The Alien Bounty Hunters Complete Series: Books 1-8

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The Alien Bounty Hunters Complete Series: Books 1-8 Page 18

by Mills, Michele

  “It isn’t a name that only I chose.”

  “I prefer you calling me by the name I gave to myself. I’m happy with that.”

  He seemed satisfied with her answer. “You are, my mate, my heart,” he continued, saying the words slowly, as if the formation of that combination of letters was completely foreign to him. “I do not want to make a mistake.”

  She leaned back a little. “You’re shitting me, aren’t you?” She was his heart? His mate? What?

  “I don’t understand your words. Why are you referring to defecation?”

  She snort-laughed and covered her mouth to hide her embarrassment over his response. “It’s just something we say sometimes on Earth. It means I think you’re playing me. Lying to me.”

  He looked taken aback. “I don’t lie,” he said. “Well, I almost never lie,” he clarified.

  She crooked an eyebrow. He almost never lied? That didn’t sound good. Oh great. Men were the same everywhere, weren’t they?

  They were both quiet for a moment.

  “Have you chosen a nickname for me?” he asked.

  She had chosen a nickname for him. But how could she tell him it was Rockstar? Her face heated. What kind of nickname was that? There was no way in hell she was admitting the crush she’d had on him from the moment she’d seen him storming through the haze on the slave ship, a gun in each hand, mowing down the guards who’d raped the other woman, who had been about to rape her. And anyway, this was all too good to be true. A hot guy who claimed they were mates? Oh please, she wasn’t an idiot. She hadn’t been born yesterday. This wasn’t her first rodeo. Men, even aliens, said all kinds of things they didn’t mean when they were in bed, naked, with a hard cock. “Uh, no, I haven’t thought of one yet. I need some more time,” she answered.

  His shoulders slumped. He looked visibly disappointed. It was time to change the subject. “Why were you on that ship?” she asked.

  “I took on the assignment to extradite Groogan Mar, the captain of a notorious slave ship. The job came up, and I took it. There were few parameters.”

  “Why? Why were you sent to capture them?”

  “That band of slavers had kidnapped and sold so many females and their offspring to sex houses or private buyers that beings from several different species banded together to offer a price to the Bounty Hunter Guild to bring them to justice. The Hunter Guild posted the prize, and I took the assignment.”

  “Why you?”

  “Because I’m the best. They asked me first. I’m offered all jobs first. They only move down the list if I decline. I only take on the highest-paying jobs. I’m number one on the Hunter Leaderboards.”

  “You’re the best Bounty Hunter?”

  “Yes. If I’m going to do a job, I do it right,” he explained. “I’m the fastest, with the highest procurement ratio of any other Hunter.”

  She stared at him for a moment, wondering if this was true or just a game he was playing. She had no way to confirm what he was saying. But his body language seemed open and honest. But to be truthful…she didn’t trust men. She’d never met a man who could be faithful and truthful in the confines of a relationship. Jacole liked men in general. They could be terrific co-workers and friends, but she’d learned to keep them at arm’s distance. One-night stands and nothing more. Anything else was a road to heartbreak hell.

  She looked around. “Where are the other women?”

  “Women?” he asked, obviously surprised by her abrupt change of subject. “What women?”

  “The women I was captured with. The ones you were talking to on the bridge before…”

  “The females on the ship?” He shrugged. “I called it into the Hunter Board and the Xylan Imperial Military command. Between the two, I am assuming that they are being dispersed to their home worlds and back to their families.”

  “Oh.” She smiled. “That was nice of you.”

  “Nice? What does that mean? There is no translation for that in Xylan.”

  “It means you are a good man.”

  He looked puzzled. “I still do not understand your words.”

  She tried again. “You’re an honorable warrior?”

  He smiled. The movement was so slow and seemed to spread across his face like molasses, she swore it was something he rarely did. Warmth spread in her chest at the thought that she was causing this, that he was gifting this to her and she was making him happy.

