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The Alien Bounty Hunters Complete Series: Books 1-8

Page 35

by Mills, Michele

  The warrior thumped his closed fist against his chest. Kayzon and Dad returned the gesture. Then the warrior bowed his head, turned and left. They all watched his retreating back and listened to his footfalls pound down the metal ramp. Everyone was quiet, in shock.

  “Wow, he’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen,” Janet whispered as she fanned herself. “Was he for real?”

  Mom rolled her eyes, walked up to Dad and took his hand. “Honey,” she asked. “What does this mean? What happens now?”

  “We can go home.” Dad smiled. He looked at a bleary-eyed Mom, Harmony and Janet. “We can all go home.”

  Kia noticed he didn’t include her in that statement.

  She decided this had to be the weirdest moment of her life, a dividing line between child and woman, girl and adult. She was on her own now, if she wanted it.

  She glanced at her indecisive husband and sighed. She did. She did want it.

  “What about the unigods?” Kia asked.

  “The Xylans discovered through Hurlian transmissions that the new President of New Earth wasn’t human,” Dad answered. “But instead was a Hurlian in disguise, sent to bring disorder, to create chaos to make it easier to continue the snatchings. The Hurlians had noticed a trend over the last twenty years of relative prosperity. The citizens of New Earth were growing bolder and technologically advanced, despite the isolation. They were afraid of mutiny.”

  “So the unigod movement is gone and we are no longer living under the Hurlian thumb?” Mom asked. “We don’t have to live in fear of them dropping in. And they can’t isolate us from other planets anymore?”

  “The Hurlians have retreated to their home world. The Xylan Imperial Fleet will make sure the Hurlians never interfere with this planet again,” Kayzon reported.

  “Who is in charge of us?” Janet asked.

  “We are in charge of ourselves.” Dad said.

  “Wow.” Mom looked like she might faint.

  Dad wrapped his arms around her and tipped his dirty, sweaty forehead forward to touch Mom’s. “We have worked for this for the last twenty years. Now it’s here. This world has a lot of work ahead, Mariah. We are free of the Hurlians and can rule ourselves, determine our own destiny. We can be a part of this. You’re the brains and I’m the brawn. We have a lot of work to do.”

  Mom started sobbing. Kia felt tears streaming down her own face. It was too much. All her life she’d wished for this moment and it was actually happening. It was a dream come true.

  Janet and Harmony were crying, too.

  Dad looked at his daughters and pulled them in for a hug. “Okay, everyone, let’s all go home. We can walk back. Everyone needs a good night’s sleep.”

  “We will stay here, on the ship,” Kayzon told him.

  Dad met Kia’s gaze for a moment, then grinned at Kayzon. “I will see you soon. Come and join us at the house when you two are ready.”

  Kia smiled to herself. Gods, she loved that man.

  Then Kia’s family all started to walk down the ramp and into the morning, but Harmony stopped in front of Kayzon and lifted her chin. “Kayzon,” she said with her darling little voice, pegging him with those wide brown eyes. “I’m sorry I screamed when I first saw you. You’re really not scary. I was just tired.”

  Kayzon grunted. His lips twitched.

  Harmony continued on her way. At the bottom of the ramp she turned and waved a little hand. “Bye, Kia,” she whispered. “See ya later.”

  Kia winked at her. “See you soon, baby girl.”


  The ramp clanged shut.

  Everyone was gone and they were alone, staring at each other.

  Kayzon was just as filthy as her father had been. Blood and gore caked his armor. It was smeared on her now, too, and she didn’t care. All she cared about was that he was standing there without a single emotion playing across that damn impassive Xylan face.

  And she felt like an idiot, unsure what to say or do. Was this man her husband or not? Did she have the right to run up to him as she’d done before? Had he liked her showing affection for him in front of her family and the Xylan warlord, or did it make him uncomfortable?

  Did he love her or not?

  What was in his heart?

  She had no idea.

  Suddenly a chime sounded throughout the ship. “Incoming holo deck message from the Xylan Judicial Command,” the computer intoned.

