Reveal (Cryptid Tales)

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Reveal (Cryptid Tales) Page 12

by Brina Courtney

  I interrupt him, “As fascinating as all this is Jeremy, what does my dad have to do with it?”

  Hugh lays a hand on my lap, “Let him finish. You have to hear it all to understand. I don’t think he’s done yet, though I can’t hear it all.”

  I watch as Jeremy nods at Hugh so he would know his assumption is correct.

  “When I returned to the children in Marksville we started traveling back and forth between the planes. It was valuable to us to help those who needed it. I was just about to go through a portal to our plane one evening when your father heard me. Over there.” He points to the steps right in front of the burnt down orphanage.

  “He didn’t have your gift of sight, but he heard me singing to myself. I had to trust him; it was rare that a human could actually hear me, and those who could usually only heard tidbits. This made me think he was a cryptid like my family. When I mentioned the word to him in passing he ate it up and started doing research. I had no idea how brilliant your father was. He began to do testing on himself and discovered he was part cat, a Mosi cryptid. I went to Alo to tell him of the discovery.”

  “Your dad was desperate to meet others like him. As you know, his parents died long before he knew about who he was and with no siblings, he had no one else to talk to. With Alo’s permission I told him how to find Alo’s tribe. They became very close. But Alo warned your father not to dive too deep into genetics, to maintain human relationships and to appear human for fear of retaliation by The Darkness. Your father thought this was all a rouse and dismissed the tale, until it was too late.” Jeremy sighs before continuing, I can tell this is taking a toll on him.

  “He began to isolate the genes that make you a cryptid. He had chromosomal evidence that proved what you are. Alo tried to warn him, but he didn’t listen. He thought he could cure diseases this way. Help people. If he could isolate genes, he could stop people from aging or getting cancer. But The Darkness didn’t want that. He loves to watch people suffer. Your dad started to feel like someone was watching him. Some of his notebooks started to go missing and vials were empty when he would return to his lab. James knew something was going on, so he attempted his most difficult experiment. Giving his cryptid genes to you.”

  “By extracting his own genes and putting them in you it would make your gifts stronger. It would awaken and cause your genes to regenerate. The night before he went missing, you got a shot didn’t you?”

  I think back to that day, I had forgotten it until now. I guess I had blocked it all out.

  Dad took me to his office and said I needed a booster shot. He promised me a lollipop when I was done, just like at the doctors. But he said I couldn’t tell Mom. It was a special shot for special people. I was six and didn’t think anything of it at the time, but now…

  “Yes I did, at Dad’s office.” I rub my back where the needle entered my skin. “I still have a mark.” I lift my jacket and shirt for Hugh to see.

  “In your back?” Hugh looks at me concerned.

  Jeremy responds, “Yes, directly into her spine. It would be the fastest way to alter her genes. And clearly it worked. You saw and spoke to me the very next night. James didn’t expect the change to happen so quickly. Genes usually take years and generations to see a change, but since yours were already altered, he hoped it would only take a few months. We had no idea your genes would change so quickly.”

  Hugh pushes on, “But why didn’t Chad get one?”

  I answer the question that concerns Hugh so much. “He was too little. And he didn’t show any signs of abilities. My dad didn’t want him to become a cryptid. He just wanted me to be a stronger one. I think he already knew I had the gift.” It’s the first time I’ve put all this together and the first time I’ve called what I can do a gift and really mean it.

  Jeremy nods in agreement as I look to him, “My dad knew they were going to take him, didn’t he? He gave me his genes to protect me?”

  He simply nods. “And to protect himself. By using his own genes, he destroyed the evidence that he could manipulate genetics. If his research had fallen into the wrong hands…”

  “Like Malsumis?” I prompt.

  “Yes, if The Darkness had obtained this information he could alter people’s genes so that they would get all the horrible things in the world possible. Cancer, AIDS, ALS, would just be the beginning. No one would survive. He would basically commit chromosomal genocide.”

  Hugh even looks shocked at this revelation.

  “Well then,” I say stretching out my hands in front of me, subsequently cracking my knuckles, “we’ll just have to get him before he gets everybody else.”

  Let’s do this, I’m ready for war.

  Chapter 25

  As Hugh walks me back to my car, we rehash our plan. We’re going to send another person’s DNA to the website project, its genius and fairly simple.

  “I can’t believe you want me to take some guy’s hair from his room. Do you know what guy’s keep in their rooms? This is going to be so gross.” I stick out my tongue at him. Hugh wants me to steal the hair from his old roommate who now lives in a frat on campus. One thing I know for sure about college before being a student, frats are disgusting but are a great place for beer.

  Hugh laughs, “Actually I do. You forget I am a guy. You might be surprised to find what I keep in my room.”

