surprised glances before gladly going to enjoy their gift.

  They each filled a glass, but before they drank Ansaria proposed a toast.

  “To well-earned promotions, and to making it through that nightmare intact… mostly.” This got a laugh, and they all took a drink.

  Ansaria’s was a Rainbow Array, a lovely beverage that was smooth, flavorful and strong. As she sipped, Ansaria was reminded of her childhood and the warm summer nights of Xenlong. Alvara’s was Ambrosia, a full-bodied beverage that caused the sergeant’s cheeks to flush. Tread’s drink was called T. Light’s Private Blend, a synthetic drink that had a pleasing smell to Ansaria and Alvara, as well as glowed with a faint, blue light. Tread closed his eyes in pleasure as he sipped.

  The trio enjoyed their quiet celebration, though they wished that the whole squad could have been present. They drank slowly, nobody wanting to show up at the meeting drunk or tipsy. All too soon, though, Ansaria’s TIG beeped, announcing it was time to leave. They finished their glasses, made sure everyone still looked good and proper, then set out.

  As they reached the lift, the doors slid open and a large, gelatinous being oozed out. Its body was bright green in color, though most of it was contained within an Imperial uniform that seemed to function like a large sleeve that the crewmember was enclosed within. The only part not covered were two arms and an area where another being's face would be, though there were no noticeable features.

  The crewmember slid out of the lift, before noticing who was waiting on it. Its featureless head snapped from one soldier to another, before it finally began making a strange warbling sound, its gooey arms waving excitedly in the air; their standard equipment translated its undulations into something they could understand.

  “Yes, we are the ones everyone’s been talking about,” said Ansaria. “I wish we could stay, but I’m afraid we’re needed with the Emperor for a meeting.”

  The gelatinous crewmember warbled a reply before doubling its pace to allow them to enter the lift. It was still making noises to itself as it slithered down the hall and they stepped into the lift. The doors closed and the transport took off.

  “Ya know, it’s kind of nice getting recognized like that,” said Ansaria.

  “Speak for yourself sar-, er, captain,” said Alvara; Ansaria laughed.

  “I’m sure we’ll all be making that mistake for the next few days,” said Ansaria.

  The lift rapidly carried them to their destination. Before long, the car slowed and the doors opened to reveal a short hallway, with white walls illuminated with a soft light. A large door opposite them was flanked by two Royal Guards, one Xenlongian, the other a lupine Packmember. As the three approached the door, the guards stood straighter.

“Captain Dormus,” said the Xenlongian. “His Majesty is expecting you all.” The door slid up and Ansaria and the sergeants entered the room. Inside were the same white walls, though these were curved, as well as the same soft light. There was a large, circular display table in the center of the room, with a short projector hanging from the ceiling above it; two screens dominated the walls to the left and right. Aside from the door they’d used there were three other doors that led into the room, all equidistant from one another.

  Xandarius was waiting for them, along with an older, orange-skinned Mandorian woman in an admiral’s uniform. Flanking her were two lower ranking officers, both wearing ship captain's uniforms. One of them was a hunched reptilian with a large shell and a fleshy beak. The other was a Utaran, the same race as Ansaria’s former lover, Tor. While Tor was reddish brown, this fellow was greenish gray, with a scar under one eye. Xandarius motioned them inside.

  “Right on time, captain,” said the Emperor as the three approached. “Introductions are in order: this is Admiral Kar Travay, the commander of the Imperial Territory Defense Force, Shield Fleet.” The admiral inclined her head toward the three. “With her are her two most trusted subordinates: Captain Torta of the Hard Shell and Captain Dynamus of the Razorclaw.”

  With the introductions finished, Ansaria and the others saluted the naval officers. After the salute was returned, the three newcomers moved in closer to the display table.

  “Here is what we know so far,” began Xandarius. “Our saboteur is currently believed to be holed up in the Milalthrus system. The planet Milalthrus is home to a Siladon Industries regional headquarters,” as he spoke, the display table lit up and a miniature planet blossomed into being. The world was bumpy and craggy, with little surface water; if the image was to be believed, its colors consisted of drab grays and browns. “Our scouts have indicated that there is nothing to suggest anything out of the ordinary on the planet, but we can’t know for sure without alerting them to our presence. However, that is not our only target.”

  The planet on the table was replaced by a rainbow of rocks and debris of varying sizes. “The system is also home to a substantial asteroid belt, and our reconnaissance has detected unusual energy emissions, heat signatures and coded transmissions coming from here.” The image zoomed in on a particularly large chunk of rock. To Ansaria, it looked large enough to be considered a small moon, with hundreds of smaller asteroids lazily orbiting around it.

  Xandarius continued. “I believe that this is most likely where our enemy is hiding. It is remote, defensible, and apparently occupied. Because of this, I intend to lead an assault on the asteroid myself.”

  Admiral Travay was the first to speak. “Your Majesty, forgive me but I do not understand. Surely the Throneship and its forces could handle such an attack. I do not see what my forces could do besides provide backup and support.”

  “Fear not, admiral, you shall have a part to play. While I do believe that this is our enemy’s hiding place, I am not willing to gamble on it completely. Therefore, I am entrusting you with leading an operation on Milalthrus itself. You and your forces shall occupy the planet and seize the Siladon facility. On the chance that the asteroid is itself a diversion and Milalthrus is where our enemy is truly holed up, you will be responsible for ensuring they cannot escape. If it turns out my hunch is correct, there is much the Siladon executives must explain; whether they are guilty of openly aiding our enemies or unknowingly doing so, the truth shall be known.”

  Xandarius turned to Ansaria. “Captain, you and your squad shall be accompanying me in the main assault. Your dealings with the saboteur give you an insight into their tactics, and that may be what separates victory from defeat.”

