Lycan's Mate: Book Twelve of the Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series

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Lycan's Mate: Book Twelve of the Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series Page 8

by Caryn Moya Block

  Desire filled her, pleasure washed over her like a wave. Love, love encased her, held her together, kept her safe.

  “I can’t stop. I’m going to come, Gwen. Come with me.”

  Mischa’s head thrashed on the pillow. His eyes glazed over and then he shouted.


  Heat filled her. Ecstasy blasted her. Gwen broke open. She flew into the ether. Mischa surrounded her. His essence poured in as hers connected to him. Never again would she be alone. She fell against his chest. Her heart pounded loudly in her ears. Mischa kissed the top of her head. They lay, dwelling in each other’s minds, connected at the heart.

  Slowly, their breathing evened and their frantic heartbeats slowed. Gwen rubbed her face against Mischa’s chest.

  “We did it,” she whispered.

  “You did it, Gwen, lyubov moya. Could you untie me? I want to hold you.” The bed rattled as Mischa pulled against the restraints.

  “Hmm, do I have to? I’m kind of wiped out. I can’t move.”

  Mischa groaned. His acceptance flowed through the mating bond. Mischa would do anything for her. She smiled and kissed his chest. He was a wonderful mate. She slipped off his torso and unbuckled his wrist. Then she sat up and unbuckled his one ankle. Mischa already unbuckled his other wrist. He sat up and wrapped his arms around her.

  “I love you, Gwen. More than life itself.” He nuzzled her hair.

  “I know you do, you silly man. I love you, too.” Mischa kissed her ear and then down her neck.

  Gwen tilted her head humming with pleasure. She wrapped her arms around his, holding on to him. He licked and sucked at her neck where it met her shoulder. She knew what he would do before he warned her telepathically. He bit down, breaking the skin.

  “Mine! I take into my keeping everything that you are and offer the same to you. Forevermore, Gwen.” He licked at the bite, easing the sting. Gwen smiled.

  “Just as it should be.”

  Chapter Seven

  “So you did it? You two are finally mated? That’s wonderful!” Lindy exclaimed over the phone. “I’m so happy for you, Gwen. When do you plan to move back home?”

  Gwen sat at her desk. She froze. Home. Did she want to go back to Montana? She loved her job, loved her pack. Grigori proclaimed a day of celebration for her mating to Mischa. It had been a wonderful weekend with good friends and good food.

  Gwen glanced at the engagement ring on her finger. The five carat diamond from the Siberian pack’s diamond mine was exquisite. She loved it, loved being engaged to Mischa.

  “I don’t know, Lindy. I’ve got some projects I need to finish up for Grigori. Mischa and I are so new. We haven’t talked about where we want to settle down.”

  “I’m sure you’ll both want to come back to Montana. Sergei and I could use your help with the pack here and then there’s Dad.”

  Gwen frowned. “What about Dad?”

  “He’s been working at a frantic pace to teach Derek everything he knows about being a shaman. They’ve been locked in the workroom for days. It’s almost like he’s dying and tying up loose ends.” Coldness stabbed at Gwen’s heart. Her father was a powerful shaman. Did he feel his end coming?

  “Has he asked for me?”

  “No. He’ll be thrilled to hear of your mating. I’m worried about him, Gwen.”

  “Okay, I hear you.” Surely, if her father was dying he would ask for her. “Grigori and the pack have been so wonderful. I’m not sure Mischa and I would be mated without them. I love it here.” Gwen blushed, remembering the leather cuffs and how Grigori ordered them as a gift.

  “Don’t take too long. We need you, Gwen.”

  Lindy knew how to pour on the guilt. Gwen sighed. She felt so torn. Go back to her family in Montana or stay with the family she’d made here.

  “I brought you some breakfast,” Mischa said, walking into her office. “I hope you like the tea I picked out for you.” Love flowed through the mating bond pushing away her confusion.

  Gwen smiled at her mate. “I’m sure it’ll be wonderful.”