  A devilish smile plays across his face and with that he grabs me around the waist and leans in for a kiss. His lips feel hot against my mouth. Hugh’s left hand slips down around the curves of the lower part of my back and he squeezes gently pulling me even closer. He slides his tongue in my mouth. I love kissing him. He tastes like coffee all the time, probably because he drinks it just about as much as me.

  When we part I take a deep breath and kiss him gently on the cheek.

  He smiles, “OK so all you have to do is grab a piece of Lance’s hair and trade it with the one Chad puts in the vial. Should be pretty easy.”

  I respond, “Yeah, it should.” But honestly I’m not so sure.

  “You better pray I don’t get an STD from this. Because let me tell you, herpes would suck right now.”

  “You’re disgusting, there’s no way you’re getting an STD from a hair.” He says as he smacks me on the shoulder. I race him to the car and as usual I win.

  We spend the rest of the day at the antique shop. I’m working alone so it’s not a big deal Hugh’s here. He actually helps me count the money in the drawer. It looks like they are still having some money troubles. I explain to Hugh how I’m looking at possibly working at the library at the college for some extra cash. He says that if I get the job he will try to get one there too so we can spend more time together. It makes me happy to have the opportunity to spend more time with Hugh. I would spend every waking moment with him if I could. And to get paid for it? Winning!

  Again that night I have a dream about Wendy. She’s still in the house and her father isn’t there. There’s a woman this time. When I try to get a good look at her the whole picture gets foggy and black. I hear Wendy say the name Erika. I wake up coughing and wheezing. Something is not right with that girl and who the hell is Erika?

  Several days later I arrive home after practice to see a certificate sitting on the kitchen island with Chad’s name on it. Seems he figured out the Autosomal DNA on the problem Mr. Spelling assigned.

  Mom is sitting in the living room. She’s barely been home since I came back from Texas. I never even got punished for my mini vacation or hostage situation, depending on who you ask.

  “Hey Mom, how are ya?” I flop down on the couch. I realize pretty quickly I need a shower, rough day at practice, bleh.

  She turns her attention away from the TV, “Good hon, you?”

  “I’m tired, rough day at practice. Sprints, you know how I hate them.” I rub my legs to get the feeling back in them, they’re definitely sore.

  “I always remind you to stretch. You really need to listen to me one of these times.”

  She sounds serious, but she’s smiling.

  “I know, I know. Hey I saw that Chad gets to do that DNA thing. Are you really going to let him? I mean isn’t it a little weird?” If I can convince her to not let him do it, then I don’t have to steal hair from some guy I’ve never met and that would be a plus.

  She frowns, “It is a little weird, but I’m surprised at you Shay, you’re practically the queen of weird.”

  “Wow, thanks Mom, super vote of confidence there.”

  She laughs, “I didn’t say it was a bad thing, just who you are.”

  If she only knew who, or what, I really am.

  “Anyway, I think it’s creepy and I wouldn’t let him do it if I were you.” I huff back at her.

  “Well lucky for Chad, you’re not me. He sends his vial out tomorrow, should be a very unique experience for him.”

  My jaw hits the floor. “Tomorrow!?!”

  Mom looks at me confused, “Yes, tomorrow. Shay, why are you being so irrational about this? Your attitude leaves something to be desired young lady.”

  “Whatever Mom, I gotta go. Hanging out with Hugh, OK?”

  She shrugs, “Just be home before nine, you’ve got homework.”

  “No problem,” I yell as I run out the door.

  I drive as fast as I can to Hugh’s apartment. We’ve been working on honing my skills there since we came back from Texas. Last week I spent almost two hours doing yoga. It mostly just felt like sitting and thinking about my body. The way it moves and works. Hugh said it would help me focus in times of stress. I think about my breathing now, but it’s not working.

  I buzz up to his apartment while bouncing on my toes. Then I realize I’m still in my practice clothes and I still smell like I just came from practice, super. He uses the intercom to tell me to come up. I walk through the door and go down the hallway to the stairs. I climb them quickly, I need to get to Hugh. We need to find his friend now.

  He’s already standing at the door when I get to the third floor.

  “Shay, slow down. What’s wrong?”

  I speak right away, thank God for track, I’m not even winded. “Chad is sending his vial in tomorrow!”

  His eyes go wide, “Tomorrow? But classes just started again. How did this happen so quickly? Come in, we’ve got to find a replacement hair.”

  Hugh starts looking around the small living room. It’s meager with just a small couch and a coffee table. There’s no TV, Hugh can’t afford the cable bill. He just watches movies from the internet on his laptop. He’s close enough to the campus to use the college’s wifi.

  Hugh finds a small address book near the couch on a small end table.

  “That’s new,” I say pointing to the little wood table.