  “So what is going on here?” she asked him. “You called in to help the other women and get them back to their homes, but you took me.” Again, her face heated, remembering how well he’d taken her. “What is going to happen to me? Are you going to be able to return me to Earth?”

  “You are my Bride,” he answered, using that loaded term so lightly, as if that explained everything. “And no, even if you were not my Bride, I would not be able to return you to Earth. The Scales of Xylan Law now specify that all humans who have been exposed to technology are no longer allowed to return to their home planet.”


  “Because Earth is primitive and is protected under the Rare Indigenous Species Act. If you returned, you could potentially spoil that planet’s natural development. Citizens of the four sectors are not allowed on Earth, and you are now automatically a citizen of the four sectors.”

  “Oh.” She suspected this would happen. During all those days in her cell she’d had time to think of the ramifications of what was happening. She’d already mourned the loss of her world. Already cried that out. Cried and cried and cried. Her life had been good back home, with a bright future in front of her at the FBI. It still hurt to think of all she’d lost the night those pirate fuckers had snatched her from her apartment.

  “And you’re my Bride. Your place is with your mate.”

  She shook her head. “You’ve said that before. What does that mean to you? Does Bride mean the same thing it does on Earth? Because, um…” She almost couldn’t say it. It was too embarrassing. He’d be horrified if he knew she thought he was trying to say they were married. Because no way in hell could this man think this one-night stand was something more. Even on his planet, he must be worried about women making more of something that was obviously just lust. Gorgeous men like him weren’t forever. She’d never met a man who was interested in forever. They were mythical to her, like a unicorn.

  “What does Bride mean on Xylan?” she asked. “I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but the term Bride on my planet means that we’re married. I’m sure you didn’t mean that.”

  “If it means that we are mated for life, then yes, we are married.”

  She sat up and clutched the sheet to her chest. “Wait, did you just say that you think we’re married?”

  “You are my Bride,” he repeated.

  Her jaw was wide open. She shut her mouth with a click. “We can’t be married. We didn’t even have a ceremony. When do you think we got married?”

  “Last night I claimed you. I touched you, and my cock hardened for you.”

  “Wait, I want to be clear. You do realize you’re telling me that you want to stay with me forever? Married on my planet means you are legally bound to the other person, that you become family and you stay together forever. Is that what you’re saying you want with me?”


  She sucked in a breath. She’d said it clear like that, laying it on thick, hoping to scare him away, get him to recant his words. But…

  “You are my mate,” he repeated.

  This couldn’t be true. This had to be a trick. Men didn’t say shit like this. Anger welled up inside of her. How dare he play games with her heart like this?

  His Bride looked upset. Her eyes flashed. Her lips were pressed together, and a muscle ticked at her jaw. “What is wrong?” he asked. He wanted to pull her close and rub the hurt away from her expressive human features.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of her nose. She exhaled and dropped her hand. “You can’t be serious,” sh
e muttered. Her eyes blinked back open.

  “You are my Bride,” he answered, confused at her logic. “We are perfect for each other in every way. This is why we mated.”

  She got off the bed, jerking the sheet around her. “We can’t be married. We barely know each other. You cannot possibly know if I’m perfect for you.” She waved a hand for emphasis. “You don’t know how annoying I am yet. And let me tell you, I’m pretty darn annoying. Most men can’t handle me.”

  He stood up and looked down at her, allowing his hard cock to brush against the sheet that covered her stomach. She swallowed hard and lifted her chin to defiantly meet his gaze.

  “I am not most men,” he growled. “I am a Xylan warrior.”

  Her eyes drifted slowly down his chest and lingered on his cock. “This is true,” she whispered hoarsely.

  He reached out, cupped her face and brushed a claw along the soft skin of her cheek. She shivered and leaned into his touch. His human Bride wanted him. Her body said yes, but her mind said no. He needed to convince her.