  “The time for review of our mating bond has passed,” Kayzon pointed out.

  She exhaled and glanced over at the countdown clock that now read zero.

  He took her hand. “Come with me. You will tell them your decision and we will be done with this.”

  Done with this?

  She stood still, anger bubbling up inside of her.

  Done with this?

  She yanked out of his grasp and glared at him. “You still think I’ll say no, don’t you? You think that’s what this outcome will be?”

  He continued to stare at her without a flicker of emotion on his scarred face.

  What the fuck? He thought she’d deny him. She was suddenly so pissed off at him for doubting her, she couldn’t speak.

  After all of that? The off-the-charts sex, the emotional talks, the way he’d bonded with her father, with her family. The fact that she was carrying his offspring. He still thought she’d leave him?

  What kind of bitch did he think she was?

  Her chest tightened to the point where it felt like a stab in the heart. She stood before his towering masculinity, her hands fisted, eyes boring into him with laser beams of pulsing rage. And still, he said nothing. Well, fine, she didn’t have the patience to pry dialogue from his silent ass.

  She brushed past him and placed her palm on the lock of the cargo bay. The door swooshed open and she strode down the hall, leaving him in her wake. Heavy footfalls sounded behind her.

  They walked into the holo deck together. The area was plain. The walls were white, the floors white, too. But there were three disks of light on the floor, and on one of the disks stood another Xylan of royal pigment. He was dressed formally, with a black headdress on his head and red robes that covered his body and went to the floor.

  “Judge Rankin,” her husband intoned and bowed his head.

  The judge tilted his head forward and gestured for them to stand on the remaining disks of light. Once she stepped on the disk, the image immediately shifted. They were in a great hall with gray stone walls. There was a fire pit in between them.

  “Kayzon of Twenty-Six, you formally requested this review for possible disavowal of your recent mating due to illegal testing of mating compatibility?”

  “Yes, I accidentally touched this female’s hand while attempting to rescue her from a Hurlian snatching, or kidnapping. This is my temporary Bride, Kia of One. She is half human, half Gravian, from the Priests of the Thirtieth line.”

  The Judge’s ridges rose up in surprise. “Kia of One, it is a pleasure to meet with a female from such an esteemed and ancient line of multigod.” He paused. “Do you wish to press charges against Kayzon of Twenty-Six for forcing of mating compatibility?”

  She sucked in a breath. “Oh no,” she answered. “No. Mating compatibility was not forced. It was an accident. I agree with Kayzon. He touched my bare hand in an extreme situation in order to rescue me from a Hurlian ship. If he had not saved me, I…” She shuddered. “I don’t even want to think of what the Hurlians would have done to me.”

  “Good. I am pleased to hear you were not mistreated by a Xylan warrior. Forcing of mating compatibility is unacceptable in our society and punished harshly. This warrior has been removed from the mating database. Therefore this mating is automatically sent to review. Are you prepared to make your decision now in this case, or do you require more time?”

  “I’m prepared,” she gritted. “But first, I’d…like an explanation of the events that led to Kayzon’s removal from the mating database. I understand why he was Banished. I do not agree wit
h this, of course, because he is paying for the sins of his father while he himself is innocent, but okay, I can deal with strange Xylan laws because I have no desire to live on Chronos. But the reason for his removal from the database.” She glanced at her husband, who was watching her intently, a frown on his lips. “I don’t understand that at all, and I feel like I need that background knowledge in order to make an informed decision.”

  “This is a reasonable request,” the Judge answered. “I am able to grant you this information.”

  Kayzon made a noise. She turned her head to see he was agitated.

  “I love you, you big idiot,” she told him. “Can’t you see? I want to know everything. There’s no reason to hide anything from me. You’re not alone in this anymore because I’m going to stand by you.”

  She loved him like no other. He wasn’t just an unbelievably sexy male who fucked her senseless and made her panties wet every time she met his gaze, he was also the man of her heart. She wanted to spend all of her waking time with him and learn all his mannerisms, his likes and dislikes, his ups, his downs. All the things. They were now of the same line. He was family, and to Kia, family was everything.