  Mischa leaned down and kissed her lightly before setting his wrapped packages on the desk. He pulled out a container of eggs and sausages and two steaming cups of tea. He fished around in the bottom of the bag and found silverware and napkins, laying them on her desk.

  “This looks delicious.” Gwen picked up a fork.

  “Not as delicious as what Rosie would make you, but I hope it will do.” Mischa pulled up a chair.

  “I’m sorry you had to miss Rosie’s breakfast. You didn’t have to come to London with me today..”

  “Being with you is more important than anything, including Rosie’s cooking.” Mischa picked up his fork. “Besides, we still don’t know who left that warning note at your apartment. I’m sticking by your side until we find out.”

  “You want to stick by my side, no matter what the circumstances.”

  “You got that right.” Mischa winked and sent a second wave of love through the mating bond. It warmed Gwen’s heart before enclosing her like a soft blanket.

  “Ms. Quiet Thunder? The police are here,” the secretary said, standing in the doorway. “They want to see you immediately.” Gwen looked at Mischa. Maybe they found who threatened her.

  “Send them in, please.” Gwen closed the container with the remains of her breakfast and put it aside.

  “Are you Gwen Quiet Thunder?” the unknown officer asked.

  “That’s me.” Gwen rose from her chair and held out her hand.

  “You’re under arrest. Come with me.”

  Mischa rose bristling. Gwen waved him back. “Who are you and what are the charges?”


  Mischa paced. It seemed like it had been hours since the officer escorted Gwen to Scotland Yard. His mind exaggerated, but Mischa hated Gwen being questioned for something she didn’t do.

  Thank goodness, Officer Lewis came to their rescue. Between him and Gwen’s rock solid alibi, the officer changed his tune about Gwen being a suspect in a diamond heist and started treating her with more respect.

  Mischa’s wolf wanted to attack the officer threatening his mate. He was hard pressed to rein in his wilder side. Luckily, Mischa could read Gwen’s emotions through the mating bond. She was concerned, tired, and annoyed, but she wasn’t scared. He once more sent her love and reassurance through the mating bond. What took so long? Why wouldn’t they let him stay with her?

  “Mischa?” Officer Lewis appeared. “Why don’t you come into my office a moment? I’d like to ask you some questions.”

  “How is Gwen? Is she all right?” Mischa followed Lewis down the hall.

  “She’s fine, but before I let you see her, I’d like to ask you some questions about what happened on Friday.” Lewis motioned to a chair.

  Mischa sat down across the table from Lewis. “What is this all about?”

  “Someone broke into the London Diamond Exchange on Lincoln’s Inn Fields during the weekend. They exited through the loading dock area for the government building next door. The only security camera was tampered with and the reason they suspected Gwen is because the last picture the camera took was of her.”

  “We went over there Friday morning. As you know, Gwen works for Solovyov Security, who handles the contract for the security equipment on the government building. Mr. Thomas checked her in, opened the gate, and got a ladder for Gwen to use. Surely, you’ve thought to speak to him. He’s head of security for the building. He called and reported the malfunctioning camera. Gwen tried to fix it.”

  “Mr. Thomas isn’t scheduled to work today. We are currently searching for him. Gwen’s secretary confirmed the broken camera report. Gwen isn’t a suspect any longer. I’m sorry that my cohort jumped to conclusions.”

  “Is the incident at Gwen’s apartment related to her visit to the building on Friday?”

  “I’m not sure what to think at the moment. It’s a good thing you both stayed in Somerset over the weekend, or this might have go
ne harder on Miss Quiet Thunder. Did anything seem strange to you during the visit to the government building?”

  “Mr. Thomas seemed unhappy about us being there. Since he’s the one who complained of the broken camera, I would have thought he’d be happy to see us coming to fix it. He didn’t relax until Gwen climbed down the ladder.”

  “Did he say anything?”

  “They bantered back and forth. He did say something about retiring and sending Gwen a postcard from the beach. We left after that.”

  “Was there anything else you can remember?”

  “He didn’t put the ladder away. Mr. Thomas stood there watching us leave while still holding the ladder.”