  “You and I both know this won’t last. Don’t play with me by making promises you can’t keep. It’s okay for you to be honest. I want honesty. Let’s be upfront and give this a timeframe. Yes, I want you. Yes, I want to stay with you for now. I appreciate that you rescued me, but I’ve got a lot ahead of me, trying to figure out how to make my way in this new life. You can help me get started, I’d appreciate that. And maybe afterwards, we can remain friends. But…let’s not pretend this is something it isn’t. Okay?”

  He snarled at her words, anger slicing through his fog of lust. “You are planning on leaving? That is impossible. You are my Bride; we are mated for life. Your future is with me.”

  “On Earth most men do not mate for life,” she told him. “I’m sure there are some out there who do, but I bet you they’ve cheated on their wives at some point. I don’t believe in forever. It doesn’t exist. You’ll tire of me soon, find someone better, and I’ll be left behind. Let’s cut to the chase and be honest about this before it starts.”

  He stared at her. How could she think he’d ever tire of her? She was his whole world. He reminded himself she wasn’t Xylan. He needed to make this clear for her. “I was a virgin last night.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Again, you must be shitting me. You couldn’t possibly have been a virgin. I mean, look at you. And the way you…you were good at that.”

  His chest expanded. “The sexual needs of Xylans remain dormant until the moment they meet their mate. My cock hardened for you and only you.”

  “Wait, you’re being serious? Last night really was your first time? And your cock…got hard for me?”

  “Yes. Only for you. I will only ever want you.”

  “But I wasn’t a virgin.” She eyed him, waiting for his answer.

  “You have had sex with other men of your species?”


  “You have a mate?” he growled.

  “No. Oh God, no. But I’ve had sex with other men. Is this a problem for you?”

  “No. But I will be the last man you have sex with. You are mine now.” He was still caught in the throes of initial mating, his body flooded with lust. And his Bride was in her breeding cycle. By the gods, how could he be expected to keep his claws off her? His cock was hard and insistent. He’d never experienced this overwhelming need to fuck. Fuck hard. Fuck often. He could spend a whole moon cycle with his cock joined in his Bride’s wet pussy. His hands shook as he wrapped an arm around her back. “I will remind you of our bond. Show you again how I am not playing.”


  He cupped her neck and took her lips in a disciplining kiss that brooked zero disobedience and sought to control her mind, body and inner gozul. She was his female. His mate. This human was resisting their bond and not allowing her heart to make the correct decision.


  He’d never joined lips with a female before last night. During the claiming he’d fused his lips on his Bride’s mouth but couldn’t remember taking his time and instead feasted on other tempting parts of her body. He’d tasted her pussy before plunging his aching cock into her hot, wet core and releasing his seed. But this morning as he’d watched her talk, watched the way her lips moved, mesmerized by glimpses of her soft fangs, he’d wondered what she’d taste like there, too, and how her smooth teeth would feel against his sharp tips. During his life he’d often watched mated pairs kissing, lingering, locking their lips together in passion, always wondering if he’d ever have that joy for himself.

  He lifted his other hand, dug his claws into her shorn hair, gripped her head and pulled her closer. She softened in his arms, and her lips opened for his possession. Her naked body pressed fully against his. Her fingers clung to his biceps. Their tongues tangled, and his fangs clashed with her smooth teeth, hot and wet.

  A blast of sensations tore through his body as he kissed his Bride. He groaned against her lips. The pleasure was intense, like a bold of lightning. She tasted like his favorite treat, a banquet of things he found delicious. He’d waited all his life for this moment, and it was worth the wait. His Bride was addictive. He could taste this until his dying day. The enormous need frightened and delighted him at the same time.

  The whole Xylan Imperial Army could come storming through his cargo bay and he wouldn’t notice.

  He tilted his head for better access, kissing her with all the passion that had been pent up during his forty cycles. A passion only she had awakened. A passion she could not deny.

  He could not get enough.

  She kissed him back like her life depended upon his every breath. Her mouth was attached to his, and she was insatiable. He met every kiss, every moan, with one of his own. Need for need. Breath for breath.

