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The Dark Forest: A Collection Of Erotic Fairytales

Page 17

by Zoe Blake

  She was afraid.

  The big droplets of her misery cascaded down her face as the last of my piss fell down on her.

  I had finally won a battle.

  She had shown her fear.

  And I finally felt as if a thick, black, sinister evil had left my body.

  Chapter Four


  Why? Why did this man hate me so? What was I doing to make him so angry? I was doing everything he asked. I was submitting. I was being his fucking slave! What more did this asshole want?

  I couldn’t help it anymore. I could no longer be brave and fight against the tears. Misery was too strong. It wasn’t the abuse. It wasn’t the humiliation. It was the way he looked down upon me. Such hatred. And yet, I could see so much pain. He was in as much pain as I, and I didn’t know why.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said in an almost lifeless voice. Each syllable came out like the staccato of rapid gunfire.

  He bent down and lifted my limp and soiled body. He didn’t seem to mind that my filth… his filth… was getting all over him as well. I wrapped my arms around his neck and allowed him to carry me to the bathroom in his cradled embrace. I didn’t say anything. Nor did he. I just cried.

  He placed me into the shower and turned on the water. Although the water shot out of the showerhead at a bitter cold temperature, Prince quickly adjusted the temperature until it was delightfully warm. So very warm. The water washed away my tears, and washed away the terror and pain—yet a pleasure in the most taboo of ways—that had just occurred.

  He discarded his dirty clothes and stepped into the shower himself. He was naked. And except for all the exposed cocks in the auditorium, this was the first man I truly had ever seen completely nude. I had had men try to take what they wanted in the past, but they never took the time to remove much more than their pants, and luckily I had been able to fight them all off. But there was no point in fighting this man off. He was my trainer. And unless I wanted to be shoved off the cliff, this was my destiny.

  I stepped to the side a bit so we could both share the streaming water. Maybe I should have moved fully out of the way, but I just couldn’t. This was the first warm and pleasant shower that I could clearly remember having in my life. I had to relish the small pleasures if I was to ever survive this nightmare of life.

  “Hand me that bottle,” he said, pointing to a clear plastic container.

  I did so, and he squeezed it into his palm and then reached for my hair and began to massage it into my scalp.

  I moaned.

  I couldn’t help it. It felt so very good.

  He continued to work the shampoo into my hair as the floral fragrance wafted up my nose, reviving my battered soul.

  “When is the last time you shampooed your hair?” he asked softly. His nude body was so close to mine, yet it did not touch, nor did I feel unsafe in any way.

  “When I was a child. I remember my mother had some for special occasions. I was turning ten. She said I deserved to have beautiful hair for such a beautiful day.”

  “You deserve this every day,” he mumbled, so low that it seemed he hadn’t planned for me to actually hear what he said.

  He used the rest of the soapy lather on his hands and ran it over my entire body. It wasn’t sexual. It wasn’t lecherous. It was simply a man cleaning a woman.

  “Why are you so different? So quiet? It seems as if you have already given up.” His words weren’t cruel, but they were sharp.

  I looked at him as he helped me rinse the shampoo out of my hair. “Am I different?” I wondered if I was expected to fight.

  He nodded. “You don’t seem afraid.”

  “I am. Very.”

  “You don’t seem to mind my touch. At least not all of it.”

  I swallowed hard but didn’t respond. I didn’t mind the touch of this man. At least it made me feel something, anything. I wasn’t numb. I had felt nothing for so long that even pain was better than the void of nothing I had been spinning in for so long.

  He continued to bathe the rest of my body and then did the same to his. Silently turning off the water, he reached for two towels and handed one to me. Once he dried his body off, he used his towel to help dry my hair. He gently squeezed the water out, massaging my scalp again. What should have been a continuation of the hell I was cast in had turned into pure heaven. Closing my eyes, I just allowed the feelings of good to wash over me.