  “Well, thank you. I’m terribly sorry about everything that happened this morning. Gwen should be out any second. Let me take you to meet her.” Mischa jumped from his chair, his heart beating fast.

  “I guess congratulations are in order. I saw the ring. Gwen said you’re engaged.”

  “Yes. The ring came with me from Siberia.” Mischa followed Lewis back down the hall.

  “It’s a beautiful stone. I’m sure Gwen will treasure it. Here she is now.”

  A door opened and Gwen stepped out of an office. Mischa hurried to her side and touched her arm.

  “Are you all right?” He wanted to hold her, needed to, but waited for her to let him know if she could handle the touch right now.

  “I’m tired. All the questions.” She slipped under his shoulder and put an arm around his waist. Mischa wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly a moment. Gwen rested against him. Mischa took in her smell of lilacs and sage. His wolf finally relaxed.

  “If you two think of anything else, give me a call.”

  “Is Mr. Thomas somehow involved in the diamond heist,” Gwen asked.

  Lewis shrugged. “It might explain why someone wanted you out of town, Gwen.”

  Gwen looked up at Mischa. “We did exactly what they wanted. We left London.”

  “The diamond theft isn’t your fault, Gwen. Going to Grigori’s had nothing to do with any of this.”

  “I know. I wish I understood what exactly happened.”

  “It’s better to leave the puzzle to the police to unravel,” Lewis said. “We don’t need an American and Russian civilians mixed up in the investigation. Have a pleasant afternoon, both of you.”

  Gwen and Mischa walked out of the building into the late afternoon sun. Mischa smiled when Gwen let him hold her hand, another sign of trust.

  “Should we go back to the office or call it a day?” Mischa asked.

  “I wish we could call it a day. I still have several projects I need to finish. I’ll probably be working late tonight.” Gwen moved to a street crossing and waited for the light to change.

  “If that is your wish, let’s stop and get some food. It’s way past lunch time.”

  “Food? I’m not sure I can eat. My stomach is still tied up in knots over the interrogation. Even when you know you’re innocent of any wrong doing, they make it sound like you’re hiding something from them.”

  “We can get something to go and you can eat it when your stomach settles. You need to eat, Gwen. If you want, I can pick up some items for dinner. There’s a kitchen in your office complex. I could cook up dinner while you finish your projects.”

  “You cook?” The light changed and they crossed to the other side, continuing their trek back to the office building housing Solovyov Security.

  “I grew up with four brothers. One of us needed to.”

  “What happened to your parents? Didn’t your mom like to cook?”

  “She did, but that changed when Gavriil was still only a child. He’s the baby of the family. My father died in a mining accident. My mother grieved for him and chose to follow him to the next world.”

  “I’m sorry. That must have been hard on all of you.” Gwen squeezed his hand.

  “Devastating, but the pack Alpha kept an eye on us and Sergei was already an adult. He raised us with the help of the Alpha and Grigori.”

  “Now he has a pack of his own with my sister by his side.” Gwen pulled her hand from his, a frown marred her face.

  “We don’t have to go back, Gwen. Grigori would welcome us into his pack if you’d rather stay here.”

  “You’d do that? For me?” Gwen paused on the street and stared at him.

  “Of course. You are the most important person in my life, Gwen. Your happiness is mine.”

  “That’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me.” Red colored Gwen’s cheeks. She dropped her eyes.

  “Perhaps you should reward me with a kiss.”

  Gwen looked up at him and chuckled. “And you ruined it, but you deserve a kiss anyway. I’ve brought plenty of problems into your life. It’s the least I can do.”

  Mischa held still as Gwen placed her hands on his shirt. The warmth of the contact made his wolf want to howl in delight. She leaned forward and up on her toes to brush his lips with hers. Mischa trembled. He wanted to grab her around the waist. Crush her against him as his mouth claimed hers. But this was Gwen and he didn’t want to scare her or trigger an unpleasant memory. Instead, he sent her love and passion through the mating bond, including a couple of explicit pictures of activities he wished they were doing.

  The color on Gwen’s cheeks darkened. Her eyes dilated. At least she responded to him.