  He knew he should be gentle because his Bride was human. He needed to be careful of her weaker frame and tender skin, but he was too far gone. She smelled of sunrise at Zamarilla, and of the beach and the surf and that first day at half rotation when all the flowers bloom. Her soft curves and bare skin against his aching cock were a cruel treat that was about to have him spending his seed against her stomach. He wanted to kiss her and fuck her at the same time, like a raging cuzhul. The bunk was but a few feet away. The wall was closer… His Bride had reduced him to a warrior with the impulse control of a youth.

  He lifted his head to suck in great breaths of air. Her head lolled back, and her eyes fluttered. She dropped in his grasp. He held her tighter, pressing her against his chest. “Your kiss is like a damn drug,” she mumbled.

  Ferocious lust pounded in his veins. His fangs throbbed with the need to score her dark skin. He inhaled deeply. “I can smell your arousal,” he told her. He ripped the sheet out of her grasp and bared her naked body to his roving eyes. “Are you wet for me?” he growled.

  “Yes…yes. I’m so wet.”

  He needed to see and feel his Bride’s pleasure. He reached down and plunged two fingers into her beautiful pink pussy. She sighed with relief. She was ready for him. The cream between her legs coated his hand.

  The wall was closer. He pulled his fingers out of his Bride’s core. He lifted her by the ass, walked them back a few steps and braced her against the wall.

  He held her up easily with one hand, gripped his cock and showed it to her. “Look at me,” he ordered.

  Her eyes widened. “You…you have ridges on your…like you have on your forehead.”

  He grunted. “This is the last cock you will see, the only one you ever use. This cock is yours now, and your pussy is mine.”

  He didn’t wait for her answer and spread her thighs apart with his hips. “Watch,” he told her. “Watch as I claim your pussy.”

  She panted in anticipation. He grinned, happy to see his Bride caught in the storm of their initial mating hormones. He worked his way inside of her, and they both watched as her pussy slowly made way for his shaft. The fit was tight. It was one of the best moments of his life, second only to the mome
nt he’d spilled his seed inside of her last night, creating their first offspring.

  When his shaft bottomed out, he bent his head and took one of her soft human nipples into his mouth, sucking hard as he started sliding back and forth. “Yes,” she gasped. “Please, just like that. Oh God, those ridges, I can feel them…” She held on to his biceps, and he felt her pussy flutter around his shaft. A now familiar tingling raced up the base of his spine; his balls tightened in anticipation. He was close already. He bit on her nipple before he let go of her breast with a pop, lifted her higher against the wall and started to jerk his hips against hers, lifting her slightly with each thrust. Her head dropped back against the wall. He buried his face in her neck and breathed in her addictive scent.

  “Oh, honey, I’m about to…”

  He braced an arm against the wall and one under her ass as he pumped inside of her. Her pussy clamped down on his cock, and she screamed as her completion swept through her. At the same time, his own release struck, and his hips jerked as he jetted his seed into his Bride’s tight pussy, again and again. The pleasure so intense, his knees weakened.

  He sagged against her warm figure, his body replete with the satisfaction of mating with his Bride and the attendant emotions that tightened his chest. One thought was foremost in his mind.

  He was never letting her go.


  Holy shit, this alien was potent.

  He was so dangerous in bed he needed to be classified—his status: Top Secret.

  After he fucked her senseless, her new alien husband carefully carried her into the cleansing unit that was inside the small bathroom in his quarters and cleaned her. He easily swept her up in his arms, like she was light as a feather instead of six feet tall and dense as concrete. She’d squealed like a teenager, because this had never happened to her before in her life, having a man carry her in his arms. Her eyes watered over how goddamn romantic it was.

  He placed her down gently in the stall of the shower, or cleansing unit as he called it, and turned the water on. She tried to clean herself, but he growled, letting her know this was his role as her mate. “Okay, okay,” she gasped. He washed her short hair and ran his clawed hands reverently over every part of her body, cleaning and roaming. He seemed to enjoy his role as her husband, his “mate,” as he called her. The whole thing was too strange.


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