Bimbos in Focus: The Complete Series

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Bimbos in Focus: The Complete Series Page 1

by Sasha Scott

  Bimbos in Focus

  The Complete Series

  By Sasha Scott

  Copyright © 2017 Sasha Scott

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

  All characters depicted are 18 years old or older. For adults only.

  You can check out all of my other stories and keep up to date with all my new releases at my Amazon author’s page!

  Sasha Scott at


  Capturing the Bimbo Best Friend

  Capturing the Bimbo Next Door

  Capturing the Bimbo In Need

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  Capturing the Bimbo Best Friend

  “Can you believe she cancelled on me?” Cindy complained down the phone, “I have to get those headshots in by tomorrow. Where am I supposed to find a proper camera at such short notice?”

  Cindy was a woman in a pickle. She wanted to be an actress and there just happened to be a play not too far away which was casting, a play she was hoping to take part in. However to apply for the role she needed to hand in a resume, complete with headshot.

  She had it all worked out. She had a friend who worked as a part time photographer who was going to do the snaps for her. However she went and cancelled at the last second after pushing it back again and again and again, leaving Cindy little time to find an alternative.

  With her opportunity seemingly slipping away from her, she hopped onto the phone and did what any reasonable person would do; vent and complain to their best friend.

  On the other end of the line was Brett, Cindy’s childhood pal and go to buddy when things were looking rocky, who’d been keeping quiet and allowing Cindy to complain until he could offer up some proper assistance.

  “You should have just told me you need some pictures doing in the first place,” he said to his friend, “My brother studied photography in college. He probably left some of his old cameras here.”

  Cindy squeaked in glee at the surprising light at the end of the tunnel.

  “If you find one will you tell me quick? If you hurry down and take a few pics for me I should be able to apply for this casting yet!”

  “I’ll go have a look for you. I’ll text you if I find anything. Bye for now.”

  Brett ended the call and suddenly felt pumped up. This was the chance he was waiting for. This was his chance to really impress Cindy and earn her affection.

  Because of the long time they’d known each other, Brett had been firmly placed into the column marked friend zone when it came to Cindy’s interests. However that was something that Brett wanted to change. He adored Cindy and wanted to move up from best friend to boyfriend. He was hoping that this save could be his ticket to bigger and better things.

  Picturing their blossoming relationship in his mind, Brett rushed off to his brother’s room to try and find anything that he could use for the shoot.

  His brother had moved out months ago but still had a lot of his old stuff left behind and Brett was hoping to find a quality camera within those possessions. However when he went digging for tech he found himself coming up empty handed.

  No no no, he thought to himself, this can’t be happening. How did his brother seriously not leave behind at least one camera? There was no way he could let Cindy down after all this, then he’d never be able to stake a claim on her heart.

  Brett grew more and more desperate as he dug into the deepest depths of his brother’s room, searching in every nook and cranny, hoping to find something secret hidden away. Then, as unlikely as it seemed, that actually happened.

  While exploring deep under his brother’s bed, Brett came across a solid container, one that housed a very fancy looking, high tech, camera. Brett could hardly believe his luck, stumbling upon such quality equipment.

  He didn’t really question why his brother had left such a good tool behind, he was just glad to have found something usable, something which would win Cindy’s favor.

  With the good’s secured he sent her a text, detailing the good news. Quickly he got one back, telling him to get his ass over to hers ASAP.

  There was no time like the present. Securing the camera into his bag and gathering up his things, Brett rushed out of the house to make the short journey to his best friend’s place. And if the photo shoot went really well, possibly more.

  “Oh my god, thank you so much,” a cheery Cindy said, hugging Brett as he arrived with the good stuff.

  Calm down, calm down. Those were the words Brett had running through his head as his crush wrapped him up in an embrace. He didn’t want to blow it before anything had even begun.

  It was easy to see why Brett was finding himself so smitten by Cindy. Even without knowing her sweet personality, she was a very attractive young woman.

  She had a cute face with soft, feminine, features that were framed by long, straight, brown hair and complemented with pretty hazel eyes. Her body was also splendid, trim and fit yet carrying a slight curve at the hips to give her a large, round, behind which was further emphasized in the tight jeans she was wearing.

  Brett wasn’t a bad looking guy himself. He had short, dark, hair and kept himself in good shape with occasional visits to the gym, however that didn’t change the way he reacted around her.

