The Biker's Virgin

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The Biker's Virgin Page 21

by A. A. Dark

  “I need a meeting with Whitey. I haven’t been able to catch him, and I know you’re not just the house tattoo artist, Jasper. I know you can convince him to meet with me.” Lucas smiled wide, as if he figured out some top secret mystery, which was hardly the case.

  Jasper looked at Lucas, long and hard.

  “Look at you, all smug, like you know some big secret.” Jasper laughed. “What makes you think I would help you get a meeting with Whitey? I don’t care about whatever you got going on with him, and I’m not sure why you think Whitey would care what I have to say about it at all. See yourself out, Lucas. I have a client coming in.”

  Lucas grabbed Jasper’s wrist causing Jasper to look down at it, then directly into Lucas’ face. No one put a hand on Jasper. No one that has a dick at least. Lucas’ smug look turned desperate.

  “Jasper, I need that land and it’s Whitey’s. I know what he uses it for, but I need it for Triumph. It’s part of the deal, and if I don’t get this one loose end locked up, I’m going to lose the whole thing. There are some very important investors involved in this project, and I need it locked up. Whitey’s been blowing me off for a month!”

  “Lucas, I highly suggest you remove your hand from my body now, before you lose it. You want to get in touch with Whitey? Jasper growled, go find him at the bar like anyone else in this neighborhood. You know where it is. You know how to get to it. You don’t need me involved in your bullshit game. I will tell you now, Whitey will not give one shit about what YOU need. Don’t know why you’d make some deal that relied upon him anyway.” Jasper jerked his hand away from Lucas.

  Lucas was sweating now and talking fast.

  “Because he’s in on it, Jasper. He’s part of the deal. He gets a huge cut for giving me that land. That was the deal, and now he’s playing games with me. I already gave him his cut, and now he’s not giving me the land. I went by the bar and four of your guys nearly tore me to pieces!” Lucas slammed his hand on the counter.

  Jasper looked confused. He got his head around what Lucas was telling him.

  “Wait, you’re telling me that Whitey sold you the land that the bar sits on? The one with the back road that goes right through the Triumph Tower Three construction site?”

  Jasper knew Whitey could never, and would never, sell that land. First, there were too many bodies buried there. Secondly, that road was important to Whitey’s drug and gun business, and thirdly it had been in his family for generations. The land was too valuable. People had been trying to get that land from Whitey’s family for decades.

  “Yes." Lucas nodded. "The plan was to get Triumph Three up and then Four, Five and Six were going on the land with the bar. We’re talking a lot of money here, Jasper. I need that land signed over. I can’t call the cops. I can’t call the lawyers. I just need him to sign it over. He got the money, what else could he want?”

  “The questions is not what else he could want. The question is what does he got … on you?” Jasper looked at Lucas. “What did you do that he knows about? Whitey essentially stole your money. That’s what you’re telling me, and you can’t call someone else, besides me, to get the land? C’mon Lucas. This is bullshit. What did you do to help Whitey cut off all your corners?”

  Lucas hung his head in shame.

  “Get me the meeting, Jasper. While I can’t bring the cops to Whitey, I can bring them in here, and I’ll make your life a living hell. Oh, and Misty says hello.” With that Lucas turned and left the building.


  Jasper picked up a burner phone he had and called Whitey.

  “Yeah, Lucas came around like you said he would. Looks pretty desperate.” Jasper fell silent as he listened for a bit. “Yeah sure … I’ll make the call, but he’s also not the kind of guy you can make just disappear.” Jasper fell silent again as he listened to Whitey’s suggestion. “Yeah Whitey, I got it. I already said I’ll make the call.”

  Jasper disconnected the call with a growl of frustration and lit a joint. Something wasn’t adding up, particularly why he was involved in this. He was sure he didn’t have all the details yet, with Whitey – one never really would know. He was great with secrets, especially when it pertained to money.

  Jasper took a toke and locked the shop door. He looked outside to see if anyone was lurking, a habit one picks up when one tends to do “not-so-legal” things. Then he called Misty. She picked up on the first ring.