  Ansaria studied the projected image closely before answering. “We will of course serve you in any way you see fit, sire, but I’m not sure what me and my troops can do to tip the scales even with our experiences.”

  Xandarius smiled. “As humble as always, captain. It’s true: your presence in the end may be irrelevant, but I will not forgo a possible advantage just because it might turn out to be overly cautious.” The image on the table winked out of existence. “If there are no more questions, then we should prepare. Admiral, return to your ship; by the time you arrive, I should have a preliminary battle plan sent to you.” The admiral and her silent captains bowed low before turning around and heading for one of the exits.

  “As for you, captain, assemble your squad and meet in the briefing room. My Captain-of-the-Guard shall inform you of your role in the upcoming battle. Dismissed.”

  Standing outside the door that led into the private briefing room of Xandarius’ Royal Guards, Ansaria and the others anxiously awaited the arrival of Slog and Critter. The Emperor himself had interceded on Slog’s behalf, getting him a discharge so that he could participate in the coming battle. His physician hadn’t been happy about it, but couldn’t refuse a direct order from the highest source. After what seemed like an eternity, the lift arrived and the recently-promoted corporals stepped out.

  “Thank goodness for friends in high places,” said Slog as he emerged, Critter sitting comfortably on his shoulder. “I’d thought for sure I’d be laid up in that med-bed for another week. At least I was able to get all my calls taken care of before we had to leave.”

  “Who were you so insistent in contacting, Slog?” asked Alvara.

  “Oh….the usual people: my folks back home, some of the guys I’ve kept in touch with since basic…a girl I met recently.”

  Ansaria was taken aback by the last part, before she remembered that Slog had mentioned meeting a girl at the bar on Epsilon…

  Right before he’d lost his arm.

  As much as she wanted to continue the line of questioning, she figured it was time for them all to join the briefing.

  “Don’t think you’ve gotten out of telling us about this new lady in your life Slog,” said Ansaria as she turned toward the door. “We’re gonna hear all about it when things have calmed down.”

  With that, they all composed themselves, made sure their new armor was still on right, and then went inside.

  The room wasn’t too dissimilar from the room Ansaria and the others had just come from; it had soft lighting, curved walls and screens mounted around the room. The only things missing were a holoprojector and display table.

  There were about three dozen individuals in the room, platoon strength. Around two dozen of them were Xenlongians, male and female both. Some were sitting and some were standing. They all seemed to be clustered in little groups of two or three, quietly chatting with one another.

  A pair of Xenlongians, a male and a female that looked like they could be twins were conversing with another Xenlongian with a wicked scar covering half his face. A Xenlongian woman with short hair that had a vibrant, purple stripe through it was laughing at something another Xenlongian woman had said.

  Ansaria didn’t see the massive machine that had stood guard outside Xandarius’ quarters, but she did see another machine: it was about the same height as an average Xenlongian, just a head or so taller than Ansaria. It had thick limbs with three, large, interlocking fingers; it had a single, red eye and a short cannon in place of where a mouth would be.

  The Packmember she had seen was sitting quietly in contemplation with his eyes closed. His fur was a dull gray, but in places streaks of reddish brown could be seen. Next to him was the Simirian, sitting with his legs tucked under him and his snout buried deep in a projection from his TIG. His fur strongly contrasted that of his compatriot, with rich, ebony hair streaked here and there with silver.

  Plopped on a table was a sight Ansaria had not been expecting to see: a large slug, brilliantly green and about as long as her arm. It was quite plump and writhed slowly back and forth. Another Xenlongian was talking to an Ultrapod, a large bipedal creature with a thick exoskeleton, small eyes and sharp pincers.

  Finally, it appeared that their entrance was noticed. The babble died down and all the eye
s, sensors and feelers turned toward them. The two groups both stared at each other, neither one breaking the silence. Finally, the Xenlongian with the streak in her hair spoke.

  “At last, the conquering heroes. You guys are a lot shorter than you looked on stage.” Everyone, including Ansaria and her squad, laughed good-naturedly and she led the way further into the room. She gave a salute that Alvara and the others copied. “Captain Ansaria Dormus and Oasis Squad, reporting as ordered.”

  “Welcome, captain. I’m Major Lorien Lotha. You got here just in time; the colonel hates tardiness.”

  Before Ansaria could respond, another door that she had overlooked opened with a quiet ‘hiss.’ Everyone snapped to attention and became silent and serious.

  The sound of solid boots filled the silence as the Xenlongian colonel walked to the head of the room in front of the largest display screen. Ansaria was surprised by a number of things about him: firstly, that he was older than anyone else there, even older than the Emperor. His hair, while long enough to reach past his shoulders was completely gray, and receding from his forehead. His beard and mustache, while both thick and well-trimmed were gray as well. She supposed it shouldn’t surprise her that a Xenlongian of his age was still enlisted, but it was a surprise to see him in a position that took him to the frontlines.

  Secondly, his armor was not what she was expecting. While it resembled the rest of the Xenlongian honor guard armor, it was silver instead of white and somewhat reflective. In the soft light of the room, it made him shine with a slight radiance. Tucked under his arm was a helmet. Again, it resembled the regular honor guard helmet with its swept back horns, but it was the same silver color and was shaped like a dragon’s head rather than the smooth, blank faceplate the rest had. He wore a short cape of Imperial gray not unlike the one Xandarius had worn at the ceremony just a few hours before.

  Finally, Ansaria noticed that one of his eyes was synthetic. His natural eye was a deep amethyst color, while the artificial one glowed with a dull, red light. The skin around the eye was scarred.


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