  “You love me?” he said hoarsely.

  “Of course I do. Do you not remember that I was trailing behind you like a fangirl in that marketplace? Trying to get you to pay attention to me? You saved me from the Hurlians. You’ve been nothing but nice to my crazy family. You’re a male of honor. The father of my offspring—”

  “I have no line,” he rasped. Raw emotion flamed in his gaze, his chest rising and falling with harsh breaths. “Others were supposedly devoted to me, they left. I thought I knew what was in the hearts and minds of others and they fooled me.”


  “May I interrupt?” the Judge asked.

  Kia glanced at him, her eyes watery, her throat clogging.

  “I was the same Judge for Kayzon’s previous ruling,” he explained. “It was not fair, but it was the judgment that was necessary to meet the laws. It is true that this male has been treated unfairly, and as a result his judgment is clouded in this instance. His line is Banished to the four corners of the sectors due to no fault of his. He was placed with an adoptive line filled with males of no honor and he was tricked into forcing mating compatibility with a female of royal pigment. This female had no intention on following through with the testing. She instead publicly scorned and humiliated him. She turned him in to the authorities, claiming he forced mating compatibility. The Xylans in his adoptive line all testified against him.”

  “Talk about a bunch of low-life fucking assholes,” Kia said.

  “Indeed.” The judge nodded. He locked eyes with her husband. “Kayzon, do not let the past poison your future. Your adoptive line and the female who asked to test mating compatibility were lazhul. You are a warrior of honor. You have a Bride, who despite her half-color and the fact that she’s not even Xylan, has the honor and loyalty of an ancient Gravian line beating within her heart. Do not let this opportunity slip from your grasp.”

  The Judge’s words hit Kayzon with the stealth of an invisible blade, straight to his heart. He stumbled back a step. “You knew I was set up, you knew the female had falsely claimed I had forced mating compatibility and still you removed me from the database and deemed me unworthy?”

  The Judge winced, his countenance remorseful. “Both my legs are cybernetic. I nearly died when your father, Kroga of Seventy-Five, sold secrets to the Hurlians. I was filled with resentment and convinced that any offspring from his line were a danger to other Xylan. I cannot explain why, because this information is confidential, but I have had new evidence that has changed my mind about the second generation of your line. The poison is in the sire, not in the offspring, nor the manager, only with the champion. When I made my initial judgment eight planetary rotations ago, I felt I was doing a service to all Xylans, protecting females from the poison in your line. I was so blind with resentment and anger that I did not expose the corruption in your adoptive line. Now I recognize the error in my reasoning. I see a warrior of worth in front of me. This female is lucky to have you as her champion.”

  Kayzon looked at the floor, his eyes burning, unable to process this speedy change of events.

  “I formally reverse your previous judgment and reinstate you, Kayzon of Twenty-Six, retroactively on the Xylan mating database. This means that the mating compatibility you tested with this female was not illegal. Because you followed all rituals required by law your mating is now considered legal and binding. Kia of One, for the record, now that you have heard the new evidence in this review, what is your decision?”

  Kayzon turned his head to watch his Bride’s answer.

  She lifted her chin and locked her gaze with his. “I want Kayzon. I want to stay mated for life with this hard-headed male who doubts my loyalty. Hopefully he will learn to trust me. And for the record, this is what I’ve wanted all along. I’ve always known you were a male of honor.”

  A growl emanated from Kayzon’s chest. He strode forward, scooped his Bride up into his arms and crushed her with a punishing kiss.

  They were alone. Judge Rankin wished them a bright future of honor and many offspring. He left the holo deck soon after his decision, and Kayzon was now busy tearing tunic and pants off of his Bride, making up for lost time. He’d clicked his armor and torn off his own clothing.

  They were now both standing in the hallway. Naked.