  “Jasper honey, is this really you?” Her voice was soft, almost a whisper, but it was filled with excitement.

  “Hey baby. It’s been way too long that I’ve heard your voice, or seen your tits.”

  Jasper rolled his eyes hearing himself talk like this. Misty had been in love with him since high school. They had dated for a spell, but she never quite got over him when they broke up. Jasper had liked her a lot. He really did. She was fun, full of life, never whined, but her uncle was the Chief of Police, and as Jasper got more involved with the MC, Misty had to become less of his life. Every once in a while though, Jasper would give her a call and they’d meet up for old time sake, and usually those times were when the MC needed some intel.

  “Oh Jasper, I really want to see you. You haven’t called me since I got engaged!” Her voice was lifting now, but then she caught herself, and toned it back down, “When can I see you? How about tonight?”

  Jasper always loved her enthusiasm.

  “You know, I’d like that. Why don’t you come by the shop? We can hang out upstairs and … talk.”

  He laughed, but so did Misty. She was more aggressive than he was when it came to sex, and he knew there was no way she’d spend the time with him talking. Misty was very sexual and proud of it, as she should be. Jasper enjoyed her just as much.

  “Should I come around the back … I could be there around eight o’clock. I’ll bring those cookies you like.” She laughed a little into the phone at her own eagerness.

  “Oh, I do love your cookies, sugar. I’ll leave the door unlocked. Don’t be late.”

  He hung up the phone quickly and took another toke. It was going to be a long night, but he did like those cookies. Jasper couldn’t complain.

  One more call to Whitey, “Yeah … eight o’clock at the shop. No it’s all good. I’ll talk to her and find out what Lucas has in mind.” Calls were made. Now Jasper would do his part of the brotherhood. Banging Misty was an easy sacrifice.


  At 8 p.m. on the dot, Misty Wilkes pulled her car around the back of the tattoo shop. She looked left and right, just as Jasper taught her a long time ago. She didn’t see anyone around, so she grabbed the plate of cookies from the passenger seat and scooted out of the car.

  She was pleased that the door was indeed unlocked, and from the upstairs, she could see the flickering of the television, making a mental note that it would soon be shut off, so his eyes were only on her.

  When she entered the back of the shop, it was dark, but she knew the way upstairs. She never noticed the two men standing in the shadows of the shop. She just eagerly made her way up the steps with her cookies.

  Jasper was already up in the loft. He smiled when he saw her. She had gorgeous chestnut hair that looked like silk. She had it curled up at the ends, and styled like something Bridget Bardot would have worn. Her blue eyes were outlined in charcoal, giving her a smoky, mysterious look. He couldn’t help but grin as his eyes drifted down from her face to her breasts. They were big and round, and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on them. There was something about Misty that made him feel like he was in high school again, waiting to touch his first tit.

  He didn’t wait much longer. He moved right to her and cupped one, while pressing his lips to hers hard.

  “Misty, you look amazing.” His palm felt her tight soft sweater as it molded around the swell of her left breast. His other slid hand up behind her neck, holding her head as his lips sucked on hers.

  “Oh, Jasper!”

  Misty hadn’t expected him to be on top of her so
quickly. Usually, he was the one to play hard to get. She dropped the cookies on the table nearby and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, breathing into the kiss. “I’m going to ride you like a bronco.”

  Jasper wrapped his arms around her waist and carried her to the bed, keeping his mouth on hers. When he got there, he playfully threw her down.

  “Leave your skirt on, just pull it up. Let me see your panties.”

  He was unbuckling his belt, his eyes down on her thighs waiting for her to do as he told.

  Misty giggled madly while she pulled her skirt up around her waist. Her white cotton panties covered her fully, but he could see the strip of brown fluffy hair under them, and it made him instantly hard. Her thighs were closed. She slid her hands down over them and pushed them apart, teasing him. The cotton crotch of her panties were a shade darker than the rest, as they were damp. She had been thinking of him since the phone call, and the heat of her thoughts was now evident when she parted her thighs.

  “Do you like them, Jasper? I got them just for you.”