  “You’re holdin’ up the flow, mate,” a British accent said as a man brushed by.

  Gwen immediately stepped back as if scalded. Mischa wanted to punch the guy for his remark. He took Gwen’s hand.

  “Come on, let’s find that food.”


  Something smelled delicious. Gwen’s stomach growled. She ran her hand over her eyes before glancing at the clock: 6:30 in the evening. No wonder she was hungry. Sighing, she clicked save on her document and began to shut down her computer. Her head whirled with camera angles and possible security malfunctions. Definitely time to stop working.

  Mischa walked into the office and smiled. “Dinner is ready if you can find a place to stop.”

  “I just shut down my computer. My brain feels fried.”

  Mischa came around her desk to her side and held out his hand. “Come have dinner with me. I set up a table in the back office next to the kitchen.”

  Gwen nodded and took his hand. A little wave of pleasure came through the mating bond from Mischa. She smiled, glad she could give him those small moments, and let him lead her down the hall to the last office. Inside a table for two had been set up including a tablecloth and candles.

  “Where did you find all this?”

  “I scouted around and asked at a couple of the other businesses. Everyone is friendly in your building.”

  “Hmm.” Probably Mischa’s good looks charmed and worked to his benefit.

  “Here, sit.” Mischa pulled out one of two chairs for her. “I’ll get the food.”

  Gwen sat and fingered the silverware while Mischa rushed out of the room. He returned with two plates containing some kind of breaded meat, potatoes and carrots, while juggling a basket of bread under his arm.

  He placed the plate in front of her with a flourish. “Pozharskiye chops.” He put his own plate down and handed her the breadbasket. “The rolls are warm.”

  Gwen took one of the rolls. Her stomach growled again. “What is a Pozhaske chop?”

  “Pozharskiye chop, in this case, is a chicken breast breaded and cooked in butter. In Siberia we would use minced chicken and make patties with it, but I thought the chicken breast would work best here.”

  Gwen cut off a small piece of the meat and put it on her tongue. Mmm, so good. She took another bite, and another. Before she knew it, her plate was clean. She grabbed a second roll and buttered it. She had been starving.

  Mischa watched her, delight shining in his gaze. He finished the last bite of his chop.

  “So you liked my cooking?” Mischa put his fork down.

  “Yes, it was grea
t. You’ll have to share more of your family recipes with me.”

  “It would be my pleasure. I’ll get this cleaned up.” Mischa rose from the table and began stacking the plates.

  “Oh, no you don’t. You cooked. I’ll clean up.” Gwen took the plates and started walking to the kitchen.

  Mischa chuckled. “How about I help you, since I’ve been missing you while you worked.”

  Gwen smiled and started to fill the sink of dishes with soapy water. “Deal. I got so caught up with the different projects, I lost track of time. At least I’m up to date now.”

  “Good, because when we get back to your apartment, I want your focus to be on me.” Mischa grasped her shoulders and turned her so he could kiss her gently on the mouth.

  “Mmm, I would like that too.”

  The phone rang in Gwen’s office. She hated to answer it, but duty called and she was never good at giving her responsibilities a rest.

  “Go ahead,” Mischa said. Probably feeling her waffling desires through the mating bond. “I’ll get started on these.”

  Gwen gave him a quick peck and hurried down the hall to get the call.

  “Hello?” she answered slightly out of breath.

  “You’ve got to help Nigel Thomas. They’re going to kill him. 214 Cherrywood Lane.”

  “What?” Gwen asked. The phone went dead.

  Chapter Eight

  “What’s the matter, Gwen?” Mischa asked, walking into her office wiping his hands on a towel. “You look pale. Did something happen?”

  “I just got an anonymous call from someone about Mr. Thomas being murdered. I’m calling Detective Lewis right now.” Gwen’s hand shook as she held her phone to her ear.

  Mischa dropped the towel on her desk, his face grave. When she finally had Lewis on the line, Gwen hurried to explain what occurred.

  “Did you recognize the voice?” Lewis asked. Gwen thought back.


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