  Despite being very comfortable around Cindy as a friend, Brett wasn’t a guy who was very confident when it came to the romantic side of his game, and that went for all women. He was envious of his brother who always seemed to have a new smoking hot girlfriend every week. He was stuck trying to impress Cindy by running errands.

  “It’s no problem,” Brett said, finally managing to escape her hold, “You know me, I always come through.”

  “True that, at least I know I can depend on you. Well shall we get started?”

  “Right now?”

  “Yeah, I wanna get them done ASAP so I can stop stressing about them. Come on, we’ll go to my room.”

  Brett’s throat dried up as he heard her mention her room. It wasn’t like it was a place he’d never been before, he’d been there tons of time but suddenly, with his mind thinking of making a move, it seemed like the most intimidating place on Earth.

  “W-why there?” he asked, managing to get his words free.

  “I wanna get myself against a white background, make it look real professional. Come on let’s go.”

  His eyes naturally gazed at her behind as she made her way up the stairway first, her hips shaking from side to side with every step she took. He had to get his mind out of the gutter before his fantasies got the better of him.

  Managing to keep control, temporarily anyway, Brett followed Cindy and together the two of them entered her domain; her room.

  She presented herself in front of her white wall, taking up an appropriate no thrills position for the snaps, prompting the first time photographer to take up his position as well.

  Brett certainly wasn’t some guy who’d never taken a photo before, he’d taken plenty, but never with a fancy camera like the one he’d brought over. He was used to a selfie with his phone, not working out what all the fancy buttons did and what all the tech lingo meant.

  “Do you know how to use that thing?” Cindy asked when she was left waiting about in place, Brett fidgeting with the device.

  “I… should be able to work it out. I think this is…”

  He did manage to snap a picture eventually, but only managed to catch the top of her head in the frame.

  “Glad you’ve worked it out. Now actually try taking one of me this tim

  Tease, it was just a slip of the finger, not that it mattered. Finally finding the shutter button, Brett aimed the camera at her and clicked, capturing her image.

  This time he actually managed to get a proper image of her. The camera even put a marker around her face like it was locked onto her. However when he showed it to Cindy she didn’t seem very impressed.

  “No, we can’t use this one,” she told him.

  “What? Why not? This one looks fine to me.”

  “Fine sure but it looks sloppy. Nobody is gonna give a call to the girl who looks like she took her pics with a disposable. See the lighting is weird, the color looks a bit strange, the whole thing looks blurry.”

  “I get it, I get it, I’m not very good at taking photos,” he sighed. This was a lot harder than he thought it would be.

  “I’m not mad at you or anything I just… I just want it to be perfect. Here try it again, try messing around with the settings or something.”

  He didn’t really know what the settings did though. The most complex thing he was used to doing was adding a funny filter to his snaps, not adjusting the saturation and contrast.

  After clicking through what seemed to be an endless maze of menus, Brett finally managed to stumble upon something with color in the title. Despite now really knowing what she meant by the colors being strange, he began to scroll through the settings, trying to fix it for her. That was when things got weird.

  As Brett moved the values up and down, he noticed the colors on the digital camera’s screen changing. As he altered the data, her hair seemed to get lighter and lighter, transforming from a shade of brown to a shade of blonde. That looked a bit weird on its own, but it couldn’t compare to when he peeked up and noticed that her hair looked exactly the same way in person!

  Brett did a double take from screen to her, back to screen and then back to her. He thought the camera was just making her hair look lighter but somehow it actually had changed color, unless he was suddenly hallucinating.

  “Hey Cindy?” Brett called out to his subject, “Do you feel alright?”

  “Yeah. Why? Do I look weird or something?”

  “No you don’t look weird or anything it’s just…”

  “It’s just what?”

  “It’s your hair.”

  “I know I did it in a rush but I think it looks quite good,” she huffed out, “You know we don’t have it as easy as you guys do.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean… forgot I said anything.”

  He didn’t know what to say to her. She hadn’t noticed and he didn’t really want to tell her she was suddenly blonde. What if it was just something he was seeing? She’d think of him as a weirdo, he’d never be able to make it out of the friend zone with that label.

  Instead of saying anything more, Brett tried to fix it. He went back to the camera and began to scroll through the colors again, trying to find a way to reverse the trick.

  In a fluster he began playing around with the wrong option. Instead of making her hair grow darker, when he tapped through the settings he instead began to change her skin tone. Whilst her hair remained blonde, her pale skin began to grow tanned.