  Jasper was nodding and holding his erection in his hand, stroking it.

  “Take your finger and slide your panties to the side. I want to see you, Misty. Show me.” His voice was deep and seductive.

  Many times he had called her just for phone sex when they had other partners in their life, and Misty loved it. She bit her lip as she reached down and hooked a finger across the thin material that veiled her, then pulled it toward her thigh to reveal it. Misty couldn’t help but purr on the bed as the cool air hit her warmth. Jasper nodded in approval, then kicked her feet wider apart so he could stand between them. His shaft in hand, Misty couldn’t take her eyes off it.

  She licked her lips, making them shine, while she watched him lower himself over her body. He released his cock to press his palms to either side of her head.

  “Misty … put me inside you.”

  His manhood bobbed against her mound teasingly. It made her moan and ache for it. She reached down and took his shaft in hand, her little fingers wrapped around it, feeling its weight. Then, she lifted her knees, opening herself to him, and guided his head into her warm, wet cave.

  Downstairs, the two men still waited in the shadows. One picked up his phone and sent a text that read, “They are together now.” Then he sent a picture of Misty’s car in the back of the tattoo shop along with it.


  It took 20 minutes, in total, for Lucas Jackson to race over to the tattoo shop to catch his beloved Misty Wilkes in the throes of passion with Jasper Connor. He had no idea who sent him the text and didn’t recognize the phone number, but when the picture came through, he knew that was indeed Misty’s car.

  Quietly, he parked the car in front of the tattoo shop, then walked around the back. He saw the little heart ornament he bought for Misty on one of his road trips dangling from the review mirror and his heart sank, but his anger rose.

  He tried the door and it was open. For a moment, he stood at the base of the stairs, just listening to the sounds of Misty’s moans in time with Jasper’s grunts. The flickering television light casted shadows down the staircase. Carefully, Lucas moved up the staircase, his hands balled tightly into fists with white knuckles.


  Jasper had just pushed inside Misty’s sweet wetness when he heard a car outside. It was the front of the building, so he half paid attention. He was wound up now, feeling her walls encase his manhood, and it felt good. Misty always felt good around his cock.

  Misty’s fingertips found the bottom of her sweater and she peeled it off while Jasper began pumping her in a smooth rhythm. Then she peeled back her bra so he could stare at her bouncing breasts. They moved slightly with his thrusts, and she knew he liked to look at them. Jasper smiled appreciatively, his hair falling down over his forehead as he stared at them.

  “Misty … you always did have great tits.”

  She moaned loudly, feeling every inch of him.

  “Jasper, you always did have a great cock.” The two laughed like old friends until they heard Lucas’ scream.

  “GET OFF HER YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” Lucas busted into the loft and reached for Jasper to pull him off Misty! Jasper pushed off her and pulled out, but turned to immediately punch Lucas in the face. His hand connected as he spun, but he lost his balance with his pants still around his ankles. He kicked them off as quickly as he could before Lucas was on him, striking him in the face.

  “I come to you for help and you fuck my fiancé?!” Lucas was screaming and punching Jasper as hard as he could, with Jasper pinned underneath him. Jasper was twisting and turning to block the punches. At one point, he felt Lucas lean too far to the left and Jasper rolled him fast. Now he was on top and punching Lucas in the face, except Jasper’s hits were actually landing.

  Misty was screaming and trying to cover up.

  “Lucas, stop! Jasper! Don’t kill him! Please Jasper … please don’t kill him!” Now she was crying and climbing off the bed toward them. She reached for Jasper’s punching arm, but he was too strong, and it knocked her down when he pulled it away from her.

  Lucas was bloody now and holding his hands up in front of his face. He was crying, and just as Jasper went to punch in the face once more, he stopped.

  “Dammit!” Jasper jumped off Lucas, who instantly curled into a fetal position and wept.

  “Misty how could you do this to us?” Lucas sobbed. Misty sobbed. Jasper just drove his fingers in his hair, amazed at what just happened.

  “Misty, get your clothes on. Take Lucas to the hospital in your car.”