  “It’s getting late,” he said as he reached for my hand and pulled me out of the bathroom. “We need to prepare you for tomorrow before bed.”

  “Prepare?” What was what he had done earlier? Was I not broken enough for him?

  “Maleficent likes his slaves stretched,” he answered simply as he sat me down on the bed.

  He walked over to a dresser and pulled out some items that I couldn’t make out from the angle in which I sat. I clung to the towel around my body as goosebumps covered my flesh. Would he hurt me again?

  “Lie down on your stomach,” he ordered as he walked toward me.

  I did as he asked, noticing how comfortable the mattress was. It gave beneath my weight and embraced me in the softness of the blanket’s fabric.

  “What are you going to do?” I asked. I was scared, but he wasn’t acting like he was earlier. He didn’t seem angry and he appeared to be in control. I didn’t see the dark eyes that I had seen moments before he pissed on me.

  “I told you. I have to stretch you. You’ll be glad I did tomorrow.”

  “Stretch me?”

  “Your back hole.”

  I snapped my head back to look at him in disbelief. “What? You are going to stretch my ho… hole?” I was appalled. He couldn’t be serious.

  “It’s my duty as your trainer to make sure that you are ready to accept whatever request Maleficent has. And trust me, he has many. So many that it is almost impossible to train you for all. But on the first day for the new arrivals, he usually makes all the slaves do the same thing.”

  “Which is?”

  He squeezed some fluid out of a tiny bottle onto his index finger and without pausing, touched it to my anus. I gasped and tensed up, but he continued. He rubbed the cool, slick liquid all around the surface and then dipped his fingertip past the entrance.

  I bucked and cried out. It didn’t hurt, but the invasion surprised me and I didn’t like it one bit. I wiggled and whimpered when his finger went even deeper inside and the small bite stung.

  “Just relax. My finger is nothing compared to what will be put inside of you tomorrow.”

  “Oh God,” I whispered as I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the ministrations going on in the depths of what I considered an area that would never be touched in this way. What would be put inside of me tomorrow? I didn’t want to know… and yet, would my imagination be worse than the actuality?

  “I’m adding a second finger. It might hurt a little as I stretch your bottom hole more, but in a few minutes, your body and mind will adjust.”

  “Why? Why does he do this?”

  “Because he enjoys it,” Prince said as he added the second. And just as he’d warned, the small bite from before grew in intensity.

  “Ahhh,” I cried. “I don’t like it.”

  “Well, I think you are a smart girl. Your life isn’t about liking things from this point on.” He shoved both fingers in deeper, making me moan loudly as I clutched the blanket with balled fists.

  “Does he like hurting women?”


  “Do you?”

  He paused in his assault on my hole but didn’t pull out. He remained as still as the energy in the room. What was he thinking? Was he getting prepared to show me just how much he liked to hurt helpless victims? Had I been too bold in my questions?

  “No,” he answered quietly.

  “Then why do you do this? Are you forced? Captive, as well?”

  “No. Although I suppose I am just as captive as you.” He continued on with the stretching of my bottom
hole, ignoring that I gasped and moaned with each tiny thrust of his fingers.

  “You can’t leave?”

  “I could.”

  “Then why don’t you?”

  “Where would I go? Is there any place that is better out there?” He pushed his fingers in deeper. “There is nothing out beyond the walls of this compound. Only starvation, war, suffering, and death.”

  “But you would be free.” He shoved a little harder, and I wasn’t sure if I was upsetting him or not. “I would take whatever the world had in store for me, if it meant I could be free.”

  I could hear him huff behind me. “I learned a long time ago that there is not a world anymore. All that there is left is a dark hell to survive day by day.” He pulled out his fingers and I sighed in relief, happy my stretching was over. I moved to sit up but he placed his hand on my lower back, pinning me down. “I’m not done yet. The dildo is next.”

  I looked over my shoulder, with less shock this time. Of course, it couldn’t be as simple as two fingers. “Will this hurt?”