  Hugh blushes when I realize the place is cleaner than last time too. There are curtains on the window. He’s trying to impress me, how much cuter could he be?

  “My parents sent me a little money to help me out. The security job really doesn’t pay that much.” He looks down at his feet. I feel terrible that I’ve embarrassed him.

  “Oh Hugh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to, I mean… the place looks nice.”

  “Thanks,” he mumbles as he pages through the book.

  “What are you looking for?” I ask trying to look over his shoulder.

  He smiles, “Not what, but who, Shay. And I’ve found them.” He taps the page he’s on.


  “That friend of mine I think we can get what we need from. Let’s go.” He moves towards the still open door. “I’ll explain on the way.”

  We forego the car because Hugh says where we’re going there’s no parking in front of the frat. He tells me to turn my hoodie inside out so that my high school name won’t be seen. I feel like I’m on a covert mission.

  “Lance is having a poker game tonight. I’ve never been to his new place before so I had to get the address.” I notice he takes out his wallet while we walk.

  I’m dumbfounded. “Poker? But I don’t know how to play.”

  “You don’t need to, I do.” He counts the money in his hand I see he has two twenties and a ten. Mom and Dad must really be helping him out.

  He puts the money is one pocket wallet in the other, “This will get us in, and I’ll be able to play a few hands. It should only take you a couple minutes to get what we need.”

  “And that is…” I prompt him.

  “A hair from Lance. You’re going to use the bathroom. While in there he should have a comb of some sort.” He pulls a baggie from his jacket and hands it to me. “Just put whatever you find in there.”

  I look down at the bag and put it in my sweatpant pocket. “Got it.”

  We arrive at a house that’s not far from Hugh’s apartment. It only took us five minutes to walk here. Hugh winks at me as we walk inside. No knock on the door needed as it’s already open.

  We go through the living room and go to what looks to be a closet door. There’s no one on the floor and when we get to the grimy looking door, I realize we’re going to the basement. We walk down the dark stairs to find five guys sitting around a poker table. They look pretty serious but when Lance stands to greet Hugh, he gives him a fist bump and beams at me before sitting back down.

  Before Hugh is even dealt in, I ask to use the bathroom. Lance says sure, girls are apparently princesses here and have full access to anywhere and anything in the house. He tells me I’ll have to go to the second floor to use the guys’ group bathroom. Lance suggests I announce myself before going in. I smile coyly at him before going back upstairs. A little flirting can’t hurt to help me get my way. As soon as I’m out of sight I practically run to the second floor. After taking the stairs two at a time I stop abruptly at the bathroom door. I am about to enter an entirely boys’ bathroom. This is going to be awkward.

  “Girl!” I yell as I enter. The bathroom is big and surprisingly clean, not exactly what I envisioned when I thought about a frat. Though if these boys have a cleaning service, that would explain it. I look around, luckily for me, there’s no one in here. There’s about four stalls, and a couple places for showers. I move toward the sinks and start looking for the boys’ personal belonging. Along the wall on a shelf there are baskets for each guy. I try to look through baskets of the guys’ stuff as fast as possible. They definitely have a maid or an organizer. This is a nice frat. I have to find Lance’s basket because he has the same colored hair as my brother. Chad’s hair is lighter than mine, but still thick. If Chad sees the vial he still has to think it’s his hair. We can’t let him get suspicious.

  I look through about three baskets finding everything from deodorant to condoms when I realize I’m not going to find a brush or comb in any of these baskets. The guys must finish their beauty regimes in their own rooms. I peek out the door before bolting out to find Lance’s room. At the end of the hall there’s a door open. I look both ways to make sure no one has seen me. The bathroom is clearly labeled, I’m not going to able to say I got lost up here.

  I tiptoe down the hall to the open door. I look around the corner of the door to see if the room is empty. Once I see that the coast is clear, I go in and make sure to close the door silently behind me.

  When I hear the click that tells me the door is closed I turn to look around for evidence that this is Lance’s room. There’s a photo by the bed and sure enough it’s Lance with a group of girls, probably from some wild frat party that was held at the house not too long ago. They’re all wearing togas, it looks like one of the girls is about to lose the top of hers. Charming.

  The room is also cleaner than I expected. It’s simple with a white, red, and blue Calvin Klein bedspread and matching curtains. I’m guessing his mom picked it out. There’s another picture of Lance, this time with his family on their yacht, by the computer. A nice size flat screen sits near the door and there’s a window seat with some clothes on it. But no hair products. At least not laying out. I start going through his desk and dresser, but no dice.

  I can hear guys talking in the hall I have to hurry, what if one of them comes in looking for Lance? Do they know he’s downstairs gambling all of his mommy and daddy’s money away? The last place I look is the bedside table. There’s some lotion in here and a couple magazines, apparently Lance isn’t getting enough.


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