  “Take him right to the hospital. Don’t lie. Just say he got into a fight, and leave it at that. Lucas and I will handle it.” He waited for her to nod.

  “Listen to me, you crazy son of a bitch, when you get out of the hospital, you come see me and we’ll settle all business like men, including your other problem, but don’t you dare lay a hand on her.”

  Lucas, in an overemotional mindset, wailed behind Jasper’s now bloody t-shirt.

  “I would never touch her! I love her! Unlike you, you piece of shit.” Jasper hit the car twice, signaling Misty to take him away.

  In the shadows of the shop, the two men recorded what happened. That footage would later be turned over anonymously to the police, when Lucas Jackson was reported missing.


  Jasper drove his bike right to the MC’s bar, The Brass Monkey. This was the very bar that sat on the contested land that Whitey Smith owned … or no longer owned, depending on who was telling the story. Two guys worked the door, he knew them both. They were prospects for the club, Snake Liver and KY. Mikey Portobello, the club’s Sargent at Arms, enjoyed giving all the prospects nicknames. Jasper never asked how or why he chose certain names. It was just one of those mostly unfortunate things prospects had to deal with if they wanted to be in the club.

  KY was playing on his phone. He looked up when he saw Jasper pull in and elbowed Snake Liver.

  “Jasper, that you? Holy crap what happened to you?” Snake Liver narrowed his eyes as he looked over Jasper.

  Jasper shrugged it off.

  “Forget it. Jealous boyfriend got a few shots in. Whitey inside?” He moved past them, regardless.

  “Your boyfriend or hers?” KY laughed. He guffawed, thinking he was hysterically funny, until Jasper punched him square in the mouth, another unfortunate event for a mouthy prospect. KY shut up real fast, his hand holding his bleeding lip while his other hand pointed toward the back room.


  Jasper shoved the back room doors open. They were heavy, hand- carved doors with a carving of three monkeys on each. They were the ‘Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil’ monkeys and tattooed on each monkey was a set of brass knuckles. Jasper did the drawing for the artist that would later carve them out.

  Once inside, he looked toward the end of the long meeting table. Whitey sat at the end, his head tilted back in ecstasy as a blonde woman’s head bobbed up and down in h
is lap. When the doors swung open, she went to stop, but he put his hands in her hair and guided her to continue.

  “Don’t you knock, kid?”

  Jasper continued, not giving a care about the woman, but he did shut the doors behind him. Turning back to Whitey, he said in a calm but meaningful tone,“You have anything to do with what just went down at the shop?” Jasper drove his finger into the heavy wooden meeting table.

  “Keep going sweetheart, we’ll only be a minute.” The woman’s head kept bobbing up and down in Whitey’s lap. “What the hell happened to you, Jas? You were supposed to fuck her, not fight her.”

  “Yeah, well, Lucas showed up. Someone tipped him off. He came right up there and started losing his mind, throwing punches while I was still in her!” He threw his hands up and then brought them down to his hips. “Now, I don’t know what this guy's going to do. He may bring the heat on me, and then who knows what he’ll do about your land deal.”

  Whitey nodded and moaned as the woman took him deeper into her throat.

  “Listen kid, don’t worry so much about things. I’ll fix the mess with Lucas. We can still use Misty to feed some info to her favorite uncle and everything will be fine.”

  With that he gripped his fingers into the woman’s hair and pushed her down deep to take him all into her mouth. He held her there a few moments while he grunted and ejaculated deep into her throat. Jasper turned around to face the door, shaking his head.

  Whitey let the woman up. She was dressed to the nines, ultra-classy, with professionally contoured makeup. She was clearly out of place in the back room of a motorcycle gang’s bar/meeting hall. When Jasper turned to face her, she was wiping the corners of her mouth, and didn’t shift her eyes from him. Jasper was taken aback by her beauty and her glamour, and he recognized her almost immediately. She was Darla Lovell, the pseudo celebrity lawyer, and here she was going down on Whitey Smith in the back of a bar. Whitey did always have a thing for taking the classy ones and making them fly their freak flag.


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