  By the time he fully realized his mistake, her skin was basically a crispy, caramel, shade of brown, which contrasted with her new hair shade. Now he knew there was no way that that could be a hallucination as well, something was really happening.

  “Why do you keep giving me such weird looks?” Cindy asked him, concerned at the almost creepy stare that Brett was giving her.

  “S-sorry I’m just… trying to get this camera right to make you look as good as possible.”

  “Do you want me to come and try it?”

  “No! I’ve got it! It’s fine!”

  Things were not fine. His best friend looked like a wannabe bimbo, skin tanned and hair bleached. What was he supposed to do, this was all his fault. She was gonna freak out!

  He couldn’t be messing around with those options anymore, he didn’t know what he could do next. Instead he returned to the previous menu and selected an option about color correction. This sounded like the kind of thing which could save him!

  It was not.

  Rather than correcting his mistakes like Brett had wanted, he instead somehow managed to dye the tips of Cindy’s locks a shade of bright turquoise. He seriously had no idea what he was doing, he just knew the camera was really dangerous.

  Blindly messing around with settings was getting him nowhere, and it was just making Cindy look trashier with every selection. He needed to find a button that could fix everything, one that was clearly labeled so there could be no mistake.

  After desperately navigating back through confusing menu after menu, finally Brett found an option that could save him; clear.

  Just what he needed. With this he could clear away all the changes he had made to her. It was be like nothing had even happened and his relationship with her would be saved. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

  Wishful thinking.

  Brett pressed the button and it certainly did what it intended, just not what Brett thought it intended. All of the changes he had made, the dyed hair and tanned skin, remained but something about her did clear, her mind.

  Cindy’s face went dull and blank as her head emptied of thought. She simply stood there and stared forward, like her mind had slipped into a trance. Brett could tell something had happened, he just wasn’t completely sure what.

  “Hey Cindy,” he called out to her, seeing the way her expression changed so suddenly, “Is everything okay?”

  “Huh? Yes I’m okay?” she answered slowly, sort of unsure, “I’m Cindy?”

  “Yes! What’s the matter with you?”

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m Brett. Don’t you recognize me?”

  “Brett… are you my boyfriend?”

  He froze in place at that. He could tell something weird was happening with her but that one sentence got the little devil on his shoulder plotting. After all that was what he desired, that was what he was working to be.

  “Yes,” he said, unable to resist, “I’m your boyfriend Cindy.”

  “My boyfriend Brett…”

  She seemed to eat it up into her empty mind as the truth, without any reason to doubt otherwise. She truly saw Brett as her lover.

  As for Brett he could hardly believe it. The camera clearly wasn’t normal, it’d altered her appearance and then this. He didn’t know what it was a but a big part of him was thanking it. However he wasn’t sure what to do next. Was it wise to keep toying with such a thing? First he had to figure out what was going on with Cindy. First he had to fill her mind back up.

  Cindy didn’t remain absent minded forever, just a few minutes, then everything began to return to her, those memories which had been pushed down returned to prominence. However some things didn’t quite return to normal.

  She remembered everything as it normally was, apart from the things he had changed. Her blonde hair and tanned skin didn’t appear out of place, neither did having her boyfriend in her room.

  Yes, it wasn’t just the camera’s changes which skewed her, the white lies he filled her empty head with overpowered the original memories, advancing him from best friend to boyfriend thanks to one sentence.

  Brett did feel a little guilty about the way he’d earned his way into his heart, however a bigger part was thanking the power of the mysterious camera for all it had done.

  Because things had ended up going so well, Brett no longer felt threatened by the camera’s power and the possible effects it could cause. He felt intrigued about what else it could do.

  The photo shoot was still on and Cindy was back in place, posing for the snaps even as her appearance began to get bold and trashy. Patiently she waited for Brett to figure out the camera’s settings, even if he wanted to understand for reasons over than headshots.

  A new appreciation for the tech didn’t suddenly make him understand what everything did so instead he ju
st tried anything. That was why he aimed at her face and pressed what seemed to be a zoom button.

  Surprisingly the screen didn’t zoom in closer towards her but she did seem to get closer, her lips did anyway. As he ‘zoomed’ in, her lips began to inflate in size, getting bigger and puffier by the second.

  He gasped in shock before letting out a chuckle under his breath. Now this was just perfect, what a button to stumble across.

  “Did you say something?” Cindy asked, her words having a slight lisping quality thanks to her sudden growth spurt.

  “Nope, nothing, just managed to make some progress. Should be finished pretty soon now. Just stay there.”


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