  He held her close. His shaft was hard as d’quant. He needed inside of her immediately. “I can’t make it to my quarters,” he breathed. “I need to fuck you here, in the hallway. I have to plant my seed in your wet pussy. I want to do this again and again until it drips down your thighs.”

  His Bride. His life. His offspring.

  They were all in his arms. His chest burned with love that burned bright and free. For once, as an adult, Kayzon trusted someone. He trusted this female with his life and with his heart. He knew without a doubt she would care for it always.

  “For such a godly man, you have a suspiciously dirty mouth.”

  He licked her neck. “One thing has nothing to do with the other. And you are my Bride…my Bride.”

  He kissed her deeply, his tongue brushing against those smooth teeth. She tasted of everything he loved. He lifted her legs and encouraged her to wrap them around his waist.

  He paused, his cock nudging her entrance, and looked deep into her eyes. “I love you,” he told her.

  Her hands cupped his face. “I love you, too.”

  She gasped as he slid into her and bottomed out. Tears of joy sparkled in her eyes. Her arms tightened behind his neck. He kissed her again as he moved within.

  He growled, dominant, primitive Xylan urges taking hold. His fingers dug into her hair and tugged back, his kiss turning deeper as he pumped in and out of her.

  “Oh, Kayzon, I’m going to come.”

  He worked harder, a familiar tingling starting at the base of his spine. His own release was almost upon him. He slammed into her one last time, and she threw her head back and screamed out her release. He burrowed his face into her neck as he spurted his seed into her womb.

  He waited a moment for their breaths to slow. Then he pulled his still-hard cock out of his Bride, stood up and scooped her into his arms. This was only round one. He began striding down the hall.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To our quarters.”

  She placed her palm with that extra appendage on his chest, over his beating hearts. “We’re going to be busy, aren’t we?”

  “Yes. Very. You are my Bride. Our mating is legal and binding. You carry my offspring. To celebrate we aren’t leaving this ship for the next planetary rotation. I am keeping you naked in my bunk and filling you with my seed.”

  She giggled and leaned her head against his shoulder. “Sounds like a plan.”

  Many hours later Kayzon emerged from his quarters and strode to the Bridge. His Bride was asleep, wo
rn out from their furious mating. He grinned, remembering how she’d looked as he’d left. Naked, with a smile on her face.

  “Recorded message waiting from internal investigations,” the computer intoned as he entered the Bridge.

  Kayzon grunted. “Play message.”

  A screen lit up nearby. The familiar green skin and bald head of Mah Ralton, the Hunter in charge of internal investigations appeared on the vid screen. “Kayzon of Twenty-Six, we have discovered that it is true that Dago Cho was an erroneous target. Thank you for bringing this to our attention in a timely manner. He is innocent of any charges. His record has been erased and the Guild will offer monetary restitution. We have not yet discovered intent or motive. But, we have discovered the source of this illegal Bounty. Kroga of Seventy-Five was responsible. We have sent this information to the Xylan High Command, seeking charges against this warrior.”

  Kayzon’s eyes widened, and he sucked in a breath. Both his hearts began to pound within his chest. His father? His father was responsible for the Bounty sent out to extract Dago Cho?

  “The Bounty Hunter Guild will also convene its own team which will be sent to retrieve Kroga of Seventy-Five for extradition. We are aware that you are the offspring of this warrior. You will not be asked to join the mission for his retrieval due to your status of Banishment, nor can we formally tell you any more about the specifics of this mission. We regret having to inform you of this outcome. Know that the Guild considers you a valuable Hunter and we hope you will continue to bid on jobs in the future.”

  The screen blinked closed.

  Kayzon slammed his fist against the console, threw back his head and roared.

  His father had done this. Why?

  Kayzon stood up and strode to the screen that constantly updated the Bounty Hunter Leaderboards, showing the position of each Hunter in the four sectors. Last moon cycle, Kayzon had found a new series of symbols along his status line that at first appeared innocuous, but upon closer inspection held significance. He’d studied it for hours, eventually breaking a coded message that gave him the tip-off for the location of THX690.


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