  “Yes.” He lubed up the phallic instrument. “But if you relax and take deep breaths, you may actually find some enjoyment in it.”

  I smirked as I turned my head and hid my face in the crumpled up bedding. “I doubt that,” I mumbled.

  I knew the instant the dildo touched my puckered entrance that it was going to hurt. It was big. Far too big to enter inside of me—

  “Ahhh,” I cried out. “It’s too big. Please! You are going to tear me!”

  He paused with just the tip of the dildo inside, burning the entrance to my bottom. “Shh… take that breath. Come on.”

  I inhaled, and let it out with a shaky exhale. As I did so, Prince pushed the awful instrument all the way in. I screamed… or at least, I think I did. I really didn’t know at the time because my head spun as the sensation of pain mixed with a fullness that gave me an odd sense of warmth. I wanted it out immediately, and yet, when he slowly pulled it almost from the depths of my channel, I moaned loudly when he pressed it back in.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “Yes,” I replied, yet oddly, I didn’t want him to stop.

  “I know. But you have to get used to something of this size in your backside. You will most likely be sitting on one of these for most of tomorrow.”

  I whimpered at the thought. “Why does he do this?”

  “Because he can.”

  “So why do you? Because you can as well?”

  He moved the dildo in and out in a slow and steady pace. I felt electric shocks run along every nerve inside my body, and although I didn’t necessarily want this to continue, I didn’t exactly hate it either. My pussy pulsated with each movement, and I knew if I started to gyrate my hips and rub my clit against the coarse fabric of the towel that still was beneath me, it was very likely I could reach completion. A completion I had only been able to reach with my own sinful hands in the darkness of my own bed back home.

  “My reasons for doing this have changed,” he said softly, never ceasing in the thrusting.

  “What were they to begin with?” I asked, trying to keep my mind off the pleasure and the pain of confusion that erupted in my backside. “Your reasons?” I couldn’t imagine a decent man ever wanting to be in a position of such atrocity.

  “I thought I could help. I thought I could learn enough to take this all down. To destroy this empire,” he confessed. He paused the action of the dildo but kept the tool inside. “I was once part of a resistance. Not a powerful one, but ambitious nonetheless. I was to come in and become a trainer. Get close to the enemy.”

  He sounded so sad as he told the story. I didn’t want to say a word, scared he would stop.

  “It was foolish of me. All it did was get a lot of people killed. It gave the resistance false hope that they could win.” He took a deep breath. “They were so fucking wrong.”

  “But why stay?” I asked, realizing there was so much more to this man.

  He pulled out the dildo slowly and stood up. I turned my head and watched him walk to the bathroom silently. I was too afraid to leave my position. He seemed like a different man since his moment of rage, but I still remembered it so well. He could just as easily go back to that and decide I needed to be beaten or fucked.

  He walked back into the room, reached under my arms, and pulled me up to the pillow and adjusted the blankets so they were covering me. Was he tucking me into bed? “You need sleep. Tomorrow is a long day.”

  “Prince?” I asked softly, looking up into his eyes as he pulled the blanket to my chin. “I’m confused. You confuse me. I don’t know who you are.”

  Sadness washed over his face, and I saw such pain in his eyes. “I don’t know who I am, either.”

  Chapter Five


  I wasn’t sure if it was the weight on the bed or just knowing that Prince was sitting beside me that woke me from my slumber. I had the best night’s sleep that I could remember. An insane fact considering I was being held captive as a sex slave by a crazed sadist and his hired trainers. But even as I opened my eyes to see Prince looking down on me, I still felt safe.

  I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I had fallen asleep almost instantly when Prince had tucked me into bed. I had no idea where he had slept. Looking toward the cot on the other side of the bed, I couldn’t tell. It was still made. Had he slept with me in the same bed as I did?

  “Today isn’t going to be easy,” he said softly. Again, he looked pained. “Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat before we go to the auditorium?”

  I shook my head. My stomach instantly constricted with the thought of what Maleficent would do. “Thank you, but no.”

  “Never thank me,” he said harshly.

  “Why?” Was he returning to the monster who threw me to the ground after my spanking and then urinated on me?

  “I don’t deserve it.” He stood up and walked to a collar and chain that rested on the table. “Go use the bathroom and then come out here. We are all supposed to be in the auditorium soon. I have to put this on you. Maleficent likes his beauties to be his little pets.” He said the last sentence with such disgust.

  I did as he asked and returned to the room and stood before him. I was still naked, but it didn’t seem to matter anymore. It was quite clear I would never wear clothes again. The sooner I got used to that, the better. This was my new life. Acceptance was my only hope of not completely losing my mind.

  Prince didn’t say anything but simply snapped the metal around my neck. He grabbed the handle of the chain that hung from the collar and led me out of the room.

  I could hear screams and cries as we walked down the hallway. Some other trainers and their slaves exited their rooms. Some of the slaves were able to walk as I did, and others had to crawl on their already destroyed hands and knees. I saw bloody lash marks on some women, battered faces, and bruises up and down their bodies. Comparing myself to them, I realized that my evening was nowhere as bad as theirs had been.

  “You did not beat me last night,” I whispered as we walked. “Other trainers beat their slaves.”

  He nodded but stared ahead.

  “You aren’t like them,” I said again. I had no idea why I would risk saying something that could force him to cause me bodily harm just to prove that he was indeed just as much the devil as any man on this compound, but I did.

  He nodded again. “There was a time I would have agreed.”

  “You hate this as much as I. So why?” I asked again, pushing him to see that there was indeed a light present.

  Was it thinking hopefully? We were all taught to never hope, but I think I was doing it anyway. Maybe, just maybe, Prince didn’t want this. Maybe there was a chance I could do the unspeakable and escape this place.

  “The hatred for this place has morphed into a darkness in my blood. It is who I am.”


  “Silence!” he snapped. “Focus on keeping yourself alive today. Maleficent will not hesit
ate to kill you. He doesn’t mind having sleeping beauties cast all around him. Don’t make him put you into a sleep you will never wake from.”


  What the fuck was going on? I was a bastard, no doubt about that… but I stopped. She was right. I didn’t beat her. I didn’t fuck her. I should have. I fucking should have!

  But something stopped me.

  Her eyes. Her voice. Her pain.

  My memories of a man I once was… but no longer could hold on to.

  I had wanted to see the fear so goddamn badly that when I finally did, all I wanted to do was protect her. I wanted to do nothing more than to hold her, kiss her, tell her she was safe, and I wouldn’t let anyone harm her. But I couldn’t. That wasn’t the world we lived in. There was nothing I could do. I was just as helpless as she was.

  Last night had fucked with my head. She was supposed to sleep on the floor, shackled like an animal. I had no idea why I tucked her into bed like a sweet little princess. Hell, it took all my might not to kiss her forehead and wish her sweet dreams. What was next? Would I read her a goddamn fairytale?

  But as we walked into the auditorium, the fucking of my brain only got worse. I knew what Maleficent was going to do. He always did. This was his favorite way to scare all the women at once and show them what an asshole he truly was.

  A nice and tidy row of dildos sat lined up on a bench. I knew they were all bolted down since I had helped make the piece of shit contraption. Each girl would be required to sit down, force that large fake cock up her ass, and sit like that for the rest of the day. They would be forced to watch others get tortured and even killed. The sick ruler loved this so much, and he would laugh maniacally the entire time.

  My stomach coiled.

  I looked at Briar and could see that she knew what that bench of plastic dicks was for. She knew and yet she kept walking forward. She didn’t scream. She didn’t try to flee. She didn’t look at me and beg for help. No. Not Briar.

  She only marched forward to accept her fucked